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通过现场调研,了解到浙江省铸造业处于蓬勃发展的良好状态.所调研的铸造企业具有注重科技创新、管理精细化、市场多元化、注重人才培养、注重环境保护的共同特点.扶植大型骨干企业和具有"专、特、精、新"特色的中小企业发展,建设有特色的产业集群将是浙江省铸造业持续健康发展的必由之路.  相似文献   

苏州市兴业铸造材料有限公司始建于1992年。是一个专业生产经营铸造辅料的企业。在向用户提供满意的铸造辅料。协助用户保质增效的企业宗旨下,经过十年努力。目前已发展成为销售亿元和有亿元资产的实力型企业。国内铸造辅料生产企业中的领先企业。公司现有职工100余人。其中科技人员15人。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,随着工业文明的发展,人类利用技术创造了巨大的生产力和丰富的社会财富,技术因此成为人类文明进步的基本内容和重要杠杆。与此同时,在技术的异化作用下,出现了环境污染、资源危机、生物多样性的崩溃、人的生命物化等生态危机,并且愈演愈烈。面对日益恶化的生存环境,人类开始重新审视人与自然、社会的关系,设想通过生可持续发展寻找解决人类社会发展中的生态问题的良策。环保产业的产生赋予了经济可持续发展道路以新的方式,低碳经济的发展为我国的环保事业的发展带来新的机会。作为市场经济主体的企业,尤其是环保企业,更需要在科技创新的基础上走低碳化发展的道路。  相似文献   

余姚市素有“模具之乡”之称。近10年来,全市模具行业立足市场,坚持自主创新,同时依靠优惠政策引导,加快了行业发展。根据材料消耗量、设备拥有量和企业个数3个因素的测算,2005年全市模具产值突破40亿元,模具销售达到27亿元,各比上年增长30%以上,模具商品化达到67.5%。年产商品模具超千万企业有8家,其中超4000万元企业1家。到2005年底,全市拥有加工中心700多台,其中日、德、瑞士等国家生产的高精度设备45台,近期已引进五轴联动加工中心等高精密度设备。经中国模协技术委员会评审,全市已获得具有国内先进水平的模具42副,具有国际先进水平的模具25副,有6副模具已经专家鉴定,正在向科技部申报模具国家级新产品。  相似文献   

十一五科技工作总结十一五期间,云南冶金集团全面贯彻落实科学发展观,按照国家产业政策和发展新型工业化的要求,围绕集团十一五发展规划和科技发展计划,突出发展科技创新的核心战略,坚持高起点、高标准采用先进适用技术改造提升和建设发展产业,集团产业发展的核心关键技术进一步掌控,科技创新体系进一步完善,创新发展基础进一步夯实,科技进步和创新对集团发展的支撑引领作用明显增强。1.科技创新引领发展,优势产业更加  相似文献   


作为社会主义市场经济主体的企业,一定要增强大局和社会责任意识,立足自身,为构建和谐社会做贡献。一是产业发展要切实加快。要分析企业面临的内外部形势,善于从宏观上谋划企业发展的战略走势,在引领和占领市场上首先要胜人一筹。要特别注重企业的机制和体制创新,着力突破制约企业发展的机制和体制性障碍。要切实加强企业管理,将细节决定成败落实在企业管理的方方面面,  相似文献   

金川集团有限公司是以采、选、冶为主体的大型有色冶金和化工联合企业,是国内最大的镍钴生产基地和铂族金属提炼中心,被誉为中国的镍都。金川集团有限公司被列为国家循环经济示范企业、国家首批创新型企业。十一五期间科技工作总结1.构建技术创新体系,增强自主创新能力。技术进步是公司提高资源综合利用水平、加快产品结构调整、促进发展方式转变、提升经济增长的主要推动力。为适应加快发展和国际化经营的需要,金川公司进行了以企业技术中心为主体的技术创新体系改革与建设,建立了以企业为主  相似文献   

青岛海越力源电器有限公司前身是哈尔滨工业大学的校办企业,2001年改制为股份制企业,是哈尔滨工业大学机电学院的产业化基地。1996年至今,海越公司一直致力于大功率逆变焊割机的研发生产,从校企合作的研发中心到公司的技术部.几年来借助于高校的科研理论水平,培养了一支一流的专业团队。[第一段]  相似文献   

张彦敏 《焊接》2006,(6):1-1
1956年8月4日,一个阳光灿烂的日子,国内第一个综合焊接技术研究机构--哈尔滨焊接研究所庄严成立.50年来伴随着中国工业的发展,哈尔滨焊接研究所的隶属关系几度变动,现为国家资产监督管理委员会直属机械科学研究院的重要组成成员.  相似文献   


To date, numerous attempts have been made to modify the surface condition of NiTi shape memory alloy to fully benefit from its desirable characteristics, and develop its potential clinical applications. In this survey, the Fenton oxidation process as a newly presented technique for surface modification of NiTi, was employed to address two major priorities in biomedical applications of NiTi, i.e. corrosion improvement and suppression of Ni ion release. To meet these priorities, two important variables involved in the Fenton oxidation process, namely immersion time and electrolyte temperature, were controlled. Results suggested that the application of such an oxidation process may considerably improve the corrosion behaviour of NiTi. The Fenton oxidation process carried out at 65°C for 24?h yields the lowest corrosion current density, 74% lower than bare NiTi. Additionally, Ni ion releases from the surface of NiTi after Fenton's oxidation decreases by ~97%.  相似文献   

Reinforcement corrosion might lead to cracking and spalling of the concrete cover owing to the volume expansion associated with the deposition of some of the possible corrosion products. This is not only aesthetically unpleasing, it might also accelerate deterioration processes or become a safety issue for passing traffic. The present paper discusses first the mechanisms of carbonation‐ and chloride‐induced reinforcement corrosion and considers the chemistry of aqueous iron in order to identify the type of corrosion products as well as their location of formation. Furthermore, practical examples are summarised in order to compare the documented behaviour of a number of real structures with the theoretical considerations made. It is shown that for the case of purely chloride‐induced (pitting) corrosion, precipitation of corrosion products is strongly delayed or may even not occur. Implications are discussed with respect to time‐to‐corrosion prediction models and visual inspection of reinforced concrete structures. Both the theoretical considerations and the practical experience illustrate that relying on outwardly visible signs to detect internally on‐going corrosion must be done with caution if localised reinforcement corrosion cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

针对模具专业毕业生问卷调查情况,运用Excel进行了相关数理分析,并运用AHP评价模型,对影响模具专业基地建设的相关因素进行了权重分析;结合调查问卷的数理分析结果,对模具专业毕业顶岗实习基地建设存在的问题进行分析与评判,得出了相应的结论,并为今后模具专业实习基地建设提出了合理的方案。  相似文献   

The paper aims at characterizing the influence of intermetallic compounds on the corrosion localization of innovative Al–Si–Mg Er‐ and Zr‐containing casting alloys. Samples of the investigated materials were studied by means of optical and scanning electron microscope micrographs, immersion tests, and scanning Kelvin probe force microscope (SKPFM) analyses in the T6 temper. Combination of immersion tests and SKPFM analyses allowed to identify those classes of intermetallic compounds promoting localization of the corrosion process. It was found that intermetallic compounds richer in Fe were the most critical for corrosion localization; furthermore, additions of Er caused a marked decrease of the potential difference of intermetallic compounds with respect to the Al matrix and a consequent less intense microgalvanic coupling, which translates into slower corrosion kinetics. Further, Zr additions slightly increased the potential difference of intermetallic compounds with the Al matrix, promoting a faster corrosion process.  相似文献   

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