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The delignification response in cooking and the impact of bleaching on earlywood and latewood were studied. Spruce earlywood and latewood chips were pulped by the kraft process and subsequently treated with one bleaching chemical at a time. In cooking, latewood required a higher alkali charge to reach the same kappa number. No difference in the light absorption coefficient between the different fiber types was observed. After oxygen delignification the earlywood fibers had a higher light absorption coefficient at the same kappa number. The difference in light absorbing material was maintained when bleaching was performed with chlorine dioxide, ozone, and peracetic acid. Hydrogen peroxide decreased the light absorbing structures in the earlywood to the same level as for latewood. The earlywood pulp had a higher brightness at a given kappa number than the latewood. The higher brightness remained through all bleaching operations and was primarily due to a higher light scattering ability.  相似文献   

The size of cellulose microfibril (CMF) bundles varies to interact with glucomannan/galactoglucomannan (GM/GGM). Arabino-4-O-methylglucuronoxylan (AGX) bonded CMF bundles coated with GM/GGM also have important roles in elaborating the distance between these components. Since the precise roles of GM/GGM and AGX are not clear, the elution analysis to evaluate the strength of the interaction between the cell wall were tried. Earlywood (EW) and latewood (LW) were separated in a Japanese cedar. The chemical components of cellulose, hemicellulose including GM/GGM and AGX, and lignin were almost the same in EW and LW. Slight differences in GM/GGM, the side-chain substitution in AGX and the ionic bond characteristics of glucuronic acid side chains were observed. Based on measurements of GM/GGM and AGX adhering to CMFs, there were more hemicelluloses forming strong hydrogen bonds in LW than in EW. The results showed that the highly assembled hemicellulose in LW produced a strong cell wall framework.  相似文献   

柱型水力旋流器筛分软木浆的评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pulp fiber length characterization is addressed in this article. It is .suggested that the proposed separation index H(L) is a viable index to the fiber fractionation performance for evaluating hydrocyclones. Fractionation of softwood (coniferous wood) bleached chemithermomechanical pulp (BCTMP) fiber was carried out with a cylindrical hydrocyclone. Pulp fiber length characteristics in different streams were examined using the fiber quality analyzer (FQA), and the cumulative fiber length fraction, the fiber length fraction density function and the separation index H(L) for different streams were obtained. It is found that H(L) is very useful for characterizing the fiber fractionation performance by indicating the separation capacity of hydrocyclone for individual subgroup of fibers in different streams under different operation conditions. Results of H(L) show that there exists a critical fiber length. A higher proportion of fibers longer than the critical fiber length is in the overflow stream, and a higher proportion of fibers shorter than the critical fiber length in the undertow stream. The data obtained from FQA suggest that the split ratio is the most significant parameter for fiber fractionation performance, which is the best when the split ratio is in the range between 0.14 and 0.2. The effect of feed rate on fiber fractionation performance is weak.  相似文献   

二氧化氯的漂白及制备方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘秀琼 《广州化工》2009,37(4):67-68
我国大多数造纸厂生产漂白纸浆均采用含氯漂白技术,应用这些漂白剂漂白后的纸浆废液中含有很多的有毒甚至剧毒的有机氯化合物。本文介绍的二氧化氯是一种新的对环境污染少、对纸张漂白效果好、不影响纸张质量的漂白剂。阐述二氧化氯用于纸浆漂白原理及其优势,介绍二氧化氯的几种常见制备方法。  相似文献   

This study reports for the first time on the enhancement of the bleaching effect achieved on cotton using laccase enzyme. Laccases applied in short‐time batchwise or pad‐dry processes prior to conventional peroxide bleaching, improved the end fabric whiteness. The whiteness level reached in the combined enzymatic/peroxide process was comparable to the whiteness in two consecutive peroxide bleaches.

Effect of 10 min laccase pre‐treatment at 60 °C, pH 5 on fabrics whiteness before and after a conventional hydrogen peroxide bleaching.  相似文献   

过氧酸和DMD的性能及其在纸浆漂白中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过氧酸和二氧环丙酮是类强的亲电氧化试剂 ,在反应中可有效转移氧原子。文章综述了这类氧化剂的性能及在纸浆漂白中的作用 ,作为可替代传统氯气漂白的最有希望的无污染漂剂 ,采用过氧酸和二氧环丙酮可实现纸浆的全无氯漂白  相似文献   

模糊控制技术在纸浆漂白过程中的应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
针对漂白过程干扰因素多、大滞后的特点 ,采用模糊控制技术研究并开发了氯气流量模糊控制器来修正氯气流量设定值 ;应用该控制器不仅使白度提高了 2 .2 % ,而且使得每吨浆可以节约氯气 2 .3 9kg  相似文献   

以桉木热磨机械浆(TMP浆)为研究对象, 探讨了非硅过氧化氢漂白稳定剂G1、G56替代硅酸钠用于桉木TMP浆漂白的可行性, 并对漂白工艺条件进行了优化。结果表明:桉木TMP浆过氧化氢漂白采用稳定剂G1、G56替代硅酸钠是可行的。在浆浓(质量分数)20%、H2O2用量9.0%(以绝干浆质量计,下同)条件下优化的漂白工艺条件为:G1用量0.5%, G56用量0.5%, NaOH用量5.85%, 温度90 ℃和时间30 min。在此工艺条件下桉木TMP浆单段过氧化氢漂白后, 浆的白度达到77.47% (ISO), 比原浆白度高38.89个百分点, 比2%硅酸钠用量下漂后浆的白度高1.75个百分点, 与2%硅酸钠和2%DTPA同时用作稳定剂的白度(79.88%(ISO))相当。  相似文献   

应用高效液相色谱法研究了硫酸盐竹浆 ECF 漂白过程中二氧化氯漂白段糖类组分的变化情况。结果表明,葡聚糖、木聚糖和阿拉伯聚糖在二氧化氯漂白过程中有不同的降解率,葡聚糖降解率只有 0.133%,而木聚糖的降解率为 0.907%,阿拉伯聚糖的降解率达 79.77%,明显高于葡聚糖的降解率。  相似文献   

对聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯(PTT)短纤维进行4种洗水工艺处理,并对处理前后的纤维通过电子单纤维强力仪、红外光谱仪、扫描电子显微镜进行力学性能和结构的表征。结果显示:PTT纤维经过4种洗水处理后,纤维的断裂强度和断裂伸长率分别下降,弹性回复率微微下降,纤维的表面均有不同大小的坑穴;红外分析表明经洗水处理后,纤维的结晶度下降,尤其是高锰酸钾处理和双氧水漂洗对纤维力学性能的下降和纤维表面形态的破坏的作用更明显。  相似文献   


This study investigated the chemical composition of the dichloromethane and acetone extracts of eucalypt pulp across D(EP)DP and AZDP bleaching sequences by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The bleaching stages led to the partial removal and to several oxidative transformations of fatty acids and sterols, the main lipophilic extractives found in the unbleached pulp. The pulp samples were bleached to 90–91% ISO by D(EP)DP and AZDP sequences and their brightness stability and chemical characteristics determined. The effect of aging on brightness was investigated. The AZDP bleaching sequence resulted in pulps of higher brightness stability. Furoic structures representing the main acid degradation products of HexA are suggested as the actual intermediates that cause yellowing by forming colored compounds. The AZDP process removed larger amounts of HexA across bleaching.  相似文献   

研究了耐热耐碱木聚糖酶X对杨木硫酸盐浆预处理的选择性及其对无元素氯(ECF)漂白特性的影响。结果表明:该木聚糖酶预处理具有高的助漂选择性,预处理对纸浆的得率及黏度影响不大;该木聚糖酶对温度及pH的适应范围较广,在温度为75~80℃、pH 8.0~9.5范围内都可以发挥有效的助漂作用,尤其在温度80℃、pH 8.0、酶用量2 IU/g的条件下更能发挥酶效;耐热耐碱木聚糖酶X预处理可减少漂白ClO2用量,当达到对照浆相同白度(90%ISO)时可减少D0段26%~27%的ClO2用量(相当于总用氯量的16%)。  相似文献   

采用螺旋挤压法破坏竹片组织结构,并筛除分离部分薄壁组织,选用不同的化学预浸渍方法进行浸渍软化,对制得的不同化学机械浆(CMP)进行过氧化氢漂白对比试验。结果表明:螺旋挤压法去除11.4%薄壁组织后,竹丝化学组成与原竹片相比差异十分明显,其灰分质量分数降低了38.6%,纤维素质量分数增加了4.71%,但螺旋挤压对竹纤维没有造成明显的损伤;碱性过氧化氢(AP)预浸渍可以显著降低磨浆电耗,在加拿大游离度300 mL时,该方法比烧碱(AA)法节电18.0%,并且其化机浆的结合强度较高;AA法浆料的松厚度最高、强度较差;碱性亚硫酸钠(AS)法化机浆的松厚度和强度性能介于AP和AA之间;在H2O2用量为8%的漂白条件下,AP、AS和AA预浸渍法的最佳碱用量分别为4.5%、4.5%和3.5%,同时AP预浸渍可以改善漂白效率,漂后浆白度可达56.8%(ISO),而AA预浸渍化机浆漂白浆白度仅为49.9%(ISO)。  相似文献   

The effect of pulp pretreatment with hot acid hydrolysis on high consistency ozone bleaching was evaluated. An experimental plan was set up involving the full optimization of the A-stage and its application in Elemental Chlorine Free–ECF–[A/(aZe)DP and A(aZe)DP] and Total Chlorine Free–TCF–[A/(aZe)(EP)P and A(aZe)(EP)P] sequences for eucalypt kraft pulp bleaching. The A-stage removed a significant amount of lignin and HexA from the pulp, and the subsequent Z-stage remained efficient after completion of the A-stage. The chemical savings caused by the A-stage were significant (~7 kg ClO2/adt). The optimum conditions for the A-stage were pH 3.0, 90°C for 120 min, and 10% consistency. The strength properties of pulps bleached with the (aZe)DP (reference) and A/(aZe)DP ECF sequences were similar, but the TCF sequence A/(aZe)(EP)P delivered slightly lower strength properties than the ECF sequences. Fiber peeling studies indicated that the HexA present in the kraft pulp is not concentrated on the fiber surface, as previously thought.  相似文献   

碱法麦草浆木聚糖酶处理后木质素及碳水化合物的变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用UV光谱、凝胶色谱、X—射线衍射及扫描电镜等技术对碱法麦草浆的酶解浆和酶解液进行分析,探讨了木聚糖酶对碱法麦草浆处理后浆中木质素和碳水化合物的变化情况。研究认为,木聚糖酶对碱法麦草浆漂白作用主要是因为木聚糖酶降解了浆中部分木聚糖和残余木质素中的LCC结构,从而使后序漂白中漂液更易渗透,木质素的溶出更多、更易。  相似文献   

This work describes the fluorescence‐indicating function to trace acid gases of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) nano‐porous luminescence fibers (PNPLFs) through the analysis of correlation between the concentration of acid gas and fluorescence intensity of organic rare earth complexes dispersed uniformly in the PET nano‐porous structured fibers. The porous structure and large specific surface area of the PET nano‐fibers prepared through electrospinning technology offer the strong adhesive force and good absorption efficiency of PET nano‐porous fibers to acid gases. The fast response ability of benzoic acid organic rare earth complexes to pH value gives the PET nano‐porous luminescence fibers fluorescence‐indicating function to acid gas. Under dry state and in situ conditions, the fluorescence‐indicating to acid gases of PET nano‐porous luminescence fibers can be completed in 10 s. The precise value is 1 ppm. At the same time, repeated cycling experiments show that the PET nano‐porous luminescence fibers have good recycling property, and the recycling life can increase 40‐fold. Coupled with the good mechanical performances that the breaking strength achieves 121.6 cN, the PET nano‐porous luminescence fibers have better potential in the fluorescence‐indicating to acid gases.  相似文献   


Sulfite pulp fibers were grafted by poly (methyl acrylate) at a low‐consistency (1% pulp consistency) and medium‐consistency (10% pulp consistency). It is of fundamental interest to determine the distribution of the polymer chains obtained at different fiber concentrations during grafting. In this study, modern analytical tools such as atomic force microscope (AFM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), and scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) were used for investigating the distribution of the polymer chains in the fiber matrix. AFM images in tapping mode showed that the fiber surface was covered with in‐situ generated polymers. The X‐ray mapping of Na in the cross‐section of the hydrolyzed grafted fibers by using EDS in combination with Na line scans by STEM showed that the distribution of poly (methyl acrylate) was affected by the pulp consistency during grafting; at a medium‐consistency condition the outer region of the fiber structure had a higher polymer concentration than the inner region. On the other hand, at a low‐consistency condition, grafting occurred uniformly across the fiber wall structure.  相似文献   

本项目主要研究和实现了工业废白土在BAYAH燃煤自备电厂中的再利用,实现变废为宝,减少了环境污染,同时为企业创造了一定的经济效益。针对废白土的特性,对燃料输送系统给煤机、皮带机、煤仓、下料溜子和排渣系统进行了改造。通过修改操作规程消除废白土对锅炉运行的影响。  相似文献   

The influence of the presence of hexenuronic acid (HexA) in eucalyptus kraft pulp on the efficiency of D0EpD1 was investigated by separately using both commercial cellulase-free xylanase and hot acid pretreatments. In comparison to the xylanase pretreatment, the hot acid pretreatment was more than four-fold effective in removing the HexAs (61%) and concomitantly reduced the kappa number, but resulted in lower viscosity. After subsequent D0EpD1 bleaching, the final brightness and its stability were improved remarkably, especially under xylanase pretreatment. At the same brightness of 85% ISO, the xylanase pretreatment reduced the consumption of active chlorine (35.6%) more than the acid pretreatment did (27.5%). The total relative active chlorine savings for the xylanase pretreatment over the acid pretreatment was therefore nearly 23%. The HexA component can be removed considerably in both D0 and D1 stages during the D0EpD1 bleaching sequence, while only slightly in the Ep stage. The use of xylanase and acid pretreatment both resulted in insignificant physical strength losses for the bleached pulps.  相似文献   

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