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模拟实际大型锻件热处理工艺条件,研究了不同预备热处理和最终性能热处理工艺规范对2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V钢-30℃冲击韧性的影响,结果表明经调质预处理后的低温韧性随再奥氏体化温度的升高而降低,而经1 200℃正火预处理后进行1 040℃奥氏体化,不仅有利于碳氮化物充分溶解与合金元素的均匀化,同时有利用奥氏体的自发再结晶细化晶粒并获得较高的低温韧性.  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜及电子探针对55 t钢锭成材148 mm厚2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V钢板尾部分层缺陷进行观察分析,结果表明:分层缺陷是由于模铸保护渣卷入钢液造成的。为减少钢板尾部分层缺陷,对冶炼工艺进行优化,精炼过程中采用碳粉、电石及1.2~2.0 kg/tAl线复合脱氧工艺,真空后软吹12~14 min,采用高粘度、低熔点、高熔速及膨胀系数较大的模铸保护渣。优化工艺后,钢板尾部分层缺陷出现概率分别为11.3%、9.6%、6.9%,分层缺陷导致钢板废品率由原8.1%降至1.7%。  相似文献   

为减轻汽车用钢的质量,实现汽车轻量化设计,研究了冷轧Fe 12Mn 7Al 0.6C (V)轻质钢在不同温度下退火的组织和力学行为。结果表明,随着退火温度的升高,奥氏体体积分数增加,晶粒尺寸增大;合金的强度下降,塑性先增加后下降。材料的应变硬化行为呈现3阶段硬化。在变形过程中,奥氏体中发生平面滑移,铁素体中发生波状滑移。随着变形量的增加,在奥氏体中形成不同方向的滑移带,铁素体中形成胞状结构。钒的添加可同时提高材料的强度和塑性。  相似文献   

试验用250 mm×250 mm方坯EA4T车轴用钢(/%:0.23C,0.32Si,0.70Mn,0.014P,0.010S,0.18Mo,0.03V)的生产流程为60 t EBT EAF-LF-VD-8.4 t铸锭轧制-退火工艺。试验研究了880~920℃油淬、600~650℃回火工艺对该钢组织和力学性能的影响。经920 C+600℃、920℃+650℃和880℃+640℃淬-回火处理后,该钢的组织分别为马氏体、索氏体+马氏体和马氏体+贝氏体;880℃+640℃淬-回火处理后EA4T钢的力学性能为Rp0.2 525 MPa,Rm 720 MPa,A5 23%,U-5 mm纵向冲击功68~82 J,横向冲击功65~86 J,其组织和力学性能均符合EN13261标准要求。  相似文献   

试验0.05C-14Mn-19Cr-0.7N钢经1t非真空感应炉冶炼,并重熔成电渣锭。在电渣锭中心取样,通过Gleeble 3800热模拟试验机对试验钢进行800~1250℃,应变速率0.005~10s-1的高温拉伸试验,得出温度和应变速率对试验钢断面收缩率的影响,并观察了各温度拉伸后的组织。试验结果表明,随着温度从800℃升高至1250℃,试验钢抗拉强度从327 MPa下降到68 MPa,断面收缩率由22%升至55%;1200℃时,应变速率从0.01s-1增加到10s-1时,试验钢的抗拉强度从43 MPa增加至109 MPa,断面收缩率从38%提高至71%。综合实验结果,高氮奥氏体不锈钢0.05C-14Mn-19Cr-0.7N最优的变形参数为:1200~1250℃,应变速率1~10s-1。  相似文献   

 The solution-treated (ST) condition and aging precipitation behavior of 18Cr-16Mn-2Mo-1.1N high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel (HNS) were investigated by optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results show that the ST condition of 18Cr-16Mn-2Mo-1.1N HNS with wN above 1% is identified as 1100 ℃ for 90 min, followed by water quenching to make sure the secondary phases completely dissolve into austenitic matrix and prevent the grains coarsening too much. Initial time-temperature-precipitation (TTP) curve of aged 18Cr-16Mn-2Mo-1.1N HNS which starts with precipitation of 0.05% in volume fraction is defined and the “nose” temperature of precipitation is found to be 850 ℃ with an incubation period of 1 min. Hexagonal intergranular and cellular Cr2N with a=0.478 nm and c=0.444 nm precipitates gradually increase in the isothermal aging treatment. The matrix nitrogen depletion due to the intergranular and a few cellular Cr2N precipitates induces the decay of Vickers hardness, and the increment of cellular Cr2N causes the increase in the values. Impact toughness presents a monotonic decrease and SEM morphologies show the leading brittle intergranular fracture. The ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield strength (YS) and elongation (El) deteriorate obviously. Stress concentration occurs when the matrix dislocations pile up at the interfaces of precipitation and matrix, and the interfacial dislocations may become precursors to the misfit dislocations, which can form small cleavage facets and accelerate the formation of cracks.  相似文献   

32Mn—7Cr—0.6Mo—0.3N奥氏体低温钢的组织和拉伸性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用材料试验机、SEM、TEM和X-射线分析研究了32Mn-7Cr-0.6Mo-0.3N奥氏体钢的组织和从室温到77K的拉伸性能。结果表明:随着温度的降低,屈服强度(σ0.2)和抗拉强度(σb)显著上升,延伸率(δ5)和断面收缩率(Ψ)略有减少;77K温度变形前后均为单相奥氏体组织,韧窝粘口占主导并混有少量准解理小刻面的韧性断裂特征。  相似文献   

采用MMS-200热力模拟试验机,在变形温度950 ~1200℃以及变形速率0.01~10 s-1条件下对0.07C-0.85Mn-0.16S-0.05Bi钢进行一系列热压缩实验.结果 表明,实验钢的流变应力曲线呈现明显的动态再结晶特征,并且流变应力随变形温度的提升或者应变速率的下降而降低.根据不同变形条件下的峰值应力,由Arrhenius模型构建了峰值应力下的本构方程,计算实验钢热变形激活能Q并基于动态材料模型绘制真应变为0.1、0.3、0.5、0.7的热加工图.研究分析了实验钢在不同应变下的失稳区域和合理热加工区域,随着应变的增大,失稳区均出现在高速率变形区,且由低温高速率区向高温高速率区转变.最佳热加工参数为变形温度1020~1200℃、变形速率0.01~0.3 s-1.  相似文献   

采用MMS-200热力模拟试验机,在变形温度950 ~1200℃以及变形速率0.01~10 s-1条件下对0.07C-0.85Mn-0.16S-0.05Bi钢进行一系列热压缩实验.结果 表明,实验钢的流变应力曲线呈现明显的动态再结晶特征,并且流变应力随变形温度的提升或者应变速率的下降而降低.根据不同变形条件下的峰值应力,由Arrhenius模型构建了峰值应力下的本构方程,计算实验钢热变形激活能Q并基于动态材料模型绘制真应变为0.1、0.3、0.5、0.7的热加工图.研究分析了实验钢在不同应变下的失稳区域和合理热加工区域,随着应变的增大,失稳区均出现在高速率变形区,且由低温高速率区向高温高速率区转变.最佳热加工参数为变形温度1020~1200℃、变形速率0.01~0.3 s-1.  相似文献   

采用MMS-200热力模拟试验机,在变形温度950 ~1200℃以及变形速率0.01~10 s-1条件下对0.07C-0.85Mn-0.16S-0.05Bi钢进行一系列热压缩实验.结果 表明,实验钢的流变应力曲线呈现明显的动态再结晶特征,并且流变应力随变形温度的提升或者应变速率的下降而降低.根据不同变形条件下的峰值应力,由Arrhenius模型构建了峰值应力下的本构方程,计算实验钢热变形激活能Q并基于动态材料模型绘制真应变为0.1、0.3、0.5、0.7的热加工图.研究分析了实验钢在不同应变下的失稳区域和合理热加工区域,随着应变的增大,失稳区均出现在高速率变形区,且由低温高速率区向高温高速率区转变.最佳热加工参数为变形温度1020~1200℃、变形速率0.01~0.3 s-1.  相似文献   

周勇  郎宇平  荣凡  刘培英 《特殊钢》2008,29(1):22-24
通过热模拟试验和20%~60%单道次变形的热轧试验研究了奥氏体不锈钢15Mn-22Cr-0.56N的高温拉伸和压缩塑性以及热轧工艺对组织和机械性能的影响。模拟试验结果表明,该钢最佳热塑性区为1000~1150℃;热轧试验结果表明,15Mn-22Cr-0.56N钢最佳轧制工艺参数为1000~1050℃、40%变形可得到较高的强韧性。  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of slow strain rate (ε = 4.4 × 10-5 s-1) tensile tests performed at temperatures between 25 and 700 °C on a high purity CrMoV steel containing various dopants. The materials all had a bainitic microstructure, a hardness of RC28, and a grain size of ASTM 0. Some samples were step cooled prior to tensile testing. Four different compositions were tested: undoped (HP), Mn + P doped (MnP), P doped (P), and Sn doped (Sn) materials. All four materials failed in a low ductility cleavage mode at low temperatures and by a low ductility grain boundary cavitation mode at high temperatures. At intermediate temperatures, around 500 °C, the MnP material showed the highest ductility, the HP and Sn materials showed the lowest, and the P material was intermediate. The beneficial effects of both Mn and P on the creep ductility are rationalized in terms of their control of the sulfur concentration on prior austenite boundaries. In addition, it is suggested that P on the grain boundaries can reduce the cavitation rate by reducing the grain boundary self diffusion rate.  相似文献   

The carbide precipitation in 1Cr-1Mo-0.25V steel subjected to low-cycle fatigue (LCF) deformation at room and elevated temperatures was investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy. Based on the electron diffraction analyses, three types of carbides, M3C-type cementite, M2C, and MC, were identified in normalized and subsequently tempered specimen. The cyclic deformation at high temperature led to the following changes in morphology and composition of carbides: the spheroidization of cementite, the enhanced precipitation of H-carbide, the formation of M2C and M23C6 at lath or prior-austenite grain boundaries, and the enrichment of Mo in most of carbides. Particular attention has been paid to the crystallographic orientation relationship (OR) between the cementite and the ferrite (α) matrix. The combined analyses based on the simulation of diffraction patterns and the trace analyses of habit plane on stereographic projection have shown that most cementite was related to the α matrix in accordance with Bagaryatskii OR, but in some cases, the Isaichev OR also was observed in the lath interior after LCF deformation at elevated temperature. In addition, M2C obeyed the Burgers–Jack OR, and MC was related to the α by the Baker–Nutting OR.  相似文献   

在13.36Cr-1.12Ni-11.2Mn节镍型奥氏体不锈钢基础上降Mn加Cu,优化开发14.0Cr-1.1Ni-9.2Mn-0.30Cu不锈钢,并研究不同化学成分奥氏体不锈钢固溶处理、冷轧退火后的金相组织、显微织构、力学性能及成形性能,分析了奥氏体稳定性和冷轧形变诱导马氏体相变的控制规律。结果表明:14.0Cr-1.1Ni-9.2Mn-0.30Cu与13.36Cr-1.12Ni-11.2Mn不锈钢力学性能相当,固溶处理、冷轧退火后奥氏体组织再结晶充分,冷轧平均晶粒尺寸分别为12.6μm、14.0μm,显微织构为铜织构{112}<111>;14.00Cr-1.1Ni-9.2Mn-0.30Cu不锈钢的杯突值和极限拉深比分别为16.15和0.46,优于13.36Cr-1.12Ni-11.2Mn不锈钢;14.0Cr-1.1Ni-9.2Mn-0.30Cu与13.36Cr-1.12Ni-11.2Mn钢Md30/50分别为87.02℃和83.55℃,Md30/50高,则奥氏体稳定性差,形变诱导马氏体量和冷轧变形抗力大,退火后硬度高。通过将冷轧退火工艺速度由10 m/min降低至9 m...  相似文献   

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