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The design of programs which are both correct and robust is investigated. It is argued that the notion of an exception is a valuable tool for structuring the specification, design, verification, and modification of such programs. The syntax and semantics of a language with procedures and exception handling are presented. A deductive system is proposed for proving total correctness and robustness properties of programs written in this language. The system is both sound and complete. It supports proof modularization, in that it allows one to reason separately about fault-free and fault-tolerant system properties. Since the programming languages considered closely resembles CLU or Ada, the presented deductive system is easily adaptable for verifying total correctness and robustness properties of programs written in these, or similar, languages.  相似文献   

Daniel Hoffman 《Software》1989,19(2):127-148
Although software development based on modules is now widely practiced and taught, specification of module interfaces has received far less acceptance. Languages such as Ada and Modula-2 require an interface specification, but it is syntactic, merely listing the exported procedures and functions and their signatures. No semantic information is given, leaving the effect of each call on the return value of other calls unspecified. Module users must either guess the interface semantics or infer them from the module implementation, seriously compromising the value of the modular approach. Formal methods, such as the algebraic and trace approaches, do specify interface semantics, but have proved difficult to teach and to apply in practice. In this paper we present the software cost reduction (SCR) method for specifying the syntax and semantics of the module interface. We describe the basic approach and illustrate it on simple, but complete examples. We describe and demonstrate the additional features and techniques we have introduced to handle more complex problems. We also show the precise relationship between the SCR and trace techniques by presenting a method for converting any SCR specification to an equivalent trace specification.  相似文献   

贾国平  郑国梁 《软件学报》1997,8(2):107-114
本文提出了一个简单的方法,其中程序和其性质都由一个逻辑:时序逻辑中的公式表示.文中给出了一个程序的转换模块的定义,提出了时序执行语义的概念.它是一个时序公式,精确地说明了一个程序.将时序逻辑作为规范语言,程序正确性就意味着说明程序的公式蕴含说明性质的公式,其中蕴含即为一般的逻辑蕴含.因此,本文的方法为并发程序的规范及验证提供了一个统一的框架.它允许充分利用现有的用于证明并发系统时序性质的各种完全证明系统.一个缓冲系统的简单例子用来说明本文的方法.此例子表明本文的方法是可行的.  相似文献   

The Penelope verification editor and its formal basis are described. Penelope is a prototype system for the interactive development and verification of programs that are written in a rich subset of sequential Ada. Because it generates verification conditions incrementally, Penelope can be used to develop a program and its correctness proof in concert. If an already-verified program is modified, one can attempt to prove the modified version by replaying and modifying the original sequence of proof steps. Verification conditions are generated by predicate transformers whose logical soundness can be proven by establishing a precise formal connection between predicate transformation and denotational definitions in the style of continuation semantics. Penelope's specification language, Larch/Ada, belongs to the family of Larch interface languages. It scales up properly, in the sense that one can demonstrate the soundness of decomposing an implementation hierarchically and reasoning locally about the implementation of each node in the hierarchy  相似文献   

A framework for real-time discrete event control   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The TTM/RTTL (timed transition model with real-time temporal logic) framework is presented for modeling, specifying, and analyzing real-time discrete-event systems. TTMs are used to represent the process of the plant and its controller. RTTL is the assertion language for specifying plant behavior and verifying that a controller satisfies the specification. The framework adapts features from the program verification literature which are useful for posing problems of interest to the control engineer, such as modular synthesis and design. Examples are used to illustrate the ideas presented. The authors' published analytical results are summarized and referenced  相似文献   

Linguistic mechanisms for exception handling facilitate the production of reliable software and play an important role in fault tolerant computing. This paper describes the functional semantics of a Pascal-like language which supports exception handling and data abstraction. A program with exceptions is considered as having a standard semantics, as well as an exceptional semantics for each exception that may be signaled during its execution. Standard functional semantics methods provide rules to obtain the function representing the standard semantics. In this paper, we provide rules to determine the functions representing the exceptional semantics. We also describe a method for specifying and verifying the correctness of implementation of data types with exceptions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of formally specifying, refining and verifying concurrent systems which uses the object-oriented state-based specification language Object-Z together with the process algebra CSP. Object-Z provides a convenient way of modelling complex data structures needed to define the component processes of such systems, and CSP enables the concise specification of process interactions. The basis of the integration is a semantics of Object-Z classes identical to that of CSP processes. This allows classes specified in Object-Z to be used directly within the CSP part of the specification.In addition to specification, we also discuss refinement and verification in this model. The common semantic basis enables a unified method of refinement to be used, based upon CSP refinement. To enable state-based techniques to be used for the Object-Z components of a specification we develop state-based refinement relations which are sound and complete with respect to CSP refinement. In addition, a verification method for static and dynamic properties is presented. The method allows us to verify properties of the CSP system specification in terms of its component Object-Z classes by using the laws of the CSP operators together with the logic for Object-Z.  相似文献   

An object-oriented approach for specification and verification of real-time systems is described in this paper. It is motivated by taking advantage of object-oriented techniques to produce real-time software that is easy to understand, maintain, and reuse. The approach specifies the structural, behavioral, and control aspects of objects in one model with a textual representation as well as a graphical representation. For ease to comprehend and use, the model encapsulates object states and allows an analyst to focus on specifying object operations one at a time. System behavior from individual objects can be deduced and analyzed. For safety considerations, the approach supports specification of failures to object behavior and their resultant faults. The approach also supports modeling of timed temporal constraints for specifying and verifying desirable real-time properties. An object timed temporal logic OTTL is defined for expressing the syntax and semantics of these constraints. Decision procedures for their verification are also presented.  相似文献   

Our experience with design of Ada1 software has indicated that a methodology, based on formal algebra, can be developed which integrates the design and management of reusable components with Ada systems design. The methodology requires the use of a specification language, also based on formal algebra, to extend Ada's expressive power for this purpose. We show that certain requirements for the use of Ada packages which cannot be expressed in Ada can be expressed in algebraic specification languages, and that such specifications can then be implemented in Ada.  相似文献   

Two-level grammars can define the syntax and the operational semantics of programming languages and these definitions are directly executable by interpretation. In this paper it is shown that axiomatic semantics can also be defined using a two-level grammar with the result being a partially automatic program verification system accomplished within the framework of a language definition. These results imply that a programming language can be defined operationally and axiomatically together in complementary definitions as advocated by Hoare and Lauer. Because two-level grammars are executable, these complementary definitions accomplish a system for interpreting and verifying programs.  相似文献   

The use of the algebraic specification language OBJ3 [26] in hardware verification has been demonstrated on a number of small examples [62, 20, 63] and some large but regular structures [12, 11]. In this paper, we show that the approach can also be used for specifying and verifying large, irregular structures. We specify and partially verify Gordon's computer, a simple microprocessor. We believe that this is the largest hardware verification case study undertaken with OBJ3 so far.  相似文献   

Operational semantics is often presented in a rather syntactic fashion using relations specified by inference rules or equivalently by clauses in a suitable logic programming language. As it is well known, various syntactic details of specifications involving bound variables can be greatly simplified if that logic programming language has term-level abstractions (λ-abstraction) and proof-level abstractions (eigenvariables) and the specification encodes object-level binders using λ-terms and universal quantification. We shall attempt to extend this specification setting to include the problem of specifying not only relations capturing operational semantics, such as one-step evaluation, but also properties and relations about the semantics, such as simulation. Central to our approach is the encoding of generic object-level judgments (universally quantified formulas) as suitable atomic meta-level judgments. We shall encode both the one-step transition semantics and simulation of (finite) π-calculus to illustrate our approach.  相似文献   

M. I. Jackson 《Software》1985,15(3):305-318
A method is presented for the systematic development of sequential Ada programs using the Vienna Development Method (VDM). The approach is based upon using the facilities of Ada for supporting parameterized abstract data types to implement the primitives of the VDM specification language. More experimental work is required to assess the utility of the method, but a systematic approach is promised for using features of Ada unfamiliar to most programmers (e.g. packages, generics and exceptions). Familiarity with Ada is assumed. An overview of VDM is presented so that unfamiliar readers can understand the example given in the paper.  相似文献   

Workflow modeling is a challenging activity and designers are likely to introduce errors, especially in complex industrial processes. Effective process verification is essential at design time because the cost of fixing errors during runtime is substantially higher. However, most user-oriented workflow modeling languages lack formal semantics that hinders such verification. In this paper, we propose a generic approach based on the model transformation to verify workflow processes. The model transformation includes two steps: first, it formalizes the desirable semantics of each modeling element; secondly, it translates a workflow process with clear semantics to an equivalent Petri net. Thus, we can verify the original workflow process using existing Petri net theory and analysis tools. As a comprehensive case study, verifying workflow processes in an industrial modeling language (TiPLM) is presented. Experimental evaluations on verifying real-world business processes validate our approach.  相似文献   

The formalism of temporal logic has been suggested to be an appropriate tool for expressing the semantics of concurrent programs. This paper is concerned with the application of temporal logic to the specification of factors affecting the synchronization of concurrent processes. Towards this end, we first introduce a model for synchronization and axiomatize its behavior. SYSL, a very high-level language for specifying synchronization properties, is then described. It is designed using the primitives of temporal logic and features constructs to express properties that affect synchronization in a fairly natural and modular fashion. Since the statements in the language have intuitive interpretations, specifications are humanly readable. In addition, since they possess appropriate formal semantics, unambiguous specifications result.  相似文献   

Message Sequence Charts (MSC) is a graphical and textual specification language developed by ITU-T. It is widely used in telecommunication software engineering for specifying behavioral scenarios. Recently, the time concept has been introduced into MSC'2000. To support the specification and verification of real-time systems using timed MSC, we need to define its formal semantics. In this paper, we use timed lposet as a semantic model and give a formal semantics for timed MSC. We first define an event in a timed MSC as a timed lposet, then give a formal semantics for timed basic MSCs, timed MSCs with structures and high-level MSCs. In this paper, we also discuss some important issues related to timed MSC.  相似文献   

SLAN-4 (``Software Language-4') was developed to meet the need for a formal tool for specifying and designing large software systems. It provides language constructs for algebraic and axiomatic specifications and also pseudocode constructs for the design step. A major design goal was to ease subsequent refinements of a (given) specification. The design can start with a very informal specification, which can be implemented later using lower level concepts. This paper gives an overview of the SLAN-4 syntax and semantics. It concentrates on the most important aspects of: ? abstract data types, ? algebraic specification of abstract data types, and ? axiomatic specification of modules. Because the pseudocode part of SLAN-4 consists mainly of control structures similar to those in modern high-level programming languages, this element of the language is not separately described. The paper includes an example of how to use SLAN-4, and also the experiences gained in using the language to formally specify a real-world software product of about 18 000 lines of code written in an IBM internal high-level language.  相似文献   

Pat Allen  Alan Burns 《Software》1988,18(12):1125-1138
Program generation software is increasingly being used, not only to assist non-computer professionals to produce their own applications, but also to provide tools for programmers and designers. As part of the toolkit for an Ada dialogue development system, a program generator has been written in Ada to generate the package which codes the dialogue manager for a specified user interface. The input specifications and the method of generation are described. The advantages and disadvantages of Ada as the implementation, target and specification language are discussed.  相似文献   

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