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<正>国际能源署促请各国加强减排承诺国际能源署(IEA)发布《能源和气候变化——全球能源展望特别报告》,首次对各国已提交的气候承诺和意向及其对能源部门的影响做出评估,并促请各国加强减排承诺以实现2摄氏度温控目标,为将于12月在巴黎举办的关键性气候变化会议——第二十一届联合国气候变化大会(COP21)提供支持。该报告指出,各国目前已做  相似文献   

<正>1发展基础和形势1.1国际形势随着国际社会对保障能源安全、保护生态环境、应对气候变化等问题日益重视,加快开发利用可再生能源已成为世界各国的普遍共识和一致行动,国际可再生能源发展呈现出以下几个趋势:1)可再生能源已成为全球能源转型及实现应对气候变化目标的重大战略举措。全球能源转型  相似文献   

<正>为应对化石能源日趋枯竭和缓解全球气候变化对人类生存的影响,世界各国都将提高能源有效利用及促进新能源的发展上升为国家战略,分布式能源作为21世纪科学用能的重要方式蓬勃兴起,已得到世界各国的广泛重视和应用。1"能源革命"的必然要求第三次工业革命以来,分布式能源作为一种能源综合利用的高效供能系统,得到了越来越多的关注和发展。低碳经济形势下,其在发达国家已得到广泛的推广利用。发达国家在推  相似文献   

世界主要国家应对气候变化政策分析与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、日本等主要温室气体排放国家或地区为了应对气候变化,都制定了各自的温室气体排放控制目标。为了实现减排目标,各国(或地区)分别制定了应对全球气候变化的法律法规,建立了应对气候变化的碳排放交易体系,实施了各种气候变化税收政策。各国加大资金投入研究开发减缓气候变化的低碳技术,普遍对可再生能源的开发利用颁布了政策法令并建立气候变化资金。世界各主要国家或地区的应对气候变化的政策对完善我国气候变化政策框架体系有一定的启示。我国应加快建立温室气体统计制度,通过技术进步与财税政策促进节能降耗,大力发展可再生能源,降低对化石能源的依赖,建立应对气候变化专项科学基金和低碳技术基金。  相似文献   

能源与气候变化问题关系着人类可持续发展,是世界各国共同面临的严峻挑战。中国正处于经济快速增长时期,实现绿色低碳经济转型,解决能源与气候变化问题,既是国内突破资源环境制约,实现可持续发展的迫切需求,也是在国际应对气候变化进程中必须采取的战略选择。文章基于国际能源与气候变化前沿期刊,对相关研究热点进行了梳理、识别和分析,发现能源技术创新与国际合作、应对气候变化国际谈判与国际治理制度、能源体系变革与低碳发展路径等方面是学界重点关注的领域;提出国内应该强化在能源与应对气候变化领域的基础科学问题、评价体系以及国际合作机制等方面的研究。  相似文献   

宋翠  赵晓丽 《中国能源》2010,32(7):33-36
低碳经济发展越来越多地受到世界各国的广泛关注。环境、气候变化问题,已经成为整个人类面临的最严峻挑战。本文通过分析中国CO2排放的基本状况,并运用计量经济模型,对中国能源消费的环境效应影响、中国能源消费产生的CO 2的影响因素进行定量化分析,探讨了中国能源行业高耗能、外部不经济的主要因素。最后,提出了适合中国可行的降低CO 2排放的能源发展路径。  相似文献   

舟丹 《中外能源》2013,(2):32+38+53+58+67+81+86+92+95
各国根据不同的国情发展新能源发展新能源并不是不重视传统能源的作用,而是根据各国不同的国情发展各自的新能源,希望能源能够更加多元化。美国很重视气候变化,希望使用更多的新能源,可能未来会在天然气和风能方面增加投资,核能方面同样也会增加投  相似文献   

从近代世界能源发展史来看,先行工业化国家都曾遭受到严重的环境污染和生态破坏,为解决这些问题各国均积极推动能源结构调整和化石能源清洁化利用。近年来,为应对全球气候变化挑战,主要发达经济体纷纷制订能源转型和应对气候变化一体化政策,确定了清晰的能源低碳化转型目标与路径。面对环境污染治理和应对气候变化双重压力,我国能源转型必须"两步并作一步走",综合施策,加强能源转型顶层设计、完善能源立法、推动科技创新,强化控制高碳化石能源消费,推进天然气和清洁能源发展,着力构建新型电力系统。  相似文献   

董路影 《中国能源》2011,33(2):47-47
<正>随着社会经济的发展,人们越来越重视环境保护关注气候变化,世界各国均把节能降耗发展新能源及可再生能源作为发展的重要目标。走低碳城市之路,是节能降耗减缓气候变化的重要途径之一。实现低碳目标要从清洁能源的开发利用和节能减排等方面入手,太阳能光伏发电则因其适用的广泛性成为低碳城市清洁能源的首选,是保证实现低碳城市的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

全球气候变化直接关系到各国的利益,受到国际社会的普遍关注。国际社会对应对气候变化问题已形成共识。政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一次至第五次评估报告为应对气候变化提供了科学依据和重要推动力。减缓和适应气候变化是应对气候变化挑战的两个有机组成部分,必须把适应与减缓气候变化置于同等重要位置。气候变化问题引起企业界的高度关注,全球越来越多的大公司将气候变化问题纳入公司发展战略。许多国家加大资金投入,积极开展气候变化研究已成为各国科技发展的新亮点,低碳经济已成为应对气候变化的必然路径。后德班时期全球应对气候变化出现新动向,受欧债危机和全球经济复苏乏力影响,发达国家资金支持受限;页岩革命正在改变能源格局,增强了美国应对气候变化的底气和实力;新能源投资出现波动,设备贸易摩擦加剧;日本福岛核泄漏事故成为各国更青睐气候资源的催化剂与助推器;技术减排有待发挥实质性作用。主要国家应对气候变化的态度在发生变化,中国为国际社会合作解决气候变化问题做出了积极贡献;加拿大和日本应对气候变化立场发生消极变化;美国应对气候变化改玄易辙。展望2015年将要召开的巴黎气候大会,由于资金、技术、政治意愿等条件的变化,加上预备程序进展顺利,估计大会前景可期。各国需展现更多的灵活性、信心和雄心,确保巴黎大会成功。  相似文献   

Pursuant to the commitments under the Framework Convention of Climate Change (FCCC), all Annex I Parties of FCCC have compiled their National Communications on Climate Change. There, Parties have reported the national greenhouse gas inventories, policies, and measures to address climate change, the greenhouse gas emissions projections, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, and education and public awareness.

Implementation of policies and measures to address climate change in economies in transition (EIT) is very complicated due to the experienced deep economic crisis. It is important to outline the efforts of EIT countries to identify their climate change policy and to recognize the most effective policies and measures achieved under these countries' special circumstances.

This paper compiles information from the policies and measures section of the National Communications of nine EIT countries. The analysis has been carried out in the framework of overall policy context and the national circumstances of EIT countries in terms of energy and economy development.

In general, policies and measures in EIT countries tend to follow the trends observed in the other Annex I Parties to the FCCC. They address primarily carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion as the most important greenhouse gas and the energy transformation sector as the major greenhouse emissions source. The most effective mitigation measures — in terms of both greenhouse gas emission reduction and costs — were energy efficiency and the promotion of non-fossil energy sources. A prevailing part of policies and measures implemented or under implementation in EIT countries were cost-effective and no-regret measures. It was considered very difficult in these countries to go beyond no-regret measures in a situation of deep economic crisis and insufficient investments.  相似文献   

发达国家新能源政策的调整及其启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
瞿国华 《中外能源》2010,15(1):29-33
开发新能源是国家能源安全战略的一个重要方面,世界各国都十分重视。美国石油替代能源发展经历了甲醇燃料、氢能、生物质能3个阶段,目前已成为新能源产业发展最快的国家之一。德国、日本、芬兰根据本国国情都制定了新能源政策。德国采用补贴式发展模式推动新能源发展,并通过行政手段解决新能源产业发展的资本难题。日本能源政策的特点是:能源构成多样化、进口多元化、节能以及建立强大的石油战略储备等,并积极开发新能源。芬兰一方面大力提高能源利用效率,实施节能;另一方面开发以再生能源为主的新能源,因地制宜地发展生物质能。世界大石油公司认为可再生能源的研发是一种边缘的非核心业务,他们主要开发生物燃料,因为生物燃料更接近石油公司的核心业务。发达国家新能源的发展历程表明,补贴式新能源产业发展模式只能作为新能源开发的引发剂而非长久之计。新能源产业要真正成为未来各国经济的支柱产业,必须寻找新的科技、资本手段来支持新能源产业发展。  相似文献   

Nowadays, one of the urgent issues regarding global climate change is to discuss the future of the second period of the Kyoto Protocol. However, the divergence of views and opinions among parties in the last Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Durban in December 2011, is still large. One of the bones of contention is whether the emerging developing countries, like China, should make commitments and legally bind themselves to a Green House Gas (GHG) reduction target in near future. As the largest GHG emitting country, China and its energy and climate policies will play an important role in global climate change and will also significantly influence the other countries’ policies and the global climate negotiation. In this paper, we review the current differences among parties in the Durban Conference, and we analyze the recent situation, barriers, and future policies in China. Finally we highlight the impact and potential effect of Clean Development Mechanisms in avoiding China's barriers regarding climate change. Results show that China is making a great effort to mitigate climate change by establishing and reforming its energy and climate policies in order to achieve a low-carbon development. At the same time, more innovation and international collaboration is needed in China to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

我国现行节能政策述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈甲斌 《中国能源》2003,25(3):28-30
本文分析了我国实行节能的紧迫性与其现实意义,在此基础上阐述了现行的若干节能政策,并提出了其政策完善的建议。  相似文献   

全球太阳能热利用行业激励政策及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太阳能热利用是一种重要的可再生能源,在我国已经实现了商业化运行。如何支持已实现了商业化运行的太阳能热利用行业,是目前可再生能源政策研究的热点问题。本文研究分析了立法、财政补贴和间接市场等激励政策的适用环境,剖析了欧盟、西班牙、以色列和澳大利亚等国家和地区的现行激励政策,针对我国的产业发展现状,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The damage inflicted by global warming is happening far faster than any experts have predicted or anticipated. Since the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997 to fight global warming through reducing global greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission, the world climate pattern has worsened at an accelerated rate beyond expectation. While developed countries sanctioned by the protocol are committed to achieve their GHG emission targets, developing nations play similar roles on a voluntary basis. Since almost all of the GHGs emissions come from energy sector, it is obvious that energy policy and related regulatory frameworks play imperative roles in realizing the Kyoto Protocol objectives. With carbon dioxide (CO2) touted as the main remedy in the GHGs emissions, it is only reasonable that carbon trading becomes the essential element in the Protocol. Recently a milestone is marked in the Kyoto Protocol with the 2009 Climate Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, with all participating countries further committed themselves in fulfilling the protocol's obligations before the commitment period due in 2012. It is worthwhile to review the various energy efficiency efforts and carbon trading potential in Malaysia, a country which although does not bear any obligation, has ratified and lauded the cause of the protocol. Malaysia as a developing nation is seen as a direct beneficiary from carbon trading and in this paper, how the country energy policies have evolved over the years with concerted efforts from the government to minimize its carbon footprint through numerous energy efficiency implementations are discussed in length. The impact from the 2009 Climate Summit on Malaysia is also briefed.  相似文献   

A low-carbon energy transition is permeating many industrialized countries due to the overuse of fossil fuels and the climate change. Some countries stress the hydrogen energy in optimizing their energy structures. This article examines both the markets and the policies of the hydrogen industry in the World's Top 4 largest economies. To make the comparative analysis more logical, a novel conceptual model for energy transition -- the institution-economics-technology-behavior framework -- has been adopted to make a multi-dimensional discussion. The results show that: (1) From the perspective of strategic intention, developing hydrogen energy is conductive to the energy transition. (2) From the horizontal comparison, each country has its own advantages, however, the main driving factors are different. (3) From the vertical comparison, the hydrogen energy development in each country is still in the stage of quantitative change, and the inflection point of qualitative change has not been reached yet.  相似文献   

Climate change and limited primary energy resources require indigenous renewable electricity generation options to change the current coal-dominated power source matrix in China. The wind power is such a solution for the above challenges, and it still has large space for improvement in China. In this paper several critical factors related to Chinese wind power were studied in details, including the wind resources, the wind turbine industry and the policies from the Chinese government. Based on the study, the perspective of wind power in China was discussed. With outstanding advantages, the offshore wind power has a bright future in China, so its main characteristics are discussed. Based on the discussions, suggestions were given to improve the development of Chinese wind power, and the government's further measures are also recommended.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a ten-region model of the world economy to analyze the economic and environmental outcomes that are likely to result from the Paris Climate Agreement. To construct our modeling scenario, we first convert the Agreement's disparate Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) pledges into equivalent reductions in CO2 emissions relative to a baseline scenario without the Agreement. We then model the Agreement by solving for a CO2 price path in each region that would gradually fulfill the region's NDC pledge by its target date. The resulting paths are quite different across regions, indicating significant differences in marginal abatement costs. We also find that if all regions achieve their NDCs, the Agreement significantly reduces CO2 emissions relative to baseline. However, global emissions would not decline in absolute terms relative to 2015 levels, let alone follow a path consistent with a 2 °C stabilization scenario. We then construct additional scenarios to explore how the outcomes of the Agreement would change if particular countries (the United States, China, and Australia) were to unilaterally withdraw from it without undertaking alternative climate policies. We find that leaving the Agreement raises GDP for the country that leaves, but it also sharply reduces the domestic co-benefits the country receives as a side effect of controlling CO2. For each country we consider, the net effect of withdrawing is negative: the loss of co-benefits exceeds the gain in GDP. That is, we show that when co-benefits are considered, it is in each country's self-interest to remain in the Agreement.  相似文献   

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