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姜大立  林萍  胡瑞鹤 《包装工程》2021,42(5):255-260
目的 从设计的角度探究如何运用数字仓储系统满足智能制造发展需求的相关理论,以期为制造企业提供智能化生产服务.方法 运用文献研究和典型案例分析法,通过系统架构、管理模块、数据流等方面对数字仓储系统进行全面设计,揭示出数字化仓储技术与装备的功能特点,进而提出数字仓储系统实现路径.结果 数字仓储系统实现了对物料、成品从订单发出到在途、上架、入库、出库全流程的追踪监控,对仓储、物流资源进行了一体化管理,实现了智能制造信息深度自感知、智慧优化自决策、精准控制自执行.结论 在智能制造的大环境下,数字仓储系统能够满足制造企业大规模定制生产要求,具备高柔性的全流程数字化管理模式,助推智能制造进一步发展.  相似文献   

在深入研究智能制造的内涵及关键技术的基础上,提出了我国从数字制造到智能制造的三大发展模式,以及实现从数字制造到智能制造发展的具体技术途径。针对典型行业的生产特点,提出了从数字制造到智能制造发展的技术路线图,为推动我国制造业从数字制造到智能制造的发展提供技术途径的指引。  相似文献   

With ever-increasing market competition and advances in technology, more and more countries are prioritizing advanced manufacturing technology as their top priority for economic growth. Germany announced the Industry 4.0 strategy in 2013. The US government launched the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) in 2011 and the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI) in 2014. Most recently, the Manufacturing USA initiative was officially rolled out to further “leverage existing resources... to nurture manufacturing innovation and accelerate commercialization” by fostering close collaboration between industry, academia, and government partners. In 2015, the Chinese government officially published a 10-year plan and roadmap toward manufacturing: Made in China 2025. In all these national initiatives, the core technology development and implementation is in the area of advanced manufacturing systems. A new manufacturing paradigm is emerging, which can be characterized by two unique features: integrated manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing. This trend is in line with the progress of industrial revolutions, in which higher efficiency in production systems is being continuously pursued. To this end, 10 major technologies can be identified for the new manufacturing paradigm. This paper describes the rationales and needs for integrated and intelligent manufacturing (i2M) systems. Related technologies from different fields are also described. In particular, key technological enablers, such as the Internet of Things and Services (IoTS), cyber-physical systems (CPSs), and cloud computing are discussed. Challenges are addressed with applications that are based on commercially available platforms such as General Electric (GE)’s Predix and PTC’s ThingWorx.  相似文献   

目的 对智能信息时代下装备制造领域的中国式转型升级进行综述分析。方法 以智能信息时代为背景,从发展历程、新时代内涵和发展趋势3个方面层层递进地对装备制造领域的历史机遇进行了探讨,依据知识图谱理论和普赖斯定律对装备制造领域转型升级的研究焦点进行了可视化分析和维度分析。结果 定义了装备制造领域转型升级的国家维度、企业维度和产品维度的三维焦点概念,提出了中国式装备制造领域转型升级的战略方法。结论 三维焦点的提出决定了装备制造领域中国式转型升级的战略架构,输出了政策驱动、需求驱动和设计驱动的3大驱动因素,结合时代背景和研究基础,总结出产业结构转型、企业理念转型和技术模式转型的3种转型模式,最终输出“互联网+”与装备制造领域服务化融合、数据驱动的互联互通智能制造模式、“双碳”战略下布局企业绿色转型和工业设计驱动产品深度升级4大策略路径,为装备制造领域的中国式转型升级提供了战略参考。  相似文献   

郝凝辉  刘晓天 《包装工程》2023,44(12):39-48
目的 总结智能交互时代设计赋能智能制造创新发展的策略和路径。方法 基于智能交互时代背景,以创新设计思维为指导,从智能制造的发展现状、动态趋势以及与创新设计的关联性等方面对智能制造的创新设计发展策略及路径进行探讨。结果 在创新设计思维的指导下,总结智能制造的创新设计模型与发展策略,以及设计赋能智能制造创新发展的可行性路径。结论 以智能制造创新设计思维为指导,总结了创新设计流程、数字化转型、柔性设计制造、协同集成平台、创新服务系统以及设计教育新范式等六大设计赋能智能制造创新发展的可行性路径。  相似文献   

李雪楠  赵江洪 《包装工程》2017,38(24):103-107
目的为智能制造领域的设计创新提供一种尝试性的研究角度与辅助设计方法。方法基于智能制造技术,本文以《记忆留声》为设计实践案例,运用随机抽样法和用户参与式设计研究方法,分析声音建模的交互设计方法与输出形式。结果借助3D打印技术与图形图像生成算法,将声音转化为一种三维实体化的实用环保艺术产品,并提出基于语音输入的多维交互体验模式。结论以智能制造技术为支撑的多维度交互体验设计,可以为用户的个性化需求提供切实可行的解决方案与多维度的交互体验。  相似文献   

The layout of fixed-position assembly islands (FPAI) is widely used for producing fragile or bulky products. With the increasing customised demand and unique operation patterns, manufacturing practitioners are facing challenges on flexible and efficient production arrangement to meet customer demand, which lead to inappropriate assembly islands configuration, frequent setups and long waiting times in FPAI. Industry 4.0 comes with the promise of improved flexibility and efficiency in manufacturing. In the context of Industry 4.0, this paper proposes a 5-layer APICS (assembly layer, perception layer, interaction layer, cognition layer, and service layer) roadmap for transformation and implementation of Assembly 4.0. Following the 5-layer APICS roadmap, a Graduation Intelligent Manufacturing System (GiMS) is presented as the pioneering implementation in FPAI. A graduation-inspired assembly system is designed for FPAI at assembly layer. Internet of Things (IoT) and industrial wearable technologies are deployed for perception, connection, and collaboration among various manufacturing resources at perception and interaction layer. A self-configuration model is proposed at cognition layer for autonomously configuring optimal assembly islands and corresponding production activities to meet customer demand. Cloud-based services are developed for managers and onsite operators to facilitate their decision-making and daily operations at service layer. Finally, a demonstrative case is conducted to verify the feasibility of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

面向敏捷制造的AMCS研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在分析制造系统控制结构的发展轨迹的基础上,提出了具有分散化,集成化,智能化特征的先进制造系统模式,构建了车间级的敏捷制造系统--先进管理控制系统(AMCS)的体系结构及其功能模型。AMCS基于现场控制系统FCS的两层控制结构,在功能上则融合了制造执行系统MES的车间管理功能和FCS的控制功能。AMCS与传统的MES不同,它不只作为一种提供解决领域问题的软件手段,而在更大程度上是一种用集成手段解决问  相似文献   

目的运用传感器与机器学习算法对不同文化背景的老年用户在地铁站内的寻路行为特征进行研究,进而为提高地铁站内导视系统的通用化设计水平提供数量化与科学化决策支持。方法应用Zig Bee人体智能传感器模块,以异地访京和本地老年人为被试进行了高频度追踪数据采集试验,分析其在地铁站内的寻路行为与差异。结果构建了基于Zig Bee智能模块的行为观测研究方法。结论为老年人提供快捷且直观的导视信息,能够节约寻路过程中所消耗的脑力与体力,提高寻路体验兼顾社会公正。  相似文献   

范亚新  孙宇 《高技术通讯》1999,9(11):50-53,49
以BQ-FMS系统为试验对象,研究与开发了基于多Agent的分布式智能检测监控系统-DIIMS系统。建立了DIIMS系统模型,并对组成系统的监控Agent的结构及其实现技术、Agent间的协作机制和求解策略以及Agent的融合控制原理进行了描述。  相似文献   

工业4.0与智能机械厂   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
戴宏民  戴佩华 《包装工程》2016,37(19):206-211
目的探讨智能机械厂的构成和主要运作系统。方法在分析工业4.0的生产智能化特征和智能制造、智能工厂两大核心目标,以及智能工厂应具备数据、互联、集成、转型四大特点的基础上,对机械厂向智能工厂转变的必要性,智能机械厂的构成和主要运作系统,智能机械厂的运行流程进行分析和探索。结论智能机械厂应通过建立信息物理系统CPS建成覆盖全厂空间的智能网络;智能机械厂的智能化运作可划分为智能订货及支付、远程产品开发设计、智能生产和智能物流等系统;工业4.0是一个渐进的演变过程,机械厂向智能工厂转变应有一个完整的解决方案。  相似文献   

Our next generation of industry—Industry 4.0—holds the promise of increased flexibility in manufacturing, along with mass customization, better quality, and improved productivity. It thus enables companies to cope with the challenges of producing increasingly individualized products with a short lead-time to market and higher quality. Intelligent manufacturing plays an important role in Industry 4.0. Typical resources are converted into intelligent objects so that they are able to sense, act, and behave within a smart environment. In order to fully understand intelligent manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0, this paper provides a comprehensive review of associated topics such as intelligent manufacturing, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled manufacturing, and cloud manufacturing. Similarities and differences in these topics are highlighted based on our analysis. We also review key technologies such as the IoT, cyber-physical systems (CPSs), cloud computing, big data analytics (BDA), and information and communications technology (ICT) that are used to enable intelligent manufacturing. Next, we describe worldwide movements in intelligent manufacturing, including governmental strategic plans from different countries and strategic plans from major international companies in the European Union, United States, Japan, and China. Finally, we present current challenges and future research directions. The concepts discussed in this paper will spark new ideas in the effort to realize the much-anticipated Fourth Industrial Revolution.  相似文献   

目的 实现新一代信息技术背景下传统铝门窗幕墙型材加工行业的转型升级,以应对复杂型材加工制造存在的成本高、工序繁多等诸多挑战。方法 根据型材加工工艺流程及该行业定制化生产的特点,提出一种涵盖网上下单、订单自动处理、机床智能加工生产的复杂型材智能加工制造系统架构,重点针对自主开发的门窗幕墙型材一站式加工智能机床,研发出一套复杂型材智能加工制造系统。结果 研究了加工信息数字化模型、工艺数据库等关键技术。通过工艺数据库的构建,实现了自动编程系统的搭建。结合Web Service与XML技术,研发出订单自助处理系统、机床智能操作管理系统及其与ERP系统的集成互连,打通了生产各环节之间的技术壁垒,形成了复杂型材一体化加工工艺。结论 实际测试表明,经复杂型材智能加工制造系统一体化制造的复杂型材从接受订单到产品加工完成只需40分钟,大幅提高了生产效率和产品质量,降低了加工成本。本研究为复杂型材智能加工及其他传统制造行业的转型升级提供了有益的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

An intelligent manufacturing system is a composite intelligent system comprising humans, cyber systems, and physical systems with the aim of achieving specific manufacturing goals at an optimized level. This kind of intelligent system is called a human–cyber–physical system (HCPS). In terms of technology, HCPSs can both reveal technological principles and form the technological architecture for intelligent manufacturing. It can be concluded that the essence of intelligent manufacturing is to design, construct, and apply HCPSs in various cases and at different levels. With advances in information technology, intelligent manufacturing has passed through the stages of digital manufacturing and digital-networked manufacturing, and is evolving toward new-generation intelligent manufacturing (NGIM). NGIM is characterized by the in-depth integration of new-generation artificial intelligence (AI) technology (i.e., enabling technology) with advanced manufacturing technology (i.e., root technology); it is the core driving force of the new industrial revolution. In this study, the evolutionary footprint of intelligent manufacturing is reviewed from the perspective of HCPSs, and the implications, characteristics, technical frame, and key technologies of HCPSs for NGIM are then discussed in depth. Finally, an outlook of the major challenges of HCPSs for NGIM is proposed.  相似文献   

针对带检测环节的智能制造单元,考虑其具有随机性因素的特点,本文对其机器布局问题进行研究。首先对该智能制造单元的生产过程及特点进行分析,建立其机器布局优化问题的随机非线性整数规划的数学模型;然后建立该智能制造单元对应的仿真模型,对该优化问题进行求解;最后分析抽检率的变化对最优解造成的影响,并对该智能制造单元的性能指标进行方差分析,研究不同的布局方案和抽检率对系统性能的影响程度。研究成果为企业进行智能制造单元的机器布局提供决策依据。  相似文献   

李雪楠  赵江洪 《包装工程》2016,37(24):90-95
目的为智能制造系统的设计需求获取与产品化提供一种可行的研究思路与辅助设计方法。方法以笔者参与的智能3D打印系统研发与实际设计过程为研究对象,对其需求的定义、类型、获取与设计一致性进行实例验证研究与比较研究。结果提出交互系统设计需求与产品化的映射模型(DMP),同时利用设计实践对需求获取与产品化的方法进行可行性验证,为智能制造领域的系统开发提供可行的需求获取与产品化的设计方法。结论合理的需求获取方法对基于智能制造的设计需求产品化与品牌化有积极辅助作用,同时对其他相关领域的新型智能设备与系统的设计、品牌策略、产业策略提供可适用的辅助设计方法与工具。  相似文献   

目的 实现工业金属导管数字化快速制造,提高导管制造质量,缩短装备研制周期。方法 采用基于知识工程驱动的三维数字化设计技术、人工智能技术、计算机仿真技术,开发导管数字化制造集成系统,该系统主要包括导管数字化制造子系统、拼装夹具数字化设计子系统和系统管理子系统,进行导管三维建模、工艺设计与仿真、拼装夹具设计和导管数字化检测,实现金属导管数字化快速制造。结果 实现了多种装备上千种不同类型导管的数字化快速制造,提高了生产效率,导管数模的利用率达100%,导管试装合格率达78%,制造周期缩短了2个月,生产成本显著降低。  相似文献   

面向现代制造的先进测试技术及其发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
先进测试技术与仪器对于现代制造系统的发展具有重要支撑作用。在分析现代制造系统与先进测试技术同步发展特征的基础上,探讨现代制造系统与先进测试技术相互关系和协同发展的问题,分析论述了现代制造系统中的精密测试、在线检测、数字化测试、计算机视觉测试、三坐标测试机等关键技术的应用和发展概况,介绍了在工业机器人视觉检测、超声波在线探伤系统以及基于Web的智能远程无损评估系统等方面的研究工作成果。针对先进测试技术的研究要紧紧围绕现代制造业的发展需要,分析论述了先进测试技术领域的一些值得关注、重点研究和应用的技术发展方向。  相似文献   

合理的信息化评价指标体系对企业信息化科学决策的制定具有非常重要的意义。从理论和现实两方面分析制造企业绿色信息化评价的必要性,在绿色环保和可持续发展的理念指导下,构建制造企业绿色信息评价指标体系,分析指标选取的合理性,并通过效度系数分析指标体系的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper describes an intelligent decision support system (IDSS) for real time control of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS). The controller is capable of classifying symptoms in developing the control policies on FMSs with flexibility in operation assignment and scheduling of multi-purpose machining centres which have different tools with their own efficiency. The proposed system is implemented by coupling of rule-based IDSS, simulation block and centralised simulation optimiser for elicitation of shop floor control knowledge. This posteriori adaptive controller uses a new bilateral mechanism in simulation optimiser block for offline training of IDSS based on multi-performance criteria simulation optimisation. The proposed intelligent controller receives online information of the FMS current state and trigger appropriate control rule within real-time simulation data exchange. Finally the FMS intelligent controller is validated by a benchmark test problem. Application of this adaptive controller showed that it could be an effective approach for real time control of various flexible manufacturing systems.  相似文献   

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