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利用干湿循环试验与随车挂片试验方法研究了6种超高强钢在典型环境下扩散氢变化规律及延迟开裂行为,并分析了环境对超高强钢延迟开裂行为影响。结果表明:试验钢种在模拟服役环境下,除预变形11.3%的B-1钢在模拟服役环境下扩散氢含量更高外,其他样品扩散氢含量极低。实际服役环境下6种超高强钢均没有发生延迟开裂,表面完好,且实际服役环境下超高强钢扩散氢含量高于模拟服役环境。  相似文献   

随着汽车、机械装备、航空航天、船舶等工业领域的快速发展,降低成本、提性减重、实现节能减排已成为各个行业为之努力而奋斗的目标,而高强度钢材是实现汽车工业产品轻量化和安全性的重要依托。然而,随着汽车用钢强度的不断提升,氢致延迟断裂问题越发突出,已经成为阻碍高强度汽车用钢广泛应用的一个关键因素。主要介绍先进高强度汽车用钢(热成形钢、双相(DP)钢、淬火-配分(Q&P)钢)最新的研究成果,并对其氢致延迟断裂特性、机制和测试评价技术方法等方面做了简要介绍,为相关领域的研究人员提供参考。  相似文献   

屈服强度700MPa级超高强度大梁钢冲压开裂原因的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对屈服强度为700MPa级超高强度大梁钢在冲压过程中出现的严重开裂进行了分析,分析结果表明,冲压工艺孔位置及工艺孔内断面裂纹是大梁板冲压开裂纹源产生的主要原因,超高强度大梁板冲压或剪切断口易产生层状裂纹倾向与材料厚度中心珠光体带状组织有关,在设计时,超高强度大梁折弯变形区域应避免出现工艺冲孔。  相似文献   

孙敏  肖葵  董超芳  李晓刚  钟平 《工程科学学报》2012,34(10):1159-1166
采用动电位扫描技术和慢应变速率拉伸试验研究了超高强度钢300M在3.5%NaCl溶液中的应力腐蚀行为,并利用扫描电镜观察了不同外加电位下的断口形貌.300M钢在3.5%NaCl溶液中开路电位下的应力腐蚀开裂机制为阳极溶解型,Cl-的存在明显地增加了材料的应力腐蚀开裂敏感性.阳极电位-600 mV下300M钢溶解速率加快,表现出较高的应力腐蚀开裂敏感性,断面收缩率损失由开路电路下的52.6%升高至99.5%,裂纹起源于表面点蚀坑处,应力腐蚀开裂为阳极溶解型机制.阴极电位-800 mV下材料处于阴极保护电位范围,表现出较低的应力腐蚀开裂敏感性,强度和韧度与空气中拉伸的数值相近,开裂机制为阳极溶解和氢致开裂协同作用.在更低电位(低于-950 mV)下,300M钢的应力腐蚀开裂机制为氢致开裂,在氢和拉应力的共同作用下表现出很大的应力腐蚀开裂敏感性.  相似文献   

热成形钢是汽车实现轻量化和提高安全性的关键材料。然而,热成形钢的发展面临着氢致延迟断裂的巨大挑战。文中总结了热成形钢氢致延迟断裂的研究现状,综述了热成形钢的可扩散氢检测技术、氢含量变化规律、氢致延迟断裂评价技术和氢致延迟断裂改善方法。同时,对今后的热成形钢氢致延迟断裂研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

通过实验和有限元计算研究了MnS夹杂对钢中氢扩散行为的影响.结果表明:当MnS夹杂长度取向与氢渗透方向平行时,氢在钢中的表观扩散系数随MnS含量的增加而增加;当MnS夹杂长度取向与氢渗透方向垂直时,氢在钢中的表观扩散系数随MnS含量的增加而降低.对于具有扩散通道效应和陷阱效应的第二相,它对氢扩散的影响取决于扩散通道效应和陷阱效应的强弱以及第二相的形状、数量和取向.  相似文献   

通过对冲压成型后发生开裂的W520JG钢板进行化学成分、力学性能、微观组织、断口形貌及冲压工艺的分析,确认材料冲压设计时用于定位的缺口是导致冲压搅拌叶片开裂的直接原因。在设计冲压工艺时,应避免在变形较大的零件中心处设置定位缺口。  相似文献   

采用 OM 和 SEM 对 700 MPa 级高强度大梁钢冲压开裂原因进行了分析。结果表明,在高强度大梁钢冲压过程中出现的纵梁穿线孔裂纹主要为连冲工艺不当导致;纵梁端部折弯角部裂纹主要是由于原板坯存在内裂纹和大尺寸 TiN 夹杂物,在冲压过程中外表面受到拉应力产生裂纹,裂纹沿横纵向扩展导致。通过将钛质量分数由 0.10% 降至 0.07%,将氮质量分数控制在不大于 0.004% 的范围内,降低大尺寸TiN析出量。化学成分调整后,力学性能满足供货技术条件要求,对钢板进行冲压验证,端部完好,未见折弯裂纹存在,彻底解决了该缺陷。  相似文献   

钢中氢致白点及其预防(续完)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

 Influence of vanadium and/or niobium additions on delayed fracture behavior in high strength spring steel was studied by hydrogen permeation method and slow strain rate technique (SSRT), and its mechanism was analyzed. The results show that apparent diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in microalloyed spring steels Nb V steel and Nb steel is lower than that in non microalloyed steel 60Si2MnA. Percentage of strength reduction in SSRT in air after precharged hydrogen of the microalloyed steels is smaller than that of 60Si2MnA. Addition of the microalloys changes the fracture characteristics. Thence, vanadium and/or niobium additions are a very effective and economy means to improve the hydrogen induced delayed fracture resistance of high strength spring steel.  相似文献   

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of highstrength steels in an aqueous solution has been wide-ly investigated[1— 8] .It has long been accepted thatSCC of high strength steel in water is one kind ofhydrogen- induced cracking (HIC) [1— 5] .Because ofhydrolysis of the metal ions,the value p H of the lo-cal environment within a pit,crevice or crack on asteel surface can be decreased to about 3.5 [1] .Be-cause of crack- tip acidification,local conditions arealways favorable for release of hydro…  相似文献   

308L和347L焊缝金属的氢致滞后断裂行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥氏体不锈钢 30 8L和 347L的焊缝金属能发生氢致滞后断裂 ,而且比 30 4L母材更敏感。用单边缺口试样动态充氢法测出的氢致滞后断裂门槛应力强度因子 KIH随可扩散氢浓度 C0 的对数而线性下降。 3种材料氢致滞后断口的形貌与 KI 以及 C0 有关 ,当 KI 较高或 C0 较小时是韧窝断口 ;当 KI 较低或 C0 较高时是脆性断口  相似文献   

Direct and indirect hot stamping presently constitutes one of the most innovative forming technologies in the automotive industry through the combination of forming and hardening in one process step or line. Thus, structural components with strength up to 1600 MPa can be accomplished with the quench hardenable ultra‐high strength steel 22MnB5. With respect to the numerical investigation of the feasibility of different parts the knowledge of various thermal and mechanical material characteristics determined under process relevant conditions are required. Within the scope of this paper different experimental methods will be introduced for the determination of material properties according to the typical time‐temperature characteristics of the hot stamping process, as well as the modelling of it as input data for the FE analysis.  相似文献   

Automobile industry tries to reduce the weight of automobile using high-strength steels.However,the high-strength steels are highly susceptible to delayed-fracture caused by hydrogen embrittlement.With increasing the strength,hydrogen embrittlement is more sensitive to diffusible hydrogen.The mechanism of delayed-fracture and the relationship with the microstructure and alloying elements are still ambiguous.This study analyzed the effect of the size and the spheroidization rate for the carbides on hydrogen-induced delayed fracture for 1GPa TS steel.  相似文献   

Martensitic steels (Aermet®100, Ferrium®M54?, Ferrium®S53®, and experimental CrNiMoWV at ultra-high yield strength of 1550 to 1725 MPa) similarly resist hydrogen environment assisted cracking (HEAC) in aqueous NaCl. Cracking is transgranular, ascribed to increased steel purity and rare earth addition compared to intergranular HEAC in highly susceptible 300M. Nano-scale precipitates ((Mo,Cr)2C and (W,V)C) reduce H diffusivity and the K-independent Stage II growth rate by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude compared to 300M. However, threshold K TH is similarly low (8 to 15 MPa√m) for each steel at highly cathodic and open circuit potentials. Transgranular HEAC likely occurs along martensite packet and {110}α′-block interfaces, speculatively governed by localized plasticity and H decohesion. Martensitic transformation produces coincident site lattice interfaces; however, a connected random boundary network persists in 3D to negate interface engineering. The modern steels are near-immune to HEAC when mildly cathodically polarized, attributed to minimal crack tip H production and uptake. Neither reduced Co and Ni in M54 and CrNiMoWV nor increased Cr in S53 broadly degrade HEAC resistance compared to baseline AM100. The latter suggests that crack passivity dominates acidification to widen the polarization window for HEAC resistance. Decohesion models predict the applied potential dependencies of K TH and da/dt II with a single-adjustable parameter, affirming the importance of steel purity and trap sensitive H diffusivity.  相似文献   

通过动态充氢恒载荷、氢渗透等实验研究轧制工艺对铌合金化热成型钢的氢致延迟开裂性能的影响.随着开轧温度从1000℃降低到950℃,热成型钢的氢扩散系数降低,氢致延迟开裂性能提高,耐腐蚀性能下降.透射电镜观察发现开轧温度为1000℃时MX型析出相尺寸为30 nm;开轧温度为950℃时热成型钢的MX型析出相尺寸为5 nm左右,可以观察到直径为50 nm Cr2C3析出相.作为氢陷阱的纳米析出相是提高实验钢氢致延迟开裂性能的主要因素.析出相不同的原因是开轧温度为1000℃时MX型析出相发生熟化现象,进一步抑制Cr2C3的析出.  相似文献   

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