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基于独立变桨距技术的风力发电机组载荷控制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了基于独立变桨距技术的风力发电机组的载荷控制,研究方法主要从空气动力学入手,建立了风力发电机组独立变桨距系统的多输入多输出线性化模型,利用d-q坐标变换将旋转坐标系下的载荷转换到固定坐标系下,设计模糊控制器,对d轴和q轴的载荷分量分别采用模糊PID控制.为了检验该控制方式的效果,在半物理实验平台上进行相应的仿真实验...  相似文献   

风电系统具有多变量、非线性以及不确定等特点,为了减小叶片不平衡载荷造成的机组疲劳和振动,在2 MW风力发电系统中采用了基于权系数的独立变桨距矢量控制。在MATLAB软件中建立机组的数学模型,与统一变桨距系统的控制效果进行比较,通过仿真验证了权系数独立变桨距矢量控制方案的合理性和优越性。  相似文献   

遗传算法在变桨距风力发电控制系统中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王松  姚兴佳 《新能源》2000,22(12):48-51
介绍了遗传算法的基本原理,讨论了一种应用遗传算法和模糊理论计算风力发电机变桨距控制器的方法,该方法利用遗传算法简单高效的寻优特点对模糊控制器的结构和参数进行优化设计。仿真结果表明,应用该方法设计的控制器具有很好的控制精度和动态特性,可应用于大型风力发机变桨距控制系统。  相似文献   

高峰  郭鹏 《动力工程学报》2014,34(10):784-789
提出一种利用预测载荷进行独立变桨距控制的方法,应用叶素理论进行载荷预测,对测量风速以及受风剪效应和塔影效应影响的轮毂风速进行修正,使载荷计算更加准确;应用粒子群算法进行桨距角优化控制,优化搜索中通过对目标函数的选取和相关参数的设定保证控制的实时性.应用Bladed软件对某1.5MW变桨距风电机组进行仿真.结果表明:所提出的独立变桨距控制方法可在保证功率控制的同时实现载荷控制,能有效减小风轮不均衡载荷,降低机组疲劳载荷.  相似文献   

定桨距是指桨叶根部与轮毂采用刚性联接,即桨叶的安装角(或称节距角)固定。定桨距风电机组常采用双速发电机,当低于额定风速时,低转速的小电机运行,以追求最佳的风能利用效率;当高于额定风速时,桨叶的攻角会增大,同时产生较大的涡流,使凤轮效率降低,发生失速,以限制发电机的输出功率。定桨距控制方法简单可靠,但由于桨叶较重,且控制...  相似文献   

基于模糊智能控制的变桨距风轮机桨距控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了风轮机桨距控制系统仿真,对风轮机模型采用BP神经网络逼近、控制器采用模糊智能控制.经风速阶跃响应的仿真结果表明,基于模糊控制技术的风轮机桨距控制可实现高于额定风速时的功率控制,转速响应调节时间短、超调量小、振荡少、变桨机构动作稳定、调节过程无反复抽动.  相似文献   

基于状态反馈线性化方法和最优控制理论,针对风速高于额定风速以上时,设计风力发电机组的非线性最优变桨距控制器,以保证系统的恒功率输出,并证明了该控制器的良好控制性能。  相似文献   

基于前馈补偿方位角权系数的分程独立变桨距控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据风速特性及桨叶的空气动力学分析得到独立变桨距控制的基本控制规律,提出基于前馈补偿的方位角权系数分程独立变桨距控制,此控制方法采用方位角权系数分配分别对3个桨叶的桨距角进行调整,实现独立变桨距控制,然后根据前馈补偿理论对变桨距过程进行分程独立变桨距控制。在Matlab中进行仿真。仿真结果表明,该控制方法不仅可实现风力机的独立变桨,在稳定输出功率的同时减小桨叶的拍打振动,且可避免由于全程独立变桨距桨叶调节频繁所引起的电动变桨执行电机因过热损坏的问题。控制方法简单,更适合用于独立动作的电动变桨距执行机构。  相似文献   

针对额定风速以上风电机组变桨距控制问题,提出了一种基于改进最小方差法的风电机组变桨距控制策略。该方法将延长预测步长思想,时变砺设计和柔化控制作用相结合,能够在突变过程初期,限制控制幅度,在控制后期能够加快收敛速度。同时与递推最小二乘辨识方法结合,用于额定风速以上风电机组变桨距控制系统。通过算例仿真表明,与传统的最小方差控制和PI控制方法相比,该方法能够使得系统响应迅速,在额定风速以上快速改变桨距角,保证了风电机组恒功率输出运行。  相似文献   

为了减小风力机叶轮的气动载荷,文章提出了将叶片方位角权系数分配与叶片根部气动载荷反馈相结合的独立变桨距控制方法(AAWC-LF)。控制器依据方位角的大小不同,利用权系数分配器重新分配每个叶片桨距角的调整变化量。同时,考虑到现场实际风速会突然大幅变化,在基于方位角权系数分配的独立变桨距控制基础上,增加了基于叶片根部实际气动载荷的桨距角修正环节。通过对比仿真曲线和实验结果,发现该算法增加了桨距角的调整次数,同时减小了叶轮所承受的气动载荷,对机组的输出有功功率没有形成冲击,叶轮转速更加平稳,控制效果较理想。  相似文献   

针对多自由度、非线性、强耦合的漂浮式风电机组,为了缓解其在额定风速以上出现的风轮载荷不平衡、漂浮式基础摇荡及功率输出不稳定等问题,提出了一种基于蚁群算法的独立变桨控制方法,用于动态优化PID控制器参数。针对传统蚁群算法搜索效率低、质量差等问题,文章采用最优-最劣蚂蚁系统对其改进,得到了更适用于漂浮式风电机组的蚁群PID独立变桨控制方法。FAST-Matlab/Simulink联合仿真结果表明,相比于PID独立变桨控制,基于蚁群算法的独立变桨控制方法能有效地减小桨叶根部所受力矩,缓解漂浮式基础的纵向运动,保证功率输出的稳定。  相似文献   

针对传统PID变桨控制器参数自调整性能较差,适应性不强的问题,文章提出了风电机组变初值模糊PI变桨控制算法。通过模糊控制算法实现了PI参数的自动调节,根据风速大小设计了合理的变初值调整算法,实现了模糊控制器初值的在线调节。基于FAST风机软件中5 MW陆上风电机组非线性模型,分析了风电机组在额定风速以上运行时变桨系统的动态特性,从算法结构出发,设计了合适的模糊规则和量化、比例因子以及变初值调整算法,在Matlab/Simulink中搭建了变初值模糊PI变桨控制策略。通过仿真验证了控制策略在抑制转速波动和风机叶片、塔基受力力矩波动方面具有较好的效果。  相似文献   

The reduction of structural loads is becoming an important objective for the wind turbine control system due to the ever‐increasing specifications/demands on wind turbine rated power and related growth of turbine dimensions. Among various control algorithms that have been researched in recent years, the individual pitch control has demonstrated its effectiveness in wind turbine load reduction. Since the individual pitch control, like other load reduction algorithms, requires higher levels of actuator activity, one must take actuator constraints into account when designing the controller. This paper presents a method for the inclusion of such constraints into a predictive wind turbine controller. It is shown that the direct inclusion of constraints would result in a control problem that is nonconvex and difficult to solve. Therefore, a modification of the constraints is proposed that ensures the convexity of the control problem. Simulation results show that the developed predictive control algorithm achieves individual pitch control objectives while satisfying all imposed constraints.  相似文献   

H. Namik  K. Stol 《风能》2010,13(1):74-85
Floating wind turbines offer a feasible solution for going further offshore into deeper waters. However, using a floating platform introduces additional motions that must be taken into account in the design stage. Therefore, the control system becomes an important component in controlling these motions. Several controllers have been developed specifically for floating wind turbines. Some controllers were designed to avoid structural resonance, while others were used to regulate rotor speed and platform pitching. The development of a periodic state space controller that utilizes individual blade pitching to improve power output and reduce platform motions in above rated wind speed region is presented. Individual blade pitching creates asymmetric aerodynamic loads in addition to the symmetric loads created by collective blade pitching to increase the platform restoring moments. Simulation results using a high‐fidelity non‐linear turbine model show that the individual blade pitch controller reduces power fluctuations, platform rolling rate and platform pitching rate by 44%, 39% and 43%, respectively, relative to a baseline controller (gain scheduled proportional–integral blade pitch controller) developed specifically for floating wind turbine systems. Turbine fatigue loads were also reduced; tower side–side fatigue loads were reduced by 39%. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As the size of wind turbines increases, the load alleviating capabilities of the turbine controller are becoming increasingly important. Load alleviating control schemes have traditionally been based on feedback from load sensor; however, recent developments of measurement technologies have enabled control on the basis of preview measurements of the inflow acquired using, e.g., light detection and ranging. The potential of alleviating load variations that are caused by mean wind speed changes through feed‐forward control have been demonstrated through both experiments and simulations in several studies, whereas the potential of preview control for alleviating the load variations caused by azimuth dependent inflow variations is less described. Individual or cyclic pitch is required to alleviate azimuth dependent load variations and is traditionally applied through feedback control of the blade root loads. In many existing studies, the performance of an advanced controller is compared with the performance of a simpler controller. In this study, the effect of three measurement types on the load alleviating performance of the same cyclic pitch control design is studied. By using a baseline cyclic pitch controller as test bench, the effect of the different measurement types on the controller performance can be assessed independent of control design. The three measurement types that are considered in this study are as follows: blade root out‐of‐plane bending moment, on‐blade measurements of angle of attack and relative velocity at a radial position of the blades, and upstream inflow measurements from a spinner mounted light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor that enables preview of the incoming flow field. The results show that for stationary inflow conditions, the three different measurement types yield similar load reductions, but for varying inflow conditions, the LiDAR sensor‐based controller yields larger load reductions than the two others. The results also show that the performance of the LiDAR sensor‐based controller is very sensitive to uncertainties relating to the inflow estimation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The excessive use of individual pitch control (IPC) for fatigue load reduction is accompanied by the uncertainty of potential bearing failures. This problem, which is due to the small swivel angles associated with IPC, arises because of the rolling and sliding contacts that occur with the rolling element bearings that are typically used. The use of a flexure bearing is proposed as a way of bypassing this issue. The flexure bearing enables a certain range of motion to be exclusively provided by elastic deformation. This article presents a novel bearing concept that is based on the hypothesis that such a flexure bearing can handle the unfavorable load conditions associated with IPC better than a rolling element bearing. Methods for the dimensioning of the aforementioned flexure bearing are therefore presented. The loads, particularly the required elastic rotation angle of the flexure bearing, are determined first. A promising design for the flexure bearing itself is then chosen and adapted to meet the specific requirements of IPC. These methods are applied to develop an initial conceptual design of the novel bearing unit for a 3‐bladed wind turbine of about 3.6 MW. The result demonstrates the feasibility of the concept, and a final discussion presents further opportunities of the design that will make this concept satisfy the special requirements of IPC.  相似文献   

提出了大型变速变桨风力发电机组在不同控制阶段的优化控制策略。在低风速时,采用自适应转矩控制方式,实现机组的变速运行,追踪最佳风能利用系数。在额定风速以上时,为了解决传统桨距控制方式系统超调量大的问题,提出了一种新型气动转矩观测器,并将气动转矩与发电机转矩偏差输入控制器。通过Bladed外部控制器模块编程并进行仿真,结果表明,所提出的控制策略能够更好地追踪最大功率点,并改善桨距控制效果,稳定功率输出。  相似文献   

The aerodynamic performance of offshore floating wind turbines (OFWTs) is more complicated than onshore wind turbines due to 6‐degree of freedom (DOF) motion of the floating platform. In the current study, the aerodynamic analysis of a horizontal‐axis floating offshore wind turbine is performed with the aim of studying the effects of floating platform movement on the aerodynamic characteristics of the turbine in the presence of a pitch angle control system. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 5‐MW offshore wind turbine is selected as the baseline wind turbine. For this sake, the unsteady blade element momentum method with dynamic stall and dynamic inflow models have been employed to obtain the unsteady aerodynamic loads. The baseline pitch angle control system is assumed to be coupled with the aerodynamic model to maintain the rated condition of the wind turbine and also to approach a closer model of wind turbine. In case of pitching motion input, the reduction of mean power coefficient for tip speed ratios (TSRs) less that 7 is expected by an amount of 16% to 20% at pitch amplitude of 2° and frequency of 0.1 Hz. For high TSRs, the trend is reverse with respect to fixed‐platform case. The mean thrust coefficient is reduced for almost all range of TSRs with maximum loss of 37%. Moreover, the mean control pitch angle that is an index of control system effort is increased. The results also represent the importance of considering the pitch control system for aerodynamic analysis of disturbed OFWT.  相似文献   

针对经典PID变桨距控制器超调量大、波动剧烈等缺陷,提出了一种采用模糊PI控制与前馈控制相结合的控制器来控制浆距角,进而使机组功率稳定在额定功率附近的控制思路。通过对某1.5MW风力发电机组进行仿真,结果表明,该控制器控制效果优于经典PID变桨距控制器。  相似文献   

Yanhua Liu  Ron J. Patton  Shuo Shi 《风能》2020,23(7):1523-1541
Offshore wind turbines suffer from asymmetrical loading (blades, tower, etc), leading to enhanced structural fatigue. As well as asymmetrical loading different faults (pitch system faults etc.) can occur simultaneously, causing degradation of load mitigation performance. Individual pitch control (IPC) can achieve rotor asymmetric loads mitigation, but this is accompanied by an enhancement of pitch movements leading to the increased possibility of pitch system faults, which exerts negative effects on the IPC performance. The combined effects of asymmetrical blade and tower bending together with pitch sensor faults are considered as a “co‐design” problem to minimize performance deterioration and enhance wind turbine sustainability. The essential concept is to attempt to account for all the “fault effects” in the rotor and tower systems, which can weaken the load reduction performance through IPC. Pitch sensor faults are compensated by the proposed fault‐tolerant control (FTC) strategy to attenuate the fault effects acting in the control system. The work thus constitutes a combination of IPC‐based load mitigation and FTC acting at the pitch system level. A linear quadratic regulator (LQR)‐based IPC strategy for simultaneous blade and tower loading mitigation is proposed in which the robust fault estimation is achieved using an unknown input observer (UIO), considering four different pitch sensor faults. The analysis of the combined UIO‐based FTC scheme with the LQR‐based IPC is shown to verify the robustness and effectiveness of these two systems acting together and separately.  相似文献   

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