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杨春宇 《四川建筑》1997,17(2):24-25
厨房、卫生间是住宅的核心,它们对住宅的功能与质量起关键作用,也体现一个国家的文明程度,越来越受到人们的重视。我国也将厨房、卫生间列为当前住宅设计、科研重点。但是,厨房、卫生间因功能不同而形成的使用者审美要求方面的差异,还没有引起设计师们足够重视。1.厨房功能加工食品是厨房的主要炊事功能,炊事行为从购物开始到清除垃圾终止。炊事功能的主要内容有贮藏、清洗、配餐、烹任、备餐到餐后清理。炊事行为的基本过程是:将购物整理后分类贮存,然后进行摘理、清洗、配餐、烹任、备餐、进餐、餐后清洗、贮藏,这一过程作为一…  相似文献   

严寒地区农村住宅厨房空间优化策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厨房是农村住宅中的重要空间,受气候特征、文化风俗、经济情况及技术条件等多方面因素影响,严寒地区农村住宅厨房在空间布局和使用功能上具有特殊性。通过对严寒地区农村住宅传统格局的系统梳理,分析严寒地区农村住宅厨房空间格局特征与现状问题,探讨利于功能使用和空间整合的厨房空间布局形式,研究其布局的影响因素并针对严寒地区农村住宅的不同平面布局及厨房形式提出适应严寒气候特征、尊重地方传统生活风俗、改善室内卫生环境、可逐步更新完善并且考虑适应未来发展趋势的厨房空间优化设计。  相似文献   

厨房设计的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小康不小康,关键看住房。在现代住宅中,厨房的地位已显得越来越重要,厨房的功能,从过去单一的烹调行为发展为集仓储、加工、清洗、烹任和配餐等多种功能于一体的综合服务空间。随着现代生活节奏的加快,人们生活水平的提高及消费观念、生活习惯的改变,减轻劳动强度、缩短操作时间、降低厨房污染,已成为厨房设计的研究课题。调查表明,由于早期的住宅设计,只注重卧室及客厅的设计,厨房和卫生间则被看作是住宅的附属品而不加以重视,致使厨房设计存在着这样或那样的问题,距小康住宅的标准有相当大的距离,远不能适应人们对现代生活的…  相似文献   

当前,我国的住宅建设正在向“小康型”住宅发展。住宅中“住得好”的重要因素,除卫生间外,厨房的设计也是与人们的居住行为紧密相连的,它也是住宅设计水平的标志之一,是居住文明程度的重要体现。 从前,老式住宅中只能为人们提供一个做饭场所,没有任何配套设施,乌烟瘴气的厨房再也不能被现代人所接受。小康型住宅中的厨房应是一个功能复杂、配套  相似文献   

王萧  林立 《上海建材》1996,(6):32-33
厨房在住宅中是必不可少的生活辅助空间。据统计,它的使用时间几乎占住宅使用时间的三分之一。因此设计、装修好厨房是创造良好生活环境的重要内容之一。 现代厨房通过合理设计可将电饭锅、煤气灶、烤箱、冰箱、洗涤池、抽油烟机等有机组织在一个理想的厨房空间之中。厨房功能大致可分为三大区:贮存区、准备区和烹饪区。贮存区是贮存食品和餐具,冰箱是最主要设备,其次是各类餐具存放柜;准备区是食品加工、餐具、食品  相似文献   

1 建设部《住宅厨房卫生间设计通则》修编工作会议在京召开,2 “第十六届国际制冷、空调、供嘎、通风及食品冷冻加工展览会”在北京举办,3 山西省举办“绿色建筑与住宅环境设计”学术讲座活动,4 天津市召开《住宅厨房卫生间变压式排风道应用技术规程》标准宣贯会……  相似文献   

目前,大家对厨房设计较为一致的主张是:基本上按户设置厨房,部分可以两家合用。但是,厨房的面积多大合适,内部应有哪些设施,大家的看法却还不完全一致。因而,反映在设计上就有种种不同的处理,其中有些问题很值得深入研究。现在,我们试图从一些初步的调查研究出发,提出以下两点不成熟的意见,供设计者参考。 一、基本家俱设备及操作活动需要占用的空间 厨房的布置与不同的住宅类型、户型有关,同时还受到住宅的标准、不同地区的自然条件及技术条件、地区传统习惯等因素的影响。但无论如何,它都必须满足基本的功能要求。所以,厨房的设计应从安排基本家俱设备及操作活动空间着手。  相似文献   

随着中国住宅的商品化程度不断提高,单一供暖的模式被打破,多种供暖方式应运而生、然而,作为住宅产品步入市场不可缺少的一部分——供暖,如何满足人们对住宅产品的多层次、多样化需求,面对我国供暖行业的现状,有如下问题值得思考。  相似文献   

给排水系统是住宅建筑中重要的配套设备,它与人们的生活可以说息息相关,也因此它受到人们越来越多的关注,甚至有"生活在厨房、卫生间"之说。因此给排水系统的设计和施工是否合理将关系到居民生活的质量,关系到整个建筑的质量水平,不可小觑。本文主要阐述了城市住宅中给排水设计中管道的设置、地漏设置及噪声控制等问题。  相似文献   

以黄山地区为例,通过对该地区新中式住宅与徽州传统民居之间的关联性进行分析研究,试图探讨现代新中式住宅应该如何继承和发展传统民居的特色文化,使其能够更加贴近人们的生活需求,丰富现代新中式住宅的设计思路。  相似文献   

In Chinese commercial kitchens, a large amount of moisture and heat is produced and must be removed, which can require ventilation rates resulting in huge levels of energy consumption. Excessive airflow rates can increase unnecessary energy consumption and system life-cycle costs. For many middle and small scale commercial kitchens in China, the indoor, thermal environment is far worse than acceptable levels. The use of an efficient kitchen hood is essential to ensure a comfortable working environment and better energy conservation. In this study, many types of hood shapes and side panels were developed to improve the capture efficiency of traditional Chinese style cooking hoods. The arrangement of the exhaust ducts was also investigated. Basic site tests and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis were conducted. The simulated results showed that increasing hood volume did not improve capture performance. However, side panels did improve the capture efficiency, especially at higher positions. In addition, when the exhaust opening was located at the rear of the hood, the hood capture efficiency improvement was enhanced.  相似文献   

根据澳门商业厨房的特点,提出商业厨房的安全设计措施。合理地布置厨房内的燃气设施,选用配置熄火保护装置的燃具,建立可靠的联动系统及高效的油烟制控系统,以保证厨房场所的安全。  相似文献   

刘元  张晓辉 《山西建筑》2009,35(2):67-68
通过对目前我国普遍存在的两种厨房形式的室内热特征及过程的叙述和分析,较全面的总结出影响目前住宅建筑厨房室内热环境的各种因素,并提出一些可以解决这些问题的方法,以期能够改善目前我国住宅建筑厨房热环境,从而创造一种新型的、舒适的厨房空间。  相似文献   

分析了目前大多数酒店厨房通风空调系统普遍存在的问题,阐述了酒店厨房采用局部送风加全面通风及选用直接蒸发式降温换气机作为厨房降温换气设备的设计方案,并提出了目前排风管道的设计普遍存在的安全隐患及解决的措施。  相似文献   

The link between the kitchen and the image of a professional housewife was established in the first half of the twentieth century when industrial efficiency pervaded every aspect of society, including the privacy of the home. However, the initial application of efficiency principles in the home had been realised at an earlier stage by the introduction of more efficient means of communication between 'upstairs' and 'downstairs' in nineteenth-century upper-class households. The subsequent shortage of servants propelled all kinds of initiatives, not only collective district kitchens and apartment hotels, but also efficient kitchen designs fit for lonesome heroines, being middle-class housewives. The efficiency of step-saving kitchen designs, however, was thwarted by the position of the kitchen in the back of the house and the omission of a separate supplier's entrance. The absence of a separate supplier's entrance to the kitchen in combination with a provisioning system of daily door-to-door delivery forced housewives to run up and down the hallway to answer the door for suppliers and bill-collectors. In a period roughly between the late 1960s and the early 1980s the traditional floorplans of middle-class houses were restructured, inspired by the then-modern ideal of open plan living. The creation of spacious living freed women from their isolated position in the kitchen. Not only the outlook of kitchen cabinets was adjusted to the homey style of the living, but also kitchen duties were adjusted and integrated into a shared homelife on the ground floor. In this family theatre actors competed for visibility and applause.  相似文献   

Edwards RD  Liu Y  He G  Yin Z  Sinton J  Peabody J  Smith KR 《Indoor air》2007,17(3):189-203
In 2001-2003, a team of researchers from the United States and China performed an independent, multidisciplinary review of China's National Improved Stove Program carried out since the 1980s. As part of a 3500-household survey, a subsample of 396 rural households were monitored for particulate matter less than 4 microm (PM(4)) in kitchens and living rooms over 24 h, of which 159 were measured in both summer and winter. Carbon monoxide was measured in a 40% subsample. The results of this indoor air quality (IAQ) component indicate that for nearly all household stove or fuel groupings, PM(4) levels were higher than - and sometimes more than twice as high as - the national PM(10) standard for indoor air (150 microg PM(10)/m(3)). If these results are typical, then a large fraction of China's rural population is now chronically exposed to levels of pollution far higher than those determined by the Chinese government to harm human health. Further, we observed highly diverse fuel usage patterns in these regions in China, supporting the observations in the household survey of multiple stoves being present in many kitchens. Improved stoves resulted in reduced PM(4) from biomass fuel combinations, but still not at levels that meet standards, and little improvement was observed in indoor pollution levels when other unimproved stoves were present in the same kitchen. As many households change fuels according to daily and seasonal factors, resulting in different seasonal concentrations in living rooms and kitchens, assessing health implications from fuel use requires longitudinal evaluation of fuel use and IAQ levels, combined with accurate time-activity information. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Leaving aside the difficult issue of enforcement, it is uncertain whether Chinese household IAQ standards represent realistic objectives for current attainment given current patterns of energy consumption in rural China, which rely so heavily on unprocessed solid fuels. Even when used with chimneys, these fuels emit substantial pollution into the household environment. It is probable that low-emission technologies involving gaseous/liquid fuels or high combustion - efficiency biomass stoves need to be promoted in order to achieve these standards for the greater part of the population.  相似文献   

The link between the kitchen and the image of a professional housewife was established in the first half of the twentieth century when industrial efficiency pervaded every aspect of society, including the privacy of the home. However, the initial application of efficiency principles in the home had been realised at an earlier stage by the introduction of more efficient means of communication between 'upstairs' and 'downstairs' in nineteenth-century upper-class households. The subsequent shortage of servants propelled all kinds of initiatives, not only collective district kitchens and apartment hotels, but also efficient kitchen designs fit for lonesome heroines, being middle-class housewives. The efficiency of step-saving kitchen designs, however, was thwarted by the position of the kitchen in the back of the house and the omission of a separate supplier's entrance. The absence of a separate supplier's entrance to the kitchen in combination with a provisioning system of daily door-to-door delivery forced housewives to run up and down the hallway to answer the door for suppliers and bill-collectors. In a period roughly between the late 1960s and the early 1980s the traditional floorplans of middle-class houses were restructured, inspired by the then-modern ideal of open plan living. The creation of spacious living freed women from their isolated position in the kitchen. Not only the outlook of kitchen cabinets was adjusted to the homey style of the living, but also kitchen duties were adjusted and integrated into a shared homelife on the ground floor. In this family theatre actors competed for visibility and applause.  相似文献   

文章论述了FX厨房中央供热系统的原理、特点,分析和介绍了各种厨房用热设备的耗能状况和示范项目。  相似文献   

Maria  Nystrom  王瀛 《人类居住》2006,(2):22-23
诺贝尔文学奖获得者V.S.奈保尔描述的状况今天在许多发展中国家依然存在。毕竟,厨房在家庭中发挥着非常重要的作用。追溯至原始人类住区的某些最古老的考古遗址,有史以来,厨房的作用就一直如此重要。尽管这样,一直以来,建筑师、工程师和居民都忽视了厨房的作用。  相似文献   

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