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Assessment forms of 670 adolescents referred over four years to an adolescent psychiatric unit were analyzed to establish how they entered mental health care. The first part of the study examined referral sources; the second established the appropriateness of referral. Adolescents were referred via a number of pathways, of which school sources, psychiatric services, and social agencies were prominent. Interestingly, 60.7% of the referrals were from persons not trained in mental health care. No significant difference in appropriateness of referral was found between trained and nontrained sources. Thus, the unique referral base of adolescents in need of mental health care must be recognized. Although the majority in this study were not mental health care workers, the findings show that their referrals were clinically appropriate. This suggests that by improving the mental health skills of this sector, the provision of psychiatric care to adolescents could be enhanced.  相似文献   

Objective: This study was designed to evaluate the association between marital distress and mental health service utilization in a population-based sample of men and women (N = 1,601). Method: The association between marital distress and mental health care service utilization was evaluated for overall mental health service utilization and for specific sectors of treatment providers, including psychiatrist, other mental health provider, other medical provider, and religious services provider. Interviews were used to assess past-year service utilization and presence of anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders. Results: Approximately 12% of married individuals sought help for problems with their emotions, nerves, or substance use during the 12 months preceding the interview. Marital distress was significantly associated with (a) overall mental health service utilization and service utilization provided by each of the sectors of providers when controlling for demographic variables and (b) overall mental health service utilization and receiving treatment from a psychiatrist when additionally controlling for past-year anxiety, mood, or substance use disorders. There was little evidence that the associations between marital distress and service utilization were moderated by gender or presence of psychiatric disorders. Conclusion: The finding that marital distress is associated with greater mental health care service utilization suggests that clinicians should assess both individual and relationship factors among individuals presenting for treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

High levels of psychological disturbance amongst adolescents have been linked to behaviours which can damage physical health, and with mental health problems in adulthood. The aim of this review was to see if published literature supports the hypothesis that primary care is a suitable setting in which mental health problems in adolescents can be prevented by early detection and treatment. Medline, BIDS, SIGLE and Psychlit databases (January 1990-February 1997) were systematically searched for English language studies on adolescent health promotion and mental health in primary care; reference sections were checked for earlier work. When offered, adolescent health checks and clinics have been well received with attendance rates of 73% and 83% reported, respectively. Primary care offers a setting for the prevention and detection of mental health problems in adolescents. Further research is needed to determine cost effective ways of using these opportunities.  相似文献   

How many and which individuals, with which psychiatric disorders, receive (and do not receive) mental health services from which professionals in what settings? This question falls within the purview of mental health services research, which is a multidisciplinary field that brings together the methodologies of epidemiology, econometrics, and clinical research. First, in this article, we present an explication of what is known about those individuals in need of psychotherapy and how they access services. Next, we describe the numbers, professional affiliations, and service sites of professionals who are engaged in the practice of psychotherapy. We summarize our current knowledge about the actual utilization of psychotherapy services relative to the needs of patients and the professional background of therapists. Finally, we identify aspects of psychotherapy service utilization that are, as yet, unaddressed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess method of acquisition, presence of liver disease, potential infectivity and the effect on work practices in health care workers with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection referred to a hepatitis clinic. PATIENTS and METHODS: All 33 health care workers referred to a hepatitis clinic for management of HCV infection because of a positive test for HCV (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) between 1 January 1990 and 31 December 1994 (comprising six medical practitioners, 18 nurses, two scientists and seven others) were retrospectively assessed for most likely method of infection, alanine aminotransferase levels, results of liver biopsy and measurement of HCV-RNA. RESULTS: 30 health care workers (12 men and 18 women; age range, 27-68 years) had HCV infection confirmed on further testing. Only seven were believed to have acquired their infection occupationally (one with documented needlestick injury). Twenty-eight patients had elevated alanine aminotransferase levels and, of 23 patients who underwent liver biopsy, one had cirrhosis and 12 had chronic hepatitis and fibrosis. Of the 24 health care workers with direct patient contact, four had retired, eight had stopped or modified their work practices and 12 continued to practise normally. CONCLUSIONS: Few health care workers with chronic HCV infection have acquired it occupationally. We recommend that guidelines be set up for institutional expert committees to advise health care workers with HCV infection about modifying their work practice.  相似文献   

As the 20th century draws to a close, fundamental changes in the organization, financing, and delivery of health care and welfare services, principally directed at poor families, are likely to result in an increased number of children entering out-of-home care. These children typically have significant physical, mental health, and developmental problems. Whether the quality of health care services they receive will improve as a result of health care reform efforts and new approaches to service delivery remains to be seen. This article addresses some of the major changes wrought by welfare and health care reform and describes the essential features of a health care system that can meet the special needs of children in care.  相似文献   

Summarizes legislation introduced or cosponsored by the author, a US Senator from Minnesota, to respond to Americans' need for mental health services. This legislation included the Medicare Ambulatory Mental Health Services Access Amendments of 1987; S.123, a bill that would amend Part B of the Medicare program to recognize and reimburse psychologists as independent mental health providers; S.763, the Services for Homeless Mentally Ill Individuals Act of 1987; S.809, the Urgent Relief for the Homeless Act; and S.1663, the Child Abuse Prevention Act of 1987. The author encourages mental health professionals to promote public policies that expand Americans' access to public health services through research, effective communication of this research, and preventive mental health efforts (such as programs aimed at preventing teen suicide). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two cases of interstitial cystitis with typical, large bladder ulcerations in adolescent girls are reported. The specific diagnosis was confirmed histologically after full-thickness segmental resection of the bladder wall at the site of the ulceration during subsequent operations. Contrary to other reports based on subjective clinical findings, interstitial cystitis in children is rare when rigid criteria, including careful histological study, are applied. Treatment in children is the same as in adults and should be conservative. A conscientious attempt should be made to exclude infection and tuberculosis as possible contributors to the symptoms of urinary frequency and discomfort, as well as other causes of bladder abnormality. If conservative management fails to relieve symptoms the bladder may be enlarged in some cases by using a segment of intestine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 RNA burden in paired plasma and cervicovaginal lavage specimens and to assess the relation of plasma HIV-1 RNA level, CD4 cell count, and antiretroviral therapy with cervicovaginal HIV-1 viral load. METHODS: Paired blood and cervicovaginal lavage specimens were collected from 72 HIV-infected women. Quantitation of HIV-1 RNA from plasma and cervicovaginal lavage specimens was performed by using the nucleic acid sequence-based amplification assay. Analyses examined relations between cervicovaginal HIV-1 RNA and plasma HIV-1 RNA level, CD4 count, and antiretroviral therapy. RESULTS: Plasma HIV-1 RNA was detectable in 61 of 72 women (85%), with copy numbers ranging from 330 to 1,600,000 copies/mL. Twenty-eight of 72 (39%) had detectable HIV-1 RNA in cervicovaginal lavage specimens, ranging from 320 to 440,000 copies/mL. The cervicovaginal lavage HIV-1 RNA level was detectable in 9%, 29%, 52%, and 53% of the women with plasma HIV-1 RNA of less than 400, 400-9999, 10,000-100,000, and more than 100,000 copies, respectively (P = .043). Among women with CD4 counts of less than 200, 200-500, and greater than 500/mm3, cervicovaginal lavage HIV-1 RNA was detected in 67%, 32%, and 25% of subjects, respectively (P = .018). Among women receiving antiretroviral therapy, cervicovaginal lavage revealed HIV-1 RNA in 67%, 31%, and 25% with CD4 cell counts of less than 200, 200-500, and more than 500/mm3, respectively (P = .042). CONCLUSION: The presence of HIV-1 RNA in cervicovaginal lavage correlates significantly with the level of HIV-1 RNA in plasma and negatively with CD4 cell count.  相似文献   

Sociodemographics, clinical characteristics, and life stressors of community-dwelling suicidal risk and nonsuicidal risk elders referred to a community aging and mental health provider were compared in this study. Information was collected through case manager surveys and agency records on 683 older adults referred to the Elder Services Program of Spokane Mental Health in 1994 and the first 6 months of 1995. This sample included 109 individuals who were clinically judged to be at suicide risk by case managers at the time of initial assessment. Comparisons between suicidal risk and nonsuicidal risk elders indicated that suicidal elders were younger, more likely to be separated or divorced, and more likely to report a previous history of suicidal behavior. Results of a logistic regression analysis indicated that living alone, depression or anxiety disorder, and higher levels of emotional disturbance predicted suicide risk status. In addition, medical problems, family conflict, and relationship loss predicted suicide risk status in this particular sample. Individuals at suicide risk were also more likely to have a family physician than others. Implications of findings for identification and treatment of suicidal elders are discussed.  相似文献   

Studied 41 pairs of sibling and 41 pairs of nonsibling primary-grade children. Using 2 teacher behavior-rating forms and a frequency rating scale of 1-5, results show that mean differences between siblings were directionally smaller than those between nonsiblings on all 8 measures, significantly on 5. For like-sex pairs, all 8 mean sibling differences were smaller than the comparable nonsibling differences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

For evidence-based practice to become a reality, its effects must be demonstrated clearly in the clinical situation. Practitioners must be sen to access, evaluate and apply research-based evidence in their day-to-day work. In this article, the author considers how this process could work in mental health nursing.  相似文献   

The specialization of forensic mental health assessment (FMHA) has incorporated important advances during the last two decades. As scientific advances, specialized tools, and relevant ethical guidelines have become core elements of FMHA, however, the question of how to regulate poor practice has assumed increasing importance. One such means of regulation that has been rarely applied to FMHA thus far is malpractice litigation using a clearly defined standard of care. This article focuses on the relationship between standard of practice and standard of care in FMHA. The authors discuss the current absence of a standard of care in FMHA, describing the historical, regulatory, and legal influences that have helped to shape the current state of practice in this specialty area and their relevance to operationalizing a standard of care. The authors address the various sources of authority that the law might consider in defining a standard of care and specify circumstances under which legal regulation using a standard of care would be more useful than would ethical/professional regulation using a standard of practice. Finally, the authors describe the advantages of developing a clearer standard of practice in FMHA, which can then inform the operationalization of a standard of care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the series on managed health care (MHC) edited by R. L. Lowman (see record 1991-16482-001) that advocated restrictions in MHC to reduce employer costs. It is argued that restricting outpatient coverage is not mandated by economic necessity, and that it creates ethical and clinical risks and ill will toward funders by patients and therapists. Alternative MHC services are suggested. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper describes the mental health services provided at a high school based health center that integrates mental health and medical services. Five years after the inception of the center in 1988, mental health visits had quadrupled. In 1992 alone, students made 1,002 mental health visits. Strikingly, one-third of these students reported problematic substance use among other family members. Other leading reasons for utilizing mental health services included pregnancy (19%), past or present suicidal ideation (14%), obesity (8.7%), ongoing depression (8%), and issues related to sexuality (7.5%).  相似文献   

Describes a methodology by which primary-grade children experiencing school maladjustment problems are classified according to specific problem types. Evidence is presented that the methodology reliably differentiates among children with acting-out, shy-anxious, and learning difficulties. An intervention program using nonprofessional child aides was most effective in reducing the problems of shy-anxious children. The methodology is proposed as a paradigm for identifying problem types, an important step in individualizing helping interventions. Findings suggest that a generalized helping approach is likely to be differentially effective with different problem types. Implications for more traditional treatment approaches such as psychotherapy are considered. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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