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BACKGROUND: Most hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) are hypervascular and arise in the liver with chronicity. Spiral volumetric CT (SVCT) is a new rapid-scan technique that offers whole-liver scanning during the arterial-dominant phase. The main aim of the present study is to evaluate the detectability of hypervascular HCC with SVCT as compared with ultrasonography (US) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. METHODS: Forty-three hypervascular HCCs in 512 patients with chronic liver disease were examined with US, precontrast SVCT, postcontrast SVCT during the arterial-dominant phase (CT-ADP) and during the equivalent-phase (CT-EP) noncontrast MR imaging and angiography including SVCT during arteriography and arterial portography. Angiographic and follow-up findings were used as the gold standard if the lesion was not confirmed histologically. RESULTS: The sensitivity was 61% with precontrast CT, 84% with CT-ADP, 58% with CT-EP, 70% with US, 72% with MR, and 95% with the combination of these five modalities. Five HCCs (12%) were detected with only CT-ADP. The vascularity of HCC was correctly evaluated as hypervascular in 38 nodules (88%) with the combination of precontrast CT and CT-ADP. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that the combination of precontrast SVCT and CT-ADP is an essential modality to screen for HCC in patients with chronic liver disease. CT-EP did not contribute to the detection of hypervascular HCC.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to compare the combination of conventional spin-echo, phase-shift gradient-recalled echo (GRE), and triple-phasic dynamic GRE MR imaging with the combination of helical CT hepatic arteriography (CTA) and CT performed during arterial portography (CTAP) in the preoperative detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-seven patients with cirrhosis underwent MR imaging and angiographically assisted CT imaging. Paired T1- and T2-weighted spin-echo images, paired in-phase and out-of-phase GRE images, triple-phasic dynamic GRE images, the combined MR images, and the paired CTA and CTAP images were retrospectively and independently reviewed by three radiologists. Image review was done on a segment-by-segment basis. Of the 280 liver segments, 58 segments contained 79 HCCs that were 0.5-8.0 cm (mean, 2.0 cm) in diameter. The diagnostic value of each pair of images was rated by means of receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. RESULTS: The diagnostic accuracy of combined CTA and CTAP (mean area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [Az] = 0.94) was significantly better than that of spin-echo (Az = 0.86, p < .0001), phase-shift GRE (Az = 0.83, p < .0001), dynamic GRE (Az = 0.85, p < .0001), and all combined (Az = 0.91, p < .001) MR imaging. The relative sensitivity of combined CTA and CTAP (89%) was also significantly (p < .0005) better than that of the combined MR imaging (75%). CONCLUSION: Angiographically assisted helical CT imaging was superior to MR imaging combined with conventional spin-echo, phase-shift GRE, and triple-phasic dynamic GRE techniques in the detection of HCC in patients with cirrhosis. The noninvasive dedicated combined MR imaging could not obviate invasive angiographically assisted CT imaging. Combined CTA and CTAP is recommended, especially in the preoperative examination of patients with HCC.  相似文献   

The cochleo- and tonotopic organization of the second auditory area (AII) was investigated in cats anaesthetized with pentobarbital using a combination of macro- and microelectrode recording technique. The results obtained following electrical stimulation of the neural fibres innervating different regions of the organ of Corti indicate the existence of two complete representations of the cochlea in area AII: one in the dorsocaudal portion, the other in its ventrorostral portion. These two cortical representations of the cochlea differ in size and spatial orientation. The dorsocaudal projection area extends over a distance of 2.6-3.2 mm from the basal to the apical focus and is arc-shaped. The spatial orientation of cochlea representation within the dorsocaudal region of AII is similar to that described in AI, in that stimulation of the cochlea base results in maximal responses in the more rostral portion of AII and stimulation of the apex evokes cortical responses more caudally. The ventrorostral region within AII is smaller (1.4-2.5 mm length), and has the opposite cochleotopic orientation (base and apex stimulation represented caudally and rostrally, respectively). In both AII zones, there was a proportionally greater cortical representation of basilar membrane than of middle and apical portions. Although two distinct zones with the overall cochleotopic pattern described above were noted in all cats, their precise size and location considerably varied in different animals. Using microelectrode recordings, a cortical tonotopic organization can be observed that was consistent with and expanded on the earlier cochleotopic data. Within the dorsocaudal region of AII, neurons with higher best frequency responses were located in more rostral regions, while those with lower best frequencies were located caudally. An orderly progression of best frequency responses was noted as serial recordings carried out along the full extent of the representation. Neurons within the ventrorostral region of AII also displayed an orderly progression of best frequencies, but in the opposite direction, with higher best frequencies noted more caudally and lower best frequencies more rostrally.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to compare the sensitivity of non-breath-hold T2-weighted fast spin-echo with and without fat suppression, breath-hold T2-weighted fast spin-echo without fat suppression, and spoiled gradient-recalled echo (GRE) MR imaging for detecting hepatic tumors using surgical findings as the standard of reference. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Eighteen patients with 36 surgically proven hepatic tumors had non-breath-hold T2-weighted fast spin-echo (6000/117 [TR/effective TE; echo train length, 16) MR imaging with and without fat suppression, breath-hold T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR imaging (2700/105; echo train length, 20), and spoiled GRE images (10.1/1.9; flip angle, 30 degrees) obtained before and after injection of a gadolinium chelate. Images were analyzed separately by two independent readers, with disagreements resolved by consensus reading. RESULTS: Non-breath-hold T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR imaging with and without fat suppression depicted 22 (61%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 43-77%) and 20 (56%; 95% CI, 37-72%) of 36 hepatic tumors, respectively. Breath-hold T2-weighted fast spin-echo imaging allowed detection of 19 (53%; 95% CI, 35-69%) of 36 hepatic tumors. Unenhanced and gadolinium chelate-enhanced spoiled GRE images allowed depiction of 18 (50%; 95% CI, 33-67%) and 29 (81%; 95% CI, 63-91%) of 36 hepatic tumors, respectively. Gadolinium chelate-enhanced spoiled GRE images allowed depiction of significantly more hepatic tumors than any of the other pulse sequences. CONCLUSION: Gadolinium chelate-enhanced spoiled GRE imaging is more sensitive than T2-weighted MR imaging obtained with a breath-hold or a non-breath-hold technique.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of demographic and clinical factors on prognosis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), we studied a cohort composed of 566 patients in Huashan Hospital between 1959 and 1992 who were followed up to June 30, 1993. The survivorship was examined through life table analysis. The results showed that the survival rate from the time of SLE onset was 93% at 1 year, 73% at 5 years, and 60% at 10 years. On univariate analysis, we found that the following factors worsened the probability of survival: male, neuropsychiatric manifestations, pleurisy-pericarditis, hematological disorders, renal involvement, hypocomplementemia, abnormal electrocardiograph, and high corticosteroid dose of treatment. The time that the C3 depression occurred in the course of SLE affected the survival more significantly than did its decreased levels. The earlier the occurrence of C3 depression, the lower the patient's survival probability. On multivariate analysis, the independent risk factors were male gender, abnormal electrocardiograph, hypocomplementemia, and high corticosteroid dose of treatment. All of these indicated that clinical features of SLE might have value as predictors for its prognosis and that the occurrence of the decreased C3 in the early course of SLE might be the most important factor.  相似文献   

The relative relationships among anatomic features visualized on planar radiographic images change due to rotations of the patient out of the imaging plane. These changes can be predicted a priori from a three-dimensional radiographic model of the patient. In this study we assess the feasibility of using that information together with a planar image feature alignment tool to account for out-of-plane rotations in the evaluation of subsequent clinical patient images. A series of digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) with known patient rotations was generated from a computed tomography scan of an anthropomorphic head phantom. Fixed anatomic features were extracted, as seen in the DRRs of rotated anatomy and entered into a database. Alignment of features from test radiographs with those from an entry in this database yielded an estimate of rotation out of plane (database entry that resulted in the best fit via planar transformation) along with the planar components of setup errors in the rotated plane. Tests using DRRs and films show that it is possible to select anatomic features in AP skull radiographs with position and orientation sensitive to out-of-plane rotation.  相似文献   

To clarify the importance of imaging plane in evaluation of invasion by tumor into muscle, 50 patients with bladder tumors underwent examination with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging performed with an oblique plane and the early phase of contrast enhancement. After the ideal oblique plane was selected, an oblique T2-weighted image was obtained. Gadopentetate dimeglumine was then administered, and an oblique T1-weighted image was obtained. The staging based on oblique T2-weighted and oblique contrast material-enhanced T1-weighted MR images was then correlated with histopathologic staging. The respective accuracies of oblique contrast-enhanced T1-weighted and oblique T2-weighted images were 78% and 60% for overall staging (P < .05), 90% and 74% for differentiation between (a) stage T1 and lower-stage tumors and (b) stage T2 and higher-stage tumors (P < .05), and 92% and 88% for differentiation between (a) stage T2 and lower-stage tumors and (b) stage T3a and higher-stage tumors (P > .05). Oblique MR imaging performed in conjunction with the early phase of contrast enhancement showed significantly high staging accuracy, especially in differentiation between superficial tumors and tumors with superficial muscle invasion.  相似文献   

In this study we analyze MR-negative malignant lesions of the breast. A total of 204 patients with palpable and/or mammographic lesions were studied. The MR technique consisted of the turbo FLASH and MP-RAGE subtraction techniques. All patients underwent surgical biopsy and/or mastectomy and all specimens were examined by the correlative radiologic-histologic mapping technique. A total of 208 lesions were evaluated; 145 turned out to be malignant and 63 proved to be benign. Six malignant lesions were misinterpreted as benign on MR imaging; thus, suspicious contrast enhancement was present in 96 % of the lesions detected by mammography, US, or clinical examination. Especially 4 of the 17 ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) lesions were misinterpreted (23.5 %). Despite optimal technique, 6 malignant lesions were not identified by MR imaging. The highest prevalence of these MR occult lesions was in the group of DCIS. Although MR imaging has an important role in the evaluation of breast lesions and, primarily, in ruling out malignancy, one should be aware of the fact that false-negative MR findings do occur.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of noninvasive imaging methods to localize focal liver lesions to specific hepatic segments. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a prospective study we evaluated 24 patients with hepatic masses with ultrasonography (US), spiral CT and MR imaging. RESULTS: The primary segmental location of the lesions was correct with US in 15 of 24 patients (63%), with CT in 21 of 24 patients (88%) and with MR imaging in 17 of 22 patients (77%). The full extent of the lesions was correctly described with US in 9 of 24 patients (38%), with CT in 16 of 24 patients (67%) and with MR in 12 of 22 patients (55%). CONCLUSION: Among the noninvasive imaging methods, CT provides the best information for determining the segmental location and planning the surgical approach to hepatic resections.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Aggressive angiomyxoma is a benign tumor affecting the pelvis and perineum, predominantly in women. Because of its variable presentation as a soft mass in the vulva, perianal region, buttock, or pelvis, the tumor is often clinically misdiagnosed and initial surgery is usually unsuccessful in extirpating it. This study describes the imaging features of these tumors. CONCLUSION: Aggressive angiomyxomas display unusual growth patterns of translevator extension with growth around perineal structures. Both CT and MR imaging show the transdiaphragmatic extent of these tumors. High signal intensity on T2-weighted MR images may reflect the myxomatous stroma of these tumors.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the use of stent-grafts for the percutaneous closure of arteriovenous fistulas that develop after cardiac catheterization. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 1994 to November 1997, 14 arteriovenous fistulas in 13 patients (eight men, five women; age range, 46-65 years; mean age, 53.5 years) were treated. Eleven fistulas were situated between the deep femoral artery and the common femoral vein, and three fistulas were between the superficial femoral artery and the common femoral vein. All fistulas were closed with stent-grafts positioned in the artery at the level of the fistula. RESULTS: The percutaneous treatment of arteriovenous fistulas was successful in all cases. The findings at angiography performed after the procedure demonstrated the closure of the fistulas and the correct positioning of the prostheses; veins were no longer visible. One complication occurred--a partial thrombosis of the common femoral vein at the puncture site after manual compression. CONCLUSION: On the basis of the preliminary data, the authors believe that the percutaneous closure of arteriovenous fistulas with stent-grafts is a safe and effective alternative to conventional surgery.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether axial spiral computed tomography (CT) allows detection of the replaced hepatic artery as part of preoperative planning for pancreatic tumor resection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Axial spiral CT scans (8-mm section thickness, 4-mm overlapping reconstructions) were obtained in 50 patients with periampullary tumor and were examined by three radiologists. Readers' interpretations were compared with angiographic results. RESULTS: Eight patients had an aberrant hepatic artery. Two of the three readers detected or suspected all of these abnormalities (100% sensitivity), and one reader identified seven of eight aberrant arteries (88% sensitivity). However, readers requested angiographic confirmation in 14 of 24 tests. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were 96%, 87%, and 88%, respectively, for all readers. CONCLUSION: Axial spiral CT may simplify preoperative evaluation of periampullary tumors. However, angiographic support was necessary in most cases in this study. Improvements in CT techniques may eventually allow spiral CT to replace angiography in the examination of these patients.  相似文献   

Ten patients with 11 islet cell tumors underwent dynamic contrast material-enhanced computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging within a 1-month period. MR imaging depicted all 11 tumors, and CT depicted seven of the 11 tumors. CT did not depict four of seven tumors that measured 2.5 cm in diameter or less. Islet cell tumors had low signal intensity on T1-weighted fat-suppressed MR images, and gastrinomas were best shown with this technique. Two of three insulinomas less than 1.5 cm in diameter were best shown on dynamic contrast-enhanced fast low-angle shot (FLASH) images as uniform areas of high signal intensity. Hepatic metastases were seen in five patients and showed peripheral ringlike enhancement best demonstrated on dynamic gadolinium-enhanced FLASH images. Hepatic lesions were most conspicuous on T2-weighted fat-suppressed spin-echo images. MR imaging with dynamic gadolinium enhancement and fat suppression is a promising tool in the investigation of islet cell tumors.  相似文献   

The multi-subunit NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) is the first enzyme complex in the electron transport chain of mitochondria. A small number of NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunits are the products of mitochondrial genes (subunits 1-7), while the remainder are nuclear encoded and imported from the cytoplasm. We have isolated and sequenced five subunits of the human complex I from a human heart lambda ZAP Express cDNA library. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of the human subunits with the corresponding bovine sequences revealed greater than 80% amino acid identity. The high degree of similarity between human and bovine sequences suggests functional conservation of these subunits in the complex I. In silico Northern analysis revealed that two of the subunits were expressed ubiquitously while the remainder may have more restricted patterns of expression.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess multivoxel proton MR spectroscopy combined with MR imaging and hemodynamic MR imaging in the evaluation of brain tumors in children and young adults. METHODS: Fifteen patients with brain tumors and 10 healthy children underwent MR imaging and MR spectroscopy on a 1.5-T system. Ten patients with tumors had both MR spectroscopy and hemodynamic MR imaging. MR spectroscopy data sets with 1 cm3 to 3.4 cm3 resolution were acquired within 8.5 minutes by using a point-resolved spectroscopic, chemical-shift imaging technique in two dimensions with volume preselection. MR imaging was performed using fast spin-echo techniques. Hemodynamic MR imaging data were acquired every 2.5 seconds at one anatomic level using a spoiled gradient-echo sequence during intravenous bolus administration of contrast material. RESULTS: Assessment with multivoxel MR spectroscopy and hemodynamic MR imaging added about 30 minutes to the total MR examination time. Normal tissue exhibited spectral peaks from biologically significant compounds such as N-acetylaspartate (NAA), choline-containing compounds (Cho), and total creatine (tCr). Twelve biopsy-proved tumors exhibited prominent Cho, reduced NAA, variable tCr, and/or lactate or lipids, and two showed increased hemodynamic parameters. Three of the tumors treated with radiation did not reveal prominent levels of Cho. Tissue necrosis had no Cho, NAA, or tCr, and reduced hemodynamics. CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary findings by MR spectroscopy combined with MR imaging and hemodynamic MR imaging suggest that regions of active tumor may be differentiated from areas of normal tissue and areas of necrosis. These findings may enable metabolic and hemodynamic characterization of childhood brain tumors as well as suggest their response to therapy.  相似文献   

Cerebral dural sinus thrombosis remains an uneasy clinical diagnosis because it may present with a spectrum of nonspecific manifestations. CT and MR findings have been described to help recognize this entity. We report here a case with different stages of thrombosed superior sagittal and right transverse dural sinuses demonstrated by CT and MR imaging.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To graphically display the time dependency of contrast enhancement of liver tumors at examination with dynamic magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A temporal reconstruction image was generated by obtaining a line of interest drawn on a single image through the liver and the tumor and reformatted over a sequence of temporal images. This calculated image expressed the temporal evolution of the line, including nontumoral liver and tumor, with regard to three variables: signal intensity, enhancement, and velocity. This allowed a visually integrated analysis of 95 hepatic lesions studied with dynamic single-section MR imaging after contrast material administration. RESULTS: Temporal reconstruction images were obtained for all the dynamic studies. Five patterns of enhancement based on signal intensity and velocity variations coupled with morphologic information were found: wall, diffusion, moderate enhancement, marked progressive, and early intense patterns. CONCLUSION: Temporal reconstruction of liver tumors after contrast material administration can be used to analyze, describe, and report the dynamics of lesion enhancement with morphologic and temporal resolution.  相似文献   

Our goal was to evaluate whether contrast-enhanced three-dimensional MR angiography using the MR Smartprep technique would enable us to obtain arterial-phase MR angiograms of the carotid and vertebral arteries. The study included 35 patients with suspected lesions of the neck in whom the MR Smartprep technique was used for MR angiography performed with a 1.5-T superconducting system. The tracker volume was placed primarily in the middle part of the right common carotid artery. The imaging volume was placed in a coronal direction to include the carotid and vertebral arteries from the aortic arch to the skull base. A centric phase-ordering scheme was used. Imaging times were 20 to 38 seconds for 14 patients and 11 to 16 seconds for 21 patients. By using a smaller tracker volume and an imaging time of less than 16 seconds, we were able to achieve a 100% successful triggering rate and to delineate selectively arterial-phase carotid and vertebral arteries with almost no venous contamination. Contract-enhanced 3-D MR angiography with the MR Smartprep technique was useful for showing arterial-phase carotid and vertebral arteries selectively.  相似文献   

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