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词汇是语言的基石。学习英语的一个突出问题就是词汇量的局限性。本文从语音、构词、语境三个方面讨论了如何采用不同的教学方式引导学生识记英语词汇,让学生明白学习词汇有法可循,了解研究词汇现象的好处,从而激发其主观能动性。  相似文献   

本文通过对语料库在大学英语词汇教学中的应用,分析了在大学英语教学中,运用语料库进行词汇教学的方法不仅有助于教师优化教学模式,提高教学效果,还有利于学生提高词汇学习效果,培养自主学习的能力和习惯.语料库给外语教学带来的巨大思想转变,其研究结果将极大地丰富和改善外语教学的内容和质量.  相似文献   

语言磨蚀是外语学习的逆过程,与语言习得的关系密不可分.通过对高年级学生二语词汇磨蚀现状做了调查,发现在脱离大学英语课堂教学一年之后的确存在词汇磨蚀.然后从词素结构、词义关系表征来分析高年级学生在这一特殊时间跨度的词汇磨蚀表征.本研究能给大学英语教学提供一定的借鉴,同时也有助于外语学习者提高语言学习效率.  相似文献   

随着中国加入WTO,英语的重要性已经越来越凸显,英语受到了社会各界的广泛关注,无论是在国家机关还是在企事业单位,随着与外国人打交道的增多,英语人才也受到了广大的青睐.然而,在中国现在的英语教学中,却存在着许多的不足,特别是现在的大学生,很多学生在听英语和说英语方面存在着太多的问题.本文通过对大学英语教学中的"听"与"说"的现状分析,并提出几点相应的教学改革措施,希望能通过改变现在大学英语教学现状,提高学生英语的实用能力,为中国的WTO做一份贡献.  相似文献   

词汇衔接对实现语篇连贯起着十分重要的作用.本文探讨了词汇衔接手段在新视野大学英语教程中的应用,并指出了它对大学英语阅读教学的启示作用.  相似文献   

笔者通过文献资料法、调查访谈法等,时词汇学习和教学存在的主要问题进行研究.结果表明:学生对词汇的认识和重视程度不够,导致学习过程中散漫、盲目,不能长期坚持词汇学习,缺乏目的性和计划性等;教学方法的陈旧,对学生的词汇学习缺乏系统的指导,因而导致部分学生词汇学习失败,进而英语运用能力缺乏.  相似文献   

伴随着新一轮的教学改革,有效教学的观念已经深入人心。输入输出理论则可以为有效教学的开展提供科学的指导。输入输出理论,可以推进大学英语有效教学,从而提高大学英语学习的效果,促进大学生综合素质的提高。  相似文献   

本文建议在以词汇能力理论指导下,从加强词汇的记忆、着眼于基本词汇的教学、充分利用语境、重视词汇产出性能力的培养等方面,实现对高职学生在课堂环境下进行英语词汇教学,有效地培养和提高学生的词汇能力,从而提高他们的英语综合能力和知识水平.  相似文献   

通过介绍H.Paul Grice的合作原则,以大学英语四级听力练习题及部分真题为材料探析该原则在大学英语四级听力对话中的应用,提出时听力教学实践的几点建议.  相似文献   

语音是语言学习的根基所在,语音教学是大学英语教学首先要解决的问题.但是,非英语专业学生的英语语音教学在高校并没有得到足够的重视.本文就英语语音教学过程中出现的种种问题,给出相应的解决对策.目的在于指出,在高校英语改革中,应谊重视语音教学对于学生英语学习的根基作用,并使其为英语教学服务.  相似文献   

Vocabulary is very important in the process of learning English. The gift of vocabulary will directly affect one' s gifts of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. How to teach vocabulary? There are many methods to teach vocabulary in Midd  相似文献   

Relationships among articulation, vocabulary, phonemic awareness, and word reading were examined in 45 children who spoke either Hmong or Spanish as their primary language. A theoretical perspective suggesting that English articulation and vocabulary would influence children's English phonemic awareness and English word reading was developed. Articulation influenced both kindergarten phonemic awareness and 1st-grade word reading. Letter-sound knowledge was also associated with kindergarten phonemic awareness, and 1st-grade phonemic awareness was related to 1st-grade word reading. The results are discussed in relationship to 2nd-language speech, articulation, and beginning reading. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

谭晖 《铜业工程》2007,(2):71-73
对当前施工现场价格签证现状进行了分析,提出了如何加强施工现场价格签证控制的组织、技术、经济、合同等措施。  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the effect of listening to stories on children's vocabulary growth. Forty-seven children listened to 2 stories read to them in a small-group setting on 3 occasions, each 1 week apart. Target vocabulary items and items assessing generalization to nontarget words were selected, and pre- and posttest multiple-choice vocabulary measures were designed to measure vocabulary gains. In addition, a reading-retelling task was used to measure the subjects' knowledge of target and generalization words. For 1 story, children listened to the reading and were given explanations of target word meanings: for the other, children were not given explanations. The children acquired new vocabulary from listening to stories, with both frequency of exposure and teacher explanation of the target words enhancing vocabulary learning. However, the interventions were not sufficient to overcome the Matthew effect, as the higher ability children made greater vocabulary gains than lower ability children across all conditions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adoption of ASCE’s Policy Statement 465 and subsequent discussion of the what, how, and who of teaching the body of knowledge (BOK) that will be required for professional civil engineering practice has heightened the need for continued improvement in civil engineering education. ASCE has explicitly said the role of educators and practitioners in teaching the body of knowledge is critical and has listed faculty-related success factors for teaching the BOK. A key success factor is statement 465’s call for faculty and practitioners to properly prepare to “effectively engage students in the learning process.” This paper considers this challenge and discusses an instructor training program that effectively prepares faculty and practitioners to actively engage students in the learning process as envisioned by Policy Statement 465. We will show quantifiable evidence of the positive results gained by using this instructor training program through student and instructor feedback. Additionally, alternative shorter courses based on this program of preparation are highlighted that may be attended by the faculty of multiple engineering programs and by practitioners.  相似文献   

Although vocabulary tests are generally considered interchangeable, regardless of format, different tests can have different relations to age and to other cognitive abilities. In this study, 4 vocabulary test formats were examined: multiple-choice synonyms, multiple-choice antonyms, produce the definition, and picture identification. Results indicated that, although they form a single coherent vocabulary knowledge factor, the formats have different relations to age. In earlier adulthood, picture identification had the strongest growth, and produce the definition had the weakest. In later adulthood, picture identification had the strongest decline, and multiple-choice synonyms had the least. The formats differed in their relation to other cognitive variables, including reasoning, spatial visualization, memory, and speed. After accounting for the differential relations to other cognitive variables, differences in relation to age were eliminated with the exception of differences for the picture identification test. No theory of the aging of vocabulary knowledge fully explains these findings. These results suggest that using a single indicator of vocabulary may yield incomplete and somewhat misleading results about the aging of vocabulary knowledge. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the original article, "Basic theoretical concepts of humanistic psychology," by Charlotte Buhler (see record #197209954-001). In that article, Buhler examined humanistic psychology in and of itself, and in relation to psychotherapy and education. Here, the current author briefly comments on the learning process and the unforeseen usefulness of so much that is learned in one's youth. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

刘成 《铜业工程》2009,(2):84-86
在当前较为严峻的经济形势下,如何在严格遵守国家法律、法规、切实保护耕地的前提下,既保证企业不断发展对建设用地的需求,又能行之有效降低企业建设用地成本,提高企业综合经济效益的思考和应对措施。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,特别是随着素质教育的全面推进,写作教学更注重学生的心智培养及知识的内化过程,为此在教学实践中,力图一改传统的教学模式,尝试从激发学习兴趣、拓宽教学空间、运用“案例教学法”等几方面提高教学效果。  相似文献   

以人为本与高校专业基础课的教学融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“以人为本”是科学人才观的重要内涵。专业基础课的目的是为培养“有专长”的人才奠定基础。从学生情感培养、教学内容的组织、教学方法的选取以及师生关系的建立四个方面阐述了如何在专业基础课的教学中融合以人为本观念,培养出现代社会真正意义上的人才。  相似文献   

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