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Development and Future of Rapeseed Production in the Federal Republic of Germany Rapeseed has been grown in Germany since the Middle Ages for technical uses, e. g. in oil lamps, for lubricants and detergents, and for food purposes. After World War II its cultivation attained great economic importance for crop productions systems in the Federal Republic of Germany. Its acreage increased form 32.000 ha in the 50ies to nearly 400.000 ha at present. This development was conditioned by substantial improvements in quality and yields. The first step of improvement was the elimination of the erucic acid which secured the high food quality of the rapeseed oil. Since 1974/76 German farmers only use rapeseed varieties free of erucic acid. To also increase the utilisation of the valuable protein in feed rations for monogastric animals, plant breeders then successfully selected for low glucosinolate contents. Since 1986/87 nearly 100% of the German rapeseed area is sown with varieties low in erucic acid and glucosinolates as well, i.e. socalled 00-rapeseed types. Rapeseed meal from 00-varieties offers the chance to increase its consumption in the German market up to at least two million tonnes in fodder compounds applied also in pig feeding. Therefore, German oilseed crushers decidedly demand rapeseed of 00-quality from domestic producers as well as for imports.  相似文献   

A Novel Fish Protein Concentrate Compared to almost all developing countries there is a surplus of animal protein in the Federal Republic of Germany. A fish protein concentrate suitable for the fortification of cereals is already being produced on a large scale in Sweden. International collaboration has yielded a process for the manufacture of a novel fish protein concentrate having improved technological properties without loss of the nutritional value, hygienic status and stability. Whereas in Europe the protein concentrates from plants are well known and are being utilized in increasing amounts, fish protein concentrate is currently discussed as a possible aid to developing countries. In contrast to Food and Drug Administration of the USA, one is rather skeptical towards these products in Germany. Using raw fish having higher degree of freshness, a foodstuff can be prepared which in future might be interesting for the food processor for the development of new products and improvement of the nutritional properties of known products.  相似文献   

Blends of Fats and Oils in International Food Legislation and the Influence of EEC Harmonisation on German Federal Law Blends of fats and oils are of particular interest in terms of food legislation when milk fat is incorporated. In contrast to the existing standards of the Codex Alimentarius, the national legislation of each EEC member state contains far-reaching restrictions on this point which, however, are being or have been given up under the influence of the Cassis de Dijon judgement of the European Court of Justice. In 1988 France was the first EEC country to change its laws, the Federal Republic of Germany followed suit in 1990. At EEC level, the umbrella organisations of the dairy industry and the margarine industry have put forward suggestions for structuring the market for yellow fat spreads, which is to form a basis for EC legislation. In anticipation of EF legislation of this kind, Germany now permits, by virtue of an Order concerning margarine and mixed fat products of 31.8.1990, the production of mixed fat products consisting of fats fit for human consumption and a proportion of milk fat. The total fat content of these products must be 20–62% or at least 80%. The milk fat content must be between 15 and 25%, 45 and 55%, or 65 and 75% of the total fat content, but must account for at least 8% of the product weight.  相似文献   

Environmental Planning - Environmental Safety, New Means for the Removal of Wastes In the Federal Republic of Germany, as in most countries, technical progress, increased luxary, urbanization and mobility of the people have resulted in alarming deterioration of the environment. This communication reports the opinion of experts regarding new means for the disposal of wastes in all the spheres of life. Besides the maintaining peace, meeting food requirements, and achieving economic progress, the environmental safety is one of the greatest tasks for the present and future, if the mankind does not want to perish itself by the harmful substances which it has produced.  相似文献   

Industrial property protection on the threshold of the european single market. The protection of technical results obtained in research and development is important in order to guarantee the competitiveness of an enterprise. Patents and utility models serve this purpose. There is a plurality of possible parallel ways to obtain protection between which an applicant can choose. Besides the national patent and utility model supranational patent protection may be obtained for a plurality of European states in a common granting procedure, the so-called European patent. With the advance of the common market common supranational European patent protection is likely to become more important. Setting out from the situation to gain protection in the Federal Republic of Germany these different possible ways of obtaining industrial property protection will be explained.  相似文献   

W. Hodek 《Fuel》1982,61(6):570-572
On 24 and 25 November 1980, a round table discussion organized by the Commission of the European Communities and attended by coal scientists from six Community countries was held in Brussels. The delegates came from France, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and the Federal Republic of Germany to present and discuss the latest results of their work in the field of fundamental research into the chemical and physical properties of coal. This Letter reports the content of the discussion and describes the reasons for and the significance of this annual meeting.  相似文献   

Permission Procedure According to Federal Law Concerning Immission Protection - Significance, Procedure and Problems According to the federal law concerning immission protection and the subsequent legal regulations, procedures have been fixed in the entire Federal Republic of Germany that regulate the grant of permission starting from application till the official letter of permission. For the administrations of the individual federal states, additional regulations have been laid down. All these regulations constitute the framework of the permission procedure. The content and the extent of the application for permission are of great significance for a manufacturing plant, because in the case of difficulties with supervisory bodies and for the subsequent application and their assessment, the original documents are taken into account. The content of the letter of permission must be critically evaluated, in order to avoid conditions that can not be fulfilled.  相似文献   

A new method for the spectrophotometric determination of triglycerides at microgram levels has been developed. The method relies on the quantitative degradation ofO-acyl lipids with hydrazine and the subsequent conversion of the fatty acid hydrazides to the correspondingN′-isopropylidenealkanohydrazides by reaction with acetone. Results are presented for triolein and some oils of plant origin. This research was undertaken at the Federal Center for, lipid Research, Piusallee 68/76, D-4400 Münster, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

Assay of Pesticides with Reference to Food Hygiene A comparative quantitative characterization of the toxic properties of pesticides is an essential measure from the viewpoint of public health. In the Federal Republic of Germany, materials are categorized into 3 classes of poisons, depending on the LD50-values. Persons using such materials can protect themselves by following certain preventive measures. For the assay of pesticide residues that are ingested with food, extensive biochemical and biological tests for toxicity are required. The results of studies carried out in the past indicate that the health of our population is not endangered by the use of pesticides.  相似文献   

Concept of High-Quality Seals in Disconnectable Pipeline Connections. The “Technical Instruction Air” of the Federal Republic of Germany stipulates the use of highquality gaskets in flange connections employed in handling of certain hazardous materials, but it gives no detailed informations concerning the high-quality criterion. This article gives reasons why the highquality criterion should be extended on all elements of disconnectable pipeline connections of various types which are to be evaluated as systems. It further discusses the basic aspect of quality management as well as the terms ?secluded emission”? and “diffuse emission”, which should be avoided or minimized respectively. The following criteria of high-quality pipeline connections are discussed: Design reserves, corrosion resistance, position fixing, safety against fracture without deformation, tightnessperiod and process hygiene.  相似文献   

作为高等工程教育的崭新改革方案,CDIO教学模式受到国内外高校的高度重视。作为CDIO工程教育改革的一项重要内容,天津大学生物与制药工程专业较早在国内引入药品化学品的质量源于设计课程。该课程以新颖的理念和创新的项目教学法,以质量设计为核心内容,让学生掌握有关药品、食品、生物化学品的质量工程与设计,以及相关的法律法规,并通过分组讨论、分工协作和实施等完成设置任务,提高学生的沟通、协作和综合素质。本文详细介绍了该课程的具体实施情况。  相似文献   

In the Federal Republic of Germany concrete pavements and bridge decks have to be sealed. Bituminous materials in some cases in combination with corrigated metal sheet are used as sealing. A historical survey of the development of concrete sealing is given. Advantages and disadvantages of different methods are indicated. A new method which results in a construction especially resistant to shear forces has been developed and is used now for about 10 years. The principle of this method is described in detail.  相似文献   

Meteorological problems in determining minimum stack height . In the Federal Republic of Germany the minimum stack height must be determined with the aid of the “TA Luft” code. The method of determination has been developed with a number of simplifications concerning constancy and homogeneity of emission data, meteorological parameters, and topographical structure. The influences of these simplifications are discussed, and improved methods of determining necessary stack heights are described.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the proportion of external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) installed in the Federal Republic of Germany has increased significantly due to energy requirements. Currently, there is a significant increase in ETICS waste, for which there is no established recycling strategy. For this reason, in this work ETICS waste was processed in the sense of the circular economy in order to make the secondary raw materials obtained industrially usable. In order to enable targeted recycling and to close the material cycle of ETICS in the long term, particulate properties such as the comminution ratio, sphericity, dispersity as well as the flowability and compressibility of the recyclates were investigated.  相似文献   

Quality Test Systems of Winter Rape Seed Winter rape seed is cultivated in Germany for grain use as well as green intermediate summer crop or as intermediate winter crop. According to the destination of the crop by the declarer the Federal Board of Sorts carries out the qualification test of one or more of these three kinds of use. It is reported where the tests in the Federal Republic of Germany are carried out, where and by whom they are looked after, in which way the seed is distributed, which properties are received by observations, measurements and weighings, and in which way the declarer is informed about the results of the qualification test of a usual period of three years.  相似文献   

Effects of Locations and Year on Yield and Quality of Linseed – Results of a Biennial Model Trial A Model-trial on cultivation of oil-linseed (Linum usitatissimum) has been carried out in the Federal Republic of Germany in the years 1987 and 1988; the trial was financially supported by the Federal Ministery of Agriculture. This country-wide trial yielded very valuable experiences and results regarding the optimum practices and the economy of linseed cultivation for industrial purposes. In particular, it became obvious that the average seed yield of 12.9 (1987) and 14.3 (1988) dt/ha is still far below the possible yield potential of modern linseed cultivars, e.g. “Antarès” or “Atalante”. It is evident, however, that linseed yield can be enhanced by breeding or more stable (e.g. more lodging resistant) varieties and by further improvement of cultivation practise. Thereby, an economic production of linseed-oil should be feasible at longer turn. This is also supported by the fact that linseed cultivation under moderate Central European conditions can additionally benefit from particularly high contents of oil with high proportions of poly-unsaturated C18-fatty acids. Correlations determined between seed-yield and quality characteristics indicate that high seed yield can be combined with high oil content and at the same time high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the oil. Therewith, demands of farmers and oleochemistry could be fulfilled simultaneously.  相似文献   

Energy from regenerable raw materials. In the long run, some of the agricultural areas in the Federal Republic of Germany will no longer be needed for food production, and could therefore be used for growing raw material plants in order to provide various sources of energy, such as wood, rape seed oil, ethanol, methanol, and biogas. With this indirect use of the solar power accumulated in the plants, the overall expenditure for fossilized fuel energy to produce these energy sources is lower than the amount of primary energy that can be substituted. Based on the assumption that 20% of farmland will be used to grow regenerable raw materials, it would be possible to replace approximately 7 million tons of coal equivalent (SKE) by wood or approximately 4 million tons of coal equivalent (SKE) by ethanol from sugar beet or methanol from wood. In the case of alcohol production from sugar beet, the total energy efficiency including the regenerative part of energy of about 74%, is lower than in the ethanol synthesis. At present, use of biomasses as an energy source is feasible only in a few rare cases, and can only be achieved if the regenerable raw materials are considered as an alternative to surplus food production or to the strategy of gradually using less acreage for growing food.  相似文献   

Contaminated site clean-up in the Federal Republic of Germany. Contaminated site clean-up will be one of the most extensive and expensive tasks of coming decades. The present contribution first surveys the different views of what constitutes a contaminated site, as held by different authors and different government agencies. The extent of such contamination is then estimated and various processes for its disposal presented. The various clean-up methods are compared from a technical and a financial standpoint. The state of the art and those areas in which research is called for are indicated.  相似文献   

Fishery Technique and Its Automatization Advances in hauling methods have been achieved recently by increased mechanization. Automatization, involving the use of machines and computers to carry out the processes which require thinking could not be achieved till now in the commercial fishery. With the example of one large vessel currently employed for fishery in the Federal Republic of Germany it is shown, how valuable it is to use computers in some cases for carrying out the hauling operation. However, uptil now the hauling operation consists of many individual steps, which must be combined into one system.  相似文献   

Protein Producer Rapeseed: Success and Chances of Breeding Since rapeseed production in the Federal Republic of Germany has been changed to ”?zero erucic”? varieties, the primary breeding goal is directed to the improvement of the rapeseed meal. The present report describes the status of the work in this direction. The first task is to remove the toxic glucosinolate constituents as much as possible. After some initial difficulties were solved, the first breeding lines of winter-rapeseed have now been reported for the official variety tests. Winter-type varieties with a glucosinolate content of below 30 μMol per gram of defatted seed meal may thus be available for rapeseed production in Germany in a few years. With reference to the oil and protein content of the seed, new analytical developments have offered chances for further improvement of both traits. Apparently, selection towards the ”?sum”? of oil and protein percentage is especially promising, irrespective of the well known negative correlation between the two characteristics. On the other hand, it also seems possible to develop ”?oil-cultivars”? and ”?protein-cultivars”?, respectively, if this was desired. The third quality trait of rapeseed meal is its content of ”?crude fiber”? which limits the energy density of the meal as a feed. Since satisfying methods for the analysis of the ”?crude fiber”? content are missing for an extensive screening in breeding materials, the most simple way for progress is the introduction of the ”?yellow-seed”? characteristic. By causing a thinner seedcoat yellow-seededness leads to considerably reduce the fraction of the indigestible ballast substances in the rapeseed meal. Already now corresponding genotypes are available within spring- and winter-types of turnip rape.  相似文献   

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