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传感器节点的随机部署不均匀或者由于负载不均导致有的节点能量提前耗尽,导致无线传感器网络出现覆盖空洞.针对已检测到的覆盖空洞,提出一种基于相切圆的修复算法,并从理论上证明该算法的可行性.算法的基本原理是以相邻2个边界传感器节点求它们相切圆的圆心位置,即新增加的移动节点的位置,通过反复求解相切圆的圆心位置来达到修复的目的.通过仿真实验证明:算法不仅能达到90%的修复覆盖率,而且修复后的冗余度相比其他算法也较低. 相似文献
针对给水管网水质传感器有可能失效的情况,提出了考虑传感器可靠性的多目标优化选址模型(SPM-R).该模型在最大限度监测突发或者蓄意的污染事件之外,期望传感器选址具有一定的可靠性,即若某一传感器发生故障,存在其它传感器能够继续监测污染事件,并且由此造成的监测时间增加值在允许范围之内.结合一管网算例,首先利用EPANET软件随机模拟管网节点被注入污染物后各个节点污染物浓度变化情况,得到监测时间矩阵,然后,基于非支配排序遗传算法-Ⅱ(NSGA-Ⅱ)详细阐述了SPM-R模型的求解过程,并对计算结果进行了参数敏感性分析. 相似文献
“瓶颈节点”是在无线传感器网络中由于随机部署的原因产生了连接两个或是多个区域的孤立节点。由于这类节点对网络的生存周期存在着很大的影响,提出一种分布式瀑布型移动方案。该方案减少了节点移动的距离并节约了节点移动所消耗的能量,同时也减少了网络覆盖初始化的时间;通过移动一定数量的节点到“瓶颈节点”的附近来均衡节点的通信量,进而延长了整个网络的生存周期。仿真实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地提高整个网络的生存周期,均衡了节点的能量消耗,并缩短了节点重定位时间。 相似文献
基于多功率移动锚节点WSN智能定位算法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了降低定位成本及提高定位精度,提出了一种使用单个锚节点移动进行未知节点坐标计算的SAPSO-SMPMA算法.该算法采用单个移动锚节点游历定位区域,并通过功率控制发射不同功率的信标信号,未知节点利用收到的不同位置锚节点信息结合自适应权重粒子群算法计算节点坐标.考虑到实际应用时锚节点可能带有误差,故加入了锚节点矢量误差分析.仿真表明,本算法在充分考虑锚节点自身误差及大幅降低定位成本的情况下,定位精度仍然较高,是一种实用的定位算法. 相似文献
Shafaq B. Chaudhry Victor C. Hung Ratan K. Guha Kenneth O. Stanley 《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》2011,24(3):409-425
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become increasingly appealing in recent years for the purpose of data acquisition, surveillance, event monitoring, etc. Optimal positioning of wireless sensor nodes is an important issue for small networks of relatively expensive sensing devices. For such networks, the placement problem requires that multiple objectives be met. These objectives are usually conflicting, e.g. achieving maximum coverage and maximum connectivity while minimizing the network energy cost. A flexible algorithm for sensor placement (FLEX) is presented that uses an evolutionary computational approach to solve this multiobjective sensor placement optimization problem when the number of sensor nodes is not fixed and the maximum number of nodes is not known a priori. FLEX starts with an initial population of simple WSNs and complexifies their topologies over generations. It keeps track of new genes through historical markings, which are used in later generations to assess two networks’ compatibility and also to align genes during crossover. It uses Pareto-dominance to approach Pareto-optimal layouts with respect to the objectives. Speciation is employed to aid the survival of gene innovations and facilitate networks to compete with similar networks. Elitism ensures that the best solutions are carried over to the next generation. The flexibility of the algorithm is illustrated by solving the device/node placement problem for different applications like facility surveillance, coverage with and without obstacles, preferential surveillance, and forming a clustering hierarchy. 相似文献
对侵入无线传感器网络中的目标,提出了一种移动节点和静态节点相结合的定位与跟踪方式.静态节点可以发现侵入传感器网络中的目标,移动节点与静态节点配合进一步确定目标的具体位置.仿真实验验证表明:该方法可以减少大规模的频繁移动节点,不需要过多地对移动节点的选择和运动进行特别复杂的计算,具有较好的定位精度和鲁棒性,对多目标的定位与跟踪研究有一定的启发作用. 相似文献
Relay node placement in structurally damaged wireless sensor networks via triangular steiner tree approximation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have many applications which operate in hostile environments. Due to the harsh surroundings, WSNs may suffer from a large scale damage that causes many nodes to fail simultaneously and the network to get partitioned into multiple disjoint segments. In such a case, restoring the network connectivity is very important in order to avoid negative effects on the applications. In this paper, we pursue the placement of the least number of relay nodes to re-establish a strongly connected network topology. The problem of finding the minimum count and the position of relay nodes is NP-hard and hence we pursue heuristics. We present a novel three-step algorithm called FeSTA which is based on steinerizing appropriate triangles. Each segment is represented by a terminal. Each subset of 3 terminals forms a triangle. Finding the optimal solution for a triangle (i.e. connecting 3 segments) is a relatively easier problem. In the first step, FeSTA finds the best triangles and form islands of segments by establishing intra-triangle connectivity. Then in the second, disjoint islands of segment are federated. In the final step, the steinerized edges are optimized. The performance of FeSTA is validated through simulation. 相似文献
一种单移动锚节点的无线传感器网络定位算法 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究了无线传感器网络的节点定位算法,提出了一种利用一个移动锚节点来实现定位的新算法。该算法利用一个移动锚节点,按照规划好的路径遍历整个网络,当移动锚节点移动到未知节点的通信半径以内,未知节点就可以接收锚节点的位置信息。当未知节点接收到三个以上的处于其通信半径上的位置信息,就可以计算出未知节点的坐标。最后,通过仿真研究了该算法的特性,仿真结果表明该定位方法在定位误差、能耗等方面均表现出良好的性能。 相似文献
无线传感器网络在许多应用场合都需要采集比较敏感的数据,因此安全问题至关重要。一旦传感器节点被捕获,且没有采取相应的措施,该节点内的所有信息将会泄露。利用被捕获节点,攻击者可在网络内发起内部攻击,导致网络的安全性能急剧下降。如何检测被捕获节点,目前已有多种技术可以解决这个问题。文章对目前的检测技术作了总结,并对未来的研究方向做了展望。 相似文献
移动互联网因为其普遍性、高可携带性、安全性和应用多样性等特点,在政务、交通物流、警务等行业得到广泛应用。研究了将移动互联网技术应用到了水利工程移动巡检中,建立了移动终端、管理端和安全接入子系统。移动终端子系统主要用以完成数据下载、采集、上报功能。管理端子系统主要提供数据接口,并对采集的数据进行分析。安全接入子系统是在业务内网与互联网之间建立起一个安全的接入平台。本系统经测试,完全可以满足企业需求。 相似文献
To obtain representative water quality simulations, unknown model parameters have to be updated by combining information from the water quality model and the sensor outputs. An adjoint-based numerical method has been developed to determine the optimal placement of chlorine sensors in drinking water networks at a low computational cost. From a practical engineering perspective, the proposed optimal placement corresponds to the set of sensors that minimizes the area in which the unknown model parameters cannot be identified. The numerical strategy is implemented in the hydraulic software EPANET. Using the adjoint framework, we develop and apply an adaptive strategy in a French drinking water network that provides the optimal placement from 1 sensor to 6 sensors. We show that the highest reduction of the non-identifiable area is obtained at the first stages of the adaptive strategy. After 4 sensors, a plateau is reached. 相似文献
Isaku Nagai Genki Yamauchi Keiji Nagatani Keigo Watanabe Kazuya Yoshida 《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(15):1147-1160
We propose a novel method for positioning a mobile robot in an outdoor environment using lasers and optical sensors. Position estimation via a noncontact optical method is useful because the information from the wheel odometer and the global positioning system in a mobile robot is unreliable in some situations. Contact optical sensors such as computer mouse are designed to be in contact with a surface and do not function well in strong ambient light conditions. To mitigate the challenges of an outdoor environment, we developed an optical device with a bandpass filter and a pipe to restrict solar light and to detect translation. The use of two devices enables sensing of the mobile robot’s position, including posture. Furthermore, employing a collimated laser beam allows measurements against a surface to be invariable with the distance to the surface. In this paper, we describe motion estimation, device configurations, and several tests for performance evaluation. We also present the experimental positioning results from a vehicle equipped with our optical device on an outdoor path. Finally, we discuss an improvement in postural accuracy by combining an optical device with precise gyroscopes. 相似文献
Methodology for leakage isolation using pressure sensitivity analysis in water distribution networks
Ramon Pérez Vicenç Puig Josep Pascual Joseba Quevedo Edson Landeros Antonio Peralta 《Control Engineering Practice》2011,19(10):1157-1167
Leaks are present to some extent in all water-distribution systems. This paper proposes a leakage localisation method based on the pressure measurements and pressure sensitivity analysis of nodes in a network. The sensitivity analysis using analytical tools is not a trivial job in a real network because of the huge non-explicit non-linear systems of equations that describe its dynamics. Simulations of the network in the presence and the absence of leakage may provide an approximation of this sensitivity. This matrix is binarised using a threshold independent of the node. The binary matrix is assumed as a signature matrix for leakages. However, there is a trade-off between the resolution of the leakage isolation procedure and the number of available pressure sensors. In order to maximise the isolability with a reasonable number of sensors, an optimal sensor placement methodology, based on genetic algorithms, is also proposed. These methodologies have been applied to the Barcelona Network using PICCOLO simulator. The sensor placement and the leakage detection and localisation methodologies are applied to several district management areas (DMA) in simulation and in reality. 相似文献