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This study analyzes the impact of an electricity grid interconnection between Korea and Japan on their energy systems. Both countries seriously consider energy security as the most important policy issue because of a lack of domestic energy resources. In addition, public concern for the environment is recently rising up in response to the global warming. Electricity grid interconnection has strong potential to cope with such complicated problems cost-effectively. We have developed the interconnection model, which includes the electricity grid interconnection between the electricity sectors of Korea and Japan, considering both technological and economic efficiency. The result of the study reveals the significant cost-effectiveness of the interconnection, in particular, under stringent condition such as nuclear phase-out in Japan and CO2 emission target in Korea and Japan. In the case that Japan's nuclear power plants will be phased out, the interconnection attains further cost reduction of constructing substitutive thermal power plants. On the other hand, when Korea and Japan set a joint CO2 emission target, it achieves the emission target more efficiently than they reduce the emission individually.  相似文献   

Over the decades, the consumption of all types of energy such as electricity increased rapidly in Iran. Therefore, the government decided to redevelop its nuclear program to meet the rising electricity demand and decrease consumption of fossil fuels. In this paper, the effect of this policy in four major aspects of energy sustainability in the country, including energy price, environmental issues, energy demand and energy security have been verified. To investigate the relative cost of electricity generated in each alternative generator, the simple levelized electricity cost was selected as a method. The results show that electricity cost in fossil fuel power plants presumably will be cheaper than nuclear. Although the usage of nuclear reactor to generate power is capable of decreasing hazardous emissions into the environment, there are many other effective policies and technologies that can be implemented. Energy demand growth in the country is very high; neither nuclear nor fossil fuel cannot currently cope with the growth. So, the only solution is rationalizing energy demand by price amendment and encouraging energy efficiency. The major threats of energy security in Iran are high energy consumption growth and economic dependency on crude oil export. Though nuclear energy including its fuel cycle is Iran's assured right, constructing more nuclear power plants will not resolve the energy sustainability problems. In fact, it may be the catalyst for deterioration since it will divert capital and other finite resources from top priority and economic projects such as energy efficiency, high technology development and energy resources management.  相似文献   

The combination of the ambitious German greenhouse gas reduction goals in the power sector and the nuclear phase-out raises many questions concerning the operational security of the German electricity generation system. This paper focusses on the technical feasibility (electricity generation and transmission) and CO2-impact of the German nuclear phase-out on the short term (2012–2022).A detailed electricity generation simulation model is employed, including the German transmission grid and its international connections. A range of different conventional and renewable energy sources (RES) scenarios is considered. Results are presented for the change in generation mix, on the flows on the transmission network and on operational reliability issues.The scenario analysis shows that nuclear generation will be replaced mainly by coal- and lignite-based generation. This increases the CO2-intensity of the German electricity sector. Furthermore, the results indicate that the German electricity export will decrease and under certain circumstances, the system becomes infeasible. Keeping some nuclear power plants online, would mitigate these effects. The amount of electricity generated from RES is shown to be the main driver for grid congestion.  相似文献   

With the increasing demand for electricity, more and more fossil fuels are used to generate electricity which leads to energy shortage and environmental pollution. Therefore, using Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) and developing sustainable smart grid have become a common global priority: Since RESs, like solar and wind energy, are inherently unstable, hydrogen energy, as a completely clean new energy, has received widespread attention: I-Energy, which combines information and energy, is a new research direction in smart grid. Furthermore, the household electricity usage accounts for 41% of the total power consumption. Therefore, Household Intelligent Electricity System (HIES), combining hydrogen energy and i-Energy, becomes smart solutions. In this paper, we review the scientific literature for hydrogen energy and i-Energy on HIES, including recognition of electricity appliances, establishment of power consumption model, human activity analysis, smart interactive terminal, home energy management system, distributed power supply and district coordinated power utilization. Finally, we summarize the challenges and give the solutions concerning HIES, and this work can give a useful reference to new energy used model and environment protection.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) plants’ current operations after electricity system reforms and variable renewable energy (VRE) installations in Japan. PHES plants have historically been developed to create electricity demand at night in order to operate base load power plants, such as nuclear power plants, in stable conditions. Therefore, many PHES plants are located midway between nuclear power plants and large demand areas. However, all nuclear power plants had to - at least temporarily - shut down after the Great East Japan Earthquake followed by a nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi in 2011, and renewable energy power plants have been deployed rapidly after the introduction of a feed-in-tariff (FIT) scheme. Therefore, PHES plants are being used to mitigate fluctuations of VRE, especially in areas where renewable energy has been significantly installed. The daily highest capacity ratio of PHES plants in Kyushu area has recorded three times higher than it in the other areas where the past operating mode is still conducted. But those operations on PHES plants are simply followed as a dispatch rule of the Organization for Cross- regional Coordination of Transmission Operators (OCCTO), market-based operations have not been conducted enough yet. The market design shall be changed to harmonize VRE installation and PHES plants’ operations are necessary to make the transition from the past operating mode of PHES plants across Japan.  相似文献   

崔磊 《中外能源》2011,(9):27-33
美国国内在是否利用核能发电这个问题上一直存在争议,拥核派和反核派的分歧主要是在核电成本是否高、核能是否安全以及核能是否属于清洁能源等方面。受日本核危机影响,美国核能辩论的重点转向核能安全,主要围绕核电站抵御自然灾害的能力、核废料储存、是否应该新建核电站以及延长现有核电站运营期限等问题展开。由于历次重大核事故后,新建核电站成本势必上升,加之美国各州新建核电站积极性不高,国际大环境也不利于拥核派,同时核能面临化石能源和可再生能源的激烈竞争,因此短期内美国核能开发步伐势必会放慢。但是从长期看,核能仍将是美国能源战略的重点之一,究其原因,发展核能是美国能源安全与经济发展的需要,也是应对气候变化的需要,另外,拥核派的积极游说和公关行动、反核派内部立场出现分化以及日本核危机的长期影响有限等也都是其原因之一。我国是世界上在建核反应堆数量最多的国家,但是围绕核能的公开辩论却很少,这不利于我国核能的开发。核能的辩论过程,也是核能知识普及的过程,只有对核能有深入全面的认识,才能减少对核能非理性的恐惧。我国绝不能因为一次核事故而改变战略方向,而应在吸取教训的基础上,在保证绝对安全的前提下,继续发展核能。  相似文献   

The International Atomic Energy Agency reports that as of July 2009 there were 52 countries interested in building their first nuclear power plant. This paper characterizes and evaluates these “Newcomer Countries” in terms of their capacity and motivations to develop nuclear power. It quantifies factors historically associated with the development of nuclear energy programs and then benchmarks the Newcomers against these data. Countries with established nuclear power programs, particularly where nuclear facilities are privately owned, are typically larger, wealthier and politically stable economies with high government effectiveness. Nuclear power was historically launched during periods of high electricity consumption growth. Other indicators for the potential of nuclear power include: the size of the national grid, the presence of international grid connections and security of fuel supply for electricity production. We identify 10 Newcomers which most closely resemble the Established Nuclear Power Countries and thus are most likely to deploy nuclear energy, 10 countries where the development of nuclear energy is uncertain due to high political instability, 14 countries with lower capacities where pursuing nuclear energy may require especially strong international cooperation and 18 countries where the development of nuclear power is less likely due to their significantly lower capacities and motivations.  相似文献   

The authors address: market considerations, including forecasts for the development of electricity supply in the United Kingdom with cost of electricity from new plant; investments for the development of hydro resources in Iceland, supply of submarine cables, overhead transmission lines, and rectifier/inverter plant; marine environment, installation of cables, and cable repair; rectifier/inverter station equipment; high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) overhead transmission lines; and overall availability of the link. It is shown that: there should be no major difficulties in the manufacture and laying of submarine cables of the length and type necessary for the link; the availability of the connection should be at least equal to that of a new coal or nuclear plant; and the cost of energy delivered would be very competitive with that from new coal or nuclear power stations  相似文献   

This study analyzes how the substitution of fossil fuels for nuclear power due to the shutdown of nuclear power plants after the Tohoku Earthquake affects electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in Japan. Results indicate that Japan generated 4.3 million metric tons (or 0.3%, with a 95% confidence interval) of additional CO2 emissions in 2011 following the earthquake. The increase in CO2 emissions stemmed from the combined effects of decreased electricity consumption due to energy conservation efforts and the substitution of fossil fuels for nuclear power following the Tohoku Earthquake. Results also show considerable spatial variation in the impacts of the earthquake on net CO2 emissions. A majority of the prefectures (40 of 47 prefectures, or 85%) were predicted to experience higher CO2 emissions after the Tohoku Earthquake while the remaining (7 prefectures) were predicted to experience lower CO2 emissions. Our findings suggest that Japan and countries under similar risks may want to reformulate energy policy by emphasizing utilization of diverse power and energy sources, including more renewable energy production and electricity conservation. The policy reform should also consider spatial variation in the combined effects of reduced reliance on nuclear power and increased CO2 conversion factors.  相似文献   

The Fukushima nuclear accident in March 2011 has increased social and political reluctance to embrace nuclear power in Japan (and elsewhere). The Japanese government has thus been considering four possible future energy mixes, including a nuclear-free pathway, and three others with 10%–35% nuclear supply coupled with a larger proportion of renewable energy and fossil fuels to replace nuclear. Here we use multi-criteria decision-making analysis (MCDMA) to assess the potential negative economic (levelised cost of electricity, and energy security), environmental (greenhouse-gas emissions, land transformation, water consumption, heated water discharge, air pollution, radioactive waste, and solid waste) and social (safety issues) impacts of the four proposed pathways to determine which scenario most holistically minimises adverse future outcomes. The nuclear-free pathway has the highest overall potential for adverse outcomes (score=2.49 out of 3), and the 35% nuclear power supply option yielding the lowest negative impact score (0.74) without weightings. Despite some sensitivity to the choice of criterion weights, our analyses demonstrate clearly that from an empirical perspective, a nuclear-free pathway for Japan is the worst option to pursue. We recommend that MCDMA methodology we used for Japan can be applied to other countries to evaluate future electricity generation scenarios.  相似文献   

The Swiss electricity system is dominated by low-carbon hydro and nuclear generation. The Government's decision to phase-out nuclear energy exacerbates Switzerland's climate change mitigation goals. Response to this challenge requires systemic changes to the energy system, which is generally a long-term, uncertain and systemic process, affected by technology choices across the entire energy system. A comprehensive Swiss TIMES Energy system Model (STEM) with high temporal detail has been developed for the analysis of plausible low-carbon energy pathways focusing on uncertainties related to policy (climate change mitigation and acceptability of new centralised electricity generation) and international fuel prices. Increasing electrification of end-uses is seen across the scenarios, resulting in continuous growth in electricity demands. The electrification of heating and e-mobility substitute direct use of fossil fuels in end-use sectors and contribute to a significant carbon dioxide emission (CO2) reduction. Centralised gas power plants and renewables become key source of electricity supply. Given the phaseout of nuclear generation, clear policy signals are required to ensure capacity is built to achieve a low-carbon energy system. At the same time, it is also essential to ensure consistency between the electricity sector and end-use energy policies. For the long-term carbon reduction target, some non-cost-effective conservation measures are important early in the period because they are available only at the time of building renovation.  相似文献   

Following on from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, the Japanese government is now in the throes of reviewing its power policy. Under continuing policies of economic revival and greenhouse gas reduction, it is crucial to consider scenarios for the country to realize reliable, low‐carbon, and economic electricity systems in the future. On the other hand, the social acceptance of nuclear power will affect the final political decision significantly. Therefore, in the present study, proposed power generation scenarios in Japan in light of the Fukushima accident were reviewed comprehensively from economic, environmental, technological, resource, security, and social perspectives. The review concludes that in Japan, (i) renewable energy mainly solar and wind needs to be developed as fast as possible subject to various constraints, (ii) more gas power plants will be used to absorb the fluctuations of intermittent renewable energy and supply electricity gap, (iii) nuclear power will be reduced in the future, but a 0% nuclear power scenario by 2030 is unlikely to be a reasonable choice on most measures and (iv) the effective communication with the public is vital important. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

日本新能源的发展趋势会对全球的能源变革产生巨大作用。从第一次石油危机至今,日本的新能源无论是总量还是在能源结构中所占的份额都有了质的飞跃,这不仅是因为新能源的技术和设备有了长足进步,更重要的是来自日本政府能源政策的支持,但2011年的福岛核危机将彻底改变日本的能源格局。日本政府宣布将中止核电发展计划,可再生能源将成为下一步能源发展战略的核心。然而日本的规模化可再生能源过程也面临着如何弥补核电站退役后的电力缺口、国土面积狭小、电网网架薄弱以及因电价过高导致的巨额补贴费用等诸多困难。与此同时也给日本带来了新的发展机遇,可再生能源将成为日本经济新的增长点。日本核危机使全球核能遭遇低潮期,而可再生能源将迎来新的发展机遇,这有可能催生第三次产业革命。同时也认识到,能源来源的过于单一化使得能源风险加剧,需要建立健全的、快速的能源应急机制,加大国际间能源合作,突破能源技术壁垒。此次日本核危机促使中国反思自身的核电发展策略。中国具有丰富的可再生能源资源,当前应抓住这一发展机遇,加大产品技术含量,切勿盲目扩大生产规模,同时拓展非主流型可再生能源生产设备市场。政府要把握整体布局,避免出现区域性生产"过度"。  相似文献   

In Europe, environmental and economic considerations are driving a revolution in power transmission and distribution. Specifically of interest to this paper, utility companies are increasingly using information and communication technology (ICT) to increase the efficiency and reliability of the grid, as well as to incorporate smaller-scale sources of intermittent wind and solar power into our electricity supply. This should have a positive effect on Europe's energy policy objectives. However, developments in the field of international security have made clear that increased reliance on ICT within the electricity sector will create new vulnerabilities that may undermine these gains.  相似文献   

Hydrogen energy carriers such as liquid hydrogen (LH2), methylcyclohexane (MCH), and ammonia (NH3) are promising energy vectors in the clean energy systems currently being developed. However, their effectiveness in mitigating environmental emissions must be assessed by life cycle analyses throughout the supply chain. In this study, while focusing on hydrogen energy carriers, life cycle inventory analyses were conducted to estimate CO2 emissions from the following types of power generation plants in Japan: a hydrogen (H2) mono-firing power plant using LH2 or MCH that originated from overseas renewable electricity; and NH3 co-firing with fossil fuel and NH3 mono-firing power plants using hydrogen energy carriers that originated from overseas natural gas or renewable electricity. Parameters related to the supply chains were collected by literature surveys, and the Japanese life cycle inventory database was primarily used to calculate the emissions. From the results, CO2 hotspots of the target supply chains and potential measures are identified that become necessary to establish low-carbon supply chains.  相似文献   

从标准看智能电网的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前世界各国在什么是智能电网、如何推进智能电网的发展等方面并没有达成一致意见。美国设想的未来电力系统是一个完全自动化的电力传输网络,能够保证从电厂到终端用户整个输配电过程中所有节点之间的信息和电能的双向流动。欧洲智能电网技术平台的目标是提高输配电系统的效率、安全性和可靠性,消除大规模集成配网与可再生能源的障碍。日本将主要以大规模开发太阳能等新能源、确保电网系统稳定作为智能电网建设的主要思路。结合中国的实际情况,我国智能电网业务框架应包含发电、输变电、配电、用户、运行、服务提供者、电力市场及统一信息平台等8个领域。现有标准与智能电网之间存在差距,主要体现在需求响应和电力市场、广域状态测量、电力存储、电力传输、AMI系统、配网管理等6个方面。其中,一部分差距已经有了清晰的发展方向和解决思路;而另一部分的具体发展方向和解决思路尚不明确。智能电网相关标准的开发需要以具体项目实施为载体,标准体系是否完备需要通过具体项目检验和修订,同时具体项目的顺利实施也有赖于标准体系的约束和规范。针对中国某省级电网的特殊性和典型性,建议其智能电网的发展,一是应重点关注标准研究方向,二是由此引出的示范工程项目。  相似文献   

In Lithuania, the generation of electricity is based on the nuclear energy and on the fossil fuels. After the decommissioning of Ignalina nuclear power plant in 2009, the Lithuanian Power Plant and other thermal plants will become the major sources of electricity. Consequently, the Lithuanian power sector must focus on the implementation of renewable energy projects, penetration of new technologies and on consideration of the future opportunities for renewables, and Government policy for promoting this kind of energy. Production of electricity from renewable energy is based on hydro, biomass and wind energy resources in Lithuania. Due to the typical climatic condition in Lithuania the solar photovoltaics and geothermal energy are not used for power sector. Moreover, the further development of hydropower plants is limited by environmental restrictions, therefore priority is given to wind energy development and installation of new biomass power plants. According to the requirements set out in the Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market [Official Journal L283, 33–40, 27 October 2001], 7% of gross consumption of electricity will be generated from renewable energy by 2010 in Lithuania. The aim of this paper is to show the estimation of the maximum renewable power penetration in the Lithuanian electricity sector and possible environmental impact.  相似文献   

Dag Henning 《Energy》1997,22(12):1135-1150
MODEST, an energy-system optimisation model is described. It has been applied to a typical local Swedish electricity and district-heating utility and to the national power system. Present and potential installations and energy flows should be considered and their best combination can be obtained through optimisation. MODEST uses linear programming to minimise the capital and operation costs of energy supply and demand-side management. Seasonal, weekly, and diurnal variations of, for example, demand, costs, and capacities are considered. MODEST may be used to decide which investments to make, the dimensioning of new installations, and the operation of all system components. The municipal utility under study should now expand its heat production using woodchips. Electricity export or nuclear phase-out will probably raise the Swedish electricity prices. In this case, cost minimisation is achieved by introducing combined heat and power (CHP) production in the municipality. Fossil fuels should be used in the cogeneration plant at current taxation levels but biofuels are favourable if higher environmental fees are imposed for CO2 emissions. Biomass capacity expansion could decrease local CO2 emissions by 80%. Efficiency improvements for electricity use have robust profitability at high electricity prices. The Swedish electricity demand may be satisfied without nuclear power and fossil fuels through massive biomass use, wind-power supply, and energy conservation.  相似文献   

The islands usually face challenges in their energy supply due to their specific location. On islands that are distant from the land, power is typically provided by diesel generators. Therefore, oil tankers must regularly refuel the island in order to supply the necessary fuel for diesel generators. As a result, if the fueling procedure is not completed for whatever reason, the island will not receive the necessary energy, which will result in an unavoidable loss of load. Due to their strategic location, some of these islands are used as military islands to protect the nations and waterways. Given the vital role that these military islands play for nations, a delay in supplying the island with energy can seriously harm security, the economy, and other factors. Transferring fuel to these islands is typically difficult, and in some cases impossible, under certain circumstances, such as war. Therefore, reducing the island's reliance on fossil fuels as much as feasible is vital to ensure the energy security of these specific islands. Diesel generators provide electricity to Larak Island, which is situated in the Strait of Hormuz. Larak Island serves as a military island due to its geopolitical location, hence it is crucial to consistently provide Larak with electricity. Therefore, in this paper, a combination of distributed generations and system storage is used to supply the Larak island. The photovoltaic, wind and tidal plants are considered the main power plants, and fuel cells with electrolyzers and hydrogen tanks have also been used as storage systems. In addition, the diesel generator is considered the system backup. The considered objective functions to design and manage Larak island's power supply system are reducing diesel generators fuel consumption, reducing electricity cost, and reducing electricity outages and lost power generation of renewable resources.  相似文献   

This paper presents an assessment of the installation of a large-scale biomass scheme for production of electricity for distribution via the national grid in Spain. The biomass scheme studied is based on woody biomass (eucalyptus, acacia and poplar) as short rotation crops in arable lands. The site selection process has been carried out with a Geographical Information System (GIS). The criteria applied in the selection, cultivation and location of the plantation as well as the biomass power plants have taken into account environmental aspects and the economic costs, always pursuing the lowest energy cost and environmental impacts. The size of each power plant has been calculated taking into account the annual productivity of biomass and the available surface of arable non-irrigated land. The costs of energy crop production in each area have been calculated as well as the storage and transport costs to supply the power plants. The technologies considered for generating electricity are fluidized bed combustion (FBC) and biomass gasification integrated into a combined cycle (BIGCC). The costs of electricity, considering also the connection costs to the electricity grid, have been calculated for all power plants. Cost figures along the fuel cycle have been obtained and a sensitivity analysis of the most relevant variables has been made. The main conclusion of the analysis is that from an economic and environmental point of view, the scheme proposed is feasible.  相似文献   

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