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We developed three different rule-based systems, each designed to take XML as input and produce XML as output and manipulate intermediate facts as XML. They use very different methods of representing the XML during rule processing. Our series of benchmarks show when each representation is best. We also developed an XML language for representing the rules. The markup to recognize an input XML is a sample of that input; certain fields are replaced with special tags to match variables against text or subtrees within the input XML. The output or intermediate XML is also represented by a sample of the output XML. We also report on a graphical user interface developed for developing the rules in this special XML language.  相似文献   

XML应用的基石:XML解析技术   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
刘芳  肖铁军 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(10):2823-2824,2839
XML解析器是XML应用的基础,选择合适的XML解析技术对应用系统的性能有着较大的影响。通过对XML解析中3种主要解析技术的对比,分析和总结了XML解析器应用中的若干问题,归纳了应用系统设计中XML解析技术的选取原则,并提出了基于性能优化考虑的解析器设计思路。  相似文献   



Database systems employ physical structures such as indexes and materialized views to improve query performance, potentially by orders of magnitude. It is therefore important for a database administrator to choose the appropriate configuration of these physical structures for a given database. XML database systems are increasingly being used to manage semi-structured data, and XML support has been added to commercial database systems. In this paper, we address the problem of automatic physical design for XML databases, which is the process of automatically selecting the best set of physical structures for a database and a query workload. We focus on recommending two types of physical structures: XML indexes and relational materialized views of XML data. We present a design advisor for recommending XML indexes, one for recommending materialized views, and an integrated design advisor that recommends both indexes and materialized views. A key characteristic of our advisors is that they are tightly coupled with the query optimizer of the database system, and they rely on the optimizer for enumerating and evaluating physical designs. We have implemented our advisors in a prototype version of IBM DB2 V9, and we experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of their recommendations using this implementation.  相似文献   

在基于XML的企业应用系统中,数据发布过程实际上可看成是XML的处理流程,因此需要一种统一的语言将流程描述出来.XML Pipeline Definition Language的出现为该问题的解决提供了一种切实可行的方案.本文介绍了XML Pipeline及其在构建XML发布框架中的应用.通过基于XML Pipeline的发布框架,能将数据发布的开发提升到面向模型的层次,避免重复烦琐的代码泛滥,优化了体系结构和大幅提高开发效率.  相似文献   

本文研究在OracleXMLDB中存储XML。文中简要介绍了OracleXMLDB和其关键技术XMLType,并给出了一个应用实例。  相似文献   

XML数据索引技术   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
孔令波  唐世渭  杨冬青  王腾蛟  高军 《软件学报》2005,16(12):2063-2079
对XML数据建立有效的索引,是左右XML数据处理性能的重要因素.深入地讨论了目前XML索引技术的研究现状,将XML索引技术分为两大类:节点记录类索引(本身还可以分为3个小的类型)和结构摘要类索引.根据XML数据查询处理效率以及XML数据修改对XML索引的要求,讨论了相关XML索引方法的优点和不足,并归结出XML索引后续研究的3个方向:XML结构信息的获取,路径信息的多维处理,数据修改合法性的有效支持,以及涉及能够同时有效满足XML查询和信息获取的索引.  相似文献   

针对用XML表示的信息在网络数据交换中存在的安全性问题.提出了使用XML加密机制来保证XML信息的安全性,并就如何加密不同粒度的XML信息进行了详细的讨论。  相似文献   

利用XML DOM创建强大的XML应用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
介绍了DOM产生的背景和DOM规范,并讨论了利用XML DOM技术来实现动态地创建文档,以及遍历文档结构、添加、修改、删除文档内容,改变文档的显示方式等方法,最后给出了制作XML网页应用的实例和步骤。  相似文献   

Peer-to-peer XML     
Rein  L. 《Internet Computing, IEEE》2002,6(2):100-100

XML文档的应用日益广泛,而其中的XML解析技术是XML应用的关键。本文通过实例详细分析了4种XML解析技术和实现过程.对四种技术进行了比较分析.归纳总结了应用系统设计中选取合适的XML解析技术的原则。  相似文献   

XML文档分解技术及文档存取模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了XML文档的组成要素,从中找出XML文档结构的分解技术并给出简化原则,并在此基础上提出以AXI为中间层接口模型的三层结构的处理方案 。  相似文献   

如图1所示的VeryCD工具条.可能曾在不少朋友的电脑上出现过吧,其实它是一个加载项.那么.它是怎样入驻的呢?该怎样禁用、清除或彻底删除这些出现在我们电脑中加载项呢?  相似文献   

XML是W3C组织于1998年2月发布的一种标记语言标准,其具有易于扩展、结构性强、交互性好、语义丰富、基于内容的数据标识、可格式化、易于处理、与平台无关的特点,使得数据层在XML技术的支持下得到统一。通过对海洋温盐深数据进行结构分析,本文设计了温盐深数据XML Schema,定义了温盐深数据的XML数据结构。  相似文献   

基于XML Schema的XML存储   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郝春辉  邹静 《计算机工程与应用》2006,42(11):173-175,204
文章介绍了一个在关系数据库中,基于XMLSchema的XML存储方案。描述了一个以树模型为模型,XMLSchema为模式的XML数据库的存储系统。首先给出了在关系数据库中存储XMLSchema的方法,在此基础上,又给出了存储XML文档的方法。与通常的XML分解存储方案不同之处在于,在该方案中,XMLSchema被保存到数据库中,未作模式映射,避免了模式映射通常会带来的数据丢失和数据要分散到多个关系表中的问题;对XML文档的存储和查询都是基于XMLSchema的;并且由于所有基于同一个模式的XML文档共享该模式的结构,不必对结构信息进行重复存储,减少了存储空间;最后,由于我们为每一个元素赋予了一个唯一ID值,在进行查询的时候,可以利用该ID值进行定位,具有和XPath表达式相同的作用,但是更为简便。  相似文献   

随着XML在各类数据表示中的广泛应用,XML文档的查询方法成为当前数据处理的一个重要问题。已有的研究如XPath和XQuery得到应用,但其查询表现存在一些缺点需要改进。从模板匹配的角度出发,基于谓词逻辑设计了树状逻辑表达式LXT。该表达式的特点是能以树状结构模板描述XML文档查询需求。在此基础上,进一步探讨了基于LXT表达式的XML文档查询方法,从数据的查询过滤、结果的组织构造与含义等方面描述了利用LXT的特点设计XML查询表现形式的基本思路。  相似文献   

Rule-based XML     
Legal contracts and litigation documents common to the American legal system were encoded in the eXtensible Markup Language (XML). XML also represents rules about the contracts and litigation procedure. In addition to an expert system tool that allows one to make inferences with that engine, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) generates the XML representing the rules. A rulebase is developed by marking up examples of the XML to be interpreted and the XML to be generated, analogously to Query By Example. This article provides a broader context of the synergy between XML and artificial intelligence by including discussions of: (1) the role of Artificial Intelligence in handling routine litigation; (2) how the use of XML enables legal expert systems to get their `input' without the user having to enter the same information again for the expert system;(3) the advantages of XML markup over other forms of markup for documents; (4) the relationship between XML and ontologies; (5) other projects using XML with rules or legal affairs.  相似文献   

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) was originally envisioned as alanguage for defining new document formats for the World Wide Web.XMLis derived from the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), and canbe considered to be a meta-language: a language for defining markuplanguages. SGML and XML are text-based formats that provide mechanismsfor describing document structures using markup tags (words surrounded by‘<’and ‘>. Web developers may notice some similarity between HTML…  相似文献   

介绍了一种新的更有效的解析技术StAX,在与其它两种较常用的解析技术DOM、SAX进行比较的基础上,通过实例展示了如何用StAX更有效地解析XML文档。  相似文献   

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