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为了快速地判断并排除计算机I/O设备故障,确保人机交流的畅通,对计算机I/O设备的常见故障做了详细的归纳总结。通过分析故障现象,运用听看结合、交叉判断、逐一排除等方法查找到故障点,最终采用快捷、经济、实用的方法排除故障。从而确保计算机正常运转,保证高校教学活动的正常进行。  相似文献   

通过对网络关键主机、网关所在端口以大数据帧进行嗅探、分析,判断确定网络攻击源,及时处理内网攻击,排除网络故障.  相似文献   

目前,计算机已经成为人们日常生活中不可缺少的组成部分,而计算机设备给人们的工作、生活都带来了很大的方便.主机系统是计算机的核心构成,系统的运行状态直接决定了计算机性能的发挥.随着计算机运用的不断推广,用户们开始发现计算机主机系统存在诸多安全问题,这给系统功能发挥带来了不便.鉴于这一点.该文阐述了主机系统使用过程存在的问...  相似文献   

电源是计算机的重要组成部件,它是计算机正常工作的基础.当今微机绝大多数配置ATX电源,它是从AT电源发展而来,主变换电路和AT电源相似,并增加了一些辅助电路,除给主机提供稳定可靠的工作电源外,还可配合ATX主板实现软件开关主机的功能.对应地,ATX电源的除经常发生和AT电源共有的故障外,还有一些特有的故障.下面简要介绍ATX电源的常见故障,仅供参考.  相似文献   

2005年3月18日,IBM公司在北京宣布向国内七所高校免费提供IBM eServer z系列服务器用于主机系统技术开发和人才培养。据悉,此次推出的IBM主机系统大学合作项目将由IBM大学合作部负责具体实施。预计合作项目中的高校每年将有2000名学生接受大型主机产品和技术培训,并计划在未来5年培养出10000名大型主机人才。据IBM大中华区大学合作部总经理邱晓萍介绍,早在1997年,IBM就向华南理工大学、华中科技大学、复旦大学和北京大学四所国内高校捐赠了IBM主机系统,用以支持国内高校进行计算机类课程体系建设、促进大型主机技术知识在高校的教…  相似文献   

张静 《软件》2013,34(3)
远程控制主要指的是在计算机网络中由一台电脑(主控端)远距离的对联网的另一台电脑(被控端)进行控制的方法.只要主控端的计算机和被控端的计算机远距离连接成功,那么,操控人员就可以通过主控端主机实时监控被控端主机,并且,操作人员还可将被控端主机的应用程序启动,使用其文件资料,更有甚者可通过被控端主机的外部打印设备以及通信设备实施网络打印工作或者访问互联网.本文首先论述了计算机远程控制系统组成结构,其次,对计算机远程控制的实现及应用进行了一番研究.  相似文献   

任何一台电子设备工作时都会产生电磁辐射,计算机设备也不例外。计算机设备.包括主机、终端机、打印机等所有设备都会不同程度地产生电磁辐射造成信息泄漏。如主机中各种数字电路电流的电磁泄漏:显示器视频信号的电磁泄漏;键盘开关引起的电磁泄漏;打印机的低频泄漏等。  相似文献   

?从哪些方面检查显示器黑屏问题 !计算机显示器出现黑屏是用户在使用计算机中经常遇到的问题,其实,只要稍对计算机硬件中主板、CPU、内存、显示卡等几大部件有一定的了解,非元器件的损坏的简单故障完全可以自己动手排除。 出现这种情况,可以按以下的维修步骤和方法进行分析和简单的维修: (1)检查主机电源是否工作 电源风扇是否转动?用手移到主机机箱背部的开关电源的出风口,感觉有风吹出,则电源正常,无风则是电源故障;主机电源开关开启瞬间键盘的三个指示灯(NumLock、CapsLock、ScrollLock)是否闪亮一下?是,则电源正常;主机面板电源指示灯、硬盘指示灯是否亮?亮,则电源正常。因为电源不正常或主板不加电,显示器没有收到数据信号,显  相似文献   

使用微型机的用户也许经常碰到打印机和计算机连接不上的现象,表现为主机启动后打印机不联机、在打印文件时主机死锁或打印机无响应。在大多数情况下,这并不是由\于打印机发生了硬件性故障,我们可以从以下几个方面来分析,并采用相应办法进行排除。 1.确定是否为病毒锁机。找一张干净(确信无病毒)DOS盘,从A驱动器上启动计算机,检查此时打印  相似文献   

单片机在冰蓄冷中央空调系统控制中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本系统是利用单片机采集中央空调的前端数据,计算机经过分析,判断冰蓄冷中央空调系统制冷主机与蓄冷量是否达到最佳匹配,进而智能调配冰蓄冷中央空调系统工况.  相似文献   

The development of a software system for general network design using interactive computer graphics poses many problems, which must be solved in a way consistent with the principles of man-machine communication as applied to network design, so as to obtain a system suited both to networks of any nature and also to any type of network design technique.This paper states the principles influencing the development of such a system and presents the design decisions made and the one implementation.  相似文献   

Using a computer to produce sound in the classroom is not new and has been used for ear training and drill-and-practice for some time. Computer music can also provide computer students with an alternative means to explore traditional computer concepts: modular design, functional decomposition, and iterative development. Combining these uses for computer music would produce a course where both computer students and music students could gain an insight to the use of system development techniques. Such a course is described in this paper along with notes on how this course was implemented.  相似文献   

Accompanying the increase in computer and Internet use worldwide, physical inactivity has become prevalent in most developed and developing countries. Extended computer use may contribute to symptoms such as visual impairment and musculoskeletal disorders. To reduce the risk of physical inactivity and promote healthier computer use, this study tries to develop a timed broadcast of health-related animations for users sitting at computers for prolonged periods. In addition, we examine the effects that the program has on the computer-related health beliefs and behaviour of participants. Before-and-after survey questionnaires were used for data collection. The results show that the animation program indeed had a positive effect when reminding participants to take a break and stretch their bodies. The program influenced the beliefs and behaviours of participants with regard to their health. The development and examination were documented and discussed within the context of health agencies planning the next steps in an effort to promote, develop and evaluate healthy computer use.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to test the hypothesis whether computer anxiety has a hindering effect on experienced computer users while performing complex computer tasks. Participants were 75 third-year psychology students taking a Delphi programming course. Prior to the course, a computer anxiety scale was filled in. Computer performance was measured in four different ways: through final course grade, predicted final grade, self-perceived programming skills, and through observed behavior while programming a computer application. The results showed that computer anxiety was found to correlate with the students’ prediction of their final grade and with the perception of their own computer skills, but had no effect on actual performance as measured by the final course grade. Furthermore, there was no significant effect of computer anxiety on behavioral measures while students were programming a computer application. The findings point into the direction of a “threshold effect”, where anxiety only hinders performance when this anxiety is sufficiently severe or when the context in which the task to be executed on a computer is ambiguous.  相似文献   

A practical intra-cellular biomolecular computer should work inside living cells without damaging them. The retrovirus-based biomolecular computer has been designed, by mimicking the natural processes of living cells, to enable the creation of a practical intra-cellular computer. Here, I review the idea of retrovirus-based computing, and examine its feasibility. This idea might lead to the development of new technologies not only for biological research, but also for medical purposes. In future, through the development of the in vivo retrovirus-based computer, gene diagnosis and gene therapy is expected to cooperatively work inside living cells, enabling intelligent gene therapy technology that uses biomolecular computing.  相似文献   

A computer controlled language laboratory cassette recorder has been used as a computer peripheral to enhance computer assisted learning by the addition of an audio channel of communication. To facilitate the production of audio-enhanced CAL material a simple author code system has been devised. The same cassette recorder has also been used under the control of an “on-board” micro-computer to increase the flexibility of audio-instruction by allowing branching amongst sections of audio material in response to answers to questions.  相似文献   


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