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扫描电镜自动样品台控制系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要从自动样品台控制系统的功能分析、设计朱理以及运作过程的角度阐述其开发设计的基本思想与所采用方案,并通过对其性能、结构特点等的介绍表明系统具有相对独立性和扩展性,可对不同的电镜样品台进行改造,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

高性能聚焦离子束系统(简称FIB)具有许多独特且重要的功能,已广泛地应用于半导体工业中。近年来,FIB在材料科学研究领域也有了广泛的应用。本文主要介绍利用FIB快速制备TEM样品的方法。实验设备为日本精工公司生产的型号为Seiko SM12200的聚焦离子束系统。  相似文献   

在利用电子显微镜进行陶瓷,半导体等材料(包括横断面)的研究工作中,使用凹面磨坑机配合离子减薄仪,制备电镜样品,可以大大缩短制样时间,而且能得到高质量的电镜样品。一般电镜试样制备时,首先将块状样品用金刚石锯或机械方法切成厚度为200~300μm的薄片,然后,将薄片用胶或腊粘在玻璃片或金属托盘上,用氧化铝或金刚石磨料在平玻璃板上磨到100μm左右,将这样的试样用超声波钻切成Φ3mm的圆形薄片,放入离子减薄仪中减薄,上述的样品一般需减薄20~25小时以上。如果将上述磨好的试样,在放入离子减薄仪之前,用凹面磨坑机,在100μm厚的试样上,磨出凹坑,其坑的底部剩余厚度为20~30μ,如图1所示,对于硬试样,坑底  相似文献   

目前透射电镜的图像大多是由镜筒内荧光板通过目镜进行直接观察,或通过内置照相机进行拍照。美国Gatan公司早年研制并推出了透射电镜图像接收装置TV Control Unit Gatan Model 622 SC(简称TV622),其装置明显改善了透射电镜的观察手段,但其图像信号只用作即时观察,没有得到有效利用。大  相似文献   

培养细胞透射电镜超薄切片制备方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用透射电镜观察培养细胞的超微结构都离不开超薄切片的制备。培养细胞小、数量少以及培养细胞方式的多样化,这些都给样品制备工作带来一定的难度。完全按照文献报道的制备方法,已不能完全满足培养细胞电镜观察的要求。我们根据观察的需要选择细胞的不同培养方式,并根据不同的  相似文献   

TEM薄膜样品制备中的几点经验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
样品制备在电子显微学研究中至关重要,制备高质量的样品,是获得研究成果的关键之一。  相似文献   

近年来随着海藻经济价值的不断挖掘,对生活在水中的单细胞海藻的研究越来越深入。由于海藻具有单细胞的特性,又有植物细胞的某些特点如含有细胞壁,故在常规透射电镜样品制备中具有一定特殊性。我们在实验中逐步进行改进,以得满意结果,现予报道。  相似文献   

It has been popular to use transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation for investigating the microstructure of a phase-change optical disk. In the present work, a new method to prepare a plan-view TEM sample from a disk has been developed. In this method, a copper mesh is placed on a specific area of interest in the disk in advance and then the material is thinned down. By employing this procedure, it becomes possible for the first time to obtain foils that contain the specific area. Furthermore, an advanced method to prepare a cross-sectional TEM sample has also been developed, in which elimination of the polymer substrate is followed by ion milling. With this method, it is possible to prepare cross-sectional foils for high-resolution and analytical electron microscopy observations.  相似文献   

琼脂铸模法制备透射电镜样品   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍用琼脂铸模法制备透射电镜样品,如悬浮培养细胞、细菌、蓝藻、原生动物和花粉等细小分散的生物样品。该技术不但能将这类样品高度浓缩在一个微小的空间内,而且可简化样品制备步骤,减少样品损失,提高可观察样品的信息量。  相似文献   

A simple, new TEM specimen holder to detect cathodoluminescence (CL) in a transmission electron microscope has been developed. This holder accommodates a flat light-collecting reflector below the specimen and CL signals are guided to an optical spectrometer outside of the microscope through a quartz optical fibre. The compact system requires no modification of the microscope itself and allows large-angle specimen tilting and easy combination with other associate analytical tools. Test data are presented to aid the future application of the holder.  相似文献   

扫描电镜2000N在位拉伸台及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扫描电镜在位拉伸台是一种动态观察和分析材料微观变形形貌及断裂机制的手段 ,在材料科学前沿研究中发挥了重要作用。本室的在位拉伸台是利用 1987年引进的日本日立公司的S 5 70扫描电镜2 0 0N在位拉伸台委托北京力学所升级改造而成。经升级后最大载荷提高到 2 0 0 0N ,且加载、数据采集、曲线绘制全部实现微机控制。通过该系统可以对固体材料受力时的微区变形 ,损伤及破坏演化过程 ,进行跟踪观察、记录、同时绘制载荷、应变曲线。为定量描述材料的力学行为、研究材料的变形、裂纹扩展过程和界面破坏规律提供了一种非常有用的试验设备。1…  相似文献   

在应用扫描电子显微镜进行昆虫分类的工作中,有时需要对昆虫的某些特征部位进行特定角度的观察研究。而扫描电镜的常规制样方法不仅破坏昆虫样品,而且难以准确地控制要观察的部位。在实际工作中对于一些难于得到的珍稀昆虫样品来说,是非常遗憾而又必须加以改进的。  相似文献   

Modeling and control of a six-axis precision motion control stage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work presents a newly developed six-axis magnetic suspension stage for precision motion control. The designed travel volume is 4/spl times/4/spl times/2 mm in translation and 1/spl deg//spl times/1/spl deg//spl times/2/spl deg/ in rotation. A dynamic model of the feedback linearized and uncoupled stage is developed for the purpose of motion control. Model parameter variations are demonstrated through closed-loop system identification. In motion control, a parameter variation model is proposed in conjunction with a reduced order observer to compensate the joined effect of disturbance, modeling error, and cross coupling. Experimental results in terms of positioning stability, motion resolution, rotational motion control, model regulation, large travel multiaxis contouring, and disturbance rejection are shown. Uniform positioning stability and invariant dynamic response within the designed travel volume are illustrated.  相似文献   

A new method is proposed for preparing plan-view specimens of a CeO(2)/Gd(2)Zr(2)O(7) multilayer on a metal substrate using focused ion beam milling. In the plan-view specimen, a membrane from the surface region of the CeO(2) to the Gd(2)Zr(2)O(7) layer was thinned to electron transparence so that the entire span of the multilayer can be observed in a single sample. The in-plane alignments of the CeO(2) layer and the Gd(2)Zr(2)O(7) layer were analysed using selected-area diffraction patterns (SADPs). The boundaries between the CeO(2) grains were also examined using SADPs.  相似文献   

In this article, the effects of the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) specimen preparation techniques, such as ion milling and tripod polishing on perovskite oxides for high-resolution TEM investigation, are compared. Conventional and liquid nitrogen cooled ion milling induce a new domain orientation in thin films of SrRuO(3) and LaFeO(3) grown on (001)-oriented SrTiO(3) substrates. This is not observed in tripod-polished specimens. Different ion milling rates for thin films and substrates in cross-section specimens lead to artefacts in the interface region, degrading the specimen quality. This is illustrated by SrRuO(3) and PbTiO(3) thin films grown on (001)-oriented SrTiO(3). By applying tripod polishing and gentle low-angle, low-energy ion milling while cooling the sample, the effects from specimen preparation are reduced resulting in higher quality of the TEM study. In the process of making face-to-face cross-section specimens by tripod polishing, it is crucial that the glue layer attaching the slabs of material is very thin (<50 nm).  相似文献   

Automatic phase control of the Coulomb-blockade (CB) oscillation of a single-electron transistor (SET) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Charges in the memory node (MN) capacitively coupled to the SET control the phase of the CB oscillation. The output signal of the SET can controls chares in the MN. This feedback mechanism automatically adjusts the amount of charges, so that the output signal is leveled with a requested one for arbitrary input signal of the SET. The electrical phase control realizes the demonstration of a multifunctional Boolean logic.  相似文献   

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