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芦笋膳食纤维及酚类物质的抗氧化活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别采用酶解和超声辅助提取白芦笋和绿芦笋中的膳食纤维和酚类物质,分析可溶性膳食纤维和不可溶性膳食纤维的提取率及理化指标,通过比色法测定芦笋总酚和总黄酮含量,并比较两种芦笋中的酚类物质和可溶性膳食纤维抗氧化能力(DPPH、ABTS自由基清除活性和还原力)。结果发现,白芦笋和绿芦笋均富含可溶性膳食纤维(26.67±1.2, 30.46±0.8 g/100 g)和不可溶性膳食纤维(11.6±0.6, 22.73±0.98 g/100 g),且两种芦笋中可溶性膳食纤维的含量均高于不可溶性膳食纤维的含量。此外,绿芦笋中两种膳食纤维和酚类物质(6.76±0.21 GAE mg/g)的含量均高于白芦笋中膳食纤维和酚类物质(2.89±0.16 GAE mg/g)含量,且绿芦笋可溶性膳食纤维和酚类物质的抗氧化活性均显著高于白芦笋。以上结果为芦笋,尤其是绿芦笋的深度开发利用提供科学依据与理论支撑。  相似文献   

全谷物酚类物质及其抗氧化活性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年研究发现全谷物的健康效应与其酚类物质及其抗氧化活性密切相关,而与水果、蔬菜相比,谷物中的酚类物质长期被低估。本文综述了糙米、小麦、玉米和燕麦等主要全谷物中酚类物质的组成、存在形式、含量差异、分布规律及其抗氧化活性,总结不同加工处理对其的影响,分析目前研究的突出问题,展望今后的重点研究方向,为促进全谷物食品的开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

近年研究发现全谷物的健康效应与其酚类物质及其抗氧化活性密切相关,但与水果蔬菜相比,谷物中的酚类物质长期被低估。系统综述了糙米、小麦、玉米和燕麦等主要全谷物中酚类物质的组成、存在形式、含量差异、分布规律及其抗氧化活性,总结了不同加工处理方式对其影响效应,分析了目前研究现存的突出问题并展望下一步的重点研究方向,旨在为促进全谷物食品的开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

全谷物酚类化合物抗氧化活性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李富华  郭晓晖  夏春燕  陈龙  令博  明建 《食品科学》2012,33(13):299-304
全谷物中含有多种生物活性成分,如酚类化合物、β-葡聚糖、膳食纤维等,其中,酚类化合物以其独特的抗氧化功能而备受人们的青睐。本文综述全谷物酚类化合物的组成、存在形式、影响其含量的因素及其抗氧化效果的评价方法,旨为全谷物酚类化合物的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

以黑麦麸为原材料,采用酶法制备膳食纤维并分别测定2种膳食纤维的结构、单糖和酚类物质组成及功能特性。结果表明:可溶性膳食纤维(SDF)的表面疏松松散,主要由阿拉伯糖(68%)、半乳糖(13.1%)和木糖(12.2%)组成;不溶性膳食纤维(IDF)表面多孔不规则,主要由木糖(54%)和阿拉伯糖(38.3%)组成。两种膳食纤维均具有糖类红外特征吸收峰,IDF结晶度高于SDF,结构更加规则,SDF表现出更好的吸水力(2.19 g/g)、吸附胆固醇的能力(2.09 mg/g,pH=7)和吸附亚硝酸根的能力(327 μg/g,pH=2)。采用高效液相色谱分析SDF和IDF的酚类物质组成,IDF中的酚类物质组成及含量均显著高于SDF(P<0.05),二者的酚类化合物主要是结合型阿魏酸。  相似文献   

苹果作为目前世界上种植最广的重要温带水果,因富含大量的生物活性物质而具有较高的营养价值。酚类物质是苹果中一类代表性生物活性物质,日常的食用或加工过程会破坏苹果的细胞结构,使其中的酚类物质从液泡中释放出来,与苹果中的膳食纤维结合,影响酚类物质的生物利用度。本文根据苹果中酚类物质和主要膳食纤维组成,综述二者间的作用机制及主要影响因素。  相似文献   

蒸汽爆破技术是一种安全高效的纤维预处理技术,主要应用于木质纤维素原料的预处理。近年来作为一种新兴的麸皮预处理技术在全谷物加工领域得到关注,该技术对谷物膳食纤维改性和功能性成分提取取得显著的进展。本文综述了蒸汽爆破技术的工作原理以及在全谷物加工当中的研究进展,重点介绍其在降低麸皮的颗粒度、增加膳食纤维的溶解性、提高酚酸和游离氨基酸含量、钝化内源酶等方面的影响,以及蒸汽爆破后麸皮的微观结构和分子结构的变化,进一步分析了其在全谷物食品加工领域的应用前景,并对其在全谷物领域中的发展进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

不同处理工艺对苦荞麸皮膳食纤维体外抗氧化活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以苦荞麸皮为原料,通过对比挤压膨化处理、双酶法(淀粉酶、蛋白酶)提取处理、纤维素酶改性处理等不同工艺手段,对苦荞麸皮总膳食纤维、水溶性膳食纤维、不溶性膳食纤维、总酚和总黄酮含量,以及对DPPH自由基清除能力、还原能力、羟自由基清除能力和螯合Fe3+能力进行测定,研究其对苦荞麸皮膳食纤维体外抗氧化活性的影响。结果表明,膨化处理、酶法工艺对提高苦荞麸皮膳食纤维中黄酮、酚类物质以及总膳食纤维、水溶性膳食纤维、不溶性膳食纤维的含量及其抗氧化活性均具有一定效果。  相似文献   

为了让消费者通过包装正面(FOP)标签选择整体营养价值高的植物性食物,本研究借鉴瑞典Keyhole标签、新加坡较健康选择标志、荷兰选择标识的营养评价标准,选取膳食纤维和全谷物、钙、膳食纤维分别作为谷物制品、豆制品、蔬果制品的鼓励性营养素/食物组,并根据《预包装食品营养标签通则(GB 28050—2011)》的膳食纤维与钙来源的含量要求以及《全谷物及全谷物食品判定及标识通则T/CNSS 008—2021)》关于全谷物原料含量要求设置阈值,再结合《预包装食品“健康选择”标识规范(T/CNSS 001—2018)》的阈值规定,初步完成谷物、豆类、蔬果及制品的营养评价标准设计,但未来还要构建分门别类、动态更新以及考虑推广效果的营养评价标准。  相似文献   

京津冀地区全谷物食品市场调研报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全谷物食品由于含有膳食纤维和抗氧化成分等生理活性物质,长期食用可有效降低多种疾病的发病危险,对特定的适宜人群具有良好的保健作用。在查阅资料和实地调研的基础上,对全谷物食品的现状和发展趋势以及京津冀地区全谷物食品市场进行了调查分析。市场分析的内容主要包括市场供应情况、消费者对全谷物食品的了解和接受程度、细分市场以及京津冀地区全谷物食品市场需求分析及预测,根据调查结果得出全谷物食品是未来粮食食品产业发展的大趋势,有巨大的市场需求和社会、经济效益,因此建议国家出台相关政策,促进全谷物产业的发展。  相似文献   

Lignans and phytoestrogens have been associated with protective effect against hormone‐related diseases, for example, cancer of the breast and prostate, and potential mechanisms for this effect have been reported. Antioxidants also appear to have some protective effect against diseases associated with reactive free radicals such as coronary heart disease and cancer. Whole grains contain some of these substances particularly the mammalian lignan precursors, vitamin E, other phenolic compounds, Se, and phytic acid. These substances may in part be responsible for the reduced risk of cancer and coronary heart disease associated with intake of high‐fiber diets containing whole grains. Because they are more associated with the fiber in the outer layers of the grain, the intake of whole vs. refined grain is emphasized for optimum health benefits.  相似文献   

Purported health benefits of whole grain foods in lowering risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer are supported by epidemiological studies and scientific researches. Bioactive components including dietary fibers, phytochemicals, and various micronutrients present in the bran and germ are commonly considered as the basis for such benefits. Endosperm starch, as the major constituent of whole grains providing glucose to the body, has been less investigated regarding its nutritional property and contribution to the value of whole grain foods. Nutritional quality of starch is associated with its rate of digestion and glucose absorption. In whole grain foods, starch digestion and glucose delivery may vary depending on the form in which the food is delivered, some with starch being rapidly and others slowly digested. Furthermore, there are other inherent factors in whole grain products, such as phenolic compounds and dietary fibers, that may moderate glycemic profiles. A good understanding of the nutritional properties of whole grain starch is important to the development of food processing technologies to maximize their health benefits.  相似文献   

全谷物含有丰富的营养成分和生物活性物质,是近些年来消费者关注的热点,全谷物食品比精细加工的谷物制品更具有营养价值和保健功能。本文就小麦、大麦、燕麦、糙米、荞麦、高粱、小米和藜麦等几种常见谷物原料的营养特性及产品研究进展进行了总结;对全谷物中不同营养成分的摄取对健康的益处和目前全谷物产品的开发现状进行了全面的概述,同时也归纳了全谷物食品开发目前所面临的问题并对全谷物食品的未来前景进行了展望。以期为全谷物在功能性食品开发中的应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Over the last three decades substantial attention has been given to the role of dietary fiber in health and disease, in particular diabetes, cardiovascular disease, intestinal health, and some types of cancer. As a result the food industry started to add back fiber to refined foods and develop fiber rich foods. Scientists suggested that whole grain foods are superior to foods enriched with fibers obtained/synthesized using enzyme treatment, and thermal or chemical processing because the content of bioactive components and micronutrients in whole grain is more abundant. This triggered interest in how to isolate the micronutrient rich aleurone fiber fraction from wheat. Aleurone is a single cell layer at the inner site of the bran. It contains most of the minerals, vitamins, phenolic antioxidants, and lignans of the wheat grain. Novel milling and dry-fractionation techniques have recently allowed for full-scale separation of aleurone cells from the other layers of wheat bran, yielding a fiber rich concentrate which potentially contains many of the "whole grain kernel bioactives," which recently have been used in a variety of studies. The present review highlights available data on aleurone isolation, composition, intestinal physiology, and its metabolism and potential health benefits as well as its use in food.  相似文献   

Current dietary advice suggests consumers increase consumption of whole‐grain products because of their potential role in prevention of chronic disease. Whole grains are important sources of nutrients that are in short supply in our diet, including dietary fiber, resistant starch, trace minerals, certain vitamins, and other compounds of interest in disease prevention, including phytoestrogens and antioxidants. Despite dietary recommendations to increase intake of whole grains, little epidemiological evidence is available to support the physiological importance of whole‐grain intake. Most epidemiological studies focus on nutrients, rather than whole foods, so little attempt has been made to evaluate the contribution of whole grains in disease. Further, studies on vegetarians that show decreased risk of degenerative diseases are unable to separate the contribution of fruit and vegetable intake when compared with whole‐grain intake and protection from disease. The few epidemiological studies that have evaluated a role for whole grains suggest that they may have an important role in disease prevention and deserve more study.  相似文献   

Whole grains provide energy, nutrients, fibers, and bioactive compounds that may synergistically contribute to their protective effects. A wide range of these compounds is affected by germination. While some compounds, such as β-glucans are degraded, others, like antioxidants and total phenolics are increased by means of biological activation of grains. The water and oil absorption capacity as well as emulsion and foaming capacity of biologically activated grains are also improved. Application of biological activation of grains is of emerging interest, which may significantly enhance the nutritional, functional, and bioactive content of grains, as well as improve palatability of grain foods in a natural way. Therefore, biological activation of cereals can be a way to produce food grains enriched with health-promoting compounds and enhanced functional attributes.  相似文献   

全谷物保留了完整谷粒所具备的营养成分,经常食用有助于维持健康体重,还可以降低心血管疾病、Ⅱ型糖尿病、肠道癌症等疾病的患病风险。但全谷物的适口性和烹饪特性差,难以被消费者接受,因此,改良传统加工工艺,开发新的全谷物食品十分必要。谷物茶作为一种全谷物食品,不仅改善了全谷物的口感,而且保留了其营养价值和健康功效。文章主要对谷物茶在烘烤、发芽、发酵等不同加工工艺下的风味物质变化、功能特性进行综述,并重点探讨了谷物茶在加工过程中丙烯酰胺、晚期糖基化终末产物等有害物形成机制及抑制方法,旨在为全谷物饮品的开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

谷子因其具有重要的农业工业价值、高营养价值和生物活性成分而备受关注.本文首先介绍了谷子的生产概况,进而综述了国内外有关谷子保健功能及其机理的研究进展.大量研究表明,谷子具有抗氧化、降血糖、降血脂、降血压、抗肿瘤、免疫调节、保护肝脏等多种保健功能,这主要与其功能成分酚类物质、活性肽、膳食纤维、类胡萝卜素、脂肪酸等有关.全...  相似文献   

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