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人类感知尺度的城市图景——再读《城市意向》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凯文·林奇的《城市意向》在以现代派的理性设计观念为主流的设计潮流中,创造出一种新的城市思考方法。向人们集中阐述了一种在人类感知程度上理解城市形态的理论。将目光聚焦在环境感知和场所构建上,以此为前提讨论了城市设计感知尺度。城市设计尺度的价值重点在于人们和他们怎么样认识、评价城市环境,并怎么样从环境中提取意义以及怎么样把意义添加在环境上。文章通过对它的解读,提出两点对其意义的理解与商榷之处,希望能给我们在当前的城市分析提供有价值的途径。  相似文献   

网络控制系统中时延普遍存在,时延的有效预测对控制系统非常重要。为准确对时延进行预测,文章建立一个基于RBF神经网络的时延预测模型,运用Matlab软件对该模型进行仿真,采用归一化的方法对用于测试的数据集进行预处理,利用这些处理过的数据集对该仿真模型进行训练和测试,结果证明RBF神经网络能很好的预测网络时延。  相似文献   

岭南宫苑园林是岭南古典园林的重要组成部分,其基本概念的形成,对于岭南古典园林理论体系的建构起到了至关重要的作用。当前,学术界对于岭南宫苑园林研究还并不多,对于如何继续推动岭南宫苑园林的研究,仍处于开放讨论中。通过对建国后至1990年代中期岭南宫苑园林研究的文献梳理,厘清了岭南宫苑园林研究的早期历程。对这个研究历程中的基本问题和主要结论进行回溯,从而明确岭南宫苑园林这个学术概念的生成。这对于继续完善岭南园林史的研究,推进岭南古典园林理论体系建构,有着重要作用。  相似文献   

In 1995, in the southwestern Vosges Mountains (NE France), 158 of 395 streams (40%) had a pH lower than 5.5 at baseflow. As elsewhere in Europe, acid deposition has decreased since the seventies, as has base cation deposition. In order to assess the response of streamwater to decreasing deposition, we compared their present chemical composition to their former composition. All comparisons showed a decrease in sulphate concentration, which was greater on granite than on sandstone. In addition calcium, magnesium and aluminium concentrations generally decreased. Acidity in streams draining granite decreased in spring, especially during the eighties, decreases were not observed on sandstone. Continuous monitoring of 5 streams since 1998 confirmed that Al concentrations decreased while changes in pH were small. Chemical trends in streams from the Vosges massif fell between those measured in Northern Europe and Central Europe. This study provides the first broad-scale overview of surface water acidification and recovery in France and emphasizes the need for continuous monitoring to assess long-term changes in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

文章以北京市宣武区大栅栏地区为研究区域,通过对原住民旧城意向回忆的调查,总结人们记忆中繁荣时期大栅栏地区的意象特征,进而归纳出旧城各要素对城市区域认知建立的影响。在旧城风貌保护方面提出了一些补充和建议,以增强旧城更新中的公众参与以及更好地实现居民对历史区域感知的延续。  相似文献   

李鹏飞 《华中建筑》2012,(8):155-158
将城市意象理论与我国历史文化名城发展相结合,从城市意象构成要素及其演进角度进行实践和探索,分析了城市意象理论目前存在的问题,提出了城市意象与城市空间、形态、结构上的关联性以及未来在时间一空间结构上发展的可能性,希望在城市特色延续和保护方面有所创新。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the way people define and challenge practices of distance during protest and the way protesters disrupt ‘generally established and universally visible and valid distances’ associated with the place. In illuminating these ideas, two case studies with seemingly similar socio-spatial characteristics are explored. The first case was initiated by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and aimed to call attention to the nation's neediest people by embarking on the ‘Poor People's Campaign’, which settled people on the National Mall in an encampment they called Resurrection City (RC). The second action, the Occupy Movement, was an international protest movement directed towards social and economic inequality. The Occupy Movement called upon protesters to ‘flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months’ to call attention to the inequalities of global capitalism. The paper interprets the strategies and tactics used by the Poor People's Campaign and the Occupy Movement to challenge distance, concluding with some reflections on the way contemporary forms of dissent are changing the way we perceive public space and its politics.  相似文献   

This article considers the way Java responds to the global architectural flow of Islam. It shows the ways in which architecture became the site of negotiation between the global pan-Islamic Islam and the Javanese world. It then explores the dispute over identity and the representation of Islam in Java through various events in the present and the past. The article also discusses the debate over the design of a university's mosque in Jakarta in 1980s, the confrontation between Javanese and Middle Eastern Islam in the building of the first "great mosque" in the fifteenth century, the discourses of mosque building of the two previous postcolonial presidents of Indonesia, and the struggle in the intellectual culture of architecture today over what constitutes "Indonesian architecture." From these illustrative materials, issues are raised concerning history and agency, religion and politics, and architecture and ideology.  相似文献   


The early twentieth-century invention of the airplane brought on a cultural euphoria that influenced the works and writings of urbanists, architects, artists, and science-fiction writers during the 1920s and 1930s. Le Corbusier's urban design for Rio de Janeiro—which he sketched, so he claimed, from an airplane—offers a visual basis to study how the aesthetic experience of flight was translated spatially, visually, and politically into his design of the future city. The polemics informing Le Corbusier's aerial “discovery” of South American geography revealed that there was a new empowerment in the act of looking from above, and that the spatial characteristics of his subsequent design interventions evoked that empowerment.  相似文献   

The early twentieth-century invention of the airplane brought on a cultural euphoria that influenced the works and writings of urbanists, architects, artists, and science-fiction writers during the 1920s and 1930s. Le Corbusier's urban design for Rio de Janeiro—which he sketched, so he claimed, from an airplane—offers a visual basis to study how the aesthetic experience of flight was translated spatially, visually, and politically into his design of the future city. The polemics informing Le Corbusier's aerial "discovery" of South American geography revealed that there was a new empowerment in the act of looking from above, and that the spatial characteristics of his subsequent design interventions evoked that empowerment.  相似文献   

“自然中的城市”是指在保留自然条件的情况下,在一定程度上兼顾城市生活的密度。这一范式的转变是一个现实问题,因为世界各大城市都备受拥挤的困扰。预计到2010年.世界上55%的人口将会居住在城市里。原本优势明显的城市将会转变成为众人争抢的场所.无力承担资源消耗的重负,并最终有损环境和人们的日常生活。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the changing nature of urban space and urban technologies, using various conceptions of engagement in social politics to illuminate contemporary understandings of cultural change and social exclusion and the role of housing within this. The progressive reorganisation of urban space, which is at least partly a result of global economic changes, is producing complex forms of social politics organised around newly emerging varieties and scales of engagement and disengagement. These are cross-cut by a number of cultural themes that play out differently in different spaces. Thus ‘fear’ is universally significant, but perceived ‘differentially’ according to space, culture and socio-economic status. ‘Excitement’ is also an important theme, though more for some groups than others. The capacity to use resources—material, cultural, technological—and particularly the reflexive utilisation of these resources, also affects the nature of social politics and the specific nature of proactive and defensive (dis)engagement. The paper argues that the social scientific analysis of housing would do well to take cognisance of these debates if it is to continue to produce nuanced analyses able to take account of the socio-spatial, cultural and political realities of informational capitalism.  相似文献   

通过对历史地图、档案的分析,简述了1930-2008年南京城墙周边开放空间形态的变化及背景。发现:伴随着环城墙边缘带的填充和更替,开放空间日益受到压缩,边界更为明确,破碎化加剧,导致老城的景观特征有明显的转变。借鉴英国城市形态学者M.R.G.Conzen的方法,从平面、风貌和功能三个层面研究了三组开放空间在1930年和2008年的形态差别。发现:开放空间中的历史遗迹相对较少,其历史分层相对模糊;开放空间形态演变反映了城市化进程中人与自然、公共空间的关系;在快速城市化过程对城市风貌产生很大影响中,明城墙及周围开放空间对于城市风貌的整体性、持续性起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

冯利霞 《城市建筑》2014,(27):27-27
随着我国国民经济的增长和人们生活的水平不断提高,城市规划以及城市形象越来越受到关注,本文探讨了如何在城市规划中对城市整体的人文形象进行塑造,希望能为相关工作开辟思路。  相似文献   

探讨了CJJ 33—2005中城镇燃气高压管道施工验收中的焊接、壁厚小于8mm的钢管焊缝质量无损检测、强度试验介质、严密性试验压力、管道清管和折角处理等问题,指出相关条文存在的不足之处,提出了修订建议。  相似文献   

王为 《建筑师》2021,(4):51-57
本文通过对加州"现代住宅"几种典型"影像"的回顾,考察了战后世界建筑史中"现代性"与"地域性"共同塑造出的"空间"特征及其历史含义,并试图以此揭示"媒介"研究蕴涵的"文化转向"对建筑史的方法论意义.  相似文献   

山地城市更新中,公园所形成的景观意象具有突出 的地方文化价值,然而随着时代变迁,不少公园的文化意象却 逐渐淡化。当下,人们愈发注重城市空间的人性体验,如何通 过体验建立文化的时空传承成为公园更新的关键问题之一。基 于知觉现象学理论的解读与启示,通过构建文化意象的知觉交 互理论框架,分别从结构层、空间层、要素层和表现层4个层 面提出相应的方法策略,并以重庆鹅岭公园为例,探讨了山地 城市公园更新中知觉现象学应用于文化激活的实践方式。  相似文献   

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