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邵甬 《城市规划》2011,35(10):86-92,96
20世纪下半叶,法国历史城区面临严重衰退:常住人口持续下降,空置住宅比例增加,社会隔离现象严重。1975年法国实施的住房政策在遗产保护的前提下,改善居住环境,促进社会混合,提升经济活力,在历史城市复兴中起到了关键性作用,值得中国历史城市借鉴。本文解析了该政策的背景、特征以及效用,提出了值得借鉴的要点。  相似文献   

田莉  陶然 《城市规划》2019,43(9):53-60
分析了我国城乡二元土地制度对住房市场和城乡空间分异的影响,提出以集体土地进入城市租赁住房市场改革为突破口,逐步搭建在中国主要人口流入地城市加快培育市场化定价的租赁住房体系,并进而建立城乡转型发展的整体制度框架.通过市场化手段,为流动人口和城市“夹心层”居民提供可支付的体面租赁住房,同时优化城乡结合部的空间利用效率,提升环境品质,最终实现土地更有效率利用基础上的人口完全城镇化.  相似文献   

英国的住房体系和住房政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了英国的住房体系和住房状况,并对过去一个多世纪英国的住房政策进行了概括性的回顾和分析。作为一个自由市场经济的国家,英国的住房发展经历和住房政策更能引起反思。英国政府对住房市场的干预,以及在住房建设发展和住房保障方面的积极作用,尤其值得借鉴。  相似文献   

中国经济适用住房政策评析与建议   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
经济适用住房的建设、流通与消费必须遵循市场经济运行规律,以销定产;同时考虑中低收入家庭的承受能力和对住区生活环境的要求,合理选择建设区位和确定销售价格,实现国家提出的加快住房建设,促进国民经济增长,满足城镇居民日益增长的住房需求目标。本文就这些方面的问题进行了深入探讨,提出了看法和建议。  相似文献   

完善保障性租赁住房政策的必要性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李晶 《城市规划》2008,(5):45-50
将改革开放至今的我国住房政策划分为三个发展阶段,并通过政策分析指出造成现阶段我国"福利性"、"保障性"、"政策性"租赁住房供应不足,国民购房需求过剩的政策性原因。其次介绍和比较美国、日本以及我国在政策性住房供应方面所表现出的不同决策过程和决策手段,指出我国现有政策性住房供应方式选择的不足和问题点。最后立足于我国特有的住房问题,提出完善保障性租赁住房供应政策的具体建议和方法。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Many analysts argue that important structural conditions exist that discourage city governments from engaging in redistributive policy, especially programs that create direct costs for private developers. Labeled the limited city argument, this logic concludes that only cities with sufficient levels of economic and fiscal well-being can afford to impose upon private developers to meet social needs. Using survey data from 133 cities with populations over 100,000, this paper examines land use regulations that impose obligations or restrictions on the private sector to promote low income housing. The data suggest that the limited city argument is only part of the explanation. The use of regulatory housing policy is also correlated with measures of need and low income housing advocacy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In recent years, the government in Zimbabwe has continued its pre-independence housing policy attempts to control, directly or indirectly, the production of housing for all income groups. This article, which is part of an overall review of housing, production, and exchange in Harare, Zimbabwe, summarizes available evidence on housing production and the effects of government intervention on housing markets. The assumptions on which housing policy are based are analyzed and the outcome of housing strategies designed to increase the production of housing and relieve constraints on supply are assessed. Sufficient evidence is not available for systematic study of all forms of house production by all income groups; topics for future research are identified.  相似文献   

住宅区用地规模及规划设计问题探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
住宅区的规模直接影响着住宅区的规划结构和城市的生活空间品质。就目前我们通常采用的住宅区用地的开发与规划设计规模问题从房地产开发、居住环境品质、服务设施配套和城市街道系统等方面进行研讨。  相似文献   

整村统筹土地整备是深圳目前正在探索的一种土地二次开发模式,其目的是在"整村统筹"发展理念的指引下,全面解决土地历史遗留问题、推动社区综合发展。本文从深圳整村统筹土地整备中规划土地政策互动的现实需求出发,深入分析了现有专项规划编制和实施方案编制的内容和特点,聚焦土地整备实践中利益平衡的关键内容即社区留用土地的面积、用途及开发强度等方面,探讨了如何在专项规划编制和实施方案编制中实现规划土地政策的互动,从而促进有效实现土地整备的利益平衡目标。深圳在整村统筹土地整备规划土地政策互动方面的探索实践实际提供了在城乡统筹背景下如何通过规划和土地政策的协同来解决问题的一种路径,这种路径的探索将为城市地区解决农村城市化的后遗症带来全新的理念思潮和技术方案。  相似文献   

During the 1970s, several researchers presented evidence that black suburbanization was increasing in many U.S. metropolitan areas. There was also evidence that blacks were not significantly improving their housing quality through suburbanization. This paper examines 1980 census data to determine whether black population movement in Atlanta is a suburbanization phenomenon leading to better quality housing. Several dozen census tracts are defined as composing Atlanta's black housing space. For each tract's black households, three measures of housing quality are treated as dependent variables. Regression analysis is used to show that a tract's change in black population during the 1970s is associated with all three dependent variables. The addition of suburbanism (population density) as a second independent variable further elaborates the relationship between black population change and two of the housing quality indicators. Thus, black suburbanization in the Atlanta area is leading to better quality housing for black residents.  相似文献   

袁奇峰  马晓亚 《城市规划》2007,31(11):9-15,32
通过梳理报刊、新闻、文献资料等,归纳出住房新政的争论点主要集中在住房供应结构、保障性住房建设和住房价格等方面。认为住房新政意在通过健全保障性公共住房体制推进和谐社会建设,通过增加小户型住宅推进节约型社会建设,是国家理性的显现,但是选择"房价"作为宏观调控指标可能并不是一个好的博弈点,或许"让市场的归市场,政府的归政府"会是一个聪明的办法。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article offers an explanation and evaluation of three linked housing policy themes: (1) the learn-by-doing experience of the World Bank after 1972, with Madras as the testing ground for the Bank's theory of affordability, cost recovery, and replicability; (2) the Bank and Tamil Nadu government's achievement of substantial progress in tipping the balance of housing policy toward low income residents, 1977–1988; and (3) the neoliberalist political economy of the World Bank is assessed in terms of its performance and by comparison with alternatives such as neo-Marxism and modern theories in social criticism.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Creating housing opportunities in exclusionary suburbs for lower‐income households is an essential component of any effort to reduce the concentration of the poor and minorities in central cities. Three New England states have adopted anti‐snob land use laws in an effort to promote the development of more affordable housing in the suburbs. Those laws limit the ability of local government to use its power over land use and development permitting to effectively exclude housing that lower‐income households can afford. This research describes how those laws relate to other efforts to open the suburbs, how the laws work, and what impact adoption of the laws has had on the supply of affordable housing in exclusionary municipalities.  相似文献   

本文详尽阐述了在中国建筑产业中强劲的能源需求与能源浪费之间的矛盾,并以北京住宅为例,探讨了以合理的投入获得住宅舒适度的可能和方法。快速的经济增长促使人们对住宅的舒适度要求越来越高;但由于建筑的维护结构不能很好地适应自然,供热系统也相对粗放,达到最基本的室内环境标准往往要付出很高的代价。本文详尽地研究了建筑的维护结构、自然及建筑能耗的关系:运用国际流行的热舒适度评估软件TAS建立了深入研究建筑维护结构的模型,以维护结构中每个细小参数的变化对整体建筑能耗和舒适度影响的分项评估为基本研究方法,研究结果表明建筑维护结构的任何一个单项元素对整体能耗的影响都是有敏感区的;同时也表明任何评价都要以整体的节能水平和经济回报率为基础去衡量才有意义。  相似文献   

周燕珉  林菊英 《世界建筑》2006,(11):122-127
本文是作者参与“全国节能省地型住宅设计竞赛”获奖作品的设计理念介绍。基于作者多年住宅设计相关方面的研究经验,本文从“规划:在高容积率的压力下争取居住的舒适度;楼栋:以丰富、合理的户型结构满足不同购房需求;户型:灵活可变,以人为本,确保生活质量;技术:全面系统,经济实用”这4个层面对于中小户型住宅设计进行了深入、细致地探讨,提出一整套切实可行的既节能省地又舒适宜居的设计理念。  相似文献   

减少商业化住宅项目中各种不确定风险带来的损失,提高房屋的质量,是建设方的目标。根据商业化住宅建设项目的具体情况,在风险因素分析的基础上,通过风险评价,提出切实有效的风险控制对策,形成风险控制体系,可最大程度地降低住宅类建设项目中风险出现的概率,减少损失的发生。  相似文献   

城市用地置换的特点、问题与对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着社会主义市场经济的发展和土地使用制度的改革 ,以提高城市土地使用综合效率为目的的城市用地功能置换行为大量产生。揭示了城市用地置换的内涵 ,并以山东省的部分城市为例 ,分析了城市用地置换的实践与成效 ,在此基础上 ,对城市用地置换的特点、置换中存在的问题与相应的对策进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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