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While a number of information visualization software frameworks exist, creating new visualizations, especially those that involve novel visualization metaphors, interaction techniques, data analysis strategies, and specialized rendering algorithms, is still often a difficult process. To facilitate the creation of novel visualizations we present a new software framework, behaviorism, which provides a wide range of flexibility when working with dynamic information on visual, temporal, and ontological levels, but at the same time providing appropriate abstractions which allow developers to create prototypes quickly which can then easily be turned into robust systems. The core of the framework is a set of three interconnected graphs, each with associated operators: a scene graph for high-performance 3D rendering, a data graph for different layers of semantically linked heterogeneous data, and a timing graph for sophisticated control of scheduling, interaction, and animation. In particular, the timing graph provides a unified system to add behaviors to both data and visual elements, as well as to the behaviors themselves. To evaluate the framework we look briefly at three different projects all of which required novel visualizations in different domains, and all of which worked with dynamic data in different ways: an interactive ecological simulation, an information art installation, and an information visualization technique.  相似文献   

Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS) is an automated cyber security monitoring system to sense malicious activities.Unfortunately,IDS often generates both a considerable number of alerts and false positives in IDS logs.Information visualization allows users to discover and analyze large amounts of information through visual exploration and interaction efficiently.Even with the aid of visualization,identifying the attack patterns and recognizing the false positives from a great number of alerts are still challenges.In this paper,a novel visualization framework,IDSRadar,is proposed for IDS alerts,which can monitor the network and perceive the overall view of the security situation by using radial graph in real-time.IDSRadar utilizes five categories of entropy functions to quantitatively analyze the irregular behavioral patterns,and synthesizes interactions,filtering and drill-down to detect the potential intrusions.In conclusion,IDSRadar is used to analyze the mini-challenges of the VAST challenge 2011 and 2012.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - In multivariate classification problems, 2D visualization methods can be very useful to understand the data properties whenever they transform the n-dimensional...  相似文献   

Interest in visualization has grown in recent years, producing rapid advances in the diversity of research and in the scope of proposed techniques. Much of the initial focus in computer-based visualization concentrated on display algorithms, often for specific domains. For example, volume, flow, and terrain visualization techniques have generated significant insights into fundamental graphics and visualization theory, aiding the application experts who use these techniques to advance their own research. More recent work has extended visualization to abstract data sets like network intrusion detection, recommender systems, and database query results. This article describes our initial end-to-end system that starts with data management and continues through assisted visualization design, display, navigation, and user interaction. The purposes of this discussion are to (i) promote a more comprehensive visualization framework; (ii) describe how to apply expertise from human psychophysics, databases, rational logic, and artificial intelligence to visualization; and (iii) illustrate the benefits of a more complete framework using examples from our own experiences.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine whether or not information theory can be one of the theoretic frameworks for visualization. We formulate concepts and measurements for qualifying visual information. We illustrate these concepts with examples that manifest the intrinsic and implicit use of information theory in many existing visualization techniques. We outline the broad correlation between visualization and the major applications of information theory, while pointing out the difference in emphasis and some technical gaps. Our study provides compelling evidence that information theory can explain a significant number of phenomena or events in visualization, while no example has been found which is fundamentally in conflict with information theory. We also notice that the emphasis of some traditional applications of information theory, such as data compression or data communication, may not always suit visualization, as the former typically focuses on the efficient throughput of a communication channel, whilst the latter focuses on the effectiveness in aiding the perceptual and cognitive process for data understanding and knowledge discovery. These findings suggest that further theoretic developments are necessary for adopting and adapting information theory for visualization.  相似文献   

We describe a general framework for out-of-core rendering and management of massive terrain surfaces. The two key components of this framework are: view-dependent refinement of the terrain mesh and a simple scheme for organizing the terrain data to improve coherence and reduce the number of paging events from external storage to main memory. Similar to several previously proposed methods for view-dependent refinement, we recursively subdivide a triangle mesh defined over regularly gridded data using longest-edge bisection. As part of this single, per-frame refinement pass, we perform triangle stripping, view frustum culling, and smooth blending of geometry using geomorphing. Meanwhile, our refinement framework supports a large class of error metrics, is highly competitive in terms of rendering performance, and is surprisingly simple to implement. Independent of our refinement algorithm, we also describe several data layout techniques for providing coherent access to the terrain data. By reordering the data in a manner that is more consistent with our recursive access pattern, we show that visualization of gigabyte-size data sets can be realized even on low-end, commodity PCs without the need for complicated and explicit data paging techniques. Rather, by virtue of dramatic improvements in multilevel cache coherence, we rely on the built-in paging mechanisms of the operating system to perform this task. The end result is a straightforward, simple-to-implement, pointerless indexing scheme that dramatically improves the data locality and paging performance over conventional matrix-based layouts.  相似文献   

Entropy-based cost functions are enjoying a growing attractiveness in unsupervised and supervised classification tasks. Better performances in terms both of error rate and speed of convergence have been reported. In this letter, we study the principle of error entropy minimization (EEM) from a theoretical point of view. We use Shannon's entropy and study univariate data splitting in two-class problems. In this setting, the error variable is a discrete random variable, leading to a not too complicated mathematical analysis of the error entropy. We start by showing that for uniformly distributed data, there is equivalence between the EEM split and the optimal classifier. In a more general setting, we prove the necessary conditions for this equivalence and show the existence of class configurations where the optimal classifier corresponds to maximum error entropy. The presented theoretical results provide practical guidelines that are illustrated with a set of experiments with both real and simulated data sets, where the effectiveness of EEM is compared with the usual mean square error minimization.  相似文献   

Programming and Computer Software - This paper is devoted to analysis and visualization of multidimensional data in problems of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Multidimensional data are...  相似文献   

Even though information visualization (InfoVis) research has matured in recent years, it is generally acknowledged that the field still lacks supporting, encompassing theories. In this paper, we argue that the distributed cognition framework can be used to substantiate the theoretical foundation of InfoVis. We highlight fundamental assumptions and theoretical constructs of the distributed cognition approach, based on the cognitive science literature and a real life scenario. We then discuss how the distributed cognition framework can have an impact on the research directions and methodologies we take as InfoVis researchers. Our contributions are as follows. First, we highlight the view that cognition is more an emergent property of interaction than a property of the human mind. Second, we argue that a reductionist approach to study the abstract properties of isolated human minds may not be useful in informing InfoVis design. Finally we propose to make cognition an explicit research agenda, and discuss the implications on how we perform evaluation and theory building.  相似文献   

We present a visualization framework for exploring and analyzing data sets from biomechanical and neuromuscular simulations. These data sets describe versatile information related to the different stages of a motion analysis. In studying these data using a 3D visualization approach, interactive exploring is important, especially for supporting spatial analysis. Moreover, as these data contain many various but related elements, numerical analysis of neuromuscular simulations is complicated. Visualization techniques enhance the analysis process, thus improving the effectiveness of the experiments. Our approach allows convenient definitions of relationships between numerical data sets and 3D objects. Scientific simulation data sets appropriate for this style of analysis are present everywhere motion analysis is performed and are predominant in many clinical works. In this paper, we outline the functionalities of the framework as well as applications embedded within the OpenSim simulation platform. These functionalities form an effective approach specifically designed for the investigation of neuromuscular simulations. This claim is supported by evaluation experiments where the framework was used to analyze gaits and crouch motions.  相似文献   

An information-theoretic framework for flow visualization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The process of visualization can be seen as a visual communication channel where the input to the channel is the raw data, and the output is the result of a visualization algorithm. From this point of view, we can evaluate the effectiveness of visualization by measuring how much information in the original data is being communicated through the visual communication channel. In this paper, we present an information-theoretic framework for flow visualization with a special focus on streamline generation. In our framework, a vector field is modeled as a distribution of directions from which Shannon's entropy is used to measure the information content in the field. The effectiveness of the streamlines displayed in visualization can be measured by first constructing a new distribution of vectors derived from the existing streamlines, and then comparing this distribution with that of the original data set using the conditional entropy. The conditional entropy between these two distributions indicates how much information in the original data remains hidden after the selected streamlines are displayed. The quality of the visualization can be improved by progressively introducing new streamlines until the conditional entropy converges to a small value. We describe the key components of our framework with detailed analysis, and show that the framework can effectively visualize 2D and 3D flow data.  相似文献   

随着三维地质信息系统发展与应用的深入,对地学数据的可视化需求更加迫切。采用面向对象的思想设计并实现了一个可扩展的多元地学数据一体化显示框架。该框架主要划分为模型层、场景层和渲染层,使得数据与绘制流程分离。围绕此框架详细阐述了绘制管线、绘制过程的设计和多层次地学场景组织,满足地质多领域、多专题数据的统一显示与分析需要。基于此框架在OpenGL环境下开发了北京市三维城市地质信息管理与服务系统。  相似文献   

Graph classification has been showing critical importance in a wide variety of applications, e.g. drug activity predictions and toxicology analysis. Current research on graph classification focuses on single-label settings. However, in many applications, each graph data can be assigned with a set of multiple labels simultaneously. Extracting good features using multiple labels of the graphs becomes an important step before graph classification. In this paper, we study the problem of multi-label feature selection for graph classification and propose a novel solution, called gMLC, to efficiently search for optimal subgraph features for graph objects with multiple labels. Different from existing feature selection methods in vector spaces that assume the feature set is given, we perform multi-label feature selection for graph data in a progressive way together with the subgraph feature mining process. We derive an evaluation criterion to estimate the dependence between subgraph features and multiple labels of graphs. Then, a branch-and-bound algorithm is proposed to efficiently search for optimal subgraph features by judiciously pruning the subgraph search space using multiple labels. Empirical studies demonstrate that our feature selection approach can effectively boost multi-label graph classification performances and is more efficient by pruning the subgraph search space using multiple labels.  相似文献   

The idea of decomposition methodology for classification tasks is to break down a complex classification task into several simpler and more manageable sub-tasks that are solvable by using existing induction methods, then joining their solutions together in order to solve the original problem. In this paper we provide an overview of very popular but diverse decomposition methods and introduce a related taxonomy to categorize them. Subsequently, we suggest using this taxonomy to create a novel meta-decomposer framework to automatically select the appropriate decomposition method for a given problem. The experimental study validates the effectiveness of the proposed meta-decomposer on a set of benchmark datasets.  相似文献   

The unguided visual exploration of volumetric data can be both a challenging and a time-consuming undertaking. Identifying a set of favorable vantage points at which to start exploratory expeditions can greatly reduce this effort and can also ensure that no important structures are being missed. Recent research efforts have focused on entropy-based viewpoint selection criteria that depend on scalar values describing the structures of interest. In contrast, we propose a viewpoint suggestion pipeline that is based on feature-clustering in high-dimensional space. We use gradient/normal variation as a metric to identify interesting local events and then cluster these via k-means to detect important salient composite features. Next, we compute the maximum possible exposure of these composite feature for different viewpoints and calculate a 2D entropy map parameterized in longitude and latitude to point out promising view orientations. Superimposed onto an interactive track-ball interface, users can then directly use this entropy map to quickly navigate to potentially interesting viewpoints where visibility-based transfer functions can be employed to generate volume renderings that minimize occlusions. To give full exploration freedom to the user, the entropy map is updated on the fly whenever a view has been selected, pointing to new and promising but so far unseen view directions. Alternatively, our system can also use a set-cover optimization algorithm to provide a minimal set of views needed to observe all features. The views so generated could then be saved into a list for further inspection or into a gallery for a summary presentation.  相似文献   

A model and framework for visualization exploration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Visualization exploration is the process of extracting insight from data via interaction with visual depictions of that data. Visualization exploration is more than presentation; the interaction with both the data and its depiction is as important as the data and depiction itself. Significant visualization research has focused on the generation of visualizations (the depiction); less effort has focused on the exploratory aspects of visualization (the process). However, without formal models of the process, visualization exploration sessions cannot be fully utilized to assist users and system designers. Toward this end, we introduce the P-Set model of visualization exploration for describing this process and a framework to encapsulate, share, and analyze visual explorations. In addition, systems utilizing the model and framework are more efficient as redundant exploration is avoided. Several examples drawn from visualization applications demonstrate these benefits. Taken together, the model and framework provide an effective means to exploit the information within the visual exploration process  相似文献   

Monitoring smart cities is a key challenge due the variety of data streams generated from different process (traffic, human dynamics, pollution, energy supply, water supply, etc.). All these streams show us what is happening and as to where and when in the city. The purpose of this paper was to apply different types of glyphs for showing real-time stream evolution of data gathered in the city. The use of glyphs is intended to make the most out of the human capacity for detecting visual patterns.  相似文献   

This paper presents a business event analysis classification framework, based on five business criteria. As a result, we are able to distinguish thirteen event types distributed over four categories, i.e. truthful, invisible, false and unobserved events. Currently, several of these event types are not commonly dealt with in business process management (BPM) and analytics (BPA) research. Based on the proposed framework we situate the different BPM and BPA research areas and indicate the potential issues for each field. A business case is elaborated to demonstrate the relevance of the event classification framework.  相似文献   

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