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在荔红稻熟,赛龙夺锦的端午时节,走进广东珠江三角洲地区名优荟萃的数控机床市场,琳琅满目,供求络绛,交易火热,生产旺威。无论是生产厂家推出的,经销商场陈列的,还是展览场所展示的数控机床,技术精益求精,外形色彩缤纷,功能不断优化,价格竞争激烈。国内外厂家纷至沓来,各显神通,抢滩登场,新产品上市象赶集,以争占市场的“话语权”。  相似文献   

阎青松 《机械制造》2002,40(6):23-23
在车加工薄壁管内孔时,由于管壁较薄,刚度差,采用三爪自动定心卡盘装夹时,若夹持较紧,则变形大,若较松,则不能夹牢,即使松紧适当,也难以克服内孔圆度的误差,尤其是加工软材料,无法达到技术要求。在生产如图1所示的零件时,按传统方法,用三爪卡盘装夹,圆度很难达到要求,废品率达90%以上,采用如图2所示的车加工薄壁管内孔的专用夹具后,废品率不到1%。车加工时,利用三爪卡盘夹紧管套,将长度已加工好的工件放入管套内,然后把旋压盖旋入管套将工件进行轴向压紧,再车内圆进行正常加工,完工后退出旋压盖,将工件换头,…  相似文献   

刘雅贞  刘志民 《一重技术》1997,(3):62-64,45
本文采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(简称ICP)对镍基合金中锰,铬,铜,钴,钛,钼,铁,铌,钽的分析方法进行了试验,研究了载气流量,输入功率,观测高度等对测量镍基合金中各元素的影响,并对镍基合金试样进行了准确分析,本方法灵敏度高,操作简便,快速,适用于日常分析检测工作。  相似文献   

借助于超声检测技术,机器人技术,数字控制技术,计算机技术等,研制了一种用于超声检测机械手,该机械手由机械系统,伺服系统,检测系统等组成,通过PC机控制,能够实现自动控制并实时获取坐标信息,有利于缺陷的定位,定量和定性分析,其结构简单,性能价格比高,不仅能够用于超声检测,而且也可以用于其他场合,具有广泛的适应性。  相似文献   

广州正道科技有限公司始创于1992年,坚持客户导向,应用为本的策略,长期专注于在信息技术领域开拓发展成为企业,政府,家庭信息化的推动者和服务者。与国际及国内众多著名IT企业如联想,惠普,IBM,ORACLE,SAP,APC,NOKIA,F5,MICROSOFT,CA,金蝶等建立了长期的战略合作关系,  相似文献   

本文探讨了用近红外光谱法非破坏检测西红柿中糖,酸等上种成分的可行性,采用二阶导数来处理光学数据,分别筛选出832nm,916nm,1000nm,1004nm代表西红柿中可溶性固形物,有机酸,维生素C,还原糖的第一特征波长,经多元线性回归分析,与国际法相比,其相关系数分别为0.994,0.983,0.990.0.987。对40个预测样品的检验误差为0.057,0.007,0.440,0.037,结果  相似文献   

提出“九五”期间湖北省机械产业技术发展的对策设想,通过技术创新,造就一批以创新产品为龙头,以资产为纽带的技术开发能力强,在国内外有较竞争力知名度的企业和企业集团,集中开发汽车(轿车,农用车,轻型车),大型发电,输变电设备,通用机械,机电一体化设备,环保设备。  相似文献   

为了解决某产品集装箱空运时装,卸机问题,研制了剪叉式手摇液压升降车。该车采用剪叉式机械结构,手摇泵液压驱动,结构简单,设计新颖,升降平稳,操作方便,载重量大,升降范围宽,外形小,质量轻,运行方便,转弯灵活,是一种理想实用的空运地面设备。  相似文献   

高分子材料的摩擦学特性及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王庆运 《机械》1998,25(6):8-10
大多数高分子材料,特别是聚四氟乙烯,尼龙,聚甲醛,超高分子量聚乙烯等工程塑料,具有优良的减摩,耐磨,自润滑性能,可以用作轴承,导轨,齿轮,磨耗板等。本文阐述了高分子材料的磨擦学特性,并列举了一些应用。  相似文献   

采用本文介绍的方法,由于滑模存在的边界曲线Г^+1,Г^-1,Г^+2,Г^-2,Г^+2和Г^-3有明确数学表达式,而只要选择σ1,σ2,σ3在边界曲线所包围的区域内,滑模方式便存在,故开关线σ1,σ2,σ3,的选择避免了盲目性;又由于滑模控制器的参数αi,βi,γi,ρi和Ci的选择也有明确的数学表达式。  相似文献   

Several measurements of the radon concentration are performed by RAD7 in the University of South China. We find that 30-40 min is needed for RAD7 for tracing the concentration of the standard radon chamber. There are two reasons. The first is that the sufficient time of air cycle is needed for the radon concentration in internal cell of RAD7 equal to that of the environment; and the second is that the sufficient decay time is needed for the (218)Po concentration in internal cell of RAD7 equal to that of the radon. We used a zeroth order approximation to describe the evolution of the environment radon concentration, and obtained a novel algorithm for quick and continuous tracing the change of radon concentration. The corrected radon concentration obtained through this method is in good agreement with the reference value. This method can be applied to develop and improve the instruments for tracing the change of radon concentration quickly.  相似文献   

采用1027型和RAD7型连续测氡仪对比测量某房间的氡气含量。结果发现,对于同一房间,1027型连续测氡仪不论采用哪种工作状态(enable和disable),测量数据和RAD7型连续测氡仪测量数据差别都很大;1027型测氡仪测量数据稳定性差,波动较大,RAD7型连续测氡仪测量数据稳定性好,波动较小;湿度对2种仪器的影响都很大。  相似文献   

A technique for studying long-term radon anomalies is proposed. It is intended for anomalies originating from a impulse of the radon concentration generated in a center of destruction during the period of its activation. This technique has been used for quantitative interpretation of experimental data during determination of the spatiotemporal characteristics of a center of destruction and parameters of radon migration.  相似文献   

测氡仪器概述   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
卢伟 《现代仪器》2002,(2):5-8,16
介绍近年来测氡仪器在找矿(放射性铀钍矿、石油)、地震预报以及环境保护特别是室内氡的测定与防治方面日益显示出重要性的现状,综合介绍了目前国内外测氡仪器的原理、分类、应用,以及近年来氡气测定仪器的发展。对几种常用的瞬时法测氡仪做了重点介绍。对国际“氡热”最为流行的SSNTD方法做了较详细的叙述。  相似文献   

The deposition of radon decay products is not equal in each of the respiratory regions and as the presence of radon has been linked with an increase in lung cancer risk, it is important to calculate the deposition of radon decay products in each of the respiratory regions. Recently, many studies on the deposition of radon in respiratory regions have been simulated using wire screens. The systems and equipment used in those studies are not suitable for field measurements as their dimensions are relatively massive, nor can they measure continuously. We developed a continuous bronchial dosimeter (CBD) which is suitable for field measurements. It was designed with specifications that allow it to be remain compact. The CBD simulates the deposition of radon decay products in the different respiratory regions by the use of a combination of wire screens. Deposition in the simulated regions of the lung can be continuously estimated in various environments. The ratio of activities deposited in a simulated nasal cavity (N) and tracheobronchial (TB) regions was calculated from the results of simultaneous measurements using CBD-R (reference), CBD-N (nasal), and CBD-TB (tracheobronchial) measurement units. After aerosols were injected into the radon chamber, the ratio of N and TB depositions decreased. This results indicate that the CBD gave a good response to changes in the environment. It was found that the ratio of N and TB deposition also varied with time in each actual environment.  相似文献   

介绍了基于静电收集半导体探测器测量方法研制的地质灾害体氡射气自动监测系统,详细描述了监测系统的,硬件电路和软件设计思路,指出了氡射气监测系统在滑坡监测预报中的应用前景。  相似文献   

The use of ionization chambers to continuously monitor the concentration of radon dissolved in ground water is described. In one case, air is bubbled through the water sample to strip the radon into the chamber. In a second operating mode, the sample water itself is flowed through the chamber. Support electronics systems are described for remote and urban applications.  相似文献   

Model1027连续测氡仪测量室内氡浓度若干问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文探讨Model 10 2 7连续测氡仪测量室内氡浓度的方法。用两台仪器对一房间内氡浓度在不同情况下进行近一个月的测量后 ,得出以下结论 :仪器操作简便 ,测量结果稳定 ;仪器处于DISABLE(数字显示关闭 )状态所测氡浓度高于ENABLE(数字显示开启 )状态测量氡浓度 ;测量结果表达方式有两类 ,即氡浓度总平均值和美国环保局推荐平均值 ,多点比较测量应采用同一类氡浓度 ;仪器连续测量时间不得少于 2 4h ,最好为 4 8h或更长 ;本次所测房间氡浓度平均值为 92 5Bq/m3,符合国家标准  相似文献   

On the base of an equation system derived by the authors and describing radon migration in disintegrating cracked and porous rocks, variations in the radon concentration have been interpreted on the quantitative level with a view to determining spatial and temporal characteristics of a destruction zone.  相似文献   

The problem of determining the 222Rn concentration in air from γ-ray spectra of radon progeny is solved using the aerosol filters method. The systematic error of the method due to incomplete collection of radon progeny is determined. It is shown that, when comparing the filter activity to the analytical calculation, the use of a 20-cm-diameter 20-cm-tall NaI(Tl) crystal and a 4−π geometry makes it possible to measure radon concentration with an accuracy of 20-30%. Original Russian Text ? A.Kh. Khokonov, M.B. Masaev, Yu.V. Savoiskii, 2009, published in Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, 2009, No. 1, pp. 142–144.  相似文献   

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