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We have studied the photoconductivity spectrum, thermally stimulated current, current-light characteristics, and temperature-dependent photocurrent in Bridgman-grown ordered-vacancy Ga2Se3 crystals. The observed temperature quenching of photoconductivity and two regions of its thermal activation in Ga2Se3 crystals are interpreted in terms of a multicenter recombination model which incorporates an s-channel of active recombination, r-centers of photosensitivity, and traps for nonequilibrium majority carriers.  相似文献   

Ga2Se3 and In2Se3 prepared through heterovalent substitution during thermal annealing of single-crystal gallium arsenide and indium arsenide substrates in selenium vapor in a quasi-closed system have been characterized by electron diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray microanalysis. Cubic phases of In2Se3 (a 0 = 1.1243 nm and a 0 = 1.6890 nm) and Ga2Se3 (a 0 = 1.0893 nm and a 0 = 1.6293 nm) have been identified for the first time.  相似文献   

The compounds Gd14Cu48Ga3 and Tb14Cu48Ga3 have been synthesized, and their structures have been determined by powder x-ray diffraction (Gd14Ag51 type).  相似文献   

The cathodo- and photoluminescence spectra of Cu3Ga5Se9 single crystals have been measured at different excitation intensities and temperatures. The results indicate that the radiative recombination of nonequilibrium charge carriers occurs primarily through impurity levels due to anion and cation vacancies. The anion and cation vacancy concentrations can be controlled by thermal and laser anneals.  相似文献   

The structure of three compounds in the Cu2Se-In2Se3-Cr2Se3 system near CuInCr2Se5 is determined by single-crystal x-ray diffraction: CuInCr4Se8 (I), Cu2In2Se4 (II), and Cu0.5In0.5Se (III). I has a cubic (spinel type) structure: a = 10.606(4) Å, Z = 4, sp. gr. F43m. II has a pseudotetragonal (sphalerite type) structure: a = 5.774(2) Å, c = 11.617(6) Å. The structure of II was solved in a reduced unit cell with a = 5.774(2) Å, b = 5.774(2) Å, c = 7.095(6) Å, = 113.95(5)°, = 113.95(5)°, = 90.00(4)°, Z = 1, sp. gr. P1. III has a triclinic cell (disordered structure of II): a = 4.088(1) Å, b = 4.091(2) Å, c = 4.101(1) Å, = 60.05(1)°, = 60.08(1)°, = 89.98(4)°, Z = 1, sp. gr. P1. The Cu and In atoms in I sit in inequivalent tetrahedral sites, and the Cr atoms reside in octahedral interstices of the close packing of Se atoms. The bond lengths are In–Se = 2.538(6), Cr(1)–Se(1) = 2.514(7), Cr(1)–Se(2) = 2.576(8), and Cu–Se = 2.437(5) Å. In II, all of the atoms sit in tetrahedral sites; the mean bond lengths are In–Se = 2.578(6) and Cu–Se = 2.44(1) Å. In III, the Cu and In atoms are fully disordered in the same tetrahedral site; the mean Cu(In)–Se bond length is 2.508(6) Å.Translated from Neorganicheskie Materialy, Vol. 40, No. 12, 2004, pp. 1435–1439.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Antsyshkina, Sadikov, Koneshova, Sergienko.  相似文献   

We have studied phase equilibria in the pseudoternary system Ag2Se-As2Se3-Bi2Se3 and constructed the 300-, 600-, and 800-K isothermal sections, a number of partial phase diagrams, and the liquidus projection of this system. The AgAsSe2-AgBiSe2 and As2Se3-AgBiSe2 joins are shown to be pseudobinary, and the Ag3AsSe3-AgBiSe2 and AgAs3Se5-AgAsSe2 joins are pseudobinary below the liquidus. Several in- and univariant peritectic, eutectic, and eutectoid equilibria and a broad region of AgBiSe2-based solid solutions are identified. The homogeneity region of the AgBiSe2-based phase has the largest extent along the AgAsSe2-AgBiSe2 join: 40 mol % (650 K) for the high-temperature form of AgBiSe2 and 20 mol % (300 K) for its low-temperature form.  相似文献   

Nanophase of Ga2O3 has potentially important applications in photocatalysis. We report the synthesis of nanophase of the metastable γ- and stable β-Ga2O3 and demonstrate that it is possible to prepare a continuously varying mixture starting from the pure metastable γ- to the pure β-phase. This is achieved by employing a facile and reliable combustion route, using urea as a fuel. Typical grain sizes, as estimated from XRD studies, are about 3 nm. Given the importance of surface chemistry for potential applications, thermogravimetric coupled with mass spectrometry is used in conjunction with FTIR to elucidate the chemistry of the adsorbed surface layer. Studies on the γ-Ga2O3 phase indicate the occurrence of weight loss of 8.1% in multiple steps. Evolved gas analysis and FTIR studies show presence of physisorbed H2O molecules and chemisorbed –(OH) ions bonded to active surface states and accounts predominantly for the observed weight loss.  相似文献   

A production technology of thin CuIn0.95Ga0.05Se2 films has been developed based on the method of two-stage selenization of CuIn0.95Ga0.05 precursor by a reactive component (selenium) in a carrier gas (nitrogen) flow. The morphology and structure of obtained films were studied by electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. The spectral dependence of the optical absorption coefficient was measured.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline HoBiGeO5 and ErBiGeO5 samples have been prepared by solid-state reactions, by firing stoichiometric mixtures of Ho2O3 (Er2O3), Bi2O3, and GeO2. The effect of temperature on the heat capacity of the synthesized compounds has been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry in the range 350–1000 K. The experimental Cp(T) data have been used to evaluate the thermodynamic functions of bismuth holmium and bismuth erbium germanates: enthalpy increment, entropy change, and reduced Gibbs energy.  相似文献   

We report the optical and dielectric properties and microhardness of La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 lanthanum gallium tantalate (langatate) crystals. Analysis of the optical transmission spectra of the crystals in relation to their refined compositions indicates that the bands at 34000–35000 and 27000–28000 cm−1 are due to lanthanum and oxygen vacancies, respectively, and that the band at 20000–21000 cm−1 is responsible for the yellow (orange) coloration of the crystals. Their resistivity and microhardness decrease with increasing oxygen vacancy concentration.  相似文献   

The photoluminescence (PL) of Ga2S3-5 mol % Eu2O3 nanocrystals prepared by mechanical comminution of the initial compound has been studied in the temperature range from 77 to 300 K. It is established that the PL spectrum of nanocrystals, in comparison to that of a massive sample, extends over a broader wavelength interval (430–620 nm) and has two maxima (at 507 and 556 nm) instead of one. The intensity of emission from nanocrystals is significantly higher than that from the massive crystal. The halfwidth in both cases varies with the temperature in proportion to T 1/2. The intensity of emission at 556 nm for nanocrystals depends on the temperature as lgI ~ 1/T, this dependence having three linear portions corresponding to an activation energy of 0.04, 0.16, and 0.43 eV. The PL bands with maxima at 507 and 556 nm are assigned to the intracenter 4f 65d4f 7 transitions in Eu2+ ions.  相似文献   

TiO2-sheathed Ga2O3 one-dimensional (1D) nanostructures were synthesized by thermal evaporation of GaN powders and then sputter-deposition of TiO2. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis results indicate that the Ga2O3 cores are of a single crystal nature with a monoclinic structure while the TiO2 shells are amorphous. Photoluminescence (PL) emission is slightly decreased in intensity by TiO2 coating, but it is significantly increased by thermal annealing in an oxygen atmosphere. The emission peak is also shifted from ~500 to ~550 nm by oxygen annealing. The increase in the green emission is due to the increase in the concentration of the Ga vacancies in the cores by the inflow of oxygen during oxygen annealing. On the other hand, annealing in a nitrogen atmosphere leads to a red shift of the emission to ~700 nm originating from nitrogen doping.  相似文献   

Perfect α-In2Se3 single crystals have been grown, and ultrasound velocities, v i (i = 1–7), have been measured in single-crystal α-In2Se3 in various directions for different polarizations. We have determined the components of its elastic tensor (C ij ) and calculated its elastic characteristics: elastic compliance, Young’s modulus, shear modulus, linear and volume compressibilities, bulk modulus, and Poisson’s ratio.  相似文献   

We report the high-field (up to 14 Tesla) magneto-conductivity analysis of Bi2Se3 topological insulator grown via the self-flux method. The detailed experimental investigations including crystal growth as well as the electrical, thermal, and spectroscopic characterizations of the resultant Bi2Se3 single crystal are already reported by some of us. The current letter deals with high-field magneto-conductivity analysis in terms of Hikami Larkin Nagaoka (HLN) model, which revealed that the electronic conduction is dominated by both surface state-driven weak anti-localization (WAL), as well as the bulk weak localization (WL) states. Further, by applying the HLN equation, we have extracted the fitting parameters, i.e., phase coherence length (lφ) and the pre-factor (α). Here, the magneto-conductivity data is fitted up to ± 5 Tesla, but in order to extract reliable fitting parameters, the same is fitted at much lower magnetic fields, i.e., up to ± 1 Tesla. The value of the HLN coefficient (α), extracted from the HLN equation exhibited values close to ? 1.0, indicating both WAL and WL contributions. On the other hand, the extracted \(l_{\varphi }\) is seen to decrease from 11.125 to 5.576 nm as the temperature is increased from 5 to 200 K, respectively. Summarily, the short letter discusses primarily the temperature-dependent magneto-conductivity analysis of pristine Bi2Se3 single crystal by the HLN model.  相似文献   

Extruded n-type materials based on Bi2Te3-Bi2Se3 alloys containing 6 to 40 mol % Bi2Se3 have been investigated using microstructural analysis and thermoelectric measurements at room temperature and in the range 100–400 K. Their electrical properties have been compared to those of single-crystal analogs. Compositions have been found at which the extruded materials offer the highest thermoelectric performance in different temperature ranges.  相似文献   

The phase equilibria in the pseudoternary system Ag2Se-PbSe-Bi2Se3 have been studied using differential thermal analysis, x-ray diffraction, and microhardness measurements. The results have been used to construct the T-x phase diagram along the AgBiSe2-PbSe join and the 900-K section of the ternary phase diagram. The AgBiSe2-PbSe system contains a continuous series of cubic solid solutions with the NaCl structure. Their lattice parameter is an almost linear function of composition (a = 5.822–6.125 Å). The formation of the solid solutions stabilizes the high-temperature phase of AgBiSe2: PbSe dissolution in this compound markedly reduces its polymorphic transformation temperature (590 K), down to room temperature at ? 10 mol % PbSe. In the Ag2Se-PbSe-Bi2Se3 system, the γ-phase exists in a broad region around the AgBiSe2-PbSe pseudobinary join.  相似文献   

In this activity system Tl-Tl2X-X (X = S, Se)are studied using emf measurements of concentration chains relative thallic electrode. The solid phase diagrams of these systems are clarified, homogeneity areas of the compounds Tl6SCl4 and Tl5Se2Cl are determined. On the basis of emf measurement results, relative partial molar functions of thallium in alloys and standard integral thermodynamic functions (ΔG 0(298 K), ΔH 0 (298 K), ΔS 0 (298 K)) of the ternary compounds Tl6SCl4 and Tl5Se2 Cl and phases of variable composition based on the latter are calculated.  相似文献   

Nd3+ : Sr3Ga2Ge4O14 crystals have been grown by the modified Bridgman method. The growth defects, such as striations, scattering particles and dislocations were investigated. Some featherlike striations were observed in as-grown crystals. EPMA analysis suggested that these inclusions were caused by the segregation of Nd2O3 from the melt. Chemical etching results showed that the dislocation density was in the range of 103 ∼ 105/cm2.  相似文献   

In this letter, we report on the growth and characterization of bulk Bi 2Se 3 single crystals. The studied Bi 2Se 3 crystals are grown by the self-flux method through the solid-state reaction from high-temperature (950 °C) melt of constituent elements and slow cooling (2 ℃/h). The resultant crystals are shiny and grown in the [00l] direction, as evidenced from surface XRD. Detailed Reitveld analysis of powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) of the crystals showed that these are crystallized in the rhombohedral crystal structure with a space group of R3m (D5), and the lattice parameters are a = 4.14 (2), b = 4.14 (2), and c = 28.7010 (7) Å. Temperature versus resistivity (ρ?T) plots revealed metallic conduction down to 2 K, with typical room temperature resistivity (ρ 300 K) of around 0.53 m Ω-cm and residual resistivity (ρ 0 K) of 0.12 m Ω-cm. Resistivity under magnetic field [ ρ(T)H] measurements exhibited large + ve magneto-resistance right from 2 to 200 K. Isothermal magneto-resistance [ ρH] measurements at 2, 100, and 200 K exhibited magneto-resistance (MR) of up to 240 %, 130 %, and 60 %, respectively, at 14 T. Further, the MR plots are nonsaturating and linear with the field at all temperatures. At 2 K, the MR plots showed clear quantum oscillations at above say 10 T applied field. Also, the Kohler plots, i.e., Δρ/ ρ oversus B/ ρ, were seen consolidating on one plot. Interestingly, the studied Bi 2Se 3 single crystal exhibited the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations at 2 K under different applied magnetic fields ranging from 4 to 14 T.  相似文献   

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