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BACKGROUND: Malaria causes severe morbidity and mortality in many areas of Africa where HIV-1 infection is also prevalent. Immunosuppression is associated with both diseases but most reports do not find significant interactions between them. METHODS: A collaborative study of HIV-1 infection in Ugandan women and their infants was established between the Ministry of Health, Makerere University, Kampala, and Case Western Reserve University in 1988. Four hundred fifty-eight infants, including 77 HIV-1-infected, 232 seroreverter and 125 control children born to HIV-1-negative mothers and 24 of indeterminate status were followed closely from birth for 4 years. Data on these infants were reviewed with respect to episodes of general illness and infections, suspected and confirmed episodes of malaria, onset and frequency of malaria, use of chloroquine and occurrence of selected illnesses after episodes of febrile illnesses. Thick and thin blood smears for malaria were obtained from children with fever. RESULTS: There was no association between occurrence of febrile illnesses and childrens' HIV-1 category. The relative rates of occurrence were 1.0 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.8 to 1.2) and 1.1 (95% CI 0.9 to 1.4) for the HIV seroreverter and control children compared with the HIV-infected children. Although there was no association (P = 0.83) between HIV-1 status and a smear being taken during a febrile episode, there was an increase in smears positive for malaria parasitemia among seroreverter (risk ratio, 1.5; 95% CI 1.1 to 1.9) and control infants (risk ratio, 1.6; 95% CI 1.2 to 2.2) compared with HIV-1-infected infants. The level of parasitemia was similar in each group. A greater proportion of malaria episodes among the HIV-infected group than among the control groups resulted in hospitalizations (P = 0.001) and blood transfusions (P = 0.02). There was a positive association between time to clinical AIDS and absence of malaria (adjusted for follow-up age) in infected children (P = 0.02). Use of chloroquine was similarly high in each HIV-1 category (80%). CONCLUSIONS: In this group of HIV-infected children there was no significant increase in malarial episodes as compared with their HIV-negative controls. The results suggest a possibility that malaria may offer some protection against HIV-1 progression or that chloroquine used to treat malaria may have a direct effect against the HIV-1 virus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To estimate how many infants in selected high-risk subgroups would require treatment with respiratory syncytial virus immune globulin (RSV-IG) to avoid 1 hospital admission and to determine whether this is economically justified. DESIGN: Cost-benefit analysis. Data from 3 randomized controlled trials of RSV-IG are used to estimate the number needed to treat to prevent 1 hospital admission for respiratory syncytial virus infection. The threshold number needed to treat is computed according to a formula incorporating costs and benefits of RSV-IG prophylaxis. Estimates of the willingness to pay were obtained from a sample of 39 health care providers (35 physicians and 4 nurses). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The number needed to treat to prevent 1 hospital admission for respiratory syncytial virus infection. The threshold number needed to treat that would balance costs with benefits. RESULTS: More than 16 (95% confidence interval, 12.5-23.8) infants would need to be treated with RSV-IG to avoid 1 hospital admission for respiratory syncytial virus infection, ranging from 63 for premature infants without chronic lung disease to 12 (confidence interval, 6.3-100.0) for infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. A sensitivity analysis of the costs and values of hospital admission for respiratory syncytial virus infection and RSV-IG treatment resulted in a weak recommendation against the treatment of infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and strong recommendations that the costs and risks of RSV-IG treatment outweigh the benefits for the combined sample of infants and premature infants without lung disease. CONCLUSIONS: The number-needed-to-treat procedures offer a method to assess evidence of treatment effects and decision rules for whether to accept treatment recommendations. Under plausible assumptions, treatment with RSV-IG is not recommended for infants without lung disease. Institutions can examine cost and benefit assumptions that best fit their own practice setting.  相似文献   

In periods from October 1990 to June 1991 and from September 1991 to June 1992, 551 hospitalized infants and small children were examined by immunofluorescence method for respiratory viruses. In 264 (47.9%) cases viral etiology was established. Like in previous seasons the infections of RS and parainfluenza type 3 viruses dominated. Infections of RS virus were not frequent, and of parainfluenza type 3 virus less than in previous seasons. The increase of percent of infections due to parainfluenza type 2 and 4 viruses were observed.  相似文献   

Upper respiratory tract infections and wheezing illnesses occur frequently in early childhood. Most viral infections associated with wheeze in infancy are attributable to respiratory syncitial virus, whereas in older children rhinovirus, influenza and parainfluenza virus prevail. The detection rate of viruses has increased since PCR techniques have been used. A British study for example showed that in 80% of episodes in asthmatic children aged 9-11 years viruses could be detected in nasal aspirates which had been taken within 4 days of the wheezing attack. In most cases rhinovirus was identified. Two major hypotheses have been proposed to explain the association between respiratory tract infections and subsequent respiratory abnormalities. One hypothesis states that viral infections early in life damage the growing lung or alter host immune regulation. The second hypothesis holds that respiratory infections are more severe in infants and children with some underlying predisposition. These notions await further clarification. Early childhood bacterial and viral infections may, however, also be associated with a reduced risk of developing atopic sensitization or allergic conditions, as the results of several recent studies suggest.  相似文献   

Eight out of 115 infants admitted to hospital with respiratory syncytial (RS) virus infection had been breast-fed compared with 46 out of 167 controls; this difference was statistically significant. Twenty-one specimens of human colostrum were examined, and all contained RS virus neutralising activity. Specific IgA and IgG were detected in 18 specimens, whereas IgM was detected in none. The titre of IgA antibody was usually higher and correlated more closely to the titre of neutralising activity than that of IgG. Infants inhale milk feeds and regurgitate them through the nose, and the IgA collecting in the respiratory tract might protect against severe respiratory infection. Alternatively, if severe RS virus illness is a sign of hypersensitivity to the virus breast-feeding might protect the infant from an early sensitising infection.  相似文献   

AIMS: This paper examined factors relating to the infants' place of domicile to see whether they increased the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) beyond social and environmental effects previously published. METHODS: A case control study was undertaken in New Zealand between the years 1987-90. From all sudden infant death syndrome diagnoses over this time, parents of 393 (81%) sudden infant death syndrome infants consented to participate and these derive the cases. Controls were ascertained by randomly sampling 1800 infants from all babies born over 78% of the country. Parents of 1592 (88%) control infants consented to participate in the study. RESULTS: The relative risk of sudden infant death for infants usually residing in houses rented from the government (State houses) was 1.73 (95% CI: 1.13, 2.66) times that of infants with parents owning their house, after adjusting for likely social, economic and environmental confounding factors. However, the type of housing, construction of housing, heating and age of housing was not associated with sudden infant death syndrome. Although house size, measured in terms of bedroom numbers, was similar for sudden infant death syndrome and control infants (chi 2 = 0.40, df = 2, p = 0.82), the number of people normally residing within these houses was different. Sudden infant death syndrome infants' houses were less likely to have two adults and more likely to have more children normally resident. Density calculations (derived by calculating the children and/or adult numbers divided by bedroom numbers) revealed a non significant increase in relative risk, suggesting that housing overcrowding was not associated with sudden infant death syndrome in New Zealand. CONCLUSIONS: Infants domiciled in State houses are more likely to experience sudden infant death syndrome. However, this increased relative risk for sudden infant death syndrome appears to have little to do with the house per se and, perhaps, more to do with socioeconomic characteristics.  相似文献   

Heterosexual contact and intravenous drug use continue to result in new cases of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection among adolescents and women of childbearing age. In North American and European surveys, 0.1% to 0.3% of childbearing women are infected with HIV; rates are 10 to 20 times higher in some inner-city areas. Timely, comprehensive, and well-coordinated care of the pregnant HIV-infected mother offers a unique opportunity to significantly influence two lives simultaneously. The mother can be offered therapeutic and prophylactic agents to treat her own infection, including antiretroviral therapy, which has been shown to markedly reduce the risk of vertical HIV-1 transmission. Recent advances in diagnostic virology now make it possible to definitively identify by 3 to 4 months of age those infants who are infected with HIV. Infants infected with HIV can be offered effective prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, which has dramatically reduced the incidence of this once common infection. Infected infants also should be monitored closely to institute antiretroviral therapy, and to diagnose and treat opportunistic and intercurrent infections and other acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-defining illnesses in a timely way.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus is the most frequent cause of respiratory tract infections in infants and is responsible for annual winter epidemics of acute bronchiolitis. Over the last decades medical therapy has remained unchanged and controversial, despite intensive research. Inhaled bronchodilators are often not effective and should be discontinued if no beneficial response can be documented. Steroids and ribavirin are not indicated in previously healthy infants with acute RSV bronchiolitis. There is some evidence, however, that certain risk groups may benefit from their use. With good supportive care the mortality from RSV infection is now low. Postinfectious alterations in lung function are usually transient and reversible. High-risk infants can be protected from severe RSV infections by monthly infusions of RSV immune globulins. This treatment modality has, however, not gained wide acceptance because of the benign nature of the disease and the high costs and side effects of regular immune globulin infusions. An international consensus statement on the treatment of RSV bronchiolitis may help to reduce the wide differences in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections are characterized by upper or lower respiratory tract symptoms including bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Apnoea may be the first sign of disease in children with RSV infection. The aims of this study were the identification of independent risk factors for RSV associated apnoea and the prediction of the risk for mechanical ventilation in children with RSV associated apnoea. Medical records of children younger than 12 months of age admitted with RSV infection between 1992 and 1995 to the Sophia Children's Hospital, were reviewed. Demographic parameters, clinical features and laboratory parameters (SaO2, pCO2 and pH) were obtained upon admission and during hospitalization. Children with and without apnoea were compared using univariate and multivariate logistic and linear regression analysis. One hundred and eighty-five patients with RSV infection were admitted of whom 38 (21%) presented with apnoea. Patients with apnoea were significantly younger, had a significantly lower temperature, higher pCO2 and lower pH and had on chest radiographs also more signs of atelectasis. The number of patients admitted to the ICU because of mechanical ventilation and oxygen administration was significantly higher in children with RSV associated apnoea. Apnoea at admission was a strong predictor for recurrent apnoea. The relative risk for mechanical ventilation increased with the number of episodes of apnoea: 2.4 (95% CI 0.8-6.6) in children with one episode of apnoea (at admission) versus 6.5 (95% CI 3.3-12.9) in children with recurrent episodes of apnoea. CONCLUSIONS: Age below 2 months is the strongest independent risk factor for RSV associated apnoea. Apnoea at admission increases the risk for recurrent apnoea. The risk for mechanical ventilation significantly increases in children who suffer from recurrent apnoea.  相似文献   

The prevalence of hepatitis B and C virus infections, transmitted by blood transfusions, was studied in 79 children with congenital coagulation disorders. Twenty nine percent had evidences of hepatitis B virus infection and 52% evidences of hepatitis C virus infection. Older children and those with the higher number of transfusions had the highest rates of infections. It is concluded that children with congenital coagulation disorders constitute a high risk group for hepatitis B and C virus infections.  相似文献   

Several antiviral agents are available to treat viral illnesses in healthy children. In some children, treatment with acyclovir is an alternative to vaccination for the treatment and prevention of chickenpox. Acyclovir also can be useful in the treatment or prevention of herpes simplex infections in neonates. Ribavirin, once recommended as routine therapy for high-risk infants with respiratory syncytial virus disease, is now reserved for use in selected children. Amantadine and rimantidine are effective against influenza type A and can be used to protect children from influenza, as well as to lessen the duration and severity of illness in those who are already ill.  相似文献   

Congenital parvovirus infection was diagnosed in two liveborn premature infants born at 24 and 35 weeks of gestational age. The illnesses were associated with placentomegaly, petechial rash, edema, hepatomegaly, anemia and thrombocytopenia, respiratory insufficiency, and death at 5 and 6 days of age. The syndromes exhibited by these cases shared common but nonspecific features with other life-threatening congenital infections. Serological studies in one case supported the diagnosis of parvoviral infection. Postmortem examination of both revealed nuclear inclusions in erythroid precursor cells characteristic of parvovirus infection. Use of the polymerase chain reaction confirmed the presence of parvovirus DNA in one of the cases. Intrauterine parvovirus B19 infection is most commonly associated with hydrops fetalis, "transient" hydrops, or a favorable outcome in infants found to be viremic after birth. These and previously reported examples of congenital B19 disease exemplify an exceptional form of human parvovirus infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the distribution of Bordetella pertussis and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in the hospital setting. DESIGN: Air samples were collected using filters in the hospital rooms of 12 children with pertussis and 27 children with RSV infection. Material eluted from these filters was subjected to RSV- and B pertussis-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. SETTING: Patients were hospitalized in private rooms in one of two referral centers, a university teaching hospital and a university-affiliated private children's hospital. PATIENTS: 12 children (16 days-3 years of age) with documented pertussis infection and 27 patients (10 days-7 years of age) with documented RSV infection. RESULTS: B pertussis DNA was detected in 7 (58%) of 12 rooms housing pertussis patients and in 16 (25%) of 63 total samples. B pertussis DNA was detected as far as 4 m away from the patient's bedside. The detection of B pertussis DNA in air samples did not change over the short duration of hospitalization. RSV RNA was detected in 17 (63%) of 27 rooms housing RSV-infected patients and in 32 (22%) of 143 total samples. RSV RNA was detected at distances as far as 7 m from the patient's bedside and for up to 7 days of hospitalization. CONCLUSIONS: Using PCR-based detection methods, B pertussis DNA and RSV RNA both can be detected in air samples from the hospital rooms of infected patients. Both can be detected at large distances from a patient's bedside in a minority of cases. These detection methods are suitable for further studies of control measures used to contain nosocomial infections caused by both B pertussis and RSV.  相似文献   

Little is known about the epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in tropical and developing countries; the data currently available have been reviewed. In most studies, RSV was found to be the predominant viral cause of acute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRI) in childhood, being responsible for 27-96% of hospitalised cases (mean 65%) in which a virus was found. RSV infection is seasonal in most countries; outbreaks occur most frequently in the cold season in areas with temperate and Mediterranean climates and in the wet season in tropical countries with seasonal rainfall. The situation on islands and in areas of the inner tropics with perennial high rainfall is less clear-cut. The age group mainly affected by RSV in developing countries is children under 6 months of age (mean 39% of hospital patients with RSV). RSV-ALRI is slightly more common in boys than in girls. Very little information is available about the mortality of children infected with RSV, the frequency of bacterial co-infection, or the incidence of further wheezing after RSV. Further studies on RSV should address these questions in more detail. RSV is an important pathogen ill young children in tropical and developing countries and a frequent cause of hospital admission. Prevention of RSV infection by vaccination would have a significant impact on the incidence of ALRI in children in developing countries.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most frequent cause of hospitalization for respiratory tract infection during the first 2 years of life. The optimal approach to management remains controversial. During the 1991 to 1992 RSV season RSV-infected children admitted to eight Canadian tertiary care pediatric centers were followed to: (1) assess the morbidity and mortality attributable to RSV infection among hospitalized patients with and without known risk factors for severe disease; and (2) assess regional variation in the management of RSV infection. Of 529 RSV-infected patients 69% (363) had one or more of the risk factors for severe disease and the remaining 31% (166) had none. There were significant differences (P < or = 0.01) between the high and low risk groups, respectively, for: intensive care unit admission (27%, 2%), assisted ventilation (14%, 0.6%), ribavirin therapy (20%, 2%), supplemental oxygen (75%, 34%), antibiotic therapy (69%, 58%) and length of hospital stay > or = 7 days (39%, 6%). Among low risk patients, centers varied significantly (P < or = 0.01) in the use of systemic corticosteroids (from 3 to 69% of patients), supplemental oxygen (13 to 74%), bronchodilators (68 to 93%) and ribavirin (0 to 10%). The observed regional variation in management of hospitalized children with RSV infection has implications for both the costs of hospital care and the conduct of multicenter trials of ribavirin and other therapies for RSV infection.  相似文献   

During the spring of 1987 and the autumn of 1988, stool specimens were collected from infants and young children in the paediatric unit at H. F. Verwoerd Hospital, Pretoria, and examined for the presence of rotaviruses to assess the potential for hospital-acquired infection in the paediatric wards. Stool samples were also collected from children admitted to the hospital for causes unrelated to gastro-enteritis to investigate the possible asymptomatic carriage of rotavirus in this population. Hospital-acquired rotavirus infection was determined in only 9% of cases. Very little asymptomatic carriage of the virus was identified. Electrophoretic analysis of the rotavirus strains showed that the majority of the infections (20 of 42) were associated with a particular strain with a long RNA profile, while 7 minor strains co-circulated (5 with a long electrophoretype and 2 with a short one). An apparent small outbreak of nosocomial infection with a single strain was observed to occur in one of the paediatric wards during the spring and early summer.  相似文献   

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections encountered by primary care physicians. Although UTIs do not occur with as great a frequency in children as in adults, they can be a source of significant morbidity in children. For reasons that are not yet completely understood, a minority of UTIs in children progress to renal scarring, hypertension and renal insufficiency. Clinical presentation of UTI in children may be nonspecific, and the appropriateness of certain diagnostic tests remains controversial. The diagnostic work-up should be tailored to uncover functional and structural abnormalities such as dysfunctional voiding, vesicoureteral reflux and obstructive uropathy. A more aggressive work-up, including renal cortical scintigraphy, ultrasound and voiding cystourethrography, is recommended for patients at greater risk for pyelonephritis and renal scarring, including infants less than one year of age and all children who have systemic signs of infection concomitant with a UTI. Antibiotic prophylaxis is used in patients with reflux or recurrent UTI who are at greater risk for subsequent infections and complications.  相似文献   

Parainfluenza type 3 virus (PIV-3), an important cause of acute lower respiratory illness in children, can be transmitted nosocomially. To differentiate between nosocomial transmission and community-acquired infection, a polymerase chain reaction-based sequencing assay was developed for the 5' noncoding region of the PIV-3 fusion protein gene and was applied to virus specimens from 10 children infected with PIV-3 during a hospital outbreak. Four strains of PIV-3 were identified among the 10 virus isolates. Six isolates, which appeared to belong to 1 strain, were obtained from a cluster of nosocomial cases in a pediatric intermediate care unit. In contrast, the remaining 4 isolates, which appeared to belong to 3 different strains, were obtained from children infected in the community or elsewhere in the hospital. These data indicate that multiple strains of PIV-3 can be found during a single epidemic and provide evidence that infections within the intermediate care unit were probably caused by transmission of 1 strain of virus within the unit rather than reintroduction of virus by new patients or staff.  相似文献   

Any change in risk behavior related to acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is likely to reduce simultaneously the risk for other agents transmitted through identical routes. A study carried out in the city of Delhi, India on the load of transfusion associated infections among multitransfused (MT) children in relation to mandatory screening of HIV infection in donated blood indicated unchanged prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis D virus (HDV) infections among the group of MT children transfused after the implementation of mandatory screening of HIV infections in blood banks, i.e. post-implementation period (prevalence of HBV, HCV and HDV being 32.8%, 31.3% and 1.6% respectively) compared to a group of MT children transfused over a similar duration before the implementation of mandatory screening i.e. pre-implementation period (prevalence of HBV, HCV and HDV being 28.1%, 26.6% and 1.6% respectively). However, reduction could be recorded in the prevalence of IgM and IgG classes of antibodies to both CMV and HSV-2 infections among MT children receiving transfusion during the post-implementation period (prevalence of 3.1% and 37.1% for CMV IgM and CMV IgG respectively; prevalence of 3.1% and 25% for HSV-2 IgM and HSV-2 IgG, respectively) compared to the group of MT children transfused in the pre-implementation period (prevalence of 15.6% and 56.3% for CMV IgM and CMV IgG respectively; prevalence of 18.8% and 45.2% for HSV-2 IgM and HSV-2 IgG, respectively). These reductions were statistically significant (p values < 0.02 and < 0.05 for CMV IgM and CMV IgG; p values < 0.01 and < 0.02 for HSV-2 IgM and HSV-2 IgG respectively). These observations were in accordance with the recorded reduction in the prevalence of CMV and HSV-2 infections and unaltered prevalence of HBV, HCV and HDV infections in the group of donors donating blood during the post-implementation period compared to those donating in the pre-implementation period. Study of epidemiological risk factors among blood donors showed a change in behavior towards safer sex practice with only 13.0% of donors in the post-implementation period having history of sex with one or more female commercial sex workers during their donation periods compared to 41.5% of donors in the pre-implementation period having similar history (p < 0.001). However no change could be recorded in the proportion of donors donating at frequency higher than the permissible guidelines among the two groups. The present study points out nosocomial transmission as well as limitations in the existing guidelines for screening of infectious agents in blood banks as possible incriminating factors towards acquisition of hepatitis virus infections in blood donors as well as in MT children.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: After our first known patient with vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) infection was admitted in 1993, we observed a gradual increase in infections and colonization caused by this organism. Thus we initiated a prospective study to quantitate the incidence of VRE infection versus colonization, to identify risk factors for VRE, and to define the natural history of VRE colonization among our patients. METHODS: Stool/rectal cultures were performed for patients admitted to the intensive care units at the time of admission and weekly thereafter. Patients found to be carrying VRE were followed with cultures every 2 weeks, and this protocol was continued after transfer to the medical-surgical wards. A surveillance form was initiated on each VRE patient and included demographics, underlying diseases, and risk factors. Environmental cultures in the intensive care units were randomly performed. Patients with positive cultures were isolated. RESULTS: During a 27-month period, 210 patients were found to be colonized or infected with VRE. Ages ranged from 35 to 97 years; the mean age was 65 years. Fourteen percent (29 of 210) of the patients were VRE positive on admission. Nosocomial colonization or infection occurred at an average of 28 days after admission. Seventeen percent (25 of 216) of patients cleared VRE during their hospital stay; 19% (40 of 210) developed 47 infections. One third of infections involved the urinary tract. Liver transplantation, chemotherapy, and total parenteral nutrition were each associated with infection. CONCLUSION: Routine measures as advocated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were not effective in controlling VRE in our patient population.  相似文献   

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