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The radial wall jet is a flow configuration that combines the radial jet and the wall jet. This article presents a simulation of the radial wall jet by applying the transition Shear-Stress Transport (SST) model. Tanaka's experimental data are used for validation. The computed velocity profiles agree well with the experimental ones. The distributions of the velocity on cross-sections show a similarity in the main region and the profiles are different with those of the free radial jet or the wall jet, because the presence of the wall limits the expansion of the jet. By introducing the equivalent nozzle width, the maximum velocity decays and the half-width distributions are normalized, respectively. In addition to compare the flow field with experiments, this paper also analyzes the dilution effect of radial wall jets in terms of the concentration distributions. The concentrations on the wall keep constant within a certain distance from the nozzle. And the concentration distributions also show a similarity in the main region. Both the decays of the maximum concentration and the distributions of the concentration half-width fall into a single curve, respectively. The dilution effect of radial wall jets is thus verified.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONWhen a momentumjet is issuing vertically orhorizontally into a steady ambient cross-flow, amomentumjet in cross-flowis formed as shown inFig .1 .The phenomena canfrequently foundin na-ture ,as well as inindustrial projects .Examples in-clud…  相似文献   

The interaction between a plane wall jet and a parallel offset jet is studied through the Large Eddy Simulation (LES).In order to compare with the related experimental data,the offset ratio is set to be 1.0 and the Reynolds number Re is 1.0×10 4 with respect to the jet height L and the exit velocity 0 U.The Finite Volume Method (FVM) with orthogonal-mesh (6.17×10 6 nodes) is used to discretize governing equations.The large eddies are obtained directly,while the small eddies are simulated by using the Dynamic Smagorinsky-Lily Model (DSLM) and the Dynamic Kinetic energy Subgrid-scale Model (DKSM).Comparisons between computational results and experimental data show that the DKSM is especially effective in predicting the mean stream-wise velocity,the half-width of the velocity and the decay of the maximum velocity.The variations of the mean stream-wise velocity and the turbulent intensity at several positions are also obtained,and their distributions agree well with the measurements.The further analysis of dilute characteristics focuses on the tracer concentration,such as the distributions of the concentration (i.e.,0 C /C or /m C C),the boundary layer thickness δ c and the half-width of the concentration c b,the decay of the maximum concentration (0 /m C C) along the downstream direction.The turbulence mechanism is also analyzed in some aspects,such as the coherent structure,the correlation function and the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the fluctuating velocity.The results show that the interaction between the two jets is strong near the jet exit and they are fully merged after a certain distance.  相似文献   

A theoretical study has been undertaken to determine the flow characteristics associated with a three-dimensional laminar impinging jet issuing from a square pipe nozzle. Interesting flow structures around the jet are detected. The numerical result reveals the existence of four streamwise velocity off-center peaks near the impingement plate, which is different from the rectangular jet impingement. The mechanism of the formation of the off-center velocity peaks and the parameters affecting the flow-field characteristics are discussed by comparison of the computed results with different nozzle-to-plate spacings and Reynolds numbers.  相似文献   

A type of port with a movable cover is designed to increase initial dilution andprevent sea water and sediments from intruding into outfall systems.Horizontal radial jets pro-duced by this type of port in a current are investigated experimentally and theoretically.Theanalysis based on Reynolds'equations and self-similarity hypothesis shows that the maximum ve-locity of radial jets decays with r~(-1.5).The relationships between the width,thickness,average di-lution of a submerged wastefield along flow,and the parameters of the port,jet and ambient areestablished quantitatively and verified by experiments.It is demonstrated that the dilution ofhorizontal radial jets is much higher than that of vertical round jets and the surface boil point ofthe former is much more distant than that of the latter.  相似文献   

NUMERICALSIMULATIONSOFWHOLEFIELDBEHAVIORFORROUNDBUOYANTJETLiWei,HuaiWen-xin(WuhanUniversityofHydraulicandElectricEngineering,...  相似文献   

SCOUROFFINESEDIMENTBYATURBULENTWALLJETLiWen-xue(InstituteofHydraulicResearch,YellowRiverConservancyCommission,Zhengzhou,45000...  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of experimental results.the rock damage model and the damage coupling model suitable for the whole rock breaking process with water jet were established with continuous damage mechanics and micro damage mechanics, and the numerical method was developed with continuum mechanics and the FEM theory. The rock breaking mechanism with water jet was studied systematically with numerical simulation for the first time in the field of water-jet rock breaking. The numerical results agree with the experimental ones which shows that the presented method is reasonable and can reflect the reality of water-jet rock breaking. The conclusion can be applied in practice.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONJetflowwidelyexistsinengineering ,thencethestudyofthiskindofflowisveryim portantintheoryandpractice ,andmuchworkhasbeendoneforthecharacteristics ,numeri calmodelsaswellasthecontrolofthejetflow [1 ]   .Yetuntilnowmuchattentionhasbeenpaidtotheje…  相似文献   

The horizontal migration of proppant was numerically investigated with a two-fluid model, in which the interaction between fracturing fluid and proppant, along with that among proppants was taken into account through interphase forces. The migration process and the volumetric concentration of the proppant were examined under various conditions, and the averaged volumetric concentration of the proppant was obtained. The present research might be useful in the process design of the hydraulic fracturing in the oilfields.  相似文献   

The correlation, the spectrum and the turbu-lent scale between wall fluctuating pressure and fluctuating ve-locity, on the bed of plunging pool under the action of single and twin impinging jet, are investigated in the paper by using 2-D LDA and the dynamic pressure scanning system of multi-ple points. It is found that the cross correlation between the horizontal fluctuating velocity and the fluctuating pressure of twin jet is bigger than that of sinlge jet, and the spectrum be-tween horizontal fluctuating velocity and fluctuating pressure obviously has approximately dominant frequency. The rela-tionship between the fluctuation pressure coefficient on wall and the turbulent intensity near the wall can be described with logarithmic curve.  相似文献   

通过将加筋挡墙结构离散成土体单元、格栅单元和接触单元,采用三维快速拉格朗日分析(FLAC3D)有限差分程序对土工格栅加筋挡墙进行了数值计算,得出了挡墙变形分布规律和筋材的受力性状.结果表明此方法合理,具有一定的实用性.  相似文献   

By using the Reynolds Stress Closure Model (RSM), turbulent Counter-Gradient-Transport (CGT) phenomenon was numerically investigated in asymmetric flow with a jet, and the computational results were compared with experimental data. The computational results show that the negative turbulent energy production only appears at some certain stations in CGT region, this fact indicates that the CGT phenomenon exists more widely than the negative turbulent energy production; while the CGT region exists all along, it gradually shrinks in the favorable pressure gradient zone until the position of the wing central part is reached, where it vanishes, but it appears in the adverse pressure gradient region in addition, the location in the flow where uυ = 0 switched sides, relative to where aU/au = 0, from favorable pressure gradient to adverse pressure gradient. The pressure gradient takes an important effect on the region of negative turbulent energy production and CGT.  相似文献   

This is a study on the mass transport of a solute or contaminant in oscillating flows through a circular tube with a reactive wall layer. The reaction consists of a reversible component due to phase exchange between the flowing fluid and the wall layer, and an irreversible component due to absorption into the wall. The short-time dispersion characteristics are numerically investigated, incorporating the coupling effects between the flow oscillation, sorption kinetics, and retardation due to phase partitioning. The effects of various dimensionless parameters e.g., Da (the Damköhler number), α (phase partitioning number), Γ(dimensionless absorption number), and δ(dimensionless Stokes boundary layer number) on dispersion are discussed. In particular, it is found that there exist trinal peaks of the breakthrough curves in some cases.  相似文献   

振动切槽法造防渗墙是堤防防渗加固处理的一种新的施工方法,它在长江九江永安大堤加固工程中得以应用,详细介绍了振动切槽法原理、质量控制、质量检测等,实践证明,此项技术具有质量可靠,墙体整体性好,施工进度快等优点,值得推广。  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONThecharacteristicsofflowfieldandenergydissipationinplungepoolareofpracticalimportancefordamengineering.Theareationhasimportanteffectsontheflowinplungepool[1] .Intheconventionalmathematicalmodelsofwaterflowinhydraulicengineering,theare…  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONJet impingement flows are frequently used in industrial practice for their high rate ofheat and mass transfer.Their employment is common but also diverse and typical applica-tions includemany heating,cooling and drying processessuch asthe manufacturing of print-ed wiring board,printing processes,production of foodstuffs,de-icing of aircraft wings,cooling of electronic elements and package and cooling of turbine aerofoils.The high heattransfer rate are especially needed to a…  相似文献   

In the present study, a new algorithm based on the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method is developed to simulate the hydrodynamic characteristics on an arc crown wall. Structured grids are generated by the coordinate transform method in an arbitrary complex region. The Navier-Stokes equations for two-dimensional incompressible viscous flows are discretized in the Body Fitted Coordinate (BFC) system. The transformed SIMPLE algorithm is proposed to modify the pressure-velocity field and a transformed VOF method is used to trace the free surface. Hydrodynamic characteristics on an arc crown wall are obtained by the improved numerical model based on the BFC system (BFC model). The velocity field, the pressure field and the time profiles of the water surface near the arc crown wall obtained by using the BFC model and the Cartesian model are compared. The BFC model is verified by experimental results.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONThesimulationofstreamwatertemperatureissignificantlyimportantforthestudyofnumericalmodelingofrivericeprocesses[1] .Historically,themathematicalmodelingofthetransportandfateofheatinawaterbodyhasbeenthesubjectofextensivestudyforvariousre…  相似文献   

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