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针对智能家居设计、制作及维护成本高的问题,设计了一款基于云平台的物联网智能家居系统。该系统基于STM32F103RCT6为主控芯片的STM32单片机,搭载DHT11、MQ-2、D-SUN等低功耗模块实现智能家居的监测功能;借助机智云平台提供的智能环境进行数据储存和中转;引入嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OS-III进行资源管理和任务调度保证系统运行的稳定性;基于WIFI芯片ESP8266实现设备端与机智云平台和手机应用程序(APP)间的无线通信。试验结果证明该智能家居系统运行稳定,在APP端与设备端之间通信正常且基本不存在掉包情况,实现了手机APP对门禁端的控制及室内状态的监测。基于云平台的智能家居系统,不仅能够实现监督、调节、警报等功能,同时还可以在不同层面展现出智能家居的便捷性与实用性。基于云平台技术的智能家居系统具有一定的市场价值和理论研究价值。  相似文献   

近年来,物联网技术的蓬勃发展带动了智能家居应用的快速发展,越来越多的智能家居平台开放各种应用程序接口,以方便用户实现自定义的智能家居应用,如设备联动控制.然而,这些开放接口中存在的安全缺陷也成为影响智能家居系统安全的重要因素之一.本文针对SmartThings智能家居平台的开放接口进行研究,发现了一系列新的具有安全缺陷的接口,并通过概念验证实验证实了其安全风险.为提升智能家居平台的安全性,设计并实现了检测智能家居云服务中接口滥用行为的工具SmartNotify.实验结果表明, SmartNotify能快速且准确地识别利用安全缺陷接口进行攻击的智能家居应用.  相似文献   

陆阳  乔钢柱  谭瑛 《物联网技术》2014,(3):31-32,35
Android手机应用程序开发需要着眼于它的整个体系构架,文中介绍了Google新近推出的移动设备软件平台Android的基本构成和层次结构,同时给出以EXPLORERF-CC2530系统为基础平台的智能家居终端应用程序的开发方法。  相似文献   

该文提出了基于Android平台应用程序与常用家居传感器在智能家居网络中的应用探索。用户远程使用Android智能手机,通过Intenter网络或移动网络和家庭ZigBee协调器相连接,实现对家庭环境的检测,应急处理和家电控制等功能。同时也通过JNI技术简单解释了传感器物理层与Android应用程序直接的应用原理。从而让用户在技术层面上对物联网智能家居有一个更深层次的认识。  相似文献   

MM云开发平台是移动公司推出的手机应用制作平台,利用这个平台可以方便快捷地开发出很多手机应用程序.《基础维语》作为新疆大学生的一门选修课,被许多同学所喜欢,利用MM云开发平台的音乐制作模版,可以开发出很优秀《基础维语》移动学习app,经初步应用,取得很好的效果.  相似文献   

笔者主要基于微信平台,进行了智能家居系统的研究。本系统主要根据现代人对家居智能化的需求,结合第三方物联网平台机智云提供的云服务,形成了一套基于微信平台的智能家居控制系统。该系统能够实现家居环境温度、湿度、光照、家电等方面的控制,基本满足了现代家居的智能化需求。  相似文献   

随着社会迅速发展,为了满足人们对家居生活个性化及智能化的需求,本文设计了一种基于OneNET云平台的智能家居控制系统,该系统以STM32作为主控芯片,采用ZigBee模块组建家庭局域网实现家用电器的互联,应用无线WiFi将数据传输至云平台,从而实现智能移动终端对家庭环境数据的监测及家用电器的远程控制。  相似文献   

针对传统智能家居控制系统存在的通信距离短、功耗大、成本高等缺点,文中设计一种基于M5310A与OneNET云平台的智能家居控制系统。该系统以GD32单片机为主控制器,使用多传感器采集智能家居环境参数,并利用基于M5310A芯片的NB-IoT模块将采集的环境参数上传到OneNET云平台,最后通过用户终端实现对智能家居环境参数的实时查询与家电的远程控制。通过系统测试验证了设计的可行性,由于所提系统采用了NB-IoT与OneNET云平台技术,使得其具有功耗低、覆盖广、成本低、开发周期短等特点,在智能家居领域有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文设计了一套基于云平台的智能家居系统,系统由云平台层、上位机层、网关层和终端设备层四部分构成.终端设备层通过ZigBee节点加各类传感器进行家居环境感知和无线数据传输.终端设备层将采集到的环境数据发送给网关后,网关再通过Wi-Fi连入互联网中的云服务器,所有的家居数据上传保存到云服务器,同时在本地保存作为备份.本套智能家居系统操作简单、安全可靠,能有效实现家居智能化管理和自动安防报警.  相似文献   

生活水平的大幅度提高,给予人们追求高品质生活质量提供了物质性基础。而智能家居系统的构建,已经成为现阶段家居环境现代化的发展趋势,在满足人们生活家居需求的方面发挥着积极作用。安卓平台是近几年时间内突飞猛进的移动系统,将其运用到智能家居系统,可以更好的发挥其效能。因此,文章积极探析以安卓平台为基础的智能家居系统构建。  相似文献   

《IT Professional》1999,1(3):11-15
Today's mobile workforce is using mobile tools for communication and computing. To stay connected and keep up with their workflow while on the road, many workers have turned to smart phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), notebook computers, and other portable devices that provide network and Internet connectivity. While on the road, these mobile workers may want access to enterprise applications and databases. When they circle back to home base, they will likely want to upload information from their portable devices into their primary workstations or onto the company network. These activities raise critical access and security concerns. The author considers how integration is a particular problem because the portable devices operate on a variety of platforms and use a variety of communications protocols  相似文献   

面向移动互联网的智能家居系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智能家居是未来家居的发展方向;3G时代的到来和移动互联网的快速发展,为智能家居远程控制和应用构建了高速的通信平台;面向移动互联网构建智能家居系统是物联网大潮下智能家居发展的一个制高点;首先对目前智能家居系统的主要联网技术标准进行了研究,提出了采用家庭控制软总线的多协议适配机制解决智能家居系统多标准多底层通信平台的融合问题;家庭控制软总线同时提供了智能家庭应用与移动互联网之间的高速通信接口;基于家庭控制软总线,给出了面向移动互联网的智能家居系统组网方案,并描述了方案中主要模块的实现方法;该方案相对于传统技术有两个显著的特点:基于移动网络的高速远程智能家庭应用和多平台无缝集成。  相似文献   

伴随着物联网的产生和发展,IoT智能设备越来越多地出现,其大规模普及的同时,也给用户个人资产安全与隐私保护带来了极大地冲击和挑战。本文围绕智能设备,基于智能设备终端、云服务端和用户控制终端三端系统架构,综述目前智能设备安全威胁的主要来源和技术攻击手段,并针对性地梳理已有防护技术和安全研究现状。然后,针对现有IoT智能设备安全防护体系缺失和安全设计不足的问题,本文讨论提出了全生命周期的IoT智能设备系统防护模型设计思路。  相似文献   

随着手机、电脑等移动设备的普遍使用,人们越来越习惯于用智能设备存储个人信息。但近些年来,由于移动设备丢失导致的用户隐私泄露事件屡见不鲜,如何实现互联网云环境下身份认证以及信息安全性的提高已经成为人们极为关注的问题。基于这个问题本文提出了一种访问策略的更新,设计动态演化的隐式重认证方法,使得智能终端能够持续地识别用户是否合法,对抗恶意用户的模拟攻击,防止未授权用户造成数据泄露。通过分析及研究以期为相关工作者提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Smart technology is a concept for efficiently managing smart things such as vehicles, buildings, home appliances, healthcare systems and others, through the use of networks and the Internet. Smart architecture makes use of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), fog computing, and cloud computing. The Smart Medical System (SMS), which is focused on communication networking and sensor devices, is one of the applications used in this architecture. In a smart medical system, a doctor uses cloud-based applications such as mobile devices, wireless body area networks, and other cloud-based apps to provide online therapy to patients. Consequently, with the advancement and growth of IoT and 6G wireless technology, privacy and security have emerged as two of the world’s most important issues. Recently, Sureshkumar et al. proposed an authentication scheme for medical wireless sensor networks (MWSN) by using an Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) based lightweight authentication protocol and claimed that it provides better security for smart healthcare systems. This paper will demonstrate that this protocol is susceptible to attacks such as traceability, integrity contradiction, and de-synchronization with the complexity of one run of the protocol and a success probability of one. Furthermore, we also propose an ECC based authentication scheme called ECCbAS to address the Sureshkumar et al. protocol’s vulnerabilities and demonstrate its security using a variety of non-formal and formal methods.  相似文献   

Smart mobile devices are a potential attack vector for cyber criminal activities. Two hundred and fifty smart mobile device owners from the University of South Australia were surveyed. Not surprisingly, it was found that smart mobile device users in the survey generally underestimated the value that their collective identities have to criminals and how these can be sold. For example, participants who reported jail-breaking/rooting their devices were also more likely to exhibit risky behaviour (e.g. downloading and installing applications from unknown providers), and the participants generally had no idea of the value of their collective identities to criminals which can be sold to the highest bidder. In general, the participants did not understand the risks and may not have perceived cyber crime to be a real threat. Findings from the survey and the escalating complexities of the end-user mobile and online environment underscore the need for regular ongoing training programs for basic online security and the promotion of a culture of security among smart mobile device users. For example, targeted education and awareness programmes could be developed to inform or educate smart mobile device users and correct misconceptions or myths in order to bring about changes in attitudes and usage behaviour (e.g. not taking preventative measures such as strong passwords to protect their devices). Such initiatives would enable all end users (including senior University management who use such devices to access privileged corporate data and accounts) to maintain current knowledge of the latest cyber crime activities and the best cyber security protection measures available.  相似文献   

近年来,Android操作系统及其相关应用深受业内关注。尤其在眼下热门的智能手机和平板电脑市场中,该操作系统已然成为了中坚力量,其发展势头非常迅猛。市场调研公司Gartner的数据显示,到2011年年底Android将成为最大的智能手机平台,而2012年其市场份额更将达到49%。本文主要介绍了Google移动设备软件平台Android以及基于此平台的移动终端应用程序开发。  相似文献   

物联网从先导性产业加快形成战略性支柱产业,物联网产教协同发展迫切需要面向新工科开展物联网实验技术创新。通过对2005—2020年国内物联网实验教学文献调查分析发现,实验模式从原理验证向自主探索演进、实验环境从大型场所式向便携体验式升级和面向智能家居成为实验教学改革新着力点。基于此,本文提出基于“手机+智能家电”物联网安全实验技术并给出实验流程,通过“Linux+Tools+Python”关键技术将个人手机改造为“实验利器”,完成手机对智能家电的mDNS放大反射攻击和重放攻击及其攻击防御,在疫情期间有效保障在线课程教学“停课不停练”,为新工科主动面向物联网产业发展、深化高校实验教学改革提供新的技术途径。  相似文献   

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has become increasingly popular among individuals and business organisations, with millions of users communicating using VoIP applications (apps) on their smart mobile devices. Since Android is one of the most popular mobile platforms, this research focuses on Android devices. In this paper we survey the research that examines the security and privacy of mVoIP published in English from January 2009 to January 2014. We also examine the ten most popular free mVoIP apps for Android devices, and analyse the communications to determine whether the voice and text communications using these mVoIP apps are encrypted. The results indicate that most of the apps encrypt text communications, but voice communications may not have been encrypted in Fring, ICQ, Tango, Viber, Vonage, WeChat and Yahoo. The findings described in this paper contribute to an in-depth understanding of the potential privacy risks inherent in the communications using these apps, a previously understudied app category. Six potential research topics are also outlined.  相似文献   

Due to the exponential growth of the Internet users and wireless devices, interests on home networks have been enormously increased in recent days. In digital home networks, home services including remote access and control to home appliances as well as services offered by service providers are alluring. However, the remote control services cause digital home networks to have various security threats. Hence, for digital home networks, robust security services, especially remote user authentication, should be considered. This paper presents a robust and efficient authentication scheme based on strong-password approach to provide secure remote access in digital home network environments. The proposed scheme uses lightweight computation modules including hashed one-time password and hash-chaining technique along with low-cost smart card technology. It aims to satisfy several security requirements including stolen smart card attack and forward secrecy with lost smart card as well as functional requirements including no verification table and no time synchronization. Comparing with the existing representative schemes, it can be validated that the proposed scheme is more robust authentication mechanism having better security properties. We have conducted formal verification of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

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