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烟梗制丝过程中,含水率的高低会直接影响卷烟加工过程中致香物质的形成、储存运输的安全性、生产过程的耐加工性、燃烧时有害成分的释放量等.一级润梗后烟梗表水含量的高低会直接影响烟梗的润透效果以及后续加工工艺参数的符合性.文章对烟梗表水分离的方法进行探究,在一级润梗后加装喷吹装置,使用压缩空气喷吹,一方面加快烟梗表水流速,另一...  相似文献   

对当前水表新产品的设计与样机试制工作中存在着诸如开发周期长、开发效率低、人工参与多等现状,提出了基于计算机辅助设计与仿真、虚拟装配与优化、快速加工与测量为主体的水表新产品、快速试样技术的观点和方法。  相似文献   

水表在实际现场安装中如果达不到安装要求,就会引起弯头、T型接头、变径及其所处的位置上、下游扰动,影响非容积式水表的精确度。利用水表检定装置做了模拟现场的相关试验,并得出了结论,及时掌握这些扰动带来的水表计量误差及趋势,以供水表安装人员参考。  相似文献   

Due to the low flow rate measurement demand for battery-powered electromagnetic water meter, shrunk measurement tubes (such as circular section transition to square section) are often used to enhance flow velocity and measurement performance at small flow rate. However, this will also result in an increase in sensor pressure loss, even exceeding the pressure loss limit. Therefore, it is necessary to study a flow tube structure design method based on pressure loss-flow restriction, and design a flow tube structure which can not only maximize the induced voltage, but also meet the actual pressure loss requirement. Because there are many unknown variables in the formula of pressure loss mechanism, it cannot be directly used in structural design. Therefore, taking DN100 sensor as an example, based on finite element software, the variation of pressure loss with the length, width and height of rectangular section is obtained by orthogonal test method, and the numerical model of pressure loss is established. According to the requirements of industry and induced voltage enhancement, the optimal rectangular section size is found with the established pressure loss numerical model, and the structure of flow tube transition section is further optimized to reduce pressure loss. Finally, the prototype is made according to the optimized structure. Pressure loss experiment shows that the error between simulated value and measured value is within ±2.68% (±0.4 KPa). It means the pressure loss-flow restriction based design method for flow tube structure of electromagnetic water meter with shrunk measurement tube is effective and reliable.  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了智能IC卡水表及售水管理系统的组成、功能:主要对智能IC卡水表控制器工作原理及软硬件设计进行了详细阐述,最后讨论了IC卡水表的应用.  相似文献   

过去对功率传感器和功率指示计一直分开进行计量检定,而由二者组成的一类纳瓦功率计的实际工作范围却在检定量程之外,本文对这类纳瓦功率计的计量方法进行了研究。提出完全按照实际工作状态,将二者组合在一起进行校准,对其不确定度进行理论分析和实测计算,结果证明本文提出的方案十分有效,解决了实际工作中长期存在的该类纳瓦功率计检定量程与使用范围不一致的问题。  相似文献   

以社区"一卡通"为理念,设计了一款基于单片机的非接触式IC卡智能水表,实现了水流量的准确采集、处理及IC卡预付费功能。装置主要包括流量采集、IC卡读写、LCD显示及报警、电磁阀控制、电压监测5个模块,具有可靠性高、低功耗、抗干扰能力强的特点。  相似文献   

Ultrasonic water meters offer a number of advantages such as non-intrusiveness, low pressure loss, high accuracy, low power consumption and long service life, which make them a viable option for the next generation of smart water meters. However, the existing ultrasonic water meters have difficulties in balancing the range and accuracy. Therefore, in order to address this issue, this study proposes a novel ultrasonic water meter featured with high-precision and wide-range. First of all, the flow measurement principle of the ultrasonic time difference method is investigated, and a flow measurement model that includes the parameter of radial transit time (TD) is developed. The ultrasonic water meter is designed based on comprehensive consideration of the three aspects of hardware, software and algorithms, and a series of experiments are conducted to verify the performance of the water meter. Eighteen verification test points with the flow range of 0.015–4.509 m3/h are carried out, the results of which suggest that the accuracy level of the ultrasonic water meter reaches 0.5, with the repeatability of 0.09%, and the range ratio of 300:1, indicating the achievement of the design goal of high-precision and wide-range.  相似文献   

超低功耗无锈蚀IC卡冷、热水表研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了IC卡水表的研制意义;论述了无锈蚀阀门这一专利技术的工作原理;阐述了软、硬件两方面在降低功耗,优化冷、热水表精度计量的作用。最后讨论了总体设计中主要参数的计算方法。  相似文献   

在测量中国气象局探测中心酸雨考核水样过程中,文章将未开封的考核水样在酸雨实验室经过5h放置,与蒸馏水、新配置的标准缓冲溶液以及仪器设备达到温度平衡。文章针对实验室环境、器皿清洗以及酸雨仪器设备调试等方面提出具体要求,将温度平衡后的考核水样分成3份,用2套设备分别测量,对具体的操作方法进行详细介绍,按照规范列表将标准缓冲溶液在不同温度下的标准pH值用内插法计算精确到0.5℃。  相似文献   

针对目前常用的电参数测量芯片的弊端,采用双CPU+双端口RAM+单片机构成的分时处理系统,设计了一种DTSD/DSSD型三相多功能电能表。该电能表采用复化辛普森算法计算电压、电流有效值及有功功率,通过仿真得出该测量方法的误差可以忽略不计。谐波测量中采用了加hanning窗插值FFT谐波分析法对奇次谐波进行了测量,通过仿真得出了各次谐波误差分布图。对电能表的硬件和软件进行了设计,经测试达到了设计的技术要求。  相似文献   

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