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Largely ignored by historians and critics, the Mostra della Rivoluzione Fascista actually constituted a significant episode in the twenty-one years of Fascist rule. Organized by some of Italy's most talented painters and architects, the Mostra emphasized some of Fascism's fundamental themes and showcased some of the peninsula's most avant-garde designs. But it also expressed Fascist rituals in architectural and symbolic form, transforming earlier traditions on behalf of the new order.  相似文献   

法西斯时代的德国和意大利建筑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王群 《时代建筑》2006,(4):193-195
文章对纳粹德国和意大利法西斯时期的建筑进行了回顾,从中剖析了建筑与政治的关系,最终指出形式自主的必要性。  相似文献   

In Italy during the Fascist regime as well as after the Second World War, a few seminal exhibitions and related publications challenged the status quo and redirected debates central to architecture and politics. Two exhibitions installed at the Milan Triennale valorized the study of vernacular buildings in opposition to the dominant classicizing tendency of state-sponsored architecture. Rural Italian Architecture: Functionality of the Rural House (1936), curated by Giuseppe Pagano and Guarniero Daniel, and Spontaneous Architecture Exhibition (1951), mounted by a team of architects, including Enzo Cerutti, Giancarlo De Carlo, and Giuseppe Samonà, demonstrated critical curatorial practices that prompted divergent design responses. They represent what Bruno Zevi called "architectural criticism in architectural forms" and, conversely, what Manfredo Tafuri dismissed as "operative criticism."  相似文献   

陈剑秋 《新建筑》2013,(4):57-63
随着我国可持续建筑的发展,绿色技术在建筑中的应用越来越广泛。如何将绿色技术与建筑表现完美的结合亦成为建筑师需要关注的问题。以上海市委党校二期工程为例,设计者将建筑节能技术与建筑空间一体化,进行整体设计,将多种绿色技术转化成丰富建筑空间与形态的手段,为建筑设计提供了新的表现手法,使绿色技术与建筑设计效果相得益彰。  相似文献   

刘冬 《山西建筑》2012,38(28):279-280
结合建筑施工特点和建筑施工行业基层党支部工作的特殊性,探讨了基层党支部如何在安全生产管理中发挥其作用,指出施工企业基层党支部应通过开展安全宣传,营造安全氛围,进行全员培训,实施危险预控,及时堵塞安全漏洞,从而形成闭合的安全管理模式。  相似文献   

罗德胤 《世界建筑》2006,(7):102-105
本文介绍并分析了意大利法西斯时代建造的两座新城,拉提那和萨鲍迪亚。作者因参加一国际研习营活动而实地考察了这两座城市。文章结合有关历史文献,首先对新城建设的历史背景加以回顾,然后讨论了新城的规划结构和城内建筑的特点,其结论是,对于法西斯城市和法西斯建筑,应该在更广阔的历史背景下来探究其历史意义。  相似文献   

研究生党员作为高校特殊的先进知识分子群体,应肩负起建设国家和服务人民的社会责任,应当在社会服务中突显党员的先进性。文章以同济大学土木工程学院建筑工程系研究生第一党支部为例,介绍研究生党支部利用新媒体搭建高效的服务平台,服务校园、服务社会的工作开展情况,对进一步推进服务型学生党支部建设具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

王爱合  崔恩亮  于乃锋 《山西建筑》2011,37(13):242-243
结合工作实践,阐述了建筑市场恶意拖欠的对象和表现,重点就甲方恶意拖欠作了分析,并以中建八局按合同办事为例,提出了规范建筑市场的设想和建议,旨在促进建筑业良性发展。  相似文献   

Fascist cultural policy advocated the political engagement of artists and architects through the medium of their artistic production. In its three versions over a ten-year period, the Mostra della Rivoluzione Fascista revealed shifts in the political emphases of the regime and in the aesthetic proclivities of architects, but, at the same time, the Mostra affords an uncanny index of the affinity modernist architects perceived with the Fascist party.  相似文献   

抗战文化是历史赋予重庆的一笔厚重的财富,抗战陪都时期形成的建筑作为城市人文的集中体现,为打造独特的城市文化提供了丰富的文脉资源。重庆市委礼堂的设计是对抗战陪都文化建筑设计风格的一次探索性尝试。  相似文献   

陈冬磊 《城市建筑》2014,(29):109-109
建筑施工项目中的甲方代表在建筑工程占有举足轻重的作用,本文分别就建筑工程设计阶段的成本控制、施工阶段的控制和管理、管理效率的提高以及协调各单位四个方面,研究了建筑施工项目中甲方代表的管理职能。  相似文献   

文章从"互联网+"时代大背景出发,以北京建筑大学城市住宅专题实验教学为例,探讨在新环境下建筑师该如何将互联网与建筑设计相结合,使建筑师与甲方之间借助互联网平台的优势来进行沟通。文章试图从此次实验教学过程中遇到的问题来得出具有一定启示性的结论。  相似文献   

王河 《新建筑》2004,(4):74-75
广东省委珠岛宾馆是“九运会”改造项目。在设计上吸取了中国古代木构建筑的形象和思想精髓,体现了岭南建筑清雅脱俗、庄重大方的特色。它表现出一种崇高的力量和中华民族的象征,被评定为“充分体现了岭南文化建筑风格和高科技时代特征的艺术作品”。  相似文献   

The Mostra della Rivoluzione Fascista epitomized the Italian government's central concern with culture and offered a specific answer to the questions being posed about cultural production during the 1920s and 1930s. Instead of resolving the tension between institutional conservatism and revolutionary activism, heroic individualism and corporate conformity, elitism and populism, modernism and traditionalism, Fascist Italy advanced the modernist politics of spectacle in which paradox became a productive principle.  相似文献   

This essay deals with issues related to the concept of modern dwelling, conceived in the years of the Fascist regime as a model of political order and as a tool to achieve the modernisation of Italian lifestyle. By the end of the second decade of the twentieth century these issues became the paradigm of all the incongruities in the question of whether Fascism was in its essence traditional and reactionary, or rather a genuinely revolutionary movement. The whole discourse reached its apotheosis when Fascism was widely recognised as a national regime and the dictatorship 'nationalised' Italian social and cultural life. When one considers the kaleidoscopic aspects of the Italian intellectual scene under Fascism, it seems useful to underline that, let alone the various degrees of consensus to the regime, a major obstacle to the affirmation of a coherent practice of modernity was to be found in the inability to solve the problem of the antithesis between nationalism and the international quest for progress. This was eventually the case among well-cultivated, progressive architects, who continued to see their practice dominated by two major concerns, which from time to time diverged and, in the end, reunited: native forms on the one hand and modern process on the other. In its essence the modern was necessarily perceived in opposition to more traditional values deeply rooted in the common patriotism, which served as leitmotiv for Fascist politicians. Italianità or mediterraneità were the two terms most frequently used to describe the formal qualities of a design identified as distinctively Italian.  相似文献   

In the context of current drives for the renewal and conservation of rural Chinese villages, socialist villages developed under Mao Zedong's tenure as Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (1949–1976) seem have been marginalised. This research selects one of Mao's model villages, Qinyong in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, as a case study. Through historical and on-site research, this article articulates and analyses the transformation of the village landscape from the early socialist period to the latest renovation in 2014. Focussing in particular on the transformation of the village's housing from the 1970s to the 1990s, the article tries to identify historical conditions of social, political and economic organisation embedded in the physical forms. By juxtaposing the recent planning and renovation of the village with its past, the discussion of the village's architectural heritage is intended to cast some light on key aspects of village preservation and revitalisation in rural China.  相似文献   

刘源 《南方建筑》2012,(2):37-43
近代建筑杂志在中国近代建筑史上占有一席之地,承担了相应的历史功能。在考察其功能时,应充分考虑近代中国建筑学尚处于起步阶段、近代传播技术和媒体仍不发达的历史背景。在这样的历史背景下,建筑杂志对于中国近代建筑发展的作用尤显重要。本文从几个方面探讨了近代建筑杂志的功能。首先,作为一种专业媒体,建筑杂志发挥了传播建筑专业信息的基本功能,这是其他功能得以实现的基础。其次,近代建筑杂志具有传授知识及辅助教育的功能。再次,近代建筑杂志具有服务社会与指导实践的功能。此外,近代建筑杂志是促进中国建筑师获得社会身份认同的重要文化媒介。  相似文献   

本文在简要回顾西方现代建筑装饰理论发展历程的基础上重新认知了建筑装饰的概念,明晰了建筑装饰的发展始终伴随着建筑风格的演变,而当代建筑设计中的本体性装饰和附加性装饰是不可分割的。  相似文献   

以建筑色彩理论为基础,通过对拉卜楞寺建筑色彩的实地调研,分析其色彩影响因素,得出拉卜楞寺建筑的建筑外观、屋顶、檐墙等的建筑色彩数据,并进行建筑色彩提取归纳,根据孟塞尔系统对拉卜楞寺建筑色彩进行色彩分析研究,构建出适合拉卜楞寺的建筑色彩图谱。  相似文献   

华典而 《山西建筑》2010,36(24):266-268
指出房地产公司要想实现投资项目的经济效益最大化,在项目前期的投资决策和设计阶段是关键阶段,分别从建筑层高、建筑面积、结构选型等方面分析了如何在建筑设计环节控制项目成本,并给投资者提出一些建议,以期有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

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