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基坑支护是一项具有风险的临时工程,而基坑周围土体的位移在一定程度上反应了基坑的安全状态,因此在基坑开挖中对其周围土体进行位移监测具有重要作用.根据工程地质水文条件,基坑开挖采用钻孔灌注桩加两层钢筋混凝土支撑的围护方案.通过现场采集数据,对基坑周围土体位移进行动态分析,监测结果表明,钻孔灌注桩和钢筋混凝土支撑的约束作用使得位移在两层支撑之间和第二层支撑与基坑底之间出现峰值,但峰值都在规定范围内,从而保证了基坑开挖的安全.  相似文献   

岩爆是深部高地应力岩石地下工程中的一种常见灾害,其影响因素间存在着极其复杂的非线性关系.在综合分析各种因素的基础上,选取开采深度、围岩最大切向应力与岩石单轴抗压强度比值、岩石单轴抗压强度和抗拉强度比值、岩石冲击性倾向指数作为岩爆预测的评判指标.应用人工神经网络方法,建立了岩爆预测的计算模型,利用国内外一些岩石地下工程资料作为学习样本和测试样本对模型进行训练.结果表明,将开采深度作为一个因素输入,结果更接近于实际,为深部开采岩爆预测提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

以峰峰万年矿的地质采矿条件为原型,利用FLAC3D数值模拟软件,建立了深部大采宽条带开采数值模拟模型,对开采厚度与下沉系数的关系进行了研究.结果表明:在采深和采出率等条件相同的情况下,地表下沉值和水平移动值均随采厚的增加而增大,而下沉系数随采厚的增加以非线性关系逐渐减少.下沉系数与开采厚度关系的确立,对深部大采宽条带开采地表移动变形预计及优化设计具有指导作用.  相似文献   

以峰峰万年矿的地质采矿条件为原型,利用FLAC3D数值模拟软件,建立了深部大采宽条带开采数值模拟模型,对开采厚度与下沉系数的关系进行了研究.结果表明:在采深和采出率等条件相同的情况下,地表下沉值和水平移动值均随采厚的增加而增大,而下沉系数随采厚的增加以非线性关系逐渐减少.下沉系数与开采厚度关系的确立,对深部大采宽条带开采地表移动变形预计及优化设计具有指导作用.  相似文献   

位移监测是保障深基坑施工安全的重要措施之一.针对常规基坑位移监测方法存在的问题与不足,开发了无接触、遥控、高精度和高可靠性的激光位移实时监测系统.系统借鉴激光准直测量原理,采用半导体激光器提供基准激光束、光纤-光敏管阵列实现光电转换、单片机数字电路进行数据采集和预处理、数字信号经调制解调器进入监控计算机,最终由计算机实时绘制位移-时间曲线.根据位移-时间曲线评价基坑的稳定性.实用中的监测系统的监测精度为0.5 mm,监测仪的最大位移量程为96 mm,激光器的有效射程为100 m.  相似文献   

在我院研制的新型多功能矿井通风安全实验装置的基础上 ,开发研制了相应的计算机的软、硬件控制系统 ,通过组合式多参数传感器 (瓦斯、风速、压力和温度 )来获得流动空气中的有关信息 ,实现了装置中各主要地点多种通风参数的计算机监测、监控 .该系统的研制成功 ,丰富了专业实验的内涵 ,为矿井通风课程的教学及科研提供了较为先进的手段 .  相似文献   

Computer simulation was used for hydraulic lifting systems.Based on theory of multiphase flows and their applications on the lifting systems,mathematical models for pump lifting and air lifting were built and simulative analysis programs for them were developed respectivelym,Corresponding lifting behaviors and system parameters were analyzed and optimum match of the parameters for future pilot mining tests and commercial mining production was predicted.  相似文献   

Based on characteristics of deep sea flexible mining system, a new pump-lockage ore transportation system was designed. According to Bernoulli equation and two-phase hydrodynamics theory, parameters of the new system were obtained and four ore transportation systems were analyzed. The results indicate that the pump head of 1 000 m mining system is 100-150 m and that of 5 000 m mining system is 660-750 m. In addition, based on similarity theory, a model of the new transportation system was made, which can simulate more than 5 000 m actual ore transportation system. So both theory and experiment prove that the new pump-lockage ore transportation system is an ideal design for deep sea flexible mining system.  相似文献   

大采深条件下导水裂隙带高度计算研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在分析导水裂隙带高度计算经验公式来源背景的基础上,阐明了只考虑采厚单因素计算导水裂隙带高度的经验公式不合理性及其应用的局限性,针对大采深条件下工作面覆岩运动的特点,基于采场顶板"上四带"划分理论,推导出了考虑开采厚度、开采深度、工作面跨度、岩石的力学性质、岩层的组合特征、含水层水压等因素的导水裂隙带理论计算公式.结果表明:大采深条件下,工作面跨度对裂隙带高度发育有控制作用,含水层水压对导水裂隙带高度发育有促进作用,结合鲍店煤矿1303工作面开采实例,说明获得的理论公式可应用性.  相似文献   

深基坑工程监测数据处理与预测报警系统   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
介绍了“深基坑工程监测数据处理与预测报警系统”的功能、结构、开发运行环境及其建立方法 .该系统对深基坑的监测数据实施数据库管理 ;采用灰色系统理论建立变形预测模型 ;采用若干定性和定量指标进行深基坑工程极限状态的分析判别与险情预报 ;该系统是一个集监测数据处理、图形绘制与管理、变形预测及险情分析判别于一体的专家集成系统 .  相似文献   

Micro-seismic phenomena,occurring when rock masses are subjected to forces and failures,allow the determination of their unstable states and failure zones by analyzing micro-seismic signals.We first pr...  相似文献   

In order to study the evolution laws during the development process of the coal face overburden rock mining-induced fissure,we studied the process of evolution of overburden rock mining-induced fissures and dynamically quantitatively described its fractal laws,based on the high-precision microseismic monitoring method and the nonlinear Fractal Geometry Theory.The results show that:the overburden rock mining-induced fissure fractal dimension experiences two periodic change processes with the coal face advance,namely a Small→ Big→ Small process,which tends to be stable;the functional relationship between the extraction step distance and the overburden rock mining-induced fissure fractal dimension is a cubic curve.The results suggest that the fractal dimension reflects the evolution characteristics of the overburden rock mining-induced fissure,which can be used as an evaluation index of the stability of the overburden rock strata,and it provides theoretical guidance for stability analysis of the overburden rock strata,goaf roof control and the support movements in the mining face.  相似文献   

The level of deformation development of surrounding rocks is a vital predictor to evaluate impending coal mine disasters and it is important to establish accurate measurements of the deformed status to ensure coal mine safety. Traditional deformation monitoring methods are mostly based on single parameter, in this paper, multiple approaches are integrated: firstly, both electric and elastic models are established,from which electric field distribution and seismic wave recording are calculated and finally, the resistivity profiles and source position information are determined using inversion methods, from which then the deformation and failure of mine floor are evaluated. According to the inversion results of both electric and seismic field signals, multiple-parameter dynamic monitoring of surrounding rock deformation in deep mine can be performed. The methodology is validated using numerical simulation results which shows that the multi-parameter dynamic monitoring methods have better results for surrounding rock deformation in deep mine monitoring than single parameter methods.  相似文献   

针对传统分类方法的局限性,提出了一种深度学习结合知识挖掘的零样本图像自适应控制图像分类算法.利用对图像属性的深度学习来实现图像深层次特征及属性的学习和预测,基于图像的属性-类别映射使分类器性能有较大差异,通过稀疏表示模型挖掘图像类别和属性之间的关系并设计自适应控制的属性分类器实现对图像的分类操作.结果表明,与DBN和SVM算法相比,在监督模式和零样本模式下,该算法具有较高的属性预测准确度.在零样本情况下对Shoes数据集进行分类时,该算法具有最高的准确分类识别率,比其他算法的分类识别率提高了15%.  相似文献   

大采深巨厚砾岩综放开采地表沉陷规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以常村煤矿工程地质资料和地表移动观测站资料为依据,详细分析了2113工作面地表终态下沉、动态下沉和终态水平移动的特征,从机理上研究了大采深巨厚砾岩开采条件下地表形变异常的原因.通过走向方向最大下沉点下沉速度的变化规律和工程实测资料,得出了地表形变与井下冲击地压的关系,确定了地表移动与变形的角量参数.结果表明,受关键层的控制,在整个观测过程中,地表始终处于缓慢下沉状态,且在沉降过程中不存在下沉突变点;下沉速度的反弹可以作为冲击地压危险的预报信息,巨厚砾岩层的运动是发生矿震的主要力源之一.  相似文献   

随着开采深度的增加,矿井巷道底臌问题愈趋严重.针对深井巷道底臌问题,利用弹塑性力学理论计算了巷道底板岩层的抗弯刚度和压曲临界载荷,得出了不同深度、不同底板厚度情况下的压曲临界载荷曲线;以滑移线场理论为基础,对深井巷道底板岩体滑动区域和滑动路径进行分析,将成果应用于实践,提出了底臌控制具体参数及施工建议.  相似文献   

采用ANSYS程序数值模拟了煤矿开采复合顶板结构面剪应力和法向应力并分析了其分布特点,结果表明:不同原岩应力结构面剪应力分布规律基本相同;结构面法向应力分布和原岩应力及复合顶板岩性有关,深部开采软弱岩性复合顶板结构面法向应力主要呈现拉应力。  相似文献   

为了准确识别矿井突水水源,利用分布于皖北矿区内的各含水层地下水长观孔和矿井各含水层疏放孔,采取4个主要深层地下水样(四含水、煤系水、太灰水和奥灰水),测定其氢氧稳定同位素含量(δ^18O、δD),研究它们的组成特征及漂移特征.研究结果表明:四含水以^18O漂移为主,少数样点表现了一定的D漂移特征;相反,煤系水以D漂移为主要特征;太灰水和奥灰水同位素漂移特征相似,在产生^18O漂移的同时,也产生了D漂移.D、^18O不同类型漂移特征的形成机理是硅酸盐交换、烃基交换和古溶滤渗入水作用.  相似文献   

Pump chambers, normally used as dominant structures in mining engineering to insure the safety and production of un-derground coal mines, become generally deformed under conditions of deep mining. Given the geology and engineering condition of Qishan Coal Mine in Xuzhou, the failure characteristics of pump chambers at the -1000 m level show that the main cause can be attributed to the spatial effect induced by intersectional chambers, where one pump is constructed per well. We developed an opti-mized design of the pump room, in which the pump wells in the traditional design are integrated into one compounding well. We suggest that the new design can limit the spatial effect of intersectional chambers during construction given our relevant numerical simulation. The new design is able to simplify the structure of the pump chamber and reduce the amount of excavation required.Based on a bolt-mesh-anchor with a rigid gap coupling supporting technology, the stability of pump chamber can be improved greatly.  相似文献   

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