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Buckling of functionally graded cracked plates under tension has not been investigated so far. In this paper critical buckling load of functionally graded plates containing a crack has been obtained using classical plate theory through the finite element method. Displacement in vicinity of crack tips has been approximated using previous solutions related to bending of cracked plates. Effect on buckling of plate under uni-axial and bi-axial tension of different parameters, such as plate dimensions and material properties, are studied. Results show that the critical load decreases as material gradient index increases, while bi-axial loading leads to higher critical loads compared to uni-axial case.  相似文献   

In this paper, nonlinear partial differential equations for the vibration motion of an initially stressed functionally graded plate (FGP) are derived. The formulations are based on the classical plate theory and derived for the nonlinear vibration motion of an FGP in a general state of arbitrary initial stresses. The material properties of the FGP are assumed to vary continuously from one surface to another, according to a simple power law distribution in terms of the constituent volume fractions. The motion of functionally graded ceramic/metal plate is obtained by employing the Galerkin method and then solved by Runge–Kutta method. The initial stress is taken to be a combination of pure bending stress plus an extensional stress in the plane of the ceramic/metal plate. It is found that the frequency responses of nonlinear vibration are sensitive of the state of initial stress, the amplitude of vibration and the volume fraction of FGP.  相似文献   

Steel conical vessels with upper cylindrical caps are widely used as liquid containments in elevated water tanks. This type of structure for containing water is referred to as “combined conical tank”. A number of catastrophic failures of combined conical tanks occurred during the past decades in various locations around the globe. Previous studies available in the literature focused on pure conical tanks, where the vessels have no upper cylindrical caps. The current study focuses on characterizing the buckling behaviour of combined conical tanks under the effect of hydrostatic pressure. The study is conducted numerically using a three-dimensional finite element model developed in-house. The effects of geometric imperfection and residual stresses as well as the variation of the geometric and material parameters on the buckling capacity of combined conical tanks are investigated. Finally, a comparison between the buckling capacities of combined and equivalent pure conical tanks is conducted.  相似文献   

A conjunction of local apparent properties with a global design of structural elements is motivation for applying composites, which have space varying effective properties. This contribution deals with analysis of dynamics and stability problems for thin composite plates with a smooth and a slow gradation of macroscopic properties. The formulation of two mathematical models of these plates, based on a tolerance averaging technique, cf. Wo?niak et al. [18], is the aim of the paper. The general results are applied to the analysis of some special problems.  相似文献   

A problem of a modelling of vibrations of thin plates with a functionally graded macrostructure and a tolerance-periodic microstructure in planes parallel to the plate midplane is analysed. The proposed model, based on the Kirchhoff plate theory assumptions and additional hypothesis of the tolerance averaging technique [Wo?niak et al., editors. Thermomechanics of heterogeneous solids and structures. Tolerance averaging approach. ?ód?, University Press, Technical University of ?ód?; 2008], describes the effect of the microstructure size on dynamic behaviour of the plate. In this paper, as an example there are analysed free vibration frequencies of a functionally graded plate band. These frequencies are obtained in the framework of two proposed models—the tolerance model and the asymptotic model, using the known Ritz method.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the elastoplastic buckling of a circular annular plate, with various axially symmetric boundary conditions and uniform axially symmetric in-plane radial loads on the inner and outer edge. The analysis is based on the standard linear buckling equations and the material behaviour is modelled by the small strain J2 flow and deformation theories of plasticity where an elastic linear hardening rheological model of the material is considered. The solutions are obtained using the equilibrium approach where the governing differential equation is solved by the finite difference method which leads to the determination of eigenvalues of a homogeneous system of linear equations. Elastoplastic buckling loads for axially symmetric and asymmetric buckling shape modes with m waves in the circumferential direction are calculated and compared for both theories of plasticity. For one case, an experiment was performed and the results were compared with theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Buckling and postbuckling behavior of curved plates under in-plane shear are investigated. After revisiting classic elastic buckling results, the elastoplastic postbuckling behavior and the effects of curvature parameter and aspect ratio are simulated via geometrical and material nonlinear analyses. Imperfection sensitivity is studied for various imperfection shapes and magnitudes. An increase in curvature parameter raises the elastic buckling load, produces unstable buckling and reduces postbuckling reserves. The buckling load and shear capacity are higher in shorter plates. Small initial imperfections are found to have severe effects on the initial buckling load of plates with large curvature parameter, but little effect on ultimate postbuckling capacity.  相似文献   

Buckling of circular plates under intermediate and edge radial loads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tun Myint Aung  C.M. Wang   《Thin》2005,43(12):1926-1933
This brief note is concerned with the elastic buckling problem of a circular plate subjected to both intermediate and edge radial loads. The stability criteria, in the form of transcendental equations, are derived as a function of the location of the intermediate load and the ratio of the magnitudes of the intermediate load and the edge load. Sample buckling results are presented for this new buckling problem.  相似文献   

R.C. Batra   《Thin》2007,45(12):974-982
We use the principle of virtual work to derive a higher-order shear and normal deformable theory for a plate comprised of a linear elastic incompressible anisotropic material. The theory does not use a shear correction factor and employs three components of displacement and the hydrostatic pressure as independent variables. For a Kth order plate theory, a set of 4(K+1) coupled equations need to be solved for the (K+1) pressures and the 3(K+1) displacements defined on the reference surface of the plate.

Equations for free vibrations of a plate are derived, and equations for the determination of frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes of a simply supported rectangular plate are given.  相似文献   

This study presents the buckling analysis of soft ferromagnetic FG circular plates made of poro material. Equilibrium and stability equations of a poro circular plate in transverse magnetic field are derived. This study analyzes the poroelastic instability of clamped edge ferromagnetic plates subjected to magnetic loadings. The geometrical nonlinearities are considered in the Love–Kirchhoff hypothesis sense. In this paper the effect of pore pressure on critical magnetic field of plate and the effect of important parameters of poroelastic material on buckling capacity are investigated. Also the compressibility of fluid and porosity on the buckling strength are being investigated.  相似文献   

Buckling analysis of stepped plates using modified buckling mode shapes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A.R. Rahai  M.M. Alinia  S. Kazemi 《Thin》2008,46(5):484-493
A new approximate procedure for buckling analysis of simply supported rectangular stepped or perforated plates subjected to uniform edge stresses is formulated. The procedure uses energy method based on modified buckling mode shapes. The change of thickness within a plate is characterized by introducing a stepping index. It is shown that the buckling (vibrational) mode shapes of stepped plates can be predicted by linear combination of various mode shapes of the equivalent flat plates. These buckling mode shapes, in turn, are incorporated to evaluate buckling loads of stepped plates. Some case studies are carried out to demonstrate the accuracy and the versatility of the proposed method by comparing them to the results presented by other researchers.  相似文献   

Elastic stability of skew composite laminate plates subjected to uniaxial inplane compressive forces has been studied. The critical buckling loads of the skew laminate plates are carried out by the bifurication buckling analysis implemented in finite element program ABAQUS. The effects of skew angles, laminate layups, plate aspect ratios, plate thicknesses, central circular cutouts, and edge conditions on the buckling resistance of skew composite laminate plates are presented.  相似文献   

Vibrations of non-uniform and functionally graded (FG) beams with various boundary conditions and varying cross-sections are investigated using the Euler-Bernoulli theory and Haar matrices. It is assumed that the cross-section and material properties vary along the beam in the axial direction. The system of the governing equations is transformed with the aid of a set of simplest wavelets. To validate the present results, the non-homogeneity of the beams is discussed in detail and the calculated frequencies are compared with those of the existing literature. The results show that the Haar wavelet approach is capable of calculating frequencies for the beams with different shapes, rigidity, mass density, small or large translational and rotational boundary coefficients. The advantage of the novel approach consists in its simplicity, accuracy and swiftness.  相似文献   

Thermal and mechanical instability of truncated conical shells made of functionally graded material (FGM) is studied in this paper. It is assumed that the shell is a mixture of metal and ceramic that its properties changes as a function of the shell thickness. The governing equations are based on the first-order shell theory and the Sanders nonlinear kinematics equations. The results are obtained for a number of thermal and mechanical loads and are validated with the known data in the literature.  相似文献   

M.T. Piovan  R. Sampaio 《Thin》2008,46(2):112-121
Problems related to the vibrations of axially moving flexible beams made of functionally graded materials are addressed. The problem of an axially moving beam may be interpreted as a telescopic system in which the mass is not constant, the mechanism of elastic deformation is transverse bending. A thin-walled beam with annular cross-section is analyzed, in which a continuously graded variation in the composition of ceramic and metal phases across the wall thickness with a simple power law is considered. In this paper a finite element scheme is employed to obtain numerical approximations to the variational equation of the problem. Normally, finite element approaches use fixed-size elements, however, for this kind of problems the increase of the number of elements, step by step as the mass enters, is a cumbersome task. For this reason an approach based on a beam-element of variable domain is adopted. The length of the element is a prescribed function of time. Results highlighting the effects of the beam flexibility, tip mass and material constituents on the dynamics of the axially moving beams are presented and the corresponding conclusions are given.  相似文献   

许在明 《山西建筑》2009,35(36):191-192,200
对四边简支的功能梯度压电板进行精确分析,根据正交各向异性压电材料基本方程,导出了功能梯度压电材料的状态方程,假设材料性质沿板厚方向按统一的函数形式梯度分布,通过算例,分析了在电荷载作用下,材料性质的不同梯度变化对状态变量的影响。  相似文献   

Free vibration analysis of simply supported FG cylindrical shells for four sets of in-plane boundary conditions is performed. The material properties are assumed to be temperature-dependant and gradually changed in the thickness direction of the shell. The effects of temperature rise are investigated by specifying arbitrary high temperature on the outer surface and the ambient temperature on the inner surface of the cylinder. Distribution of temperature across the shell thickness is found from steady state heat conduction only in the thickness direction. The equations of motion are based on Love's shell theory and the von Karman–Donnell-type of kinematic nonlinearity. The static analysis is first performed to determine the prestressed state induced by the thermal loadings, using the exact solution of the governing equations and then the equations of motion are solved by Galerkin's method. The results are obtained to indicate the effects of power law index on the natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes in the thermal environment.  相似文献   

Foam-filled thin-walled structure has recently gained attention due to its excellent crashworthiness. Based on the previous study, a new kind of foam-filled thin-walled structure called as functionally graded foam-filled thin-walled structure has more excellent crashworthiness than the traditional uniform foam-filled thin-walled structure. Moreover, as far as we know multi-cell thin-walled structure has more excellent crashworthiness than the traditional single-cell thin-walled structure. As an integrator of the above two kinds of excellent thin-walled structures, functionally graded foam-filled multi-cell thin-walled structure (FGFMTS) may has extremely excellent crashworthiness. Based on our study, the crashworthiness of the FGFMTSs is significantly affected by the design parameter of the graded functional parameter m. Thus, in order to obtain the optimal design parameters, the FGFMTSs with different cross sections and different wall materials are optimized using the multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm to achieve maximum specific energy absorption (SEA) capacity and minimum peak crushing force (PCF). At the same time, the corresponding uniform foam-filled multi-cell thin-walled structures (UFMTS) which have the same weight as these FGFMTSs are also optimized in our study. In the multiobjective design optimization (MDO) process, polynomial functional metamodels of SEA and PCF of FGFMTSs are used to reduce the computational cost of crash simulations by finite element method. The MDO results show that the FGFMTS with PCF in the initial period of its crash not only has better crashworthiness than the traditional UFMTS with the same weight but also performs superior balance of crashing stability. Thus, the optimal design of the FGFMTS with PCF occurring in the initial crash is an extremely excellent energy absorber and can be used in the practical engineering.  相似文献   

The theoretical cyclic behaviour of simply supported steel rectangular plates under alternating in-plane uni-axial forces is described. A method of elastic and perfectly plastic large deflection-small analysis is explained briefly and the hysteretic loops of square plates are obtained for two breadth-thickness ratios (b/t = 40 and 80) under constant edge displacement conditions. The ultimate strength of plates is found to decrease with an increasing number of cycles. The double flange section member is used to clarify the influence of local deformation, caused by alternating local buckling of plate elements, on the load-deformation relationship of an entire member. It is shown that the cyclic behaviour of a flange element significantly affects the deformation and energy dissipation of a thin-walled beam-column under cyclic bending, and the axial force promotes considerable deterioration of the beam-columns.  相似文献   

Buckling of cracked thin-plates under tension or compression   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Roberto Brighenti   《Thin》2005,43(2):209-224
Plates are easily susceptible to buckling under compression, in particular when plate's thickness becomes sufficiently small with respect to others plate's sizes; such a mode of failure is often prevalent with respect to strength failure. The buckling phenomena under tension loading can also occur, especially in plates containing defects such as cracks or holes; when the buckling load is reached, complex wrinkling deflection patterns in compressed regions develops around such imperfections.In the present paper, the buckling analysis of variously cracked rectangular elastic thin-plates under tension and compression is considered. A short explanation of the buckling phenomena in plates is recalled and several numerical analyses, carried out by using the Finite Element Method (FEM), are performed in order to determine the critical load multiplier, both in compression and in tension, by varying some plates' parameters. In particular, the critical load multiplier is determined for different relative crack length, crack orientation and Poisson's coefficient of the plate's material which is made to range between 0.1 and 0.49.Moreover a simple approximate theoretical model to explain and predict the buckling phenomena in cracked plates under tension is proposed and some comparisons are made with FE numerical results in order to assess its reliability in predicting buckling load multipliers.Finally, the obtained results are graphically summarised (in dimensionless form) in several graphs and some interesting conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

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