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A combination of walking control methods was proposed and implemented on a biped robot. The LIPM-based model predictive control (MPC) was adopted to generate a basic stable walking pattern. The stability of pitch and yaw rotation was improved through pitch and yaw momentum control as a supplementation of MPC. It is found that biped robot walking tends to deviate from the planned walking direction if not considering the rotation friction torque in yaw axis under the support foot. There are basically two methods to control yaw momentum, waist and swing arms rotation control. However, the upper body is often needed to accomplish other tasks. Therefore, a yaw momentum control method based on swing leg dynamics was proposed. This idea does not depend on upper body’s motion and is highlighted in this paper. Through experiments, the feasibility of the combination of the control methods proved to be practical in keeping biped robot walking stable both in linear and rotation motion. The pros and cons of the yaw momentum control method were also tested and discussed through comparison experiments, such as walking on flat and uneven terrain, walking with different payloads.  相似文献   

Passive dynamic walking usually refers to a kind of walking where a biped walker is able to walk downhill, without any actuation or control, just due to the gravity. Although most of works done in this regard have concentrated on passive walking along a straight line, in this paper we extend this concept to a more general case of locomotion, i.e. turning or walking along curved path. We call the novel extension passive turning, and categorize it to two types of finite and infinite. We showed that the finite type is still applicable on a typical downhill or ramp, while the infinite type is only practical on a specific surface profile that we call it helical ramp. Furthermore, several stability and parameter analysis are also conducted to evaluate more aspects of this notion. We highlighted that surprisingly, the passive straight walking is actually a special case of passive turning, just with infinite radius of turn and less asymptotical stability. It should be noted that the present study is performed using a model of an arc-foot three-dimensional (3D) compass gait walker.  相似文献   

双足机器人步行模式的在线全身修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种双足机器人步行的在线全身修正方法。根据机器人简化动力学模型规划机器人步行模式。在真实环境中,双足机器人在跟踪预先规划的步行模式时目标值和实际运动状态之间会产生误差。为了减少抑制误差,采用机器人质心补偿,对其全身关节在线修正,以保证行走稳定性。机器人AFU-09的双足步行实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Toward our comprehensive understanding of legged locomotion in animals and machines, the compass gait model has been intensively studied for a systematic investigation of complex biped locomotion dynamics. While most of the previous studies focused only on the locomotion on flat surfaces, in this article, we tackle with the problem of bipedal locomotion in rough terrains by using a minimalistic control architecture for the compass gait walking model. This controller utilizes an open-loop sinusoidal oscillation of hip motor, which induces basic walking stability without sensory feedback. A set of simulation analyses show that the underlying mechanism lies in the “phase locking” mechanism that compensates phase delays between mechanical dynamics and the open-loop motor oscillation resulting in a relatively large basin of attraction in dynamic bipedal walking. By exploiting this mechanism, we also explain how the basin of attraction can be controlled by manipulating the parameters of oscillator not only on a flat terrain but also in various inclined slopes. Based on the simulation analysis, the proposed controller is implemented in a real-world robotic platform to confirm the plausibility of the approach. In addition, by using these basic principles of self-stability and gait variability, we demonstrate how the proposed controller can be extended with a simple sensory feedback such that the robot is able to control gait patterns autonomously for traversing a rough terrain.  相似文献   

In this paper, biped walking posture and design are evaluated through dynamic reconfiguration manipulability shape index (DRMSI). DRMSI is the concept derived from dynamic manipulability and reconfiguration manipulability with remaining redundancy. DRMSI represents the ability of dynamical system of manipulators possessing shape changing acceleration in task space by normalized torque inputs, while the hand motion is assigned as the primary task. Besides, we use visual lifting approach to stabilize the walking and stop falling down. In this research, the primary task is to make the position of the head direct to the desired one as much as possible. And realizing the biped walking is the second task. This research indicates that proposed dynamical-evaluating index is effective in evaluating the biped walking motion and biped humanoid robot has the adjustable configuration to walk with higher flexibility. Flexibility represents the dynamical shape changeability of humanoid robot based on redundancy of the humanoid robot with the premise of the primary task given to keeping the head position high.  相似文献   

A new walking pattern classification method is proposed for a 5-link 7-DOF biped robot walking on an uneven floor. This method extracts the patterns in the current floor position of the stance foot and the transitioning floor conditions of the swing foot during locomotion. When a global path composed of stairs, obstacles, etc., and certain walking parameters, such as the speed of walking and the total walking time, are put into the system, the guidance controller unit determines the trajectory of the footsteps in terms of step patterns by using a genetic algorithm-based optimization technique while ensuring the biped’s stability criterion. A demonstration of the biped with different pattern classes was realized by a dynamic simulator.  相似文献   

P.  F.   《Robotics and Autonomous Systems》2009,57(11):1140-1153
In the early 1950s, von Holst and Mittelstaedt proposed that motor commands copied within the central nervous system (efference copy) help to distinguish ‘reafference’ activity (afference activity due to self-generated motion) from ‘exafference’ activity (afference activity due to external stimulus). In addition, an efference copy can be also used to compare it with the actual sensory feedback in order to suppress self-generated sensations. Based on these biological findings, we conduct here two experimental studies on our biped “RunBot” where such principles together with neural forward models are applied to RunBot’s dynamic locomotion control. The main purpose of this article is to present the modular design of RunBot’s control architecture and discuss how the inherent dynamic properties of the different modules lead to the required signal processing. We believe that the experimental studies pursued here will sharpen our understanding of how the efference copies influence dynamic locomotion control to the benefit of modern neural control strategies in robots.  相似文献   

采用自主设计的PCB板和CDS5401舵机设计了一种双足竞步机器人,开发了基于ATmega88的机器人控制系统,基于仿生学原理的步态规划确定了机器人的运动序列。所设计的控制系统不仅操作简单,运行稳定可靠,而且人机交互界面友好,再扩展性强。最后,将所开发的机器人运用于中国机器人大赛双足竞步机器人比赛,取得了优异成绩。  相似文献   

Multibody System Dynamics - Contact modeling plays a central role in motion planning, simulation and control of legged robots, as legged locomotion is realized through contact. The two prevailing...  相似文献   

针对双足机器人的稳定行走,提出了一种新的仿人预测控制在线步行模式生成方法。把期望零力矩点(ZMP)分解成离线规划好的参考ZMP和实时变化的可变ZMP之和,通过预测控制和其逆系统共同作用对质心运动进行控制,从而生成具有自适应性的步行模式。但单一的预测控制系统对诸如矩形齿状扰动的可变ZMP的跟踪存在较大的误差,结合仿人智能控制对误差的强抑制能力,设计了与预测控制相结合的仿人预测控制系统。仿真实验验证对矩形齿状扰动的可变ZMP,仿人预测系统也能实现较好的跟踪。  相似文献   

This research aims to develop the biped walking robot that can walk on the horizontal ground and improve walking efficiency by utilizing the theory of the passive walking robot, namely the pendulum principle. For that, two motors were installed on the hip of the robot to generate the control torques to perform a walking motion. The computer simulations with dynamic model were carried out to investigate the walking capability of the system. Experimental robot was developed considering the calculated results. The proportional control law was used in walking experiment. The robot can walk on the horizontal ground with the proposed method.  相似文献   

Biped robots form a subclass of legged or walking robots. The study of mechanical legged motion has been motivated by its potential use as a means of locomotion in rough terrain, as well as its potential benefits to prothesis development and testing. The paper concentrates on issues related to the automatic control of biped robots. More precisely, its primary goal is to contribute a means to prove asymptotically-stable walking in planar, underactuated biped robot models. Since normal walking can be viewed as a periodic solution of the robot model, the method of Poincare sections is the natural means to study asymptotic stability of a walking cycle. However, due to the complexity of the associated dynamic models, this approach has had limited success. The principal contribution of the present work is to show that the control strategy can be designed in a way that greatly simplifies the application of the method of Poincare to a class of biped models, and, in fact, to reduce the stability assessment problem to the calculation of a continuous map from a subinterval of R to itself. The mapping in question is directly computable from a simulation model. The stability analysis is based on a careful formulation of the robot model as a system with impulse effects and the extension of the method of Poincare sections to this class of models  相似文献   

This autonomous biped walking control system is based on reactive force interaction at the foothold. The precise 3D dynamic simulation presented includes: 1) a posture controller which accommodates the physical constraints of the reactive force/torque on the foot with quadratic programming; 2) a real-time COM (center of mass) tracking controller for foot placement, with a discrete inverted pendulum model; and 3) a 3D dynamic simulation scheme with precise contact with the environment. The proposed approach realizes robust biped locomotion because environmental interaction is directly controlled. The proposed method is applied to a 20 axes simulation model, and stable biped locomotion with velocity of 0.25 m/sec and a stepping time of 0.5 sec/step is realized  相似文献   

This paper presents an adaptive two-level control strategy for a biped walking model and demonstrates its performance in a wide range of walking modes with considerably diverse model and control parameter settings. Proposed control strategy inherits a push off that resembles considerably to forceful extension of the trailing leg during push off in human locomotion and represents a very important source of forward propulsion. Extensive simulations have shown that adjustments in the push off related parameter on higher between-step control level after each step enable evolution of various walking modes of the biped walker at selected walking speeds and distinctive gait patterns. It also allows us to investigate the changes in gait kinematics and kinetics of the biped walking model due to changes in gait velocity, torso inclination and propulsion distribution profiles.  相似文献   

针对双足机器人动态步行生成关节运动轨迹复杂问题,提出了一种简单直观的实时步态生成方案。建立了平面五杆双足机器人动力学模型,通过模仿人类步行主要运动特征并根据双足机器人动态步行双腿姿态变化的要求,将动态步行复杂任务分解为顺序执行的四个过程,在关节空间相对坐标系下设计了躯干运动模式、摆动腿和支撑腿动作及步行速度调整模式,结合当前步行控制结果反馈实时产生稳定的关节运动轨迹。仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性,简单易实现。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, the method to overcome the limitations of the existing three-dimensional golf swing analysis system by using deep learning technology, and analyze...  相似文献   

The development of an algorithm of parametric optimization to achieve optimal cyclic gaits in space for a thirteen-link 3D bipedal robot with twelve actuated joints is proposed. The cyclic walking gait is composed of successive single support phases and impulsive impacts with full contact between the sole of the feet and the ground. The evolution of the joints are chosen as spline functions. The parameters to define the spline functions are determined using an optimization under constraints on the dynamic balance, on the ground reactions, on the validity of impact, on the torques, and on the joints velocities. The cost functional considered is represented by the integral of the torques norm. The torques and the constraints are computed at sampling times during one step to evaluate the cost functional for a feasible walking gait. To improve the convergence of the optimization algorithm the explicit analytical gradient of the cost functional with respect to the optimization parameters is calculated using the recursive computation of torques. The algorithm is tested for a bipedal robot whose numerical walking results are presented.  相似文献   

基于零力矩点(ZMP)的预测控制是目前双足机器人步行控制中最先进的方法,但是预测控制需要比较精确的预测模型,在环境扰动导致模型失配时,预测控制的性能下降较快。为了解决这个问题,利用仿人智能控制对环境误差具有较强抑制的特点改进预测控制。探讨了在步行控制中引入仿人智能控制的必要性和仿人智能控制改进预测控制的可行性,并设计了仿人预测控制器。最后通过仿真实验验证了新的控制器对双足机器人步行控制的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the generation of dynamically balanced gaits of a ditch-crossing biped robot having seven degrees of freedom (DOFs). Three different approaches, namely analytical, neural network (NN)-based and fuzzy logic (FL)-based, have been developed to solve the said problem. The former deals with the analytical modeling of the ditch-crossing gait of a biped robot, whereas the latter two approaches aim to maximize the dynamic balance margin of the robot and minimize the power consumption during locomotion, after satisfying a constraint stating that the changes of joint torques should lie within a pre-specified value to ensure its smooth walking. It is to be noted that the power consumption and dynamic balance of the robot are also dependent on the position of the masses on various links and the trajectory followed by the hip joint. A genetic algorithm (GA) is used to provide training off-line, to the NN-based and FL-based gait planners developed. Once optimized, the planners will be able to generate the optimal gaits on-line. Both the NN-based and FL-based gait planners are able to generate more balanced gaits and that, too, at the cost of lower power consumption compared to those yielded by the analytical approach. The NN-based and FL-based approaches are found to be more adaptive compared to the other approach in generating the gaits of the biped robot.  相似文献   

A companion paper has addressed the problem of designing controllers that induce exponentially stable, periodic walking motions at a fixed walking rate for a planar, biped robot with one degree of underactuation. This note provides two additional control features: 1) the ability to compose such controllers to obtain walking at several discrete walking rates with guaranteed stability during the transitions; and 2) the ability to regulate the average walking rate to a continuum of values.  相似文献   

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