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EcoRII is a member of the expanding group of type IIe restriction endonucleases that share the distinguishing feature of requiring cooperativity between two recognition sites in their substrate DNA. To determine the stoichiometry of the active DNA-enzyme complex and the mode of cooperative interaction, we have investigated the dependence of EcoRII cleavage on the concentration of EcoRII dimers. Maximal restriction was observed at dimer/site ratios of 0.25 and 0. 5. The molecular weight of the DNA-enzyme complex eluted from a gel filtration column also corresponds to a dimeric enzyme structure bound to two substrate sites. We conclude that one EcoRII dimer is sufficient to interact cooperatively with two DNA recognition sites. A Lac repressor "barrier" bound between two normally reactive EcoRII sites did not inhibit restriction endonuclease activity, indicating that cooperativity between EcoRII sites is achieved by bending or looping of the intervening DNA stretch. Comparative cleavage of linear substrates with differently spaced interacting sites revealed an inverse correlation between cleavage rate and site distance. At the optimal distance of one helical turn, EcoRII cleavage is independent of the orientation of the recognition sequence in the DNA double strand.  相似文献   

8 patients with paludism diagnosis due to Plasmodium vivax and deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase that should receive antipaludism radical treatment with primaquine were studied. It was determined that 87.5% of the patients presented hemolysis but its relation with the enzymatic activity was not significant (p > 0.05). 50% of the patients could not finish their treatment because of the appearance of important hemolysis. It is concluded that primaquine should not be used indiscriminately among those patients with deficit of glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

By use of restriction endonucleases, the DNA of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 was analyzed for DNA-specific methylation. Three different recognition sites of methyltransferases, a dam-like site including N6-methyladenosine and two other sites with methylcytosine, were identified, whereas no activities of restriction endonucleases could be detected in this strain. slr0214, a Synechocystis gene encoding a putative methyltransferase that shows significant similarities to C5-methylcytosine-synthesizing enzymes, was amplified by PCR and cloned for further characterization. Mutations in slr0214 were generated by the insertion of an aphII gene cassette. Analyses of chromosomal DNAs of such mutants demonstrated that the methylation pattern was changed. The recognition sequence of the methyltransferase was identified as 5'-CGATCG-3', corresponding to the recognition sequence of PvuI. The specific methyltransferase activity was significantly reduced in protein extracts obtained from mutant cells. Mutation of slr0214 also led to changed growth characteristics of the cells compared to wild-type cells. These alterations led to the conclusion that the methyltransferase Slr0214 might play a regulatory role in Synechocystis. The Slr0214 protein was also overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified protein demonstrated methyltransferase activity and specificity for PvuI recognition sequences in vitro. We propose the designation M.Ssp6803I [corrected] (Synechocystis methyltransferase I) for the slr0214-encoded enzyme.  相似文献   

How strong adjuvants such as complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) promote T cell priming to protein antigens in vivo is still unclear. Since the unmethylated CpG motifs in DNA of bacteria and other nonvertebrates are stimulatory for B cells and antigen-presenting cells, the strong adjuvanticity of CFA could be attributed, at least in part, to the presence of dead bacteria, i.e., a source of stimulatory DNA. In support of this possibility, evidence is presented that insect DNA in mineral oil has even stronger adjuvant activity than CFA by a number of parameters. Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) containing unmethylated CpG motifs mimic the effects of insect DNA and, even in soluble form, ODNs markedly potentiate clonal expansion of T cell receptor transgenic T cells responding to specific peptide.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that anti-silicone antibodies develop in patients implanted with silicone materials. The majority of these studies have utilized enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methodology with a silicone material substrate as a means to detect the presence of the anti-silicone antibody. The current studies were undertaken to determine whether the binding of IgG to a silicone substrate was consistent with an antigen-specific antibody interaction or the result of non-specific hydrophobic interactions. While significant differences were detected in serum from silicone antibody "positive" and "negative" patients when the ELISA was conducted using a phosphate buffered saline (PBS)-0.05% Tween 20 (Tween) blocking system, the difference in the responses was attenuated when protein blocking systems were used or when incubation times were decreased. Furthermore, ELISA studies, using purified mouse and human IgG, demonstrated a concentration-dependent binding of IgG to silicone elastomer substrate which was also attenuated when a protein blocking system was used in lieu of Tween. In controlled animals studies in which female B6C3F1 mice were implanted with silicone gel or silicone elastomer for 180 days, no difference was observed between the implanted animals and the PBS control animals with respect to binding of IgG to the silicone substrate. Similar studies in female Fischer 344 rats implanted with silicone gel for 84 days also failed to demonstrate the presence of anti-silicone antibody. Collectively, the results suggest that the binding of IgG to silicone implant materials is non-specific in nature, consistent with the well-recognized interactions between hydrophobic molecules (IgGs) and hydrophobic surfaces (silicones) in an aqueous-based system.  相似文献   

Mapping of the conserved sequence regions in the restriction endonucleases MunI (C/AATTG) and EcoRI (G/AATTC) to the known X-ray structure of EcoRI allowed us to identify the sequence motif 82PDX14EXK as the putative catalytic/Mg2+ ion binding site of MunI [Siksnys, V., Zareckaja, N., Vaisvila, R., Timinskas, A., Stakenas, P., Butkus, V., & Janulaitis, A. Gene (1994) 142, 1-8]. Site-directed mutagenesis was then used to test whether amino acids P82, D83, E98, and K100 were important for the catalytic activity of MunI. Mutation P82A generated only a marginal effect on the cleavage properties of the enzyme. Investigation of the cleavage properties of the D83, E98, and K100 substitution mutants, however, in vivo and in vitro, revealed either an absence of catalytic activity or markedly reduced catalytic activity. Interestingly, the deleterious effect of the E98Q replacement in vitro was partially overcome by replacement of the metal cofactor used. Though the catalytic activity of the E98Q mutant was only 0.4% of WT under standard conditions (in the presence of Mg2+ ions), the mutant exhibited 40% of WT catalytic activity in buffer supplemented with Mn2+ ions. Further, the DNA binding properties of these substitution mutants were analyzed using the gel shift assay technique. In the absence of Mg2+ ions, WT MunI bound both cognate DNA and noncognate sequences with similar low affinities. The D83A and E98A mutants, in contrast, in the absence of Mg2+ ions, exhibited significant specificity of binding to cognate DNA, suggesting that the substitutions made can simulate the effect of the Mg2+ ion in conferring specificity to the MunI restriction enzyme.  相似文献   

Molecular Dynamics simulations on DNA-EcoRI and DNA-EcoRV complexes suggest that the DNA within these complexes is significantly more ordered than free DNA. Similarly, both the protein and the DNA are more ordered in the specific (cognate) DNA-EcoRV complex than they are in the non-cognate DNA-protein complex, consistent with recently proposed analogies between protein folding and sequence-specific DNA-protein recognition. Analysis of the trajectories shows that the net entropy gain upon specific binding to be the result of opposing contributions. Solvent release, which increases entropy versus configurational terms (as measured by the magnitude of the atomic fluctuations), and collective terms from tight coupling between the motions of the protein and the DNA.  相似文献   

Affinities of various monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies for fluorescein-containing antigens, saxitoxin and ricin, were determined by using a light addressable potentiometric sensor-based system (Threshold). The dissociation constants, determined from Scatchard plots, ranged from 2 x 10(-7) to approximately 3 x 10(-12) M. Dissociation constants for fluorescein and saxitoxin were compared with values determined by independent means. This technique was found to be quick, simple, reproducible, and accurate.  相似文献   

Restriction endonucleases such as EcoRI bind and cleave DNA with great specificity and represent a paradigm for protein-DNA interactions and molecular recognition. Using osmotic pressure to induce water release, we demonstrate the participation of bound waters in the sequence discrimination of substrate DNA by EcoRI. Changes in solvation can play a critical role in directing sequence-specific DNA binding by EcoRI and are also crucial in assisting site discrimination during catalysis. By measuring the volume change for complex formation, we show that at the cognate sequence (GAATTC) EcoRI binding releases about 70 fewer water molecules than binding at an alternate DNA sequence (TAATTC), which differs by a single base pair. EcoRI complexation with nonspecific DNA releases substantially less water than either of these specific complexes. In cognate substrates (GAATTC) kcat decreases as osmotic pressure is increased, indicating the binding of about 30 water molecules accompanies the cleavage reaction. For the alternate substrate (TAATTC), release of about 40 water molecules accompanies the reaction, indicated by a dramatic acceleration of the rate when osmotic pressure is raised. These large differences in solvation effects demonstrate that water molecules can be key players in the molecular recognition process during both association and catalytic phases of the EcoRI reaction, acting to change the specificity of the enzyme. For both the protein-DNA complex and the transition state, there may be substantial conformational differences between cognate and alternate sites, accompanied by significant alterations in hydration and solvent accessibility.  相似文献   

Subunit dissociation has to be taken into account in the determination of the oxygen binding constants of hemoglobin, as described by Ackers and Halvorson in 1974. The seven apparent equilibrium constants for a particular set of conditions can be determined by using extrapolations to determine the fractional saturations YT of tetramer and YD of dimer from measured values of the fractional saturation Y of partially dissociated hemoglobin. Analytical methods are used to show that YT as a function of [O2] for tetramers can be calculated from Y of hemoglobin by linear extrapolation of measured Y values at high [heme] versus [heme]-1/2 to [heme]-1/2 = 0. YD for dimers can be calculated from measured Y values by linear extrapolation of Y versus [heme] to [heme] = 0 if sufficiently low [heme] can be used. These extrapolations have been tested with numerical calculations of Y for a particular hemoglobin as a function of [heme] and [O2] by using the seven apparent equilibrium constants determined by Mills, Johnson, and Ackers in 1976. The proposed procedure also yields the apparent association constant K" for 2TotD = TotT, where TotD is the sum of the dimers and TotT is the sum of the tetramers. This thermodynamic analysis of experimental data to determine the seven apparent equilibrium constants is independent of the model used to interpret the values of the thermodynamic parameters.  相似文献   

A method to calculate multiple binding equilibria by looking for a set of complexes satisfying the conservation principle among sets of concentrations of ligands, receptors satisfying the mass action equations is described. The method replaces complex analytical derivations of equations representing the interactions by the minimization of a single function. The method was implemented for use on microcomputers and applied to the calculation of the binding isotherms of the interactions between a bivalent ligand, a bivalent antibody and the cell surface Fc-receptor. The binding parameters were adjusted to experimental data obtained with P388D1 cells, a monoclonal antibody against DTPA-indium complexes and monovalent and bivalent DTPA-indium haptens. The binding of the antibody and of the haptens to P388D1 cells, as a function of antibody or hapten concentration, was satisfactorily represented using a model in which the antibody molecules bind co-operatively to the Fc-receptor in the presence of cross-linking bivalent hapten. The method can thus be used as a general tool for the numeric calculation of complex equilibrium involving simultaneous interactions of multiple receptors and ligands.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli Rep helicase is a DNA motor protein that unwinds duplex DNA as a dimeric enzyme. Using fluorescence probes positioned asymmetrically within a series of single-stranded (ss) oligodeoxynucleotides, we show that ss-DNA binds with a defined polarity to Rep monomers and to individual subunits of the Rep dimer. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer and stopped-flow techniques, we have examined the mechanism of ss-oligodeoxynucleotide binding to preformed Rep dimers in which one binding site is occupied by a single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotide, while the other site is free (P2S dimer). We show that ss-DNA binding to the P2S Rep dimer to form the doubly ligated P2S2 dimer occurs by a multistep process with the initial binding step occurring relatively rapidly with a bimolecular rate constant of k1 = approximately 2 x 10(6) M-1 s-1 [20 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 6 mM NaCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, and 10% (v/v) glycerol, 4 degrees C]. A minimal kinetic mechanism is proposed which suggests that the two strands of ss-DNA bound to the Rep homodimer are kinetically distinct even within the P2S2 Rep dimer, indicating that this dimer is functionally asymmetric. The implications of these results for the mechanisms of DNA unwinding and translocation by the functional Rep dimer are discussed.  相似文献   

Serology has an important role to play in the diagnosis of the severe clinical syndrome of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The direct agglutination test (DAT), a simple agglutination test which requires no laboratory facilities, has become the preferred test, particularly for field studies. The nature of the antigens responsible for the agglutination of leishmanial promastigotes by the serum of VL patients is not known. A series of experiments which provide some clues to the molecular basis for the test and which indicate that there might be more in DAT than meets the eye is reported.  相似文献   

Molecular models of the complexes between actinomycin D and 14 different DNA hexamers were built based on the X-ray crystal structure of the actinomycin-d(GAAGCTTC)2 complex. The DNA sequences included the canonical GpC binding step flanked by different base pairs, nonclassical binding sites such as GpG and GpT, and sites containing 2,6-diamino-purine. A good correlation was found between the intermolecular interaction energies calculated for the refined complexes and the relative preferences of actinomycin binding to standard and modified DNA. A detailed energy decomposition into van der Waals and electrostatic components for the interactions between the DNA base pairs and either the chromophore or the peptidic part of the antibiotic was performed for each complex. The resulting energy matrix was then subjected to principal component analysis, which showed that actinomycin D discriminates among different DNA sequences by an interplay of hydrogen bonding and stacking interactions. The structure-affinity relationships for this important antitumor drug are thus rationalized and may be used to advantage in design of novel sequence-specific DNA-binding agents.  相似文献   

The endothelium plays an obligatory role in a number of relaxations of isolated arteries. These endothelium-dependent relaxations are due to the release by the endothelial cells of potent vasodilator substances [endothelium-derived relaxing factors (EDRF)]. The best characterized EDRF is nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is formed by the metabolism of L-arginine by the constitutive NO synthase of endothelial cells. In arterial smooth muscle, the relaxations evoked by EDRF are explained best by the stimulation by NO of soluble guanylate cyclase that leads to the accumulation of cyclic GMP. The endothelial cells also release an unidentified substance that causes hyperpolarization of the cell membrane (endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, EDHF). The release of EDRF from the endothelium can be mediated by both pertussis toxin-sensitive (alpha2-adrenergic activation, serotonin, thrombin, aggregating platelets) and insensitive (adenosine diphosphate, bradykinin) G-proteins. In blood vessels from animals with regenerated endothelium, and/or atherosclerosis, there is a selective loss of the pertussis-toxin sensitive mechanism of EDRF-release which favors the occurrence of vasospasm, thrombosis and cellular growth.  相似文献   

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