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The specific formylation of initiator methionyl-tRNA by methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (MTF) is important for initiation of protein synthesis in Escherichia coli. In attempts to identify regions of MTF that come close to the 3'-end of the tRNA, we oxidized 32P-3'-end-labeled E. coli initiator methionine tRNA with sodium metaperiodate and cross-linked it to MTF. The cross-linked MTF was separated from uncross-linked MTF by DEAE-cellulose chromatography, and the tRNA in the cross-linked MTF was hydrolyzed with nuclease P1 and RNase T1, leaving behind an oxidized fragment of [32P]AMP attached to MTF. Trypsin digestion of the cross-linked MTF followed by high pressure liquid chromatography of the digest yielded two peaks of radioactive peptides, I* and II*. These peptides were characterized by N- and/or C-terminal sequencing and by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectroscopy. Peptide I* contained amino acids Gln186-Lys210 with Lys207 as the site of the cross-link. Peptide II*, a partial digestion product, contained amino acids Gln186-Arg214 also with Lys207 as the site of the cross-link. The molecular masses of peptides I* and II* indicate that the final product of the cross-linking reaction between the periodate-oxidized AMP moiety of the tRNA and Lys207 is most likely a morpholino derivative rather than a reduced Schiff's base.  相似文献   

The specific formylation of initiator methionyl-tRNA by methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (MTF; EC is important for the initiation of protein synthesis in eubacteria and in eukaryotic organelles. The determinants for formylation in the tRNA are clustered mostly in the acceptor stem. As part of studies on the molecular mechanism of recognition of the initiator tRNA by MTF, we report here on the isolation and characterization of suppressor mutations in Escherichia coli MTF, which compensate for the formylation defect of a mutant initiator tRNA, lacking a critical determinant in the acceptor stem. We show that the suppressor mutant in MTF has a glycine-41 to arginine change within a 16-amino acid insertion found in MTF from many sources. A mutant with glycine-41 changed to lysine also acts as a suppressor, whereas mutants with changes to aspartic acid, glutamine, and leucine do not. The kinetic parameters of the purified wild-type and mutant Arg-41 and Lys-41 enzymes, determined by using the wild-type and mutant tRNAs as substrates, show that the Arg-41 and Lys-41 mutant enzymes compensate specifically for the strong negative effect of the acceptor stem mutation on formylation. These and other considerations suggest that the 16-amino acid insertion in MTF plays an important role in the specific recognition of the determinants for formylation in the acceptor stem of the initiator tRNA.  相似文献   

Formylation of initiator methionyl-tRNA by methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (MTF) is important for initiation of protein synthesis in eubacteria. The determinants for formylation are clustered mostly in the acceptor stem of the initiator tRNA. Previous studies suggested that a 16 amino acid insertion loop, present in all eubacterial MTF's (residues 34-49 in the E. coli enzyme), plays an important role in specific recognition of the initiator tRNA. Here, we have analyzed the effect of site-specific mutations of amino acids within this region. We show that an invariant arginine at position 42 within the loop plays a very important role both in the steps of substrate binding and in catalysis. The kinetic parameters of the R42K and R42L mutant enzymes using acceptor stem mutant initiator tRNAs as substrates suggest that arginine 42 makes functional contacts with the determinants at the 3:70 and possibly also the 2:71 base pairs in the acceptor stem of the initiator tRNA. The kinetic parameters of the G41R/R42L double mutant enzyme are essentially the same as those of R42L mutant, suggesting that the requirement for arginine at position 42 cannot be fulfilled by an arginine at position 41. Along with other data, this result suggests that the insertion loop, which is normally unstructured and flexible, adopts a defined conformation upon binding to the tRNA.  相似文献   

A 12-residue peptide AcDKDGDGYISAAENH2 analogous to the third calcium-binding loop of calmodulin strongly coordinates lanthanide ions (K = 10(5) M-1). When metal saturated, the peptide adopts a very rigid structure, the same as in the native protein, with three last residues AAE fixed in the alpha-helical conformation. Therefore, the peptide provides an ideal helix nucleation site for peptide segments attached to its C terminus. NMR and CD investigations of peptide AcDKDGDGYISAAEAAAQNH2 presented in this paper show that residues A13-Q16 form an alpha-helix of very high stability when the La3+ ion is bound to the D1-E12 loop. In fact, the lowest estimates of the helix content in this segment give values of at least 80% at 1 degreesC and 70% at 25 degreesC. This finding is not compatible with existing helix-coil transition theories and helix propagation parameters, s, reported in the literature. We conclude, therefore, that the initial steps of helix propagation are characterized by much larger s values, whereas helix nucleation is even more unfavorable than is believed. In light of our findings, thermodynamics of the nascent alpha-helices is discussed. The problem of CD spectra of very short alpha-helices is also addressed.  相似文献   

Accuracy in transfer RNA (tRNA) splicing is essential for the formation of functional tRNAs, and hence for gene expression, in both Eukaryotes and Archaea. The specificity for recognition of the tRNA precursor (pre-tRNA) resides in the endonuclease, which removes the intron by making two independent endonucleolytic cleavages. Although the eukaryal and archaeal enzymes appear to use different features of pre-tRNAs to determine the sites of cleavage, analysis of hybrid pre-tRNA substrates containing eukaryal and archaeal sequences, described here, reveals that the eukaryal enzyme retains the ability to use the archaeal recognition signals. This result indicates that there may be a common ancestral mechanism for recognition of pre-tRNA by proteins.  相似文献   

Costimulatory molecules are critical in mediating Fas-dependent direct and bystander lysis. In direct lysis, the APC is the Fas-positive target. It presents Ag to the T cell, thereby activating the T cell. The activated T cell then up-regulates FasL, allowing it to kill the APC. In bystander lysis, the APC again induces FasL expression on the T cell, but the target is a third Fas-positive cell that may lack the appropriate MHC-restricting element to activate the T cell. This study shows that ICAM-1 and B7-1 can serve as important adhesion molecules in direct killing using CD4+ T cell effectors. In bystander killing, B7-1 appears to act as a signaling molecule as well. It has been demonstrated that lpr and gld mice are less susceptible to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis than their wild-type counterparts. In this study, we show that although microglia are poor targets of direct killing, they are capable of stimulating myelin basic protein-specific T cells to kill innocent Fas-positive targets. This presents a possible mechanism for the pathogenesis of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis.  相似文献   

The structure of a truncated form of the gamma-subunit of phosphorylase kinase (PHKgammat) has been solved in a ternary complex with a non-hydrolysable ATP analogue (adenylyl imidodiphosphate, AMPPNP) and a heptapeptide substrate related in sequence to both the natural substrate and to the optimal peptide substrate. Kinetic characterization of the phosphotransfer reaction confirms the peptide to be a good substrate, and the structure allows identification of key features responsible for its high affinity. Unexpectedly, the substrate peptide forms a short anti-parallel beta-sheet with the kinase activation segment, the region which in other kinases plays an important role in regulation of enzyme activity. This anchoring of the main chain of the substrate peptide at a fixed distance from the gamma-phosphate of ATP explains the selectivity of PHK for serine/threonine over tyrosine as a substrate. The catalytic core of PHK exists as a dimer in crystals of the ternary complex, and the relevance of this phenomenon to its in vivo recognition of dimeric glycogen phosphorylase b is considered.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the recognition between an antigenic undecapeptide and a monoclonal antibody through a mutational approach. Antibody mAb164 is directed against the native form of the TrpB2 subunit of Escherichia coli tryptophan synthase. It recognizes a synthetic peptide, P11, constituted of residues 273-HGRVGIYFGMK-283 of TrpB with high affinity. P11 was fused with a carrier protein, MalE, to facilitate its manipulation. The affinities between mAb164 and the MalE-P11 hybrids were measured by competition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The changes of the P11 residues into progressively shorter residues, the comparison of changes into Pro and Ala, and the study of double mutants showed the following. Four hydrophobic residues of P11, Val276, Ile278, Tyr279, and Phe280, were predominant in the interaction. For some residues, e.g., Tyr279, most groups of the side chain contributed to the interaction. For others, only some groups played a significant role, e.g., the Cdelta group of Ile278 or the Cbeta group of Phe280. The lack of side chain in position Gly281 and a tertiary interaction between the side chains of Ile278 and Lys283 were important. P11 was recognized in a loop conformation, close to that of residues 273-283 of TrpB in the crystal structure of the complete tryptophan synthase, TrpA2TrpB2. Comparison of our mutational data with NMR data on the conformation of the isolated peptide P11 and with kinetic data on its interaction with mAb164 indicate that mAb164 selects a conformer of P11 that represents only a small minority of the molecules. Our results provide useful information on the mechanisms by which linear epitopes and unconstrained peptides are recognized by receptors.  相似文献   

tRNA binding to the ribosomal P site is dependent not only on correct codon-anticodon interaction but also involves identification of structural elements of tRNA by the ribosome. By using a phosphorothioate substitution-interference approach, we identified specific nonbridging Rp-phosphate oxygens in the anticodon loop of tRNA(Phe) from Escherichia coli which are required for P-site binding. Stereospecific involvement of phosphate oxygens at these positions was confirmed by using synthetic anticodon arm analogues at which single Rp- or Sp-phosphorothioates were incorporated. Identical interference results with yeast tRNA(Phe) and E. coli tRNA(fMet) indicate a common backbone conformation or common recognition elements in the anticodon loop of tRNAs. N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea modification-interference experiments with natural tRNAs point to the importance of the same phosphates in the loop. Guided by the crystal structure of tRNA(Phe), we propose that specific Rp-phosphate oxygens are required for anticodon loop ("U-turn") stabilization or are involved in interactions with the ribosome on correct tRNA-mRNA complex formation.  相似文献   

In the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex of Bacillus stearothermophilus, the interaction between the pyruvate decarboxylase (E1p) component and the lipoyl domain of the dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase (E2) component was investigated using a combination of site-directed mutagenesis and NMR spectroscopy. Residues 11 to 15 (EGIHE) of the lipoyl domain, part of a surface loop close in space to the beta-turn containing the lipoyl-lysine residue (position 42), were deleted or replaced. The mutant domains all retained their three-dimensional structures and ability to become lipoylated, but in the absence of the loop the lipoyl-lysine residue could no longer be reductively acetylated by E1p. A mutation (N40A) in the N- terminal part of the lipoyl-lysine hairpin showed that it is involved in recognition of the domain by E1p but other mutations in the loop (E15A) and close to the lipoyl-lysine hairpin (V44S, V45S and E46A) were without effect. The heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence NMR spectra of 15N-labelled lipoyl domain in the presence and absence of B. stearothermophilus E1p were recorded. Of the 85 amino acid residues in the lipoyl domain, 13 exhibited significant differences in chemical shift. These differences, most of which were associated with residues in the surface loop between positions 8 and 15 and in, or close to, the lipoyl-lysine hairpin, indicate that E1p makes contact with the lipoyl domain in these areas. The combined results of directed mutagenesis and NMR spectroscopy point to the surface loop as a major determinant of the interaction of lipoyl domain with E1p. The specificity of this essential interaction provides the molecular basis of substrate channelling in this, the first committed, step of the enzyme reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

The utility of the present generation of recombinant adenovirus vectors for gene therapy applications could potentially be improved by designing targeted vectors capable of gene delivery to selected cell types in vivo. In order to achieve such targeting, we are investigating the possibilities of incorporation of ligands in the adenovirus fiber protein, which mediates primary binding of adenovirus to its cell surface receptor. Based on the proposed structure of the cell-binding domain of the fiber, we hypothesized that the HI loop of the fiber knob can be utilized as a convenient locale for incorporation of heterologous ligands. In this study, we utilized recombinant fiber proteins expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells to demonstrate that the incorporation of the FLAG octapeptide into the HI loop does not ablate fiber trimerization and does not disturb formation of the cell-binding site localized in the knob. We then generated a recombinant adenovirus containing this modified fiber and showed that the short peptide sequence engineered in the knob is compatible with the biological functions of the fiber. In addition, by using a ligand-specific antibody, we have shown that the peptide incorporated into the knob remains available for binding in the context of mature virions containing modified fibers. These findings suggest that heterologous ligands can be incorporated into the HI loop of the fiber knob and that this locale possesses properties consistent with its employment in adenovirus retargeting strategies.  相似文献   

Identity elements in tRNAs and the intracellular balance of tRNAs allow accurate selection of tRNAs by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. The histidyl-tRNA from Escherichia coli is distinguished by a unique G-1.C73 base pair that upon exchange with other nucleotides leads to a marked decrease in the rate of aminoacylation in vitro. G-1.C73 is also a major identity element for histidine acceptance, such that the substitution of C73 brings about mischarging by glycyl-, glutaminyl-, and leucyl-tRNA synthetases. These identity conversions mediated by the G-1.C73 base pair were exploited to isolate secondary site revertants in the histidyl-tRNA synthetase from E. coli which restore histidine identity to a histidyl-tRNA suppressor carrying U73. The revertant substitutions confer a 3-4 fold reduction in the Michaelis constant for tRNAs carrying the amber-suppressing anticodon and map to the C-terminal domain of HisRS and its interface with the catalytic core. These findings demonstrate that the histidine tRNA anticodon plays a significant role in tRNA selection in vivo and that the C-terminal domain of HisRS is in large part responsible for recognizing this trinucleotide. The kinetic parameters determined also show a small degree of anticooperativity (delta delta G = -1.24 kcal/mol) between recognition of the discriminator base and the anticodon, suggesting that the two helical domains of the tRNA are not recognized independently. We propose that these effects substantially account for the ability of small changes in tRNA binding far removed from the site of a major determinant to bring about a complete conversion of tRNA identity.  相似文献   

The extended-substrate specificity of Enterobacter cloacae GC1 beta-lactamase is entirely due to a three amino acid insertion after position 207. To clarify the reason for the extended-substrate specificity, Ala, Ala-Ala, Ala-Ala-Ala, and Ala-Ala-Ala-Ala were inserted after position 207 on the basis of the class C beta-lactamase from E. cloacae P99, respectively. The kcat and Km values of all the mutant enzymes for cephalothin, benzylpenicillin and ampicillin were almost the same as those of the wild-type enzyme, except for those of P99-210-4A which were decreased 4-15-fold. On the other hand, the kcat and Km values for oxyimino beta-lactams such as cefuroxime, ceftazidime, and aztreonam increased with increasing numbers of inserted alanines. The kcat values of the mutant enzymes for cefroxime increased 140-7400-fold compared with that of the wild-type. The Km values also increased with almost the same magnitude, resulting in about the same kcat/Km values as that of the wild-type. On progressive inhibition analysis of aztreonam of the mutant enzymes, two kinds of inactive acyl-enzyme with distinct stabilities were observed, and the proportion of the less stable inactive enzyme increased with increasing numbers of inserted alanines. This suggests that the extension of the substrate specificity is due to instability of the acyl-intermediate caused by an increased deacylation rate in the reaction process.  相似文献   

P18(IIIB) is a highly immunogenic peptide from the V3 loop of the HIV-1 gp160 envelope protein that is presented promiscuously by multiple class I MHC molecules. Understanding the molecular basis for promiscuous presentation may have many practical applications. As the highly prevalent HLA-A2.1 class I molecule is known to present P18(IIIB) for recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) found in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HIV+ donors, a P18(IIIB)-specific CTL line was generated from and HLA-A2(+), HIV- donor in order to define the molecular basis for, and ultimately improve upon the binding of, this peptide to HLA-A2.1. The minimal epitope recognized by the line was a decamer, I10, with the sequence RGPGRAFVTI. Interestingly, this decamer is identical to the minimal epitope from P18(IIIB) seen by murine CTL restricted by H-2Dd. A panel of Ala-substituted peptides was employed in MHC-binding and T cell response studies to identify MHC- and TCR-binding residues. Notably, many of the agretopic and epitopic residues identified were identical to those involved in the corresponding interactions of I10 with the H-2Dd MHC molecule and murine I10-specific CTL. The I10 peptide does not contain the described HLA-A2.1 binding motif. Instead a Pro at P3, a Phe at P7 and an Ile at P10 are utilized for MHC binding. Agretopic residue similarities with the hepatitis B nucleocapsid decamer suggest that these residues may comprise an alternative motif of anchors utilized by decamers for binding to HLA-A2.1.  相似文献   

The V3 loop consensus motif. Arg-Gly-Pro-Gly-Arg-Ala-Phe-Val-Thr-Ile (HIV-1 IIIB), inhibits an interaction of HIV with CD4-positive lymphocytes. Recently, both proline-rich peptides and peptides containing proline-glycine loops (beta-turns) form a complex with ristocetin dimers. These peptides interact with ristocetin-loaded platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP) Ib and act as inhibitors of von Willebrand factor (vWF)-GPIb interaction by preventing the subsequent formation of ristocetin dimer bridges. The Pro-Gly sequence is also present in the V3 loop consensus motif, Arg-Gly-Pro-Gly-Arg-Ala-Phe-Val-Thr-Ile (HIV-1 IIIB). In this report, we have evaluated the effect of the HIV-1 IIIB peptide on vWF binding to GPIb. This peptide only inhibited vWF binding to GPIb as well as platelet aggregation in the presence of ristocetin while it had no effect on botrocetin-mediated vWF interaction with platelets. The peptide inhibited a binding of anti-vWF monoclonal antibody (RG-46) to immobilized vWF. Furthermore, ristocetin inhibited the binding of HIV-1 IIIB peptide to immobilized CXC-chemokine receptor-4 (CXCR-4) peptide. These results indicate that ristocetin may prevent HIV infection and would be useful a tool to understand the mechanism of HIV tissue tropism and infection.  相似文献   

Ricin is a cytotoxic plant protein that inactivates ribosomes by hydrolyzing the N-glycosidic bond at position A4324 in eukaryotic 28S rRNA. Recent studies showed that a four-nucleotide loop, GAGA, can function as a minimum substrate for ricin (the first adenosine corresponds to the site of depurination). We previously clarified the solution structure of this loop by NMR spectroscopy [Orita et al. (1993) Nucleic Acids Res. 21, 5670-5678]. To elucidate further details of the structural basis for recognition of its substrate by ricin, we studied the properties of a synthetic dodecanucleotide, r1C2U3C4A5G6dA7G8A9U10G11A12G (6dA12mer), which forms an RNA hairpin structure with a GdAGA loop and in which the site of depurination is changed from adenosine to 2'-deoxyadenosine. The N-glycosidase activity against the GdAGA loop of the A-chain of ricin was 26 times higher than that against the GAGA loop. NMR studies indicated that the overall structure of the GdAGA loop was similar to that of the GAGA loop with the exception of the sugar puckers of 6dA and 7G. Therefore, it appears that the 2'-hydroxyl group of adenosine at the depurination site (6A) does not participate in the recognition by ricin of the substrate. Since the 2'-hydroxyl group can potentially destabilize the developing positive charge of the putative transition state intermediate, an oxycarbonium ion, the electronic effect may explain, at least in part, the faster rate of depurination of the GdAGA loop compared to that of GAGA loop. We also show that the amino group of 7G is essential for substrate recognition the ricin A-chain.  相似文献   

The initiator methionine transfer RNA (tRNA(fMet)) gene was identified on a 347 bp Eco RI-Hind III DNA fragment of the potato mitochondrial (mt) genome. The sequence of this gene shows 1 to 7 nucleotide differences with the other plant mt tRNAs(fMet) or tRNA(fMet) genes studied so far. Whereas the tRNA(fMet) gene is present as a single copy in the potato mt genome, a tRNA 'pseudogene' corresponding to 60% of a complete tRNA (from the 5' end to the variable region) and located at 105 nucleotides upstream of the tRNA(fMet) gene on the opposite strand was shown to be repeated at least three times. Furthermore, the physical environment of the tRNA(fMet) gene in the mt genome is very different among plants, which suggests that the tRNA(fMet) gene region has often been implicated in recombination events of plant mt genomes leading to important rearrangements in gene order.  相似文献   

We have detected an anhydride intermediate in the CPA catalyzed proteolytic reaction of Gly-Tyr. It appears that since the zinc-bound water molecule which is believed to attack the scissile amide carbonyl carbon in the hydrolysis reaction is excluded by the N-terminal amino group of Gly-Tyr, the carboxylate of Glu-270 becomes to attack the amide bond to generate the anhydride intermediate.  相似文献   

We wished to test the hypothesis that the non proline cis to trans isomerization of the peptide bond at position 167 in the S. aureus beta-lactamase PC1 exerts a significant controlling effect on the folding pathway of this enzyme. The previous data presented in support of this hypothesis could not rule out the effect of factors unrelated to non-proline cis/trans isomerization. We have used the plasmid pET9d to direct soluble overproduction of the S. aureus beta-lactamase PC1 and a site-directed mutant (Ile 167 to Pro) in Escherichia coli. Following purification the proteins were subjected to a comparative analysis of the kinetics of unfolding and refolding using the techniques of near- and far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy in conjunction with "double-jump" experiments. Results show that the fully-unfolded I167P mutant enzyme retains 20% of molecules in a fast-refolding form and that slower-refolding molecules fold faster than the recombinant wild-type enzyme. The final stage of folding involves folding of the omega-loop into a conformation essential for enzymatic activity. In support of the original hypothesis, the folding of this omega-loop is rate limited by the isomerization of the Glu 166-Ile 167 peptide bond.  相似文献   

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