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Deciding between the different policy approaches available for reducing human exposures to indoor pollutants is an exceptionally complex task. These options can range from waiting until more definitive information is available to enacting regulatory standards, with many variations in between. This paper presents some of the factors policy-makers must consider in establishing indoor air quality policies, and the role researchers should play in ensuring that indoor air policies are based on the best available scientific information.  相似文献   

Abstract Occupants of office buildings are exposed to low concentrations of complex mixtures of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that encompass a number of chemical classes and a broad range of irritancies. “Sick building syndrome” (SBS) is suspected to be related to these exposures. Using data from 22 office areas in 12 California buildings, seven VOC exposure metrics were developed and their ability to predict self-reported SBS irritant symptoms of office workers was tested. The VOC metrics were each evaluated in a multivariate logistic regression analysis model adjusted for other risk factors or confounders. Total VOCs and most of the other metrics were not statistically significant predictors of symptoms in crude or adjusted analyses. Two metrics were developed using principal components (PC) analysis on subsets of the 39 VOCs. The Irritancy/PC metric was the most statistically significant predictor of adjusted irritant symptoms. The irritant potencies of individual compounds, highly correlated nature of indoor VOC mixtures, and probable presence of potent, but unmeasured, VOCs were variously factored into this metric. These results, which for the first time show a link between low level VOC exposures from specific types of indoor sources to SBS symptoms, require confirmation using data sets from other buildings.  相似文献   

The effects of mechanical ventilation on the sick building syndrome (SBS) were studied in an office building with 2150 employees, where the mechanical ventilation and indoor air quality were commonly blamed for causing symptoms typical of the SBS (nasal, eye, and mucous membrane symptoms, lethargy, skin symptoms and headache). The mechanical ventilation rates in the building were high (mean 26 l/s/person). To test the hypothesis that mechanical ventilation causes the SBS, a controlled experimental study was carried out by shutting off the ventilation in one part of the building and reducing the ventilation rate by 75% and 60% in two areas while leaving one part unaltered as a control. The experimental reduction of the ventilation rate did not alleviate the symptoms. On the contrary, the reduction of the ventilation rate caused a slight but statistically significant relative increase in symptoms (p < 0.05). In the cross-sectional analysis of the baseline data the SBS symptoms did not associate significantly with the ventilation rate (range 7–70 l/s/person). In the linear regression model, a positive correlation was found between temperatures above 22°C and the occurrence of symptoms (p < 0.05). Subjects exposed to environmental tobacco smoke had more symptoms than those not exposed (p < 0.01). Women reported more symptoms than men (p < 0.001). In addition, any prior history of allergic diseases (p < 0.001) and a negative attitude towards the social atmosphere at work (p < 0.001) were significant determinants of the SBS.  相似文献   

Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) has been identified as one of the factors associated with the symptoms of the sick building syndrome (SBS). We investigated the role of ETS in an office building during the phased introduction of a smoking ban. Over a two-year period we measured symptoms using a validated questionnaire, environmental nicotine levels and salivary cotinine as a biological marker of nicotine absorption in a stratified systemic sample of 375 office employees (91% response rate). In addition, 26 persons from a non-smoking office were studied as a control group. This report describes the findings derived from a cross-sectional analysis of the initial baseline data. Amongst the validated nonsmokers, symptoms increased with increasing nicotine exposure from ETS (r= 0.165 p < 0. 01), supporting the role of ETS in the SBS. Smokers reported significantly fewer symptoms than non-smokers, as has been found before, but were exposed to higher levels of airborne nicotine as expected. We suggest that this factor, along with the misclassification of smoking status, may have obscured an association between ETS exposure and the SBS in previous studies. An analysis of the findings after implementation of the smoking ban should provide further information on how much of the SBS is attributable to ETS in this study population.  相似文献   

A chamber method for the characterization of the complex composition and time dependence of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from household products is described and the results obtained for five household products (two liquid floor detergents, one wax, a spray detergent for carpets, and a spray polish for furniture) are reported and compared to headspace measurements. An empirical mathematical model has been used to describe the time dependence of VOC concentrations in the chamber. The model allows characterization of complex emissions and their time dependence with relatively few parameters. Significant differences in the composition of emissions determined in the chamber and in headspace air have been observed and are discussed in terms of polarity and water solubility of the emitted compounds.  相似文献   

The market for water-based paints (WBP) is growing, and these paints are favoured due to their low emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC). Because of the risk for microbial growth, biocides are usually added to WBP. Our study aimed to measure exposure to VOCs potentially of microbial origin (MVOC), during indoor application of typical Scandinavian WBP. Low concentrations of three MVOCs, 3-methyl-furan, 1-octen-3-ol, and 2-octen-1-ol, were detected during 5 out of 20 painting operations (25%). Mean exposures to MVOC and TVOC were 0.15 and 5000 μg/m3, respectively. No relation between MVOC and TVOC was observed. The highest exposure to MVOC was measured from an ecological paint, claimed to be low in VOCs and chemical additives. The results suggest that microbial growth in WBP may occur, and that measurements of MVOCs could be used as a means of quality control for WBP. The use of biocides in paint should be guided by the principle of a balance between the risk of contact allergies or other possible health hazards from the biocides, and the risk of microbial growth. If microbial growth occurs in paint, it may cause both unpleasant odor and potential health hazards for house painters and dwellers.  相似文献   

Abstract A theoretical model for correlating odor thresholds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with their simple physicochemical properties has been developed. The partition coefficient between octanol and water, and that between water and air were used to model the partition process of airborne chemicals into the biophase where the olfactory signal is transformed. Validation was performed by fitting data on odor thresholds and partition coefficients for acetates, alcohols, ketones and amines into the model. Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) for the four series were developed from the model. The results suggest that acetates, alcohols and ketones probably bind to a common receptor site located in the hydrophobic interior of the lipid bi-layer membrane of the olfactory cilia. Amines probably bind to a different receptor site located closer to the mucus layer. The results also suggest that odor thresholds of related VOCs which appear to share a common receptor site may be additive.  相似文献   

Efficient ventilation of VOC spread in a small-scale painting process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of surveys have reported that large proportions of workers suffer from eye and respiratory discomfort, headaches and feelings of lethargy on account of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In a small-scale painting process, therefore, efficient ventilation system must be provided for human health. In this study, ventilation characteristics of toluene have been analyzed in a room of a small-scale painting process with various exit locations and with different suction velocities at the exits. A commercial software FLUENT/UNS has been employed to solve the continuity, momentum equation and mass transfer equation. Steady state flow pattern and toluene concentration have been numerically calculated in cases with different positions and air velocities of the exits, and then transient ventilation characteristics of toluene have been simulated with the calculation of the room mean age and air change efficiency, which are key factors for the evaluation of indoor air quality. The result shows that a careful design of work space is needed to maintain allowable concentration, which may depend on the position of exits and local room mean air age.  相似文献   

Polymer materials and their additives are today ever present in our daily surroundings. These materials have been found to emit a number of different volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the ambient air, thus affecting the quality of the indoor air VOCs with detectable concentrations are exchanged between the different materials and indoor air. Materials present in the system act as sorbents as well as sources of emission, depending on the concentration of the VOCs in the air at a specific time. This work demonstrates a method of studying the phenomena of absorption/re-emission. A hypothetical room that resembles a furnished office has been studied. A PVC flooring material was used as a primary emission source in a system where materials such as wood, paint, cloth, chipboard, and cellulose were present. Mass transfer in the solid materials was assumed to be by diffusion. The results show that the mechanism of absorption/re-emission of volatiles may extend the time of residence in an indoor system considerably. A person working in this environment could risk longer exposure to toxic volatiles than if there were no absorption/re-emission effects.  相似文献   

Acute responses to 65 min exposures to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) were tested in 24 healthy non-asthmatic nonsmokers and 16 asthmatic nonsmokers, using an environmental chamber. Each subject was exposed to air (sham), and machine-generated cigarette smoke containing 17 ppm and 31 ppm carbon monoxide (CO). Nonasthmatic subjects exercised intermittently (mean respiratory minute volume (V̊E) of 44 l/min during each of two 15–min exercise bouts); asthmatic subjects remained at rest. After completion of the exposure, subjects made a 0–5 rating of the severity of symptoms, as well as rating the overall severity of exposure on a 0–100 scale. Both symptoms and exposure severity rating were significantly related to CO concentrations. Ratings for a given ETS exposure tended to be higher for asthmatic than for nonasthmatic subjects. Overall exposure severity rating was significantly (p < 0.05) related to four symptom scores for the asthmatics and three for the nonasthmatic subjects. Symptoms common to both groups included unpleasant odour, and nasal discharge; shortness of breath was unique for nonasthmatics and eye irritation for asthmatk subjects. Although the nonasthmatic subjects were exercising intermittently, and thus received both a higher respiratory exposure (calculated from a CO-based index of ETS concentration, V̊E, and time) and biological exposure (calculated independently using a rebreathing estimate of the increment in carboxyhemoglobin level), the asthmatic subjects appeared to be more adversely affected by the ETS exposures in terms of their subjective responses.  相似文献   

Abstract Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been simultaneously measured indoors and outdoors at 50 sparsely occupied telecommunications (Telco) offices, 9 variably occupied data centers and 11 densely occupied administrative (Admin) offices. Comparisons among the three building types, as well as within each of the building types, showed the influence of ventilation and sources. On average, the Telco and Admin facilities were better ventilated than the Data Centers, and the geometric mean of the I/O's for ∑VOC (sum of the concentrations of identified VOCs) at Telco (3.2) and Admin (5.3) facilities were lower than at Data Centers (8.6). Admin Offices had more and stronger sources than Telco Offices; when comparably ventilated facilities were compared, many VOCs had I/O ratios that were significantly larger at the Admin Offices. Furthermore, certain VOCs were detected in Admin but not Telco Offices. The influence of human occupancy on indoor VOCs was gauged by comparing sparsely and densely occupied buildings. Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5), n-dodecane (n-C12) through n-hexadecane (n-C16), limonene, and, to a lesser extent, tetrachloroethylene were all present in higher concentrations when there were more occupants (per unit area). Within this set of compounds, D5 was the best marker of occupant density.  相似文献   

Indoor air quality of new apartment buildings, which is known to cause Sick Housing Syndrome, has become a major concern among apartment residents as well as construction companies in Korea. Recently, the Indoor Air Quality Management Act, a regulation that limits concentration levels of formaldehyde and five volatile organic compounds in new apartment buildings, has been implemented. In this study, the effects of ventilation and decomposing agents were investigated and compared, which could be used at the pre-occupancy stage as solutions to high VOCs concentration levels in new apartment buildings. Six housing units were investigated under different conditions to assess the extent of the improvement in indoor air quality. The results demonstrate that ventilation is an effective way to control indoor air pollution caused by VOCs emissions, and the effect of decomposing agents on improving indoor air quality depends on the types of VOCs.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of temperature on the emission rate of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from four indoor materials was investigated in a small dynamic test chamber. The materials investigated were two carpets, a PVC flooring and a paint; the temperature range investigated was 23–50°C. The general trend was an increased initial emission rate and an increased decay rate with increasing temperature. The total emitted mass from paint is independent of temperature which means that bake-out is expected to be successful. The total emitted mass of the carpets and the PVC flooring increased with temperature, which suggests an influence of chemical reactions. In these cases, bake-out periods of a few days may be unsuccessful and the exposure of the population may be underestimated when using data from experiments performed at the (lower) standard temperature.  相似文献   

A review is presented of investigations of volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in indoor air of buildings of different classifications (dwellings, offices, schools, hospitals) and categories (established, new and complaint buildings). Measured concentrations obtained from the published literature and from research in progress overseas were pooled so that VOC concentration profiles could be derived for each building classification/category. Mean concentrations of individual compounds in established buildings were found to be generally below 50 μg/m3, with most below 5 μg/m3. Concentrations in new buildings were much greater, often by an order of magnitude or more, and appeared to arise from construction materials and building contents. The nature of these sources and approaches to reduce indoor air concentrations by limiting source VOC emissions is discussed. Total VOC (TVOC) concentrations were substantially higher than concentrations of any individual VOCs in all situations, reflecting the large number of compounds present, but interpretation of such measurements was limited by the lack of a common definition for TVOC relevant to occupant exposure.  相似文献   

Zhao D  Little JC  Hodgson AT 《Indoor air》2002,12(3):184-190
A physically based diffusion model is used to evaluate the sink effect of diffusion-controlled indoor materials and to predict the transient contaminant concentration in indoor air in response to several time-varying contaminant sources. For simplicity, it is assumed the predominant indoor material is a homogeneous slab, initially free of contaminant, and the air within the room is well mixed. The model enables transient volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations to be predicted based on the material/air partition coefficient (K) and the material-phase diffusion coefficient (D) of the sink. Model predictions are made for three scenarios, each mimicking a realistic situation in a building. Styrene, phenol, and naphthalene are used as representative VOCs. A styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) backed carpet, vinyl flooring (VF), and a polyurethane foam (PUF) carpet cushion are considered as typical indoor sinks. In scenarios involving a sinusoidal VOC input and a double exponential decaying input, the model predicts the sink has a modest impact for SBR/styrene, but the effect increases for VF/phenol and PUF/naphthalene. In contrast, for an episodic chemical spill, SBR is predicted to reduce the peak styrene concentration considerably. A parametric study reveals for systems involving a large equilibrium constant (K), the kinetic constant (D) will govern the shape of the resulting gasphase concentration profile. On the other hand, for systems with a relaxed mass transfer resistance, K will dominate the profile.  相似文献   

Sorption of nitrogen-containing organic constituents of environmental tobacco smoke may be influenced by ammonia, a common indoor gas, and relative humidity (RH). We quantified sorption kinetics and equilibria of nicotine with stainless steel, cotton-polyester curtain, and polypropylene carpet at 0%, 50%, and 90% RH and in the presence of ammonia using a 10-l stainless steel chamber. Nicotine was introduced into the chamber by flash evaporating 50 μl of pure liquid. Kinetic sorption parameters were determined by fitting a mass balance model to experimental results using a nonlinear regression. Results show that an equilibrium partition coefficient, k(e) , of nicotine tended to increase as the RH increased for the curtain and carpet. Adsorbed water may contribute to an increase in available sites for nicotine sorption on the surface. In the presence of 20- and 40-ppm NH(3) , the values of k(e) for carpet were decreased by 14-40% at 50% and 90% RH, but the effect of NH(3) was not observed at 0% RH. The values of k(e) ranged from 54 to 152 m. Our findings indicate the relative importance of nicotine sorption to surfaces is dependent on the relative humidity and the presence of ammonia. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This research demonstrates that relative humidity and gaseous ammonia can influence nicotine sorption to common indoor surfaces, i.e., curtains and carpets. Increasing the relative humidity from dry to modest appears to enhance the sorptive capacity. Presence of the typical range of gaseous ammonia concentrations can reduce the nicotine sorption in a humid environment but does not affect the sorptive capacity in the absence of added water. Thus, studies on the dynamic sorption of other alkaloids or amine constituents of environmental tobacco smoke to indoor surfaces should consider the impact of water vapor concentration because of the interaction of water with the surface and sorbates. Furthermore, the mixture of gaseous amines may participate in adsorption site competition.  相似文献   

Two models, one physical and the other empirical, have been applied to the characterization of emission data of thin film products tested in small environmental chambers and have been compared in temts of emission results and m e of use. The physical model, being based on equations with coefficients bearing a physical meaning, is, in principle, more informative than the empirical one. However, it is uncertain whether it always gives accurate and unambiguous results. Moreover, in orakr to be exploited in a reasonable amount of time, it requires the use of non-linear regression routines, e.g. those fom SAS Institute Inc., implemented on mainframes and, even then, it is often quite diffiult to handle. The empirical model does not rely explicitly on physical effects. Although by definition it can only describe but not interpret the experimental data, it does estimate parameters describing the emission with an accuracy comparable to that of the physical model. It is easier to handle than the latter as it can employ non-linear regression routines such as those used on personal computers.  相似文献   

Ten homes were monitored at regular intervals from June 1994 through April 1995 as part of a Public Health Assessment in Southeast Chicago for exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and elements. Simultaneous 24-h indoor and outdoor samples were collected. VOCs were and analyzed using USEPA Method TO-14 with Selected Ion Monitoring Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). PAHs were analyzed using USEPA Method TO-13 with GC/MS. Elements were collected on quartz fiber filters and analyzed by Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma (ICP) spectroscopy or Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption (GFAA). Continuous measurements of CO2 and temperature were recorded for each indoor sample. Twenty-four h total CO2 emissions were determined from occupancy and estimated gas stove usage and were moderately correlated (R2 = 0.19) with 24 h average indoor CO2 concentrations. Modeled 24-h air exchange rates ranged from 0.04 to 3.76 air changes h-1 (ACH), with mean of 0.52 ACH. Median particle penetration was 0.89. Emission rates were calculated for each pollutant sampled. Using a detailed housing survey and field sampling questionnaires, it was possible to evaluate associations between housing characteristics and source activities, and pollutant source rates. The data indicate that several predictor variables, including mothball storage, air freshner use, and cooking activities, are reasonable predictors for emission rates for specific pollutants in the homes studied.  相似文献   

Abstract Acoustic rhinometry and hygienic measurements of indoor air pollutants were applied in a field study on nasal congestion among 27 subjects working in two primary schools. One school had natural ventilation only and a low air exchange rate (0.6 ac/h); the other had balanced mechanical ventilation and a high air exchange rate (5.2 ac/h). The minimal cross-sectional area and volume of the nasal cavity were estimated with acoustic rhinometry. The degree of swelling of the nasal mucosa was measured as the increase of the cross-sectional area after standardized application of nasal spray containing a decongestive adrenergic substance. Reports on weekly symptoms of nasal congestion were similar (33%) in both schools. A significantly increased decongestive effect was noticed for the minimal cross-sectional area (MCA2) among personnel in the school with a low air exchange rate. The difference between the schools in decongestive effect on MCA2 was 23%, corresponding to a 3% increase of MCA2 for a difference in personal outdoor airflow of one litre. Indoor concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOC), respirable dust, bacteria, moulds and VOCs of possible microbial origin (MVOC) were 2–8 times higher in the naturally ventilated school. In conclusion, inadequate outdoor air supply in schools may lead to raised levels of indoor air pollutants, causing a sub-clinical swelling of the nasal mucosa. Our results indicate that acoustic rhinometry could be applied in field studies, and that objective measurement of nasal decongestion might be a more sensitive measure of biological effects of indoor air pollution than symptom reporting.  相似文献   

The TVOC summation of masses of non-reactive substances has often been used as a practical way of reporting environmental measurements of volatile organic compounds. This total concentration, moreover, is often used as an indication of the potential of a multiomponent atmospheric pollution with substances of low chemical reactivity to cause chemically induced sensory irritation. This use of the TVOC indicator has never been standardized. Various authors have used different measuring techniques and the results have been used to predict certain types of health effect. This article discusses the toxicological background for the TVOC concept in relation to nonspecific sensory irritation and identifies some theoretical limitations in its use within this context. The TVOC indicator of nonspecific sensory irritations should be based only on a limited range of compounds and should be interpreted as a lower limit of the possible intensity of sensory irritation. Based on the discussions, some precautions are recommended with respect to measurements of TVOC and interpretation of the measurements.  相似文献   

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