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Twenty-five new laser lines have been obtained in the wavelength region from 155 to 830 µm by optically pumping the CD2Cl2 (deuterated dichloromethane) molecule with a CW CO2 laser having a tunability range of 300 MHz. The wavelength, polarization relative to that of CO2 pumping radiation, and offset relative to the CO2 center frequency were determined for all of the new lines and some other already known laser emissions. For all of them we give also the relative intensity and the optimum pressure of operation.  相似文献   

We present ten new far-infrared (FIR) laser lines obtained by optically pumping ethyl chloride by means of a CW waveguide CO2 laser with a tunability range of 300 MHz. By means of a heterodyne technique and using, as mixing element, a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) point contact diode or a new home built metal-semiconductor diode, we measured the frequency of all these new lines, as well as that of another line, previously reported in literature. With our new lines, the total number of FIR laser lines emitted by ethyl chloride rises to 14; for each of them we give the offset relative to the center frequency of the pumping radiation, the polarization relative to that of the pumping CO2 laser, the relative intensity, and the optimum operation pressure. Seven of the new lines have frequencies in the 300-512-GHz range and four of them are strong enough to be used in high-field EPR spectroscopy  相似文献   

李文莱  徐友刚 《中国激光》1984,11(4):202-204
本文介绍了连续DCN波导激光器。激光管由直径4.8厘米、长2.5米的石英管组成,其输出波长为195微米和190微米,最大输出功率为30毫瓦左右。同时给出实验研究结果以及输出功率与其他参数之间的关系。  相似文献   

New laser transitions have been obtained at 823 938 and 2140 μm by optically pumping methyl isocyanide in a waveguide resonator which is particulatly effective at these long wavelengths. Assignments are also given.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine new submillimetre laser lines in CH2F2 and twelve in CD2Cl2 have been obtained in a Fabry-Perot FIR resonator by optically pumping with a CW12C18O2 laser. The wavelength range obtained for CH2F2 is 126μm to 1091μm and for CD2Cl2 212μm to 774μm. The wavelength measurements are accurate to within 5.10?3. The relative polarisations of the pump laser and the FIR laser output were also determined. Tentative assignments of the IR and FIR transitions were made using existing microwave data.  相似文献   

Twenty-three new emission lines of CH3SH have been observed and their polarization with respect to the pumping radiation determined, but no assignments have yet been made.  相似文献   

Several “new” submillimeter laser lines have been observed in a CH3OH submillimeter laser, optically pumped by CO2—laser radiation in a low power pulsed mode. Assignments have been suggested for a number of the lines. A few lines have wavelengths close to atmospheric water vapor absorption peaks, and can be observed only when the air path from the submillimeter resonator exit mirror to the detector is kept short or flushed with dry nitrogen.  相似文献   

A new emission line has been observed by optically pumping OCS with 9 μm R(8) CO2laser radiation and has been tentatively assigned. In addition, fourteen new emission lines of CH3OD and four of CH3OH have been discovered.  相似文献   

Twenty-one new CW far-infrared laser lines have been observed from the CD3OH molecule pumped by a CO2laser. The wavelengths of these new lines fall in the short wavelength range from 34.5 to 287 μm.  相似文献   

We obtained twelve new far infrared laser transitions by optically pumping the CH2DOH, CH3I, CD3I and Trioxymethylene molecules with a CW CO2 laser having a tunability range of 280 MHz. We measured the wavelength, polarization, relative intensity and pump offset relative to the CO2 center frequency for all the new lines.  相似文献   

归振兴  张顺怡 《中国激光》1983,10(6):343-346
报导了连续波CO激光跃迁相关作用的实验结果,发现在低气压下P_(11-10)(21)和P_(12-11)(16)的跃迁分别和R_(17-16)(25)和R_(17—16)(23)重迭而发生共振吸收泵浦,以及由于P-R支重迭往往使得选支CO激光器中P支振荡被抑制。  相似文献   

We report fifty seven CW FIR emissions observed in NH3, by resonant pumping with a CO2 laser. Exact coincidences between IR absorption lines of the gas and emission lines of the CO2 laser have been carried out by Stark tuning. IR frequency shifts, up to 30 GHz, have allowed the pumping of forty three NH3 transitions. These FIR emissions correspond to thirty one different wavelengths in the 50–400 μm range; eighteen ones of them are new emitted wavelengths by pumping with the CO2 laser.  相似文献   

The near and far field patterns that the EH11 waveguide mode produces upon being launched from the end of an oversized hollow dielectric waveguide have been studied in the submillimeter region for a HCN waveguide laser and waveguide excitated by it. Experimental results agree, in general, with the calculation of Degnan using the Fresnel approximation to scalar diffraction theory.  相似文献   

Eight new CW FIR lines from the CF3Br molecules pumped by a12C16O2 laser are reported. Tentative assignments have allowed to assign eight among the ten lines reported.  相似文献   

Single-mode CW oscillations at absorption lines of neon from the1sstates to the2pstates were achieved by inserting a Faraday filter in an argon-laser-pumped dye laser cavity without any other wavelength selective elements. The oscillations at absorption lines were selected by choosing adequate values of the filling pressure of a neon discharge tube and a magnetic field strength. The oscillation frequency shifted with the increase of the magnetic field strength toward higher frequency in the center region and toward lower frequency on the wing of the absorption line, which was found to be due to the isotope effect. Good agreement was found between the experimental results and the theoretically calculated feature of the Faraday filter.  相似文献   

Eleven new far-infrared (FIR) laser lines have been observed from CH3OH pumped by a CO2laser. These lines are ranged from 78 to 694 μm and are obtained by using a copper waveguide cavity.  相似文献   

We have made what we think is the first observation of the oscillation of the 9-μm hot-band lines 0111→[111 0,0310]II of CO2. We have observed 40 lines with a maximum power of 8 W. They will provide a new source of laser radiation for spectroscopy. The set of lines has been positively identified by directly measuring the frequencies of two of the lines with a heterodyne technique using a CO2 laser standard  相似文献   

A free-electron laser (FEL) Raman-backscattering oscillator, using afrac{1}{2}-1MeV, 20 kA electron beam pumped with a weak (∼ 250g) periodic (8 mm) transverse magnetic field, is operated as a source of high power millimeter and submillimeter radiation, with lasing developing during the 150 ns beam pulse. Measurements of lasing operation are described at 1.0 and 0.6 mm. The temporal behavior of cavity radiation is considered and effective gain is measured and compared with theory.  相似文献   

CW laser pumped emerald laser   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A CW laser pumped emerald laser is reported, A 34 percent output power slope efficiency is observed with longitudinal pumping by a krypton laser in a nearly concentric cavity. The laser has been tuned from 728.8 to 809.0 nm, Losses in emerald are larger than those of alexandrite determined in a similar cavity. Our data also indicate that the excited state absorption minimum is shifted from that of alexandrite.  相似文献   

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