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Liangxin Fan Guobin Liu Fei Wang Coen J. Ritsema Violette Geissen 《Water Resources Management》2014,28(3):853-865
Although an extensive literature emphasizes the disadvantages of intermittent water supply, it remains prevalent in rural areas of developing countries. Understanding the effects of water supply time restrictions on domestic water use activities and patterns, especially for hygienic purposes, is important for the elaboration of the water supply. We studied the influence of intermittent and continuous water supply on water consumption and related activities in villages in the central region of the Wei River basin, China. Data were collected from a survey of 225 households in the sampled villages. Compared with a continuous water supply of 24 h d?1 (hours per day), adopting an intermittent water supply can reduce domestic water consumption. However, it presents risks in terms of hygiene behavior, particularly the frequency of face, hands, and feet washing, as well as water sharing among family members. Outdoor water consumption is more affected than indoor water consumption under slight supply restriction (≥6 and?<?24 h d?1), whereas indoor water use is most affected under moderate supply restriction (>1.5 and?<?6 h d?1). Villages with high supply restriction (≤1.5 h d?1) meet only the minimum basic requirements for domestic use, 33.6–34.7 L c?1 d?1 (liters per capita per day). We conclude that the determination of the daily water delivery duration for intermittent water supply in rural communities of developing countries should give greater consideration to differences in water use activities and patterns under the water supply time restrictions. 相似文献
Abstract This paper describes the recently developed ‘Guidelines for the design and control of intermittent water distribution systems’. These guidelines outline a new approach to the design of urban water distribution systems for developing countries in order to maintain adequate and equitable supplies under the common conditions of water resource shortage. The guidelines are novel in that they recognise the reality of intermittent supply and hence provide new methods of analysis and design, appropriate for such systems. Design objectives specifically tailored to intermittent systems are developed and drive the design process. These objectives are expressed in terms of equity in supply, adequate pressure at water connections and duration or time of supply that are convenient to the consumers. The modifications required to model such systems have been incorporated into a new network analysis simulation tool coupled with an optimal design tool. 相似文献
根据不同类型用水的特点,采取重点调查、分类统计、以点推面的原则,较全面地统计分析了黄河流域片工业与生活用水规律、发展过程及现状。黄河流域片工业与生活用水量1989年已达到86亿m^3,按1985-1989年用水发展水平,预测2000年工业与生活需水量将达到257亿m^3,水源紧缺,工农业用水矛盾将更加突出。因此,加强水资源管理,降低用水指标,提高用水效益,开源与节流并举势在必行。 相似文献
张华 《水利与建筑工程学报》2015,(3):168-173
104m3,建议韩城市加大黄河客水利用,增加可供水量,缓解水资源供需矛盾。 相似文献
供水工程水源水遗传毒性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文介绍用Ames试验对广东某供水工程水源水进行有机提取物致突变性的研究。结果表明:该地水源水质的致突变性比例在目前并不高,水质尚好;呈阳性反应样品的致突变性也较国内其他大城市弱。 相似文献
对不同的进、出水池水位组合,三泵两管运行条件下的各种停泵水锤工况进行计算分析,为水锤防护措施的比较和选择提供技术依据。 相似文献
Abstract This paper presents a modeling approach for projections of water demand and supply for domestic, industrial, livestock, and irrigation at the basin or country level in a global scope. Particular emphasis is put on simulating water availability for crops taking into account total renewable water, non-irrigation water demand, water supply infrastructure, and economic and environmental policies at the basin or country level. This paper focuses on concepts and methodology involved in the modeling exercise. Data assessment and results are presented in a companion paper (Rosegrant and Cai, 2002). 相似文献
北京市水资源供需分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
北京是一个水资源紧缺的特大型城市,随着首都经济和社会的快速发展,水资源供需矛盾越来越突出.根据"北京城市总体规划",从北京市水资源开发利用、需水量预测分析等方面,对北京市的水资源供需平衡情况进行了分析,并提出了解决或缓解北京市水资源供需矛盾的建议. 相似文献
利用时间序列法中的自回归模型(AR)和自回归移动平均模型(ARMA),对城市某区域的用水量进行预测。模型参数采用最小二乘法进行估计,并将预测值与实测值进行了比较。结果显示,预测值的相对误差均在±10%之内,且仅有个别点的相对误差在±5%之外,预测结果与实测值基本一致。对预测结果的进一步分析表明,高阶AR模型预测结果的均方差(MSE)低于低阶AR模型,而从平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)来看,ARMA模型的预测结果并不优于AR模型。 相似文献
QIU Zhong enProfessor Design Institute Changjiang Water Resources Commission Wuhan China Tan Chang liSenior Engineer Design Institute Changjiang Water Resources Commission Wuhan China ZHU Qin Engineer Design Institute Chan 《人民长江》2001,(Z1)
1 IntroductionTheSouth -to -NorthWaterTransferisageneralstrategicmeasurethatthewaterwillbetransferredfromtheChangjiangRivertothenorthwestandthenorthofChina.Itconsistsof 3routes,theeast,themiddleandthewest,whichhavebeenstudiedforyears.The 3routespossessth… 相似文献
吴旭阳 《广东水利电力职业技术学院学报》2022,(1):4-7
阐述给水系统中水塔的作用、存在问题及适用地区,分析水塔供水模式优势,对水塔提出优化改进措施;已建成的水塔可结合当地特色对其进行改造,超过使用年限的水塔则需根据其所处地理位置、环境及承载的文化历史和工业记忆等因素进行综合改造。 相似文献
南水北调中线供水区的工农业生产在我国占有重要地位,唯水资源不足制约工农业的发展,本文根据供水区各省(市)提供的水资源评价资料,对中线供水区水资源量及其时空分布规律进行了分析评价,在此基础上,对供水区主要水资源性和问题进行了分析,结果表明,中线供水区水资源较为匮乏,急需从外流域引水补源。 相似文献
针对黑龙江西部风沙土区多风少雨,春旱严重,粮食产量及作物水分利用效率低等实际问题,于2009年在黑龙江省杜蒙县进行了交替隔沟灌溉条件下的玉米耗水规律及其产量的试验研究,为当地节水农业的发展提供必要的理论与技术支撑。试验表明,玉米整个生育期内拔节—抽雄期耗水量最大,日耗水量在抽雄—灌浆期最大。交替隔沟灌溉在适宜的灌水量水平下,产量增加显著。本试验中产量最高时,生育期灌水定额分别为苗期325 m3/hm2、拔节期300 m3/hm2、灌浆期400 m3/hm2。各生育期耗水量分别为播种—苗期38.92 mm、苗期—拔节91.14 mm、拔节—抽穗100.00 mm、抽穗—灌浆65.49 mm、灌浆—乳熟53.28 mm、乳熟—收获33.35 mm。 相似文献
为推进新农村电气化建设,提高农村配电网建设水平,以《新农村电气化建设实施纲要》和《新农村电气化标准体系》为依据,在充分调研、多方征求意见的基础上,研制、编写了新农村电气化村典型供电模式。根据经济水平将新农村电气化村划分为A,B,C等3类,电气化村的典型供电模式相应分为A,B,C等3类。另外,根据村的建筑布局,将村分为多层、联排和分散居住3类。在此基础上,有针对性地提出了10种电气化村典型供电模式,其中:A类3种,B类3种,C类4种。研究成果已在新农村电气化村建设中广泛应用,效果明显。 相似文献
古县2006-2007年建成了古县三水合一引水工程,但由于这六年的运行出现水源水量不足,管道破损及冻破等现象,导致工程不能正常运行,针对这些现象应建设乔麦坪、石人沟引水工程来补充水源,改造和更新县城供水系统设施和配水管网等方法使古县三水合一引水工程正常运行,为古县的经济发展奠定基础。 相似文献
关于缓解北方地区水供需矛盾方略的认识 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
缓解北方地区水供需矛盾要从社会,经济活动方式与资源条件协调来考虑,同时要提高人们对节水的认识,建立节约用水,提高用水效率的有效机制,《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》提出,要“要采取多种方式缓解北方地区缺水矛盾,加紧南水北调工程的前期工作,尽早开发建设”,是非常及时的,正确的,但南水北调工程中的许多问题仍然值得认真研究。 相似文献
晋中市作为全省重要的煤炭生产基地,采煤弃水、采煤漏水及矿坑排水污染导致部分供水工程的报废或供水不足,严重影响到人民群众正常的生产生活。文中对煤矿开采的现状以及所造成的影响进行了调查,分析了产生影响的原因,并提出了相应的解决问题的对策。 相似文献