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PURPOSE: Some patients with clinically localized prostate cancer are not cured after radical prostatectomy because of the presence of occult systemic disease. The American Joint Commission on Cancer staging classification for prostate cancer does not reliably distinguish between clinically localized patients who are likely or unlikely to be cured after local therapy. This project was undertaken to develop a staging system capable of predicting long-term outcome after radical prostatectomy on the basis of the clinical parameters obtained routinely during the standard workup for patients with adenocarcinoma of the prostate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 688 clinically localized prostate cancer patients managed with a radical retropubic prostatectomy for adenocarcinoma of the prostate between 1989 and 1996 was evaluated for clinical features predictive of time to prostate specific antigen (PSA) failure using a Cox regression multivariate analysis. A recently defined clinical factor called the calculated prostate cancer volume and its ability to predict time to PSA failure in conjunction with PSA, biopsy Gleason score and clinical stage were evaluated. RESULTS: The calculated prostate cancer volume (p <0.0001) and the pretreatment PSA (p <0.001) provided the optimal staging system for predicting freedom from PSA failure after radical prostatectomy. CONCLUSIONS: The calculated prostate cancer volume and PSA may provide clinically useful information regarding outcome after radical prostatectomy, enabling the selection of a therapeutic approach for an individual patient with clinically localized disease. Validation of this staging system is needed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We defined the efficacy of radiotherapy for the treatment of high grade (Gleason scores 8 to 10) adenocarcinoma of the prostate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 50 patients underwent radiotherapy with curative intent for clinically localized prostate cancer with Gleason scores of 8 to 10 at 1 of 4 facilities affiliated with the University of California San Francisco. Patients were considered to have biochemical failure if they had a significant increase in prostate specific antigen (PSA) of 0.5 ng./ml. per year, an increase in PSA to greater than 1.0 ng./ml. or a positive biopsy. RESULTS: Among the 50 patients median PSA was 22.7 ng./ml. (range 1.3 to 93.4). Tumors were clinical stage T1 or T2 in 46% of the cases and stage T3 or T4 in 54%. The overall actuarial probability of freedom from biochemical failure at 4 years was 23%. In a multivariate analysis including all patients pretreatment PSA was the only predictor of PSA failure, with 64% free of progression if the pretreatment PSA was 10 ng./ml. or less compared to only 16% at 3 years if PSA was more than 10 ng./ml. (p = 0.01). In a multivariate analysis restricted to patients with PSA less than 20 ng./ml. 83% of those treated to more than 71 Gy. were free of progression compared to 0% for those treated to less than 71 Gy. (p = 0.03). In a multivariate analysis PSA 10 ng./ml. or less (related risk 11.4, p = 0.02), T stage 1 or 2 (relative risk 3.8, p = 0.05) and radiation dose more than 71 Gy. (relative risk 4.0, p = 0.06) were associated with a favorable outcome. CONCLUSIONS: At 4 years the freedom from PSA failure following radiotherapy for high grade prostate cancer was comparable to previously reported surgical series. The high failure rate among patients with PSA greater than 20 ng./ml. suggests that these patients should be considered for investigational approaches. The apparent improvement in freedom from progression with the use of higher doses provides reason for optimism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the results of radical prostatectomy in men with early prostate cancer. DESIGN: Retrospective, nonrandomized, multi-institutional pooled analysis. SETTING: Eight university medical centers in the United States and Europe. PATIENTS: A total of 2758 men with stage Tl and T2 prostatic cancer. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Disease-specific and metastasis-free survival rates. RESULTS: Tumor grade was the most important preoperative factor in determining outcome. Disease-specific survival 10 years following surgery and associated 95% confidence intervals were 94% (range, 87%-98%), 80% (range, 74%-85%), and 77% (range, 65%-86%) for those men with grade 1, 2, and 3 tumors, respectively. Metastasis-free survival at 10 years was 87% (range, 78%-92%), 68% (range, 62%-73%), and 52% (range, 38%-64%) for patients with grade 1, 2, and 3 cancers, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Radical prostatectomy leads to high 10-year disease-specific survival rates in men with all tumor grades. However, caution is needed in comparing these results with similar studies of alternative treatment strategies, such as watchful waiting, due to the inherent potential biases in uncontrolled trials. Nevertheless, these results offer the best currently available estimates of 10-year outcome of radical prostatectomy in men with clinically localized prostate cancer and may be useful in counseling patients with early malignancy.  相似文献   

Death-associated protein kinase (DAP kinase) has been recently identified as a novel Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and as a potential mediator of gamma interferon-induced cell death of Hela cells, which has cytological characteristics of the programmed cell death. In order to elucidate its functional roles in the rat brain where the programmed cell death is an essential mechanism in the organization of postmitotic neurons during development, we cloned a rat homologue of the human DAP kinase from the rat embryonic brain cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence was highly conserved between the two species (93.6%). By in situ hybridization histochemistry, the expression of DAP kinase mRNA was observed in the mantle and ventricular zones of the entire neuraxis on embryonic day 15. However, the overall expression in the brain decreased markedly after birth and the expression was maintained at substantial levels in several restricted mature neuronal populations, such as olfactory bulb, hippocampal formation and cerebellar Purkinje and granule cells. Its wide expression during development and its maintained expression in the restricted mature neuronal population suggest that DAP kinase might be involved in some neuronal functions beyond simply executing the developmental neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Tumor grade, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) ploidy, proliferation, p53 and bcl-2 expression were examined in clinically localized prostate cancers of black and white American men to learn whether these features showed racial differences. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 117 prostate cancers (43 black and 74 white patients) obtained at radical prostatectomy for clinically localized disease were assigned Gleason scores by a single pathologist. Enzymatically dissociated nuclei from archival prostate cancers were examined by DNA flow cytometry using propidium iodide staining and the multicycle program to remove debris and sliced nuclei and to perform cell cycle analysis. For immunostaining after microwave antigen retrieval we used a DO-1/DO-7 monoclonal antibody cocktail for p53 and the clone 124 antibody for bcl-2. RESULTS: Significantly more black than white men had Gleason score 7 tumors. The DNA ploidy distribution of Gleason 6 or less tumors was similar for both races. As anticipated, the ploidy distribution of higher grade prostate cancer in white men was more abnormal but, unexpectedly, this was not found for higher grade prostate cancer in black men. No significant racial differences were found in S phase fractions, p53 or bcl-2 immunopositivity. However, for prostate cancer in black men there was a significant association between bcl-2 immunopositivity and higher S-phase fractions. CONCLUSIONS: The aggressive prostate cancers of black men may be characterized by the 2 features of high proliferation and a block to programmed cell death.  相似文献   

To reliably identify the residual tetracycline antibiotics (TCs), oxytetracycline (OTC), tetracycline, chlortetracycline (CTC) and doxycycline (DC), in bovine tissues, we have established a confirmation method using electrospray ionization liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (ESI LC-MS-MS) with daughter ion scan. All TCs gave [M+H-NH3]+ and [M+H-NH3-H2O]+ as the product ions, except for DC when [M+H]+ was selected as the precursor ion. The combination of C18 cartridge clean-up and the present ESI LC-MS-MS method can reliably identify TCs fortified at a concentration of 0.1 ppm in bovine tissues, including liver, kidney and muscle, and has been successfully applied to the identification of residual OTC in bovine liver and residual CTC in bovine muscle samples previously found at concentrations of 0.58 ppm and 0.38 ppm by LC, respectively.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological properties of neurons of the medial septal nucleus and the nucleus of the diagnonal band of Broca (MS/DB) were studied using intracellular methods in urethane-anesthetized rats. Three types of rhythmically bursting neurons were identified in vivo on the basis of their action potential shapes and durations, afterhyperpolarizations (AHPs), membrane characteristics, firing rates and sensitivities to the action of muscarinic antagonist: (1) Cells with short-duration action potentials and no AHPs (2 of 34 rhythmic cells, 6%) had high firing rates and extremely reliable bursts with 6-16 spikes per theta cycle, which were highly resistant to scopolamine action. (2) Cells with short-duration action potentials and short-duration AHPs (8 of 34 rhythmic cells, 24%) also had high firing rates and reliable bursts with 4-13 spikes per theta cycle, phase-locked to the negative peak of the dentate theta wave. Hyperpolarizing current injection revealed a brief membrane time constant, time-dependent membrane rectification and a burst of firing at the break. Depolarizing current steps produced high-frequency repetitive trains of action potentials without spike frequency adaptation. The action potential and membrane and characteristics of this cell type are consistent with those described for GABAergic septal neurons. Many of these neurons retained their theta-bursting pattern in the presence of muscarinic antagonist. (3) Cells with long-duration action potentials and long-duration AHPs (24 of 34 rhythmic cells, 70%) had low firing rates, and usually only 1-3 spikes per theta cycle, locked mainly to the positive peak of the dentate theta rhythm. Hyperpolarizing current injection revealed a long membrane time constant and a break potential; a depolarizing pulse caused a train of action potentials with pronounced spike frequency adaptation. The action potential and membrane properties of this cell type are consistent with those reported for cholinergic septal neurons. The theta-related rhythmicity of this cell type was abolished by muscarinic antagonists. The phasic inhibition of "cholinergic" MS/DB neurons by "GABAergic" MS/DB neurons, followed by a rebound of their firing, is proposed as a mechanism contributing to recruitment of the whole MS/DB neuronal population into the synchronized rhythmic bursting pattern of activity that underlies the occurrence of the hippocampal theta rhythm.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: An estimated $1.5 billion is spent annually for direct medical expenses and an additional $2.5 billion for indirect costs for the management of prostate cancer. Today there are several procedures for staging prostate cancer, including lymph node dissection. Despite these procedures, the accuracy of predicting extracapsular disease remains low (range 37 to 63, mean 45%). Use of multiple staging procedures adds significantly to the costs of managing prostate cancer. Recently artificial intelligence based neural networks have become available for medical applications. Unlike traditional statistical methods, these networks do not assume linearity or homogeneity of variance and, thus, they are more accurate for clinical data. We applied this concept to staging localized prostate cancer and devised an algorithm that can be used for prostate cancer staging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Our study comprised 1,200 men with clinically organ confined prostate cancer who underwent preoperative staging using serum prostate specific antigen, systematic biopsy and Gleason scoring before radical prostatectomy and lymphadenectomy. The performance of the neural network was validated for a subset of patients and network predictions were compared with actual pathological stage. Mean patient age was 62.9 years, mean serum prostate specific antigen 8.1 ng./ml. and mean biopsy Gleason 6. Of the patients 55% had organ confined disease, 27% positive margins, 8% seminal vesicle involvement and 7% lymph node disease. Of margin positive patients 30% also had seminal vesicle involvement, while of seminal vesicle positive patients 50% also had positive margins. RESULTS: The sensitivity of the network was 81 to 100%, and specificity was 72 to 75% for various predictions of margin, seminal vesicle and lymph node involvement. The negative predictive values tended to be relatively high for all 3 features (range 92 to 100%). The neural network missed only 8% of patients with margin positive disease, and 2% with lymph node and 0% with seminal vesicle involvement. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that neural networks may be useful as an initial staging tool for detection of extracapsular extension in patients with clinically organ confined prostate cancer. These networks preclude unnecessary staging tests for 63% of patients with clinically organ confined prostate cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Few studies have compared the outcome of radical prostatectomy between African-American males (AAM) and white males, and the results of the few studies that have are conflicting. Therefore, the authors examined the impact of radical surgery on localized prostate carcinoma in both patient populations, and assessed whether stratification by pathologic extent of local disease would yield an equivalent outcome. METHODS: Prostate specific antigen (PSA) failure and carcinoma-associated death rates were assessed in 1319 patients (115 AAM and 1204 white males), 872 of whom had a pretreatment serum PSA level taken. The percent of prostate involved by tumor, tumor wet weight, and DNA ploidy status were available in 755, 522, and 638 patients, respectively. RESULTS: AAM were diagnosed at an earlier age than white males (62.8 years vs. 65.4 years; P = 0.0001). The distribution of pathologic extent of local disease was similar in both races, and AAM had a statistically higher rate of tumors with a Gleason sum of 7-10 at surgery than white males (64% vs. 46%). Race did not play a role in the outcome of patients with organ-confined or specimen-confined tumors. However, in patients with positive surgical margins, the median time to PSA failure and the median carcinoma-associated survival were less in AAM compared with white males. Tumor volume was significantly larger in AAM compared with white males. After multivariate adjustment for the pathologic extent of local disease, tumor grade at surgery, preoperative PSA, tumor volume, and age, African-American race was not a significant prognostic indicator for carcinoma-associated death and PSA failure (P = 0.17 and 0.14, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The outcome of radical prostatectomy was similar in both racial groups, although AAM with positive surgical margins tended to fail earlier than white males, suggesting greater biologic aggressiveness of residual disease. Because local extent of disease impacts on PSA failure and survival, and because the disease appears to present earlier in AAM, the AAM population may benefit from early detection programs.  相似文献   

The number of cases of prostate carcinoma (PCA) is steadily inceasing in Japan. The clinical application of a reliable tumor marker, prostate specific antigen (PSA) for the diagnosis, as well as the increasing elderly population in Japan may account for this increase. The subjects were patients at the Nara Medical University and its affiliated hospitals; 1) 687 cases without PCA were evaluated for age-specific PSA and the incidence of abnormal PSA following urological manipulations, 2) 135 cases with histological proven BPH by transurethral resection of prostate (TUR-P) were examined for PSA density (PSAD) and positive PSA rate in BPH, 3) 135 cases receiving a needle biopsy with suspicion of PCA were examined for the efficacy of PSA and PSAD and other parameters, and 4) 459 PCA cases treated between 1988 and 1994, were examined for specific PSA and PSAD values by stage and degree of cell differentiation. The PSA assay used in this study was MARKIT-M PA (normal range < or = 3.6 ng/ml). The PSA was decreased gradually with age in non-PCA patients, and abnormal PSA was found in 5.5% of these patients following manipulations. The average PSA was 2.95 +/- 2.03 ng/ml in 130 BPH patients (mean age: 71.1 +/- 7.0 years old. and average prostate volume: 32.9 +/- 16.1 ml). And abnormal PSA level (more than 3.61 ng/ml) was found in 22.3%. The mean PSAD was 0.1.0 +/- 0.06, and PSAD was below 0.15 in 86.1% of these BPH cases. Among the 135 cases receiving a needle biopsy, 33 cases had PSA values between 3.61 and 10.0 ng/ml. Of these cases, PCA was found in 18.5% of the 27 cases with a PSAD below 1.5, and in 33.3% of the 6 cases with a PSAD over 1.5. PSA and PSAD were proportionally increased with stage, and a significant difference in the PSA value was observed between stage B1 and B2, and stage C and D (P < 0.05). However, PSA and PSAD values were not significantly correlated with the cell differentiation in PCA stage A2-C. In total, PSA was 18.1 ng/ml in well, 23.9 ng/ml in moderately and 35.9 ng/ml in poorly differentiated type PCA. The positive rate of PSA was 22.3, 65.4 and 83.5%, that of prostate acid phosphatase (PAP) was 10.0, 17.8 and 45.8%, and that of GSM was 25.0, 14.7 and 68.4%, in BPH, stage A PCA and stage BPCA, respectively. In conclusion, PSA is the most reliable tool in the diagnosis of localized PCA. However, the differential diagnosis of BPH and localized PCA is difficult when the PSA value is between 3.61 and 10.0 ng/ml, and accurate staging of localized PCA is difficult with PSA or PSAD alone. At present, it is necessary to use all possible tools for the early detection of localized PCA, and to perform the needle biopsy in all PCA-suspicious cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the pathological staging and biochemical progression-free survival (assessed using serum prostate-specific antigen level) of patients with clinically localized prostate cancer using neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in combination with radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP). PATIENTS AND METHODS: A prospective study was carried out on 69 patients with localized prostate cancer who were enrolled in a trial of 3 months of ADT followed by RRP (group 1). These patients were compared with 72 patients matched for age and clinical stage who declined ADT therapy and had RRP concurrently (group 2). Assignment to the individual treatment groups was thus determined by the patient's preference and not the physician's selection. Pathological staging and biochemical progression-free recurrence were compared between the groups. RESULTS: The rate of organ-confined (pT2) tumours was 74% in group 1 and 49% in group 2 (P < 0.01), and the rate of margin-negative tumours was 87% in group 1 and 64% in group 2 (P < 0.01). Within a median follow-up of 35 months, there was no significant difference in biochemical failure between the groups (P = 0.37). Patients with pT2 disease, regardless of treatment, had similar biochemical failure rates. In the patients with margin-positive disease, there was a significantly higher biochemical failure rate in group 1 (P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: The rates of organ- and specimen-confined disease were higher among the patients treated with ADT. The preliminary follow-up suggested that patients with pT2 disease after ADT have a biochemical progression-free recurrence rate similar to pT2 patients treated with RRP alone. Additionally, high biochemical failure rates in patients with margin-positive disease after ADT may identify a subset of more biologically aggressive tumours in need of early adjuvant treatment.  相似文献   

We prospectively measured quantitative changes in the crystalline lens after trabeculectomy with mitomycin C. Twenty-four eyes in 24 trabeculectomy cases were consecutively enrolled in the study. The enrollment criteria consisted of: phakic eye, no history of intraocular surgeries and no corneal opacification. The transparency of the lens was measured and analyzed by EAS-1000 preoperatively, then 1 and 3 months postoperatively. Changes occurred primarily in the anterior part of the lens, especially in the anterior subcapsular region. The multivariate regression analysis demonstrated an association of cataract development with age, myopic refraction, difference in preoperative and postoperative IOP and systemic hypertension.  相似文献   

We assessed the actuarial survival of 28 patients with localized prostate cancer who were treated with endocrine therapy in comparison with that of 19 patients who had radical prostatectomy between 1972 and 1995. There were no significant differences among the cause-specific curves and clinical disease-free survival of patients treated with endocrine therapy and radical prostatectomy but the all-cause survival curves favored the surgery group. The results of endocrine therapy alone were unsatisfactory for the patients with high grade tumors. In conclusion, the patients with localized prostate cancer at high risk of death from other complications are reasonable candidates for endocrine therapy.  相似文献   

Clinical staging of prostate cancer was reviewed on the basis of TNM classification edited by UICC in 1997. In this revision, (1) T1c was newly categorized among T1 for cases of high PSA level without any abnormal sign of DRE, (2) T2 was subdivided into T2a and T2b in accordance with unilateral or bilateral nodule in the prostate, respectively, (3) T3 was also subdivided into T3a with capsular invasion and T3b with seminal vesicle invasion. It is hoped that present classification will become useful tools for the detection of the tumor burden cancer patients.  相似文献   

The exceptional character of the natural history of prostate cancer continues to feed the controversy about the indication of radical prostatectomy in localised prostatic cancer. However, the correlation between tumor volume and the risk of disease progression established by recent pathological studies seems to demonstrate an ideal indication for radical prostatectomy for a tumor volume between 0.5 and 4 cc. However the precise estimation of this tumor volume by current diagnostic tools is still insufficient. Nevertheless, recent publications show that radical prostatectomy, whose complications must not be overestimated, gives real chances of obtaining good local control of the disease, even for advanced localised cancers. This operation can be rationally proposed to people with a sufficiently long life expectancy.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Interstitial radiation (implant) therapy is used to treat clinically localized adenocarcinoma of the prostate, but how it compares with other treatments is not known. OBJECTIVE: To estimate control of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) after radical prostatectomy (RP), external beam radiation (RT), or implant with or without neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study of outcome data compared using Cox regression multivariable analyses. SETTING AND PATIENTS: A total of 1872 men treated between January 1989 and October 1997 with an RP (n = 888) or implant with or without neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy (n = 218) at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, or RT (n = 766) at the Joint Center for Radiation Therapy, Boston, Mass, were enrolled. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Actuarial freedom from PSA failure (defined as PSA outcome). RESULTS: The relative risk (RR) of PSA failure in low-risk patients (stage T1c, T2a and PSA level < or =10 ng/mL and Gleason score < or =6) treated using RT, implant plus androgen deprivation therapy, or implant therapy was 1.1 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.5-2.7), 0.5 (95% CI, 0.1-1.9), and 1.1 (95% CI, 0.3-3.6), respectively, compared with those patients treated with RP. The RRs of PSA failure in the intermediate-risk patients (stage T2b or Gleason score of 7 or PSA level >10 and < or =20 ng/mL) and high-risk patients (stage T2c or PSA level >20 ng/mL or Gleason score > or =8) treated with implant compared with RP were 3.1 (95% CI, 1.5-6.1) and 3.0 (95% CI, 1.8-5.0), respectively. The addition of androgen deprivation to implant therapy did not improve PSA outcome in high-risk patients but resulted in a PSA outcome that was not statistically different compared with the results obtained using RP or RT in intermediate-risk patients. These results were unchanged when patients were stratified using the traditional rankings of biopsy Gleason scores of 2 through 4 vs 5 through 6 vs 7 vs 8 through 10. CONCLUSIONS: Low-risk patients had estimates of 5-year PSA outcome after treatment with RP, RT, or implant with or without neoadjuvant androgen deprivation that were not statistically different, whereas intermediate- and high-risk patients treated with RP or RT did better then those treated by implant. Prospective randomized trials are needed to verify these findings.  相似文献   

MJ Barry  FJ Fowler  L Bin  JE Oesterling 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,158(2):488-91; discussion 492
PURPOSE: Our aim was to define the spectrum of urological care for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and clinically localized prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 1995 a random sample of 394 American urologists was surveyed with a response rate of 67%. RESULTS: Respondents reported seeing a median of 240 BPH patients during the preceding 12 months, and they had prescribed alpha-blockers for 70 and finasteride for 15. They had performed a median of 25 transurethral prostatectomies but few other operations for BPH. Almost all urologists routinely used digital rectal examinations and prostate specific antigen tests for BPH diagnosis. The next most common studies were American Urological Association symptom scores and uroflowmetry. Pressure-flow studies were rarely done. Respondents reported seeing a median of 35 new patients with prostate cancer during the last year, and performing a median of 90 prostate biopsies and 13 radical prostatectomies. Respondents had referred a median of 10 patients for external beam radiotherapy but few patients received brachytherapy or cryotherapy. Urologist staging practices varied considerably. CONCLUSIONS: These data provide a picture of current practice regarding the management of BPH and prostate cancer.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The chemical and thermal stability of five species of mammalian serum albumins (human, bovine, dog, rabbit, and rat) were investigated, and conformational stabilities were compared to obtain structural information about the different albumins. METHODS: The chemical stability was estimated by using guanidine hydrochloride (GdnCl), and monitored by fluorometry and circular dichroism (CD). Thermal stability was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). RESULTS: In human, bovine, and rat albumin, two transitions were observed when GdnCl-induced denaturation was monitored fluorometrically, indicating at least one stable intermediate, although, in dog and rabbit albumin, only one transition was observed. However, GdnCl denaturation, as monitored by the ellipticity, showed a two-state transition in all species used in this study. Since these proteins, showing two transitions, contained a conserved tryptophan residue within domain II, these structural changes might have occurred in domain II during intermediate formation. DSC measurements showed that human, bovine, and rat albumin exhibited single sharp endotherms and these were clearly consistent with a two-state transition, while the deconvolution analysis of broad thermograms observed for dog and rabbit albumin showed that the absorption peaks could be approximated by a two-component composition, and were consistent with independent transitions of two different cooperative blocks. CONCLUSIONS: These experimental results demonstrate that species differences exist with respect to the conformational stability and the mechanism of the unfolding pathway for mammalian albumin.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Patients with regionally localized hormone refractory adenocarcinoma of the prostate are often referred for radiotherapy to relieve local symptoms, prevent further local progression, or prevent impending urinary tract obstruction. However, the merits of radiotherapy for this patient population have not been documented. In this retrospective series, the results of 29 such patients treated at our institution between 1987-1992 are reviewed. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Prior to androgen ablation, the majority of these patients (79%) had Stage D0 or D1 disease. After androgen ablation, radiotherapy was given to 16 (55%) for progressive symptoms (mostly urinary obstructive), 11 (38%) for palpable local progression in the absence of symptoms, and 2 for a rising prostate specific antigen (PSA) profile without palpable disease. None of the patients had distant metastasis at the time of radiotherapy. The median dose to the prostate was 66 Gy and the median follow-up after radiotherapy was 43 months. RESULTS: Following local-regional radiotherapy, the actuarial rate of local failure at 4 years was only 39%. However, 80% had disease progression or a rising PSA in this time period. The actuarial survival at 4 years following radiotherapy was 39%. Univariate analyses of potential prognostic factors revealed that preandrogen ablation Gleason score, preradiotherapy PSA, and preradiotherapy prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) were predictive of patient outcome. Most importantly, doses above 60 Gy to the prostate at standard fractionation were associated with symptom-free local control in 90% of patients at 3 years. The majority of the patients were treated using limited fields (n = 20). CONCLUSIONS: The regionally localized hormone refractory prostate cancer patients described benefited from high dose, continuous course, local radiotherapy in that excellent local control rates were obtained for an extended period. Because the majority of these patients fail with distant metastasis within 4 years, this treatment represents an aggressive approach to palliation that is justified by the maintenance of freedom from local symptoms.  相似文献   

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