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研究了空间相关衰落信道下结合空时分组码的自适应调制系统(STBC-AM)的性能,推导出平均频谱效率和误码率的表达式。理论分析和数值计算结果表明,自适应调制提高了系统的频谱效率。空间相关虽然会造成系统性能的下降,但是当相关系数小于0.5时影响很小。即使相关系数为0.8时,STBC-AM还是远优于一般的自适应调制系统。  相似文献   

分组相关快衰落信道下自适应Turbo码译码算法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了分组相关快衰落信道的特性,推导出该信道下Turbo码译码算法;研究了迭代次数对Turbo编码系统的影响,在小信噪比弥散度条件下,提出基于平均信噪比的最佳迭代译码次数自适应选择方案,可以兼顾译码性能和译码速度,得到较低的平均误比特率和较高的平均译码速度。仿真结果说明,本文提出的Turbo码译码算法,降低了对信道估计精度要求的同时,得到精确信道估计时的性能;对于目标误比特率为10^-4时,采用自适应Turbo译码算法,与固定迭代4次相比,平均误比特率降低了40%,提高了系统性能;而与固定迭代8次相比,迭代次数降低了约1/4,提高了译码速度。  相似文献   

在移动通信系统中,由于无线时变衰落信道的特点,使通信过程存在大量的不确定性,自适应方式在信道条件好时提高了传输速率或减小发送功率,在信道条件差时降低了速率或增大功率。通过仿真结果证明,根据信道的优劣情况进行自适应调制的系统在保持较低的误码率性能的同时,能提高了系统的传输速率,从而增强传输的可靠性并可提高频带利用率。  相似文献   

该文论述了智能传输中的关键技术——自适应调制技术的应用,结合当前的背景给出了FDD和TDD方式下基站和移动台采用自适应调制的原理框图,并在文章的最后分析了一般调制方式与自适应方式的仿真结果。  相似文献   

在宽带移动OFDM(正交频分复用)系统中,不同的子信道经受不同的信道衰落,具有不同的传输能力。若采用固定速率调制方案,信道容量和发送功率未能获得充分应用。自适应调制技术能充分利用信道容量和信号功率,满足不同传输速率和服务质量的要求。研究了一种适用于宽带移动OFDM系统的自适应算法。在平均发送功率不变务件下,算法根据子信道的衰落特性,自适应地分配子信道中数据比特,选择不同的信号星座和发送功率,使得系统的功率和频谱效率达到最佳。首先推导了在平均发送功率受限条件下,瑞利衰落信道中最大频谱效率;其次,分析了在给定误比特率(BER)条件下,采用连续功率、连续星座MQAM(多进制正交幅度调制信号)调制的最大功率频谱效率,在此基础上提出适用于实际系统的离散功率、离散星座MQAM调制算法;最后进一步优化系统的功率密度谱。计算机模拟表明:该算法能明显地提高移动OFDM系统的频谱效率。  相似文献   

高建丰  李光球 《通信技术》2012,45(5):20-22,25
推导m为整数的任意相关Nakagami-m衰落信道上采用最大比合并(MRC)分集接收和相干检测的差分编码四相相移键控(DE-QPSK)调制的平均误符号率(SER)精确表达式,并利用高斯Q函数指数形式的近似表达式推导相关Nakagami-m衰落信道上采用MRC分集接收的DE-QPSK调制的平均SER近似表达式。计算机仿真结果验证了精确理论分析的正确性和近似分析的准确性。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种通用的自适应编码调制系统吞吐量性能分析方法.基于各固定编码调制方式的误码率(BER)性能,使每种编码调制方案对应于一个信道平均信噪比(SNR)范围,再应用拉格朗日函数法得到使自适应编码调制系统吞吐量性能最大的信噪比转换门限,可得到系统的平均吞吐量性能.数值分析结果表明,相对于自适应M进制正交幅度调制(MQAM),自适应Turbo编码MQAM系统吞吐量性能有显著提高,并且该性能受瞬时误码率要求的影响较小.Nakagami信道中,在相同平均信道信噪比条件下,随着m的增大,系统吞吐量性能提高缓慢.  相似文献   

提出了可变包长可变调制方式的选择重传自动重传请求系统(VS-AM-SR-ARQ),研究了其在瑞利衰落信道下的性能,推导出吞吐量的一般表达式,并提出了用两步法求出最佳的切换门限值.理论分析和数值计算结果表明,可变包长可变调制方式的ARQ系统可以更好地适应衰落信道,其吞吐量性能要优于普通的ARQ系统.  相似文献   

一种频率选择性衰落信道下的盲自适应去相关Rake接收机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王伶  焦李成  刘芳 《通信学报》2002,23(6):42-50
多用户检测是DS-CDMA系统中的一项关键技术,而Rake接收是解决多径效应的一种有效方法,本文将基于Kalman滤波的多用户检测器与Rake接收相结合,提出了一种频率选择性衰落信道下的盲自适应去相关Rake接收机,研究结果表明,这种接收机具有较强的抑制多址干扰和克服“远-近”效应能力,并且能快速收敛。  相似文献   

为了保证数据在无线衰落信道条件下的可靠传输,产生了联合前向纠错编码(FEC)与自动请求重传(ARQ)的混合ARQ(HARQ)技术。HARQ有多种重传方案,本文针对HARQ的无限次重传方案进行了研究,提出了一种改进的基于RCPT码的HARQ重传方案,并分别与传统RCPT-HARQ方案在瑞利快衰落、慢衰落信道下进行仿真比较,仿真结果显示出改进方案在慢衰落信道条件下获得了更高的通过率。  相似文献   

慢瑞利衰落信道下一种变分组长度的自适应ARQ协议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
信道的慢瑞利衰落特性导致通信系统的性能——吞吐量的下降。本文基于选择重传(SRARQ)与返回-n(GBN ARQ)相结合的混合ARQ协议(SR GBN ARQ),依据发送方连续收到的确认(ACK)/非确认(NACK)消息的次数,正确评估慢瑞利衰落信道的状况以改变分组长度的一种自适应ARQ协议。仿真结果表明对于慢瑞利衰落、长往返旅程延迟(T)信道,该协议能取得较优的吞吐性能。  相似文献   

本文研究频率选择性相关Nakagami衰落信道上采用最大比合并(MRC)分集接收的正交频分多路复用M进制正交幅度调制(OFDM-MQAM)系统.使用矩生成函数(MGF)方法和高斯超几何函数、Appell超几何函数或Lauricella函数,推导任意衰落参数频率选择性相关Nakagami衰落信道上MRC分集接收的OFDM-MQAM系统的误符号率(SER)性能,获得了OFDM-MQAM误符号率的一个新的解析表达式.数值计算结果阐明了多径路径数、Nakagami衰落参数和信道脉冲响应抽头间的相关系数对OFDM-MQAM误符号率性能的影响.  相似文献   

This paper studies the performance of switch and stay combining (SSC) diversity in the presence of co‐channel interference over correlated Weibull fading channels. SSC diversity based on signal‐to‐interference ratio (SIR) is a low‐complexity and a very efficient technique that reduces fading and co‐channel interference influence. New closed‐form expressions for the probability density function and cumulative distribution function of the output SIR's are derived. These formulas are used in a detailed analysis of the average output SIR and outage probability. The influence of fading severity and correlation coefficient on the optimum switching threshold and system performance is investigated. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to verify obtained theoretical results and determine average bit error rate in detecting binary phase‐shift keying (BPSK), differential BPSK and quadrature amplitude modulation signals. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we have investigated the performance of downlink generalized distributed antenna system(GDAS).Under the assumption of spatial correlated fading conditions,we have derived the numeric expression of correlated coefficients according to series of Bessel function,and have lifted the range restriction of the mean angle of incident.Moreover,the architecture of distributed generalized layered space time codes(GLST) has been considered in order to achieve both multiplexing gain and diversity gain whil...  相似文献   

对多输入多输出(MIMO)相关衰落信道上宽带码分多址接入(WCDMA)的安全性能进行评估,一种省时高效的解决方案是理论分析法。推导了相关 Nakagami 衰落信道上采用空时分组码和二维瑞克接收机(2D-Rake)的 WCDMA 系统的非零安全容量概率和安全中断概率的精确解析表达式。利用上述表达式,可以快速地评估收发天线数、天线相关系数、Nakagami衰落系数、平均路径衰减系数等参数对WCDMA系统安全性能造成的影响。数值计算和仿真结果相吻合,证明了以上理论分析的正确性。推导了WCDMA系统渐近安全中断概率的解析表达式。结果表明,WCDMA 系统的安全分集增益为主信道各个可分离路径上的分集增益之和,与窃听信道无关;对于恒定多径强度轮廓的同分布Nakagami衰落信道,WCDMA系统的安全分集增益为主信道的收/发天线数、多径个数以及Nakagami衰落系数四者之积。  相似文献   

Traditional fading mitigation techniques are designed relative to the worst‐case channel conditions, resulting in a poor utilization of the spectrum and the available power a good percentage of the time. In contrast, we introduce and investigate in this paper new adaptive modulation and diversity combining techniques that jointly select the most appropriate constellation size and the most suitable diversity branches in response to the channel variation and given a desired bit error rate (BER) requirement. Numerical results show that these newly proposed adaptive modulation and combining schemes can reduce considerably the average receiver channel estimation complexity as well as the power drain from the battery while offering high spectral efficiency and satisfying the desired outage probability and BER requirements. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A novel adaptive modulation based on nondata-aided error vector magnitude (NDA-EVM) was proposed to solve the problem of lower spectral efficiency in device to device (D2D) communication over Nakagami-m fading channel.The NDA-EVM was used to evaluate the channel quality.The relationship between NDA-EVM and symbol error ratio (SER) was derived according to the maximum likelihood method.Thereafter,the adaptive modulation mechanism of MQAM with the SER constraint was designed.Considering the joint effect of finite-length queuing and fading channel,the system packet loss rate and spectral efficiency was analyzed.Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments show that NDA-EVM based adaptive modulation accurately gives the modulation threshold and evaluates the relationship between QoS and packet loss rate,the proposed algorithm improves system spectral efficiency while maintaining low algorithm complexity,spectral efficiency improves by 0.752 bit·(s·Hz)-1,compared with traditional algorithm.  相似文献   

Introduced in 1993, turbo codes can achieve high coding gains close to the Shannon limit. In order to design power and bandwidth‐efficient coding schemes, several approaches have been introduced to combine high coding rate turbo codes with multilevel modulations. The coding systems thus obtained have been shown to display near‐capacity performance over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. For communications over fading channels requiring large coding gain and high bandwidth efficiency, it is also interesting to study bit error rate (BER) performance of turbo codes combined with high order rectangular QAM modulations. To this end, we investigate, in this paper, error performance of several bandwidth‐efficient schemes designed using the bit‐interleaved coded modulation approach that has proven potentially very attractive when powerful codes, such as turbo codes, are employed. The structure of these coding schemes, termed ‘bit‐interleaved turbo‐coded modulations’ (BITCMs), is presented in a detailed manner and their BER performance is investigated for spectral efficiencies ranging from 2 to 7 bit/s/Hz. Computer simulation results indicate that BITCMs can achieve near‐capacity performance over Rayleigh fading channels, for all spectral efficiencies considered throughout the paper. It is also shown that the combination of turbo coding and rectangular QAM modulation with Gray mapping constitutes inherently a very powerful association, since coding and modulation functions are both optimized for operation in the same signal‐to‐noise ratio region. This means that no BER improvement is obtainable by employing any other signal constellation in place of the rectangular ones. Finally, the actual influence of the interleaving and mapping functions on error performance of BITCM schemes is discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文提出了频率选择性瑞利衰落信道中的对角空频分组码(DSF),研究了码的性能。分析表明,在各天线对间的信道相互独立,系统有NT个发射天线,NR个接收天线和信道冲击响应长度是L时,DSF码可实现分集增益NRNTL。此外,相关的发射天线阵列会使DSF码分集增益下降,但是对码的性能影响不大,特别是在较长的多路径信道上。因此,DSF码对于相关的衰落信道显示出优越的鲁棒性能。最终仿真结果证实了本文的分析。  相似文献   

Closed form expressions for the average probability of packet error (PPE) are presented for no diversity, maximum ratio combining (MRC), selection combining (SC) and switch and stay combining (SSC) diversity schemes. The average PPE for the no diversity case is obtained in two alternative expressions assuming arbitrarily correlated Nakagami and Rician fading channels. For the MRC case, L diversity branches are considered and the channel samples are assumed to follow Nakagami distribution and to be arbitrarily correlated in both time and space. For the SC diversity scheme with L diversity branches, two bounds on the average PPE are derived for both slow and fast fading channels. The average PPE in this case is obtained in an infinite integral form for Nakagami channels while it is reduced to a closed form expression for the Rayleigh case. The average PPE is also derived in the case of SSC diversity with dual branches for both slow and fast Rayleigh fading channels. The new formulas are applicable for all modulation schemes where the conditional probability of error has an exponential dependence on the signal‐to‐noise ratio. The average PPE is then used to obtain a modified expression for the throughput for network protocols. In general, the diversity gain exhibits a little diminishing effect as the number of diversity branches increases. In addition, the system is found to be more sensitive to the space correlation than to the time correlation. The effects of different system parameters and diversity schemes are studied and discussed. Specific figures about the system performance are also provided. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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