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回应西部湿热气候的模块式生态屋面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国绿建筑发展过程中所涉及的生态屋面技术问题,介绍一种节水节能型模块式生态屋面系统,它既能满足严格的绿建筑评价标准要求,也适应西部湿热地区气候,而且较传统覆土型生态屋面可更快捷、低廉、有效地改善城市建筑屋面生态及热工效应.  相似文献   

绿色建筑屋面系统技术概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色建筑屋面系统具有节能、环保、生态等功能,主要适用于冬暖夏热和部分冬冷夏热地区。绿色建筑屋面系统技术包括种植屋面、热反射屋面、单层屋面、光伏建筑一体化屋面和通风瓦屋面等系统技术,GB50378((绿色建筑评价标准》指出,这类技术的应用都具有各自的绿色功能。  相似文献   

绿屋面系统对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对欧洲和北美绿屋面系统的分类方法进行了介绍,对生态屋面与普通屋顶花园在建造成本、资源占用、对城市生态环境的影响等多方面进行了对比,提出应根据绿建筑评估标准(LEED)来进行绿屋面选型,并加强生态屋面系统技术的基础研究工作。  相似文献   

马全明 《工业建筑》2004,34(10):24-26
建筑是城市的主要表现形式 ,城市的生态环境与建筑密切相关。建筑物的屋面是承接阳光、雨水并与大气接触的重要界面 ,屋面的性质决定了其在生态方面可以发挥独特的作用。屋面的雨水收集、屋顶绿化、屋面太阳能设施及一体化设计等等 ,都展示了屋面的生态功能。从生态的角度对屋面进行再认识 ,提出了结合屋面生态功能的设计思路  相似文献   

"建筑绿化与生态城市建设"研讨会在重庆召开2011年5月24日,中国建筑防水协会种植屋面技术分会与全国房地产总工俱乐部在重庆共同召开"建筑绿化与生态城市建设——种植屋面系统在房地产项目中的应用研讨会"。中国建筑防水协会理事长朱冬青先生、全国房地产总工俱乐部执行理事长陈音先生分别代表主办方致辞。  相似文献   

2011年5月24日,中国建筑防水协会种植屋面技术分会与全国房地产总工俱乐部在重庆共同召开“建筑绿化与生态城市建设——种植屋面系统在房地产项目中的应用研讨会”。中国建筑防水协会理事长朱冬青先生、全国房地产总工俱乐部执行理事长陈音先生分别代表主办方致辞。  相似文献   

2013年,在国家大力发展绿色建筑的大背景下,防水行业加大了支持发展种植屋面、单层屋面等五大绿色屋面系统的力度。种植屋面系统、单层屋面系统、热反射屋面系统、光伏建筑一体化屋面系统、节能通风瓦屋面系统等,都是各具特色的绿色屋面系统,具有提高建筑节能效果和缓解城市热岛效应的明显作用,  相似文献   

赵西安 《门窗》2012,(7):26-30,38
1 单独设置于屋面上的光伏系统 单独设置于屋面之上的光伏系统,以下简称为屋面光伏系统,其面板称为屋面光伏面板,只具有发电功能,不作为围护结构的面板(图1),需要围护功能时须另设密封的采光顶或幕墙. 新建工程的屋面光伏系统一般是与主体建筑同时设计、同时施工、同时验收的,屋面光伏系统本身就是建筑的一个有机组成部分,所以带屋面光伏系统的建筑是光伏一体化建筑.但是这种光伏系统的面板只具有发电功能,不具备建筑围护功能,需要另设具有围护功能的屋面或采光顶,因而形成"两层皮",所以它属于光伏一体化建筑中的分离式系统.  相似文献   

随着建筑屋面防水技术的不断发展和进步,人们已不仅仅着眼于屋面系统的防水可靠性,对屋面美观度也提出了更高要求.本文以上海市石洞口污水处理厂项目为例,介绍了集防水和美观于一体的TPO防水卷材拼色屋面系统的设计与施工.该拼色屋面系统赋予建筑屋面设计更多灵感,在保证防水可靠度的同时,也让建筑屋面绚丽多彩.  相似文献   

屋面是建筑重要的功能部位。建筑的低碳化要求促进屋面功能的一体化和集约化发展,也推动节能屋面构造和节能屋面材料的运用;建筑的安全性要求又催生了各种屋面系统的安全性检测和认证,推动了我国屋面系统技术标准化的进程。2010年10月,在“第八届中国国际屋面和建筑防水技术展”召开之际,由《中国建筑防水》杂志社、中国建筑防水协会、中国绝热节能材料协会、中国建筑金属结构协会铝门窗幕墙委员会、  相似文献   

不冻泉一带赋存第四系松散岩类孔隙潜水和构造裂隙水两种地下水类型,可建立孔隙水和构造裂隙水类型水源地.受研究区水文地质条件的制约,孔隙水类型水源地仅适用于每年的5~9月份暖季丰水期,水质较好,开采便利,允许开采量为1.5×104m3/d,;构造裂隙水虽埋藏较深,但不受季节限制,水质较好,可供全年开采.针对该区水资源利用现...  相似文献   

针对江门市出厂水在枯水期出现余氯突降的现象,分析了出厂水余氯异常时出厂水及原水水质的变化情况、原水发生微污染时与河流潮汐的关系、原水氨氮和耗氧量的关系、原水氨氮和出厂水余氯的关系。结果表明,出厂水余氯出现突降是由于原水受到微污染造成的;氨氮、耗氧量以及河床水位可以作为原水微污染的预警指标,操作简单、有效;当预测到原水出现微污染时,采取加大和调整前后加氯量的方式,可解决由于原水微污染而引起的出厂水余氯突降的问题。  相似文献   

Rotaviruses have been implicated as a major cause of childhood and traveler's diarrhea in developing countries. Since water is known to be a vehicle of transmission of other enteric viruses, we sought to determine if water could play a role in the transmission of rotavirus infections in a developing nation by applying recently developed techniques for the concentration of viruses from tapwater and environmental (lake, river, ocean and aqueduct) water in Mexico. In an initial survey during the rainy season in August 1978, rotavirus was detected in 10 of 10 drinking water samples and coxsackie B4 or B6 virus in 5 of 10. In a larger survey during the dry season in December 1979, rotavirus was recovered from 3 and enteric viruses from 8 of 21 drinking water samples. Water quality data, available for the 1979 survey, indicated that while many tapwater samples did not meet U.S. coliform standards, some samples containing infectious virus did. Our data suggest that current bacteriological water quality standards for potable water do not reflect viral contamination.  相似文献   

The construction of improved wells with the participation of the local communities in rural Sierra Leone is examined. Two chiefdoms were surveyed with four sample villages being examined in depth through questionnaires, interviews, participant observation and quantitative monitoring of water abstraction.
Only 36% of the improved wells were operational in the dry season, and these made a modest contribution to water demand in the villages. Half the water consumption was on the remote farms where improved wells played a negligible role. Social and cultural difficulties with the wells were as important as their dry season desiccation in explaining the minimal impact of the well-digging scheme.
Post-project evaluation by a multi-disciplinary team could provide invaluable inputs to the planning of an ongoing programme.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study which describes water-availability problems and corresponding public-health implications for a rural area in Nigeria. A water-availability assessment was carried out in eight villages which are controlled by the Jalingo Local Government of Taraba State. Questionnaires were used to obtain data from sixty households (approximately 650 participants) concerning issues of water-supply sources, water quantity, water quality and community participation in water-resources projects. It was found that (i) community well water is the major source of water, (ii) 35% of the inhabitants depend on well water during the wet season, and (iii) 69% depend on it during the dry season. About 80% of the households have access to less than 30 litres of water per person per day and, because of low water availability, there is a prevalence of water-related diseases.  相似文献   

Emissions of fuel components from boating use on multiple-use lakes and reservoirs are of high concern with regard to the drinking water supply from such water bodies. We report results of a detailed study on the occurrence, sources and fate of aromatic hydrocarbons and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in a typical holomictic lake, Lake Zurich, that supplies drinking water for the largest Swiss city. Emphasis of the investigation was on the fuel oxygenate MTBE, which was found in concentrations up to 1.4 microg/L in the epilimnion and up to 0.05microg/L in the hypolimnion of the lake. The concentration difference was due to the stratification of the lake during the boating season with very limited water exchange across the thermocline. MTBE and BTEX nearly completely volatilized before vertical lake mixing occurred in winter. Spatial and temporal variations of MTBE concentrations in the lake were observed and successfully predicted using two complementary box models (MASAS Light and Aquasim). The drinking water supply from holomictic lakes is not at risk for the scenarios studied if water is extracted from well below the thermocline. Since emissions of unburned gasoline into such water bodies are caused predominantly by boating activities, restrictions of highly emitting two-stroke engines could substantially reduce the MTBE and BTEX load of the epilimnion during the boating season.  相似文献   

本文在分析流域中森林水文作用的基础上,从整个流域分析九曲溪在洪水期的水量骤增与枯水期水量骤减的主要原因,以区域可持续发展理论为指导,提出九曲溪水资源保护的有效措施。  相似文献   

对常规的循环水、冷水系统运行方式进行了比较分析,提出了在过渡季节冷却塔参与到冷水系统的运行方式可以降低运行费用的方法,通过实例的运行情况研究总结得出结论,该运行方式节能效果明显。  相似文献   

在我国城市持续推进绿色发展理念的背景下,为科学支撑海绵城市规划编制工作,以梧州市苍海湖为研究实例,结合国内外相关研究经验和属地化的测量参数,应用InfoWorks ICM构建研究区水量水质数学模型。设计旱季和雨季两种模拟情景,分别对苍海湖汇水区内的污染物径流冲刷效应和湖体内污染物迁移扩散规律进行模拟分析,计算不同设计情景下地表污染物随雨水径流进入苍海湖及在湖内扩散的演进过程,并基于计算结果为苍海湖水动力条件改善、湖泊水质保护等提出工程指引建议,以期为水量水质数学模型在海绵城市规划中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

采用BP神经网络模型对东北地区水库水水质的预测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用BP神经网络建立了东北地区某水库水的浊度预测模型,同时针对该水库的地域特点,重点研究了冰封期对水源水水质预测的影响。结果表明,以浊度为预测对象,将水库的水质数据按照是否进入冰封期进行划分后建模,预测效果比划分之前有较明显的提高。  相似文献   

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