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A map is a data structure that is commonly used to store data as key–value pairs and retrieve data as keys, values, or key–value pairs. Although Java offers different map implementation classes, Android SDK offers other implementations supposed to be more efficient than HashMap: ArrayMap and SparseArray variants (SparseArray, LongSparseArray, SparseIntArray, SparseLongArray, and SparseBooleanArray). Yet, the performance of these implementations in terms of CPU time, memory usage, and energy consumption is lacking in the official Android documentation; although saving CPU, memory, and energy is a major concern of users wanting to increase battery life. Consequently, we study the use of map implementations by Android developers in two ways. First, we perform an observational study of 5713 Android apps in GitHub. Second, we conduct a survey to assess developers’ perspective on Java and Android map implementations. Then, we perform an experimental study comparing HashMap, ArrayMap, and SparseArray variants map implementations in terms of CPU time, memory usage, and energy consumption. We conclude with guidelines for choosing among the map implementations: HashMap is preferable over ArrayMap to improve energy efficiency of apps, and SparseArray variants should be used instead of HashMap and ArrayMap when keys are primitive types.  相似文献   

Dynamic memory allocation has been used for decades. However, it has seldom been used in real-time systems since the worst case of spatial and temporal requirements for allocation and deallocation operations is either unbounded or bounded but with a very large bound. In this paper, a new allocator called TLSF (Two Level Segregated Fit) is presented. TLSF is designed and implemented to accommodate real-time constraints. The proposed allocator exhibits time-bounded behaviour, O(1), and maintains a very good execution time. This paper describes in detail the data structures and functions provided by TLSF. We also compare TLSF with a representative set of allocators regarding their temporal cost and fragmentation. Although the paper is mainly focused on timing analysis, a brief study and comparative analysis of fragmentation incurred by the allocators has been also included in order to provide a global view of the behaviour of the allocators. The temporal and spatial results showed that TLSF is also a fast allocator and produces a fragmentation close to that caused by the best existing allocators.
Alfons Crespo (Corresponding author)Email:

The allocation and disposal of memory is a ubiquitous operation in most programs. Rarely do programmers concern themselves with details of memory allocators; most assume that memory allocators provided by the system perform well. Yet, in some applications, programmers use domain-specific knowledge in an attempt to improve the speed or memory utilization of memory allocators. In this paper, we describe a program (CustoMalloc) that synthesizes a memory allocator customized for a specific application. Our experiments show that the synthesized allocators are uniformly faster and more space efficient than the Berkeley UNIX allocator. Constructing a custom allocator requires little programmer effort, usually taking only a few minutes. Experience has shown that the synthesized allocators are not overly sensitive to properties of input sets and the resulting allocators are superior even to domain-specific allocators designed by programmers. Measurements show that synthesized allocators are from two to ten times faster than widely-used allocators.  相似文献   

The performance gap between CPU and memory widens continuously. Choosing the best memory layout for each hardware architecture is increasingly important as more and more programs become memory bound. For portable codes that run across heterogeneous hardware architectures, the choice of the memory layout for data structures is ideally decoupled from the rest of a program. This can be accomplished via a zero-runtime-overhead abstraction layer, underneath which memory layouts can be freely exchanged. We present the low-level abstraction of memory access (LLAMA), a C++ library that provides such a data structure abstraction layer with example implementations for multidimensional arrays of nested, structured data. LLAMA provides fully C++ compliant methods for defining and switching custom memory layouts for user-defined data types. The library is extensible with third-party allocators. Providing two close-to-life examples, we show that the LLAMA-generated array of structs and struct of arrays layouts produce identical code with the same performance characteristics as manually written data structures. Integrations into the SPEC CPU® lbm benchmark and the particle-in-cell simulation PIConGPU demonstrate LLAMA's abilities in real-world applications. LLAMA's layout-aware copy routines can significantly speed up transfer and reshuffling of data between layouts compared with naive element-wise copying. LLAMA provides a novel tool for the development of high-performance C++ applications in a heterogeneous environment.  相似文献   

We define and prove a formal semantics divided into two complementary interacting components: the strictly linguistic (i.e. linguistically marked) semantics, we call linguistic agent (LA), and the strictly logical and referential semantics, we call rational agent (RA). This Linguistic \(\leftrightarrow \) Rational Agents’ Semantics (LRA semantics) applies to Deep Dependency trees (DD-trees) or more generally, to discourses, i.e. sequences of DD-trees, and interprets them by functional structures we call Meaning Representation Structures (MRS), similar to the DRT, but interpreted very differently. LRA semantics incrementally interprets the discourses by minimal finite models, called proto-models, in a monotonic logic of the LA and checks the proto-models with respect to the classical models of the RA. The proto-model is considered as the linguistic sense of the discourse. We define in full detail the LA which, as we believe, must be universal. On the other hand, we don’t propose a particular RA. We only define the scheme of interaction between the two agents and the stimuli of the RA used by the LA. After all, every discourse has in LRA semantics the single meaning and the single sense for every Rational Agent used to interact with the Linguistic Agent.  相似文献   

Operating systems code is often developed according to principles like simplicity, low overhead, and low memory footprint. Schedulers are no exceptions. A scheduler is usually developed with flexibility in mind, and this restricts the ability to provide real-time guarantees. Moreover, even when schedulers can provide real-time guarantees, it is unlikely that these guarantees are properly quantified using theoretical analysis that carries on to the implementation. To be able to analyze the guarantees offered by operating systems’ schedulers, we developed a publicly available tool that analyzes timing properties extracted from the execution of a set of threads and computes the lower and upper bounds to the supply function offered by the execution platform, together with information about migrations and statistics on execution times. rt-muse evaluates the impact of many application and platform characteristics including the scheduling algorithm, the amount of available resources, the usage of shared resources, and the memory access overhead. Using rt-muse, we show the impact of Linux scheduling classes, shared data and application parallelism, on the delivered computing capacity. The tool provides useful insights on the runtime behavior of the applications and scheduler. In the reported experiments, rt-muse detected some issues arising with the real-time Linux scheduler: despite having available cores, Linux does not migrate SCHED_RR threads which are enqueued behind SCHED_FIFO threads with the same priority.  相似文献   

动态内存分配器是现代应用程序重要组成部分, 它负责管理空闲内存并处理用户内存请求. 现代通用动态内存分配器能够提供较为平衡的性能与内存利用率, 但考虑到不同应用场景的内存使用情况和优化目标不同, 使用通用内存分配器并非最优解. 针对应用场景定制的专用内存分配器通常能够更好地满足系统需要, 然而编写专用内存分配器较为费时, 也容易出错. 开发者通常使用内存分配框架搭建专用动态内存分配器. 然而, 现有的内存分配框架存在抽象能力较差, 组合性与定制性不足的问题. 为此, 从函数式编程视角审视动态内存分配过程, 基于函数可组合性提出了一种可组合的定制化动态内存分配器框架榫卯. 榫卯框架将系统内存分配抽象为多个互不耦合的内存分配层级函数的组合, 这些层级函数能够扩展出策略槽, 以提供更高的定制性和组合性. 榫卯框架基于标准C实现, 依赖C预处理器的元编程特性实现层级函数组合的零性能开销. 开发者能够通过组合与定制分配器的层级函数, 快速构建出适合应用场景的内存分配器. 为了证明榫卯框架的有效性, 使用榫卯框架构建了3种不同的内存分配器实例: tlsfcc, hslab与wfslab, 其中tlsfcc针对多核嵌入式应用场景, 通过替换同步策略优化并发吞吐率; hslab是核心感知的slab式分配器, 通过定制线程缓存优化在异构硬件的性能; wfslab是低延迟的无等待/无锁分配器. 为了评估这3种内存分配器实例, 通过运行基准测试对比现有内存分配器. 实验分别在8核x86/64平台和8核异构aarch64嵌入式平台进行. 实验表明tlsfcc与原始tlsf分配器相比, 在上述两个平台上分别取得了平均1.76和1.59的加速比; 对比hslab与类似架构的tcmalloc, 它在两个平台的平均执行时间仅为tcmalloc的69.6%和85.0%; wfslab则取得了参与实验对比的内存分配器中最小的最差情况内存请求延迟, 其中包括目前最先进的无锁内存分配器mimalloc和snmalloc.  相似文献   

Many existing techniques for reversing data structures in C/C ++ binaries are limited to low-level programming constructs, such as individual variables or structs. Unfortunately, without detailed information about a program's pointer structures, forensics and reverse engineering are exceedingly hard. To fill this gap, we propose MemPick, a tool that detects and classifies high-level data structures used in stripped binaries. By analyzing how links between memory objects evolve throughout the program execution, it distinguishes between many commonly used data structures, such as singly- or doubly-linked lists, many types of trees (e.g., AVL, red-black trees, B-trees), and graphs. We evaluate the technique on 10 real world applications, 4 file system implementations and 16 popular libraries. The results show that MemPick can identify the data structures with high accuracy.  相似文献   

For the last 30 years, a large variety of memory allocators have been proposed. Since performance, memory usage and energy consumption of each memory allocator differs, software engineers often face difficult choices in selecting the most suitable approach for their applications. To this end, custom allocators are developed from scratch, which is a difficult and error-prone process. This issue has special impact in the field of portable consumer embedded systems, that must execute a limited amount of multimedia applications, demanding high performance and extensive memory usage at a low energy consumption. This paper presents a flexible and efficient simulator to study Dynamic Memory Managers (DMMs), a composition of one or more memory allocators. This novel approach allows programmers to simulate custom and general DMMs, which can be composed without incurring any additional runtime overhead or additional programming cost. We show that this infrastructure simplifies DMM construction, mainly because the target application does not need to be compiled every time a new DMM must be evaluated and because we propose a structured method to search and build DMMs in an object-oriented fashion. Within a search procedure, the system designer can choose the “best” allocator by simulation for a particular target application and embedded system. In our evaluation, we show that our scheme delivers better performance, less memory usage and less energy consumption than single memory allocators.  相似文献   

In conventional architectures, the central processing unit (CPU) spends a significant amount of execution time allocating and de-allocating memory. Efforts to improve memory management functions using custom allocators have led to only small improvements in performance. In this work, we test the feasibility of decoupling memory management functions from the main processing element to a separate memory management hardware. Such memory management hardware can reside on the same die as the CPU, in a memory controller or embedded within a DRAM chip. Using Simplescalar, we simulated our architecture and investigated the execution performance of various benchmarks selected from SPECInt2000, Olden and other memory intensive application suites.

Hardware allocator reduced the execution time of applications by as much as 50%. In fact, the decoupled hardware results in a performance improvement even when we assume that both the hardware and software memory allocators require the same number of cycles. We attribute much of this improved performance to improved cache behavior since decoupling memory management functions reduces cache pollution caused by dynamic memory management software. We anticipate that even higher levels of performance can be achieved by using innovative hardware and software optimizations. We do not show any specific implementation for the memory management hardware. This paper only investigates the potential performance gains that can result from a hardware allocator.  相似文献   

Wearable apps are becoming increasingly popular in recent years. Nevertheless, to date, very few studies have examined the issues that wearable apps face. Prior studies showed that user reviews contain a plethora of insights that can be used to understand quality issues and help developers build better quality mobile apps. Therefore, in this paper, we mine user reviews in order to understand the user complaints about wearable apps. We manually sample and categorize 2,667 reviews from 19 Android wearable apps. Additionally, we examine the replies posted by developers in response to user complaints. This allows us to determine the type of complaints that developers care about the most, and to identify problems that despite being important to users, do not receive a proper response from developers. Our findings indicate that the most frequent complaints are related to Functional Errors, Cost, and Lack of Functionality, whereas the most negatively impacting complaints are related to Installation Problems, Device Compatibility, and Privacy & Ethical Issues. We also find that developers mostly reply to complaints related to Privacy & Ethical Issues, Performance Issues, and notification related issues. Furthermore, we observe that when developers reply, they tend to provide a solution, request more details, or let the user know that they are working on a solution. Lastly, we compare our findings on wearable apps with the study done by Khalid et al. (2015) on handheld devices. From this, we find that some complaint types that appear in handheld apps also appear in wearable apps; though wearable apps have unique issues related to Lack of Functionality, Installation Problems, Connection & Sync, Spam Notifications, and Missing Notifications. Our results highlight the issues that users of wearable apps face the most, and the issues to which developers should pay additional attention to due to their negative impact.  相似文献   

Ensembles of classifiers are among the best performing classifiers available in many data mining applications, including the mining of data streams. Rather than training one classifier, multiple classifiers are trained, and their predictions are combined according to a given voting schedule. An important prerequisite for ensembles to be successful is that the individual models are diverse. One way to vastly increase the diversity among the models is to build an heterogeneous ensemble, comprised of fundamentally different model types. However, most ensembles developed specifically for the dynamic data stream setting rely on only one type of base-level classifier, most often Hoeffding Trees. We study the use of heterogeneous ensembles for data streams. We introduce the Online Performance Estimation framework, which dynamically weights the votes of individual classifiers in an ensemble. Using an internal evaluation on recent training data, it measures how well ensemble members performed on this and dynamically updates their weights. Experiments over a wide range of data streams show performance that is competitive with state of the art ensemble techniques, including Online Bagging and Leveraging Bagging, while being significantly faster. All experimental results from this work are easily reproducible and publicly available online.  相似文献   

Since large parallel machines are typically clusters of multicore nodes, parallel programs should be able to deal with both shared memory and distributed memory. This paper proposes a hybrid work stealing scheme, which combines the lifeline-based variant of distributed task pools with the node-internal load balancing of Java’s Fork/Join framework. We implemented our scheme by extending the APGAS library for Java, which is a branch of the X10 project. APGAS programmers can now spawn locality-flexible tasks with a new asyncAny construct. These tasks are transparently mapped to any resource in the overall system, so that the load is balanced over both nodes and cores. Unprocessed asyncAny-tasks can also be cancelled. In performance measurements with up to 144 workers on up to 12 nodes, we observed near linear speedups for four benchmarks and a low overhead for cancellation-related bookkeeping.  相似文献   

We compare five existing dynamic memory allocators optimized for GPUs and show their strengths and weaknesses. In the measurements, we use three generic evaluation tests proposed in the past and we add one with a real workload, where dynamic memory allocation is used in building the k‐d tree data structure. Following the performance analysis we propose a new dynamic memory allocator and its variants that address the limitations of the existing dynamic memory allocators. The new dynamic memory allocator uses few resources and is targeted towards large and variably sized memory allocations on massively parallel hardware architectures.  相似文献   

Human experts as well as autonomous agents in a referral network must decide whether to accept a task or refer to a more appropriate expert, and if so to whom. In order for the referral network to improve over time, the experts must learn to estimate the topical expertise of other experts. This article extends concepts from Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning and Active Learning to referral networks for distributed learning in referral networks. Among a wide array of algorithms evaluated, Distributed Interval Estimation Learning (DIEL), based on Interval Estimation Learning, was found to be superior for learning appropriate referral choices, compared to ??-Greedy, Q-learning, Thompson Sampling and Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) methods. In addition to a synthetic data set, we compare the performance of the stronger learning-to-refer algorithms on a referral network of high-performance Stochastic Local Search (SLS) SAT solvers where expertise does not obey any known parameterized distribution. An evaluation of overall network performance and a robustness analysis is conducted across the learning algorithms, with an emphasis on capacity constraints and evolving networks, where experts with known expertise drop off and new experts of unknown performance enter — situations that arise in real-world scenarios but were heretofore ignored.  相似文献   

In this article, a filter feature weighting technique for attribute selection in classification problems is proposed (LIA). It has two main characteristics. First, unlike feature weighting methods, it is able to consider attribute interactions in the weighting process, rather than only evaluating single features. Attribute subsets are evaluated by projecting instances into a grid defined by attributes in the subset. Then, the joint relevance of the subset is computed by measuring the information present in the cells of the grid. The final weight for each attribute is computed by taking into account its performance in each of the grids it participates. Second, many real problems contain low signal-to-noise ratios, due to instance of high noise levels, class overlap, class imbalance, or small training samples. LIA computes reliable local information for each of the cells by estimating the number of target class instances not due to chance, given a confidence value. In order to study its properties, LIA has been evaluated with a collection of 18 real datasets and compared to two feature weighting methods (Chi-Squared and ReliefF) and a subset feature selection algorithm (CFS). Results show that the method is significantly better in many cases, and never significantly worse. LIA has also been tested with different grid dimensions (1, 2, and 3). The method works best when evaluating attribute subsets larger than 1, hence showing the usefulness of considering attribute interactions.  相似文献   

Constraint-based testing (CBT) is the process of generating test cases against a testing objective by using constraint solving techniques. When programs contain dynamic memory allocation and loops, constraint reasoning becomes challenging as new variables and new constraints should be created during the test data generation process. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a new constraint model of C programs based on operators that model dynamic memory management. These operators apply powerful deduction rules on abstract states of the memory enhancing the constraint reasoning process. This allows to automatically generate test data respecting complex coverage objectives. We illustrate our approach on a well-known difficult example program that contains dynamic memory allocation/deallocation, structures and loops. We describe our implementation and provide preliminary experimental results on this example that show the highly deductive potential of the approach.  相似文献   

王伟 《微计算机信息》2007,23(16):232-234
交互型CAD系统得频繁的分配与释放内存。频繁的内存分配与释放是降低应用程序性能的重要原因。应用程序以一种默认的方式使用内存,并为不需要的功能而遭受性能的损失。我们开发了一种专用的内存管理系统,改变用来容纳对象的那块内存的分配行为,较好的解决了这个问题,显著的提高了交互型CAD的效率。  相似文献   

KIEM-PHONG VO 《Software》1996,26(3):357-374
Despite its popularity, malloc's shortcomings frequently cause programmers to code around it. The new library Vmalloc generalizes malloc to give programmers more control over memory allocation. Vmalloc introduces the idea of organizing memory into separate regions, each with a discipline to get raw memory and a method to manage allocation. Applications can write their own disciplines to manipulate arbitrary type of memory or just to better organize memory in a region by creating new regions out of its memory. The provided set of allocation methods include general purpose allocation, fast special cases and aids for memory debugging or profiling. A compatible malloc interface enables current applications to select allocation methods using environment variables so they can tune for performance or perform other tasks such as profiling memory usage, generating traces of allocation calls or debugging memory errors. A performance study comparing Vmalloc and currently popular malloc implementations shows that Vmalloc is competitive to the best of these allocators. Applications can gain further performance improvement by using the right mixture of regions with different Vmalloc methods.  相似文献   

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