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The initial hydration of C3S was found to be stimulated by adding to the paste prehydrated C3S and by lowering the Ca++ concentration of the liquid phase with oxalic acid. An addition of crystalline calcium hydroxide did not alter the duration of the induction period. Based on these findings the origin of the induction period in C3S hydration is discussed.  相似文献   

The length of the induction period of tricalcium silicate hydration has been found to be related to the probability of escape of trapped electrons measured by thermoluminescence on anhydrous sample. Several strong experimental evidences suggest an analogy between the hydration of tricalcium silicate with water vapour and the main reaction of the induction period in paste.On this basis a mechanism is tentatively proposed.  相似文献   

A reaction product believed to be an initial hydrate layer was observed to have formed on large pure C3S single crystals after 5 minutes of hydration. This layer then increased in thickness and became covered with micrometer-sized spheres of poorly crystallized Ca(OH)2 within 30 minutes. Subsequently, the formation of a new hydrate of acicular morphology was observed to occur on the surface of the first-formed hydrate. This transformation was accompanied by the disappearance of the first hydrate layer and the calcium hydroxide spheres. The observation of a transient initial hydrate is in accord with the view that the rate of early C3S hydration is controlled by the formation and subsequent disappearance of a barrier layer.  相似文献   

The initial hydration of C3S in paste form at room temperature was studied. The process is initiated by a short lasting rapid hydration in which about 1 – 2% of C3S is hydrated and a hydrate with low C/S and high H/S ratio is formed. After a subsequent induction period of 4 hours a renewed rapid hydration is observed in which a hydrate of constant stoichiometric composition, independent on the time of hydration is formed. This hydrate has a higher C/S and lower H/S ratio than the one formed initially. The liquid phase stays supersaturated with respect to calcium hydroxide for several hours after the induction period is terminated.  相似文献   

Based on conceptual models for the stages in the hydration of tricalcium silicate, a mathematical model was developed. The separate resistances in the mathematical model correspond to the phenomenological stages of the conceptual model. Comparison of model output with available hydration data gave a reasonable fit between the model and the data.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the influence of calcium salts, as set-controlling admixtures, on the hydration of tricalcium silicate. It is found that some admixtures modify the morphology of C-S-H gel and for calcium hydroxide. Changes in capillary porosity distribution can be correlated with changes in the morphology of the outermost C-S-H gel. It is concluded that capillary porosity, as controlled by the degree of hydration is still the dominant factor controlling tensile strength.  相似文献   

The mutual interaction of tricalcium silicate (C3S) and β-dicalcium silicate (β-C2S) in their combined hydration was studied. The rate of β-C2S hydration was accelerated significantly in the presence of C3S. The rate of C3S hydration was retarded, but only in the presence of large amounts of β-C2S. The stoichiometric composition and the pore structure of the hydrates formed was altered only unsignificantly when both compound hydrated simultaneously.  相似文献   

C3S has been hydrated for increasing time and stored for 2.5 years under normal atmosphere, the fresh and aged materials being characterized by X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. The carbonation occuring during storage gives rise to complete disappearance of CSH gel while portlandite remains in appreciable amount; the siliceous residue is an amorphous silica similar to common silica gels. The carbonates formed are vaterite and aragonite, the latter being relatively more important in samples with a low degree of hydration.  相似文献   

Pastes of C3S (w/c ratio = 0.5) were steam cured at 25, 40, 60 and 90°C for 1 hour to 30 days. The results obtained have shown that, as the curing temperature rises, the induction period is shortened and the initial rate of hydration of C3S is increased; at longer curings, on the other hand, such hydration rate is considerably lowered. In order to explain the influence of temperature on the hydration reaction a new hypothesis has been proposed, which takes into account the C/S molar ratio as well as the surface properties of the hydrated silicate.  相似文献   

The hydration of triclinic tricalcium silicate containing foreign oxides was investigated in this study. Two water/solid-ratios of 50 and 0.50 were applied. The kinetics of the reaction was analyzed by a combination of methods including thermal analysis, pore solution analysis, and calorimetry. From these data, the evolution of the rate of reaction during hydration was calculated. The results were compared to the free, unconstrained dissolution of tricalcium silicate in undersaturated solutions. Such dissolution rates were analyzed in a dissolution cell connected to an ICP-OES instrument. A comparison of the free dissolution rate in the absence of precipitation of hydrates to the rate of reaction showed that the dissolution of tricalcium silicate is much faster than the rate of reaction of the global process.  相似文献   

A kinetic model describing the hydration of C3S has been developed. The model is predicated on the assumption that the formation of a final hydrate phase initiates in transient hydrate layers which surround the anhydrous grains. This transformation results in the onset of the acceleratory period. The model predicts C-S-H formation to be controlled by interfacial processes during the acceleratory period and by diffusional processes thereafter and that the growth of particles is essentially one-dimensional throughout the course of both the acceleratory and post-acceleratory periods.  相似文献   

C3S samples of different fineness were precured at room temperature and subsequently autoclaved. It was found that, as the fineness is increased: 1) the effect of precuring on the hydration rate of C3S in autoclave is less evident; 2) the precuring time corresponding to the highest amount of C3SH1.5 becomes longer; 3) particularly for short precuring times, the quantity of C3SH1.5 decreases and the formation of α-C2SH is favored; 4) the amounts of the two crystalline hydrated silicates are reduced while the formation of CSH is favored.  相似文献   

Mechanical milling was carried out to synthesize amorphous tricalcium silicate (Ca3SiO5) sample, where Ca3SiO5 is the most principal component of Portland cement. The partial phase transformation from the crystalline to the amorphous state was observed by X-ray and neutron diffractions. Moreover, it was found that the structural distortion on the Ca-O correlation exists in the milled Ca3SiO5. The hydration of the milled Ca3SiO5 with D2O proceeds as follows: the formation of hydration products such as Ca(OD)2 rapidly occurs in the early hydration stage, and then proceeds slowly after about 15 h. The induction time for the hydration of the milled Ca3SiO5 is approximately one half shorter than that for the hydration of the unmilled one. This result means that the mechanical milling brings about the chemical activity of Ca3SiO5 for hydration, and may be particularly useful for increasing the reactivity in the early hydration stage.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the aqueous phase composition during the hydration of tricalcium silicate (C3S) is a key issue for the understanding of cement hydration. A new in situ method of computing calcium ion concentration from the measurement of the electrical conductivity on paste was coupled to isothermal calorimetry and BET measurements to get new insights on the early hydration of C3S. Ion concentrations of the aqueous phase are mainly dependent on the degree of hydration and the water to C3S ratio. In the case of C3S paste, the calcium and silicon concentrations determined at low degrees of hydration can be related to the equilibrium curve of C-S-H having C/S = 1.27 and named C1.27SHy. It is expected that C1.27SHy thermodynamically controls the aqueous phase composition at this early stage. Indeed, the formation of C1.27SHy is quasi-immediate when C3S is in contact with water inducing a very rapid increase of the specific surface area that remains constant during the induction period. At higher degrees of hydration, the aqueous phase composition departs from the C1.27SHy equilibrium curve. C1.27SHy appears to be a metastable C-S-H that could be related to an intermediate phase previously reported. The quasi-immediate precipitation of C1.27SHy on C3S surface explains why calcium and silicon concentrations remain low during early hydration even though C3S is strongly undersaturated. This also agrees with the control of the end of the induction period by the nucleation and growth of more stable C-S-H.  相似文献   

The influence of various chlorides and potassium salts on the hydration of alite (3CaO·SiO2 solid solution) has been studied by conduction calorimetry and an explanation based on diffusion experiments in hardened Portland cement is presented. The mechanism of the action of inorganic electrolytes on cement hydration was also investigated. In hardened Portland cement the diffusion rate of the Cl? ion was greater than that of the coexisting cations. The accelerating effect of inorganic electrolytes was dependent mainly on the mobility of anions. The higher the anion mobility, the greater was the accelerating effect on the hydration. It is shown that the hydration of alite is a topochemical reaction and that the rate of hydration of alite is controlled by the rate of the dissolution of Ca2+ or OH? ions into a liquid phase. It is concluded that the dissolution of OH? ions from the hydrate layer around the cement particle is increased when the reciprocal diffusion action of the anion accelerates the hydration.  相似文献   

The hydration characteristics of 3CaO.SiO2 or β2CaO.SiO2 are studied by an addition of 0.0, 0.1, 0.5 or 1.0% triethanolamine. The amount of Ca(OH)2 found at 1, 3, 7 or 28 days was in the order C3S + 0% TEA > C3S +0.1% TEA > C3S + 0.5% TEA > C3S+1.0% TEA, irrespective of whether lime was estimated by X-ray, DTA, TGA or chemical analysis. The rate of hydration, in terms of the disappearance of 3CaO.SiO2, showed that hydration proceeded faster in the presence of TEA after 1 day. Additions of TEA increase the induction period, promote the formation of a C-S-H with higher CaO/SiO2 ratio, increase the formation of non-crystalline Ca(OH)2 and enhance the surface area of the hydrated silicate product.  相似文献   

The effect of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0% of calcium formate on the hydration of C3S has been studied. Free lime determinations, non-evaporable water content, pH of the liquid phase, zeta potential, thermal analysis and infrared spectral studies have been made for understanding the mechanism of action of calcium formate. Results indicate that calcium formate acts as an accelerator up to 2%. Above this concentration, the excess of it has practically no effect.  相似文献   

The influence of active silica upon the tricalcium silicate hydration was studied. On the microcalorimetric curves a considerable acceleration of the process with dormant period elimination was observed. The reason for this is the lowering of calcium ions concentration in the solution as they are consumed, rapidly by the CSH phase formation of a low C/S ratio. Basing on these results the authors presume that the delaying factor of C3S hydration process is the quasi-stationary layer supersaturated with calcium ions surrounding the anhydrous grains of tricalcium silicate.  相似文献   

A new interpretation on the hydration mechanism of the tricalcium silicate is given. This interpretation is dependent on the total released lime extraction, free, interlayer and “bound” limes, by the modified Franke's method in which the lithium chloride is used as accelerator and to increase the solubility of the complex formed (1). The chemical studies as well as the infrared spectra of the hydrated tricalcium silicate after complete hydration (3.5 years) is identical with the natural and synthetic mineral tobermorite, 5CaO.6SiO2.5H2O and is far from the tobermorite-like structure, 3CaO.2SiO2.3H2O as stated earlier. The hydration mechanism is divided into five stages which are discussed in full detail.  相似文献   

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy allows the analysis of surface layers with a thickness of a few nanometers. The method is sensitive to the chemical environment of the atoms since the binding energy of the electrons depends on the chemical bonds to neighboring atoms. It has been applied to the hydration of tricalcium silicate (Ca3SiO5, C3S) by analyzing a sample after 30 min of hydration. Also two references have been investigated namely anhydrous C3S and intermediate phase in order to enable a quantitative evaluation of the experimental data. In the hydrated C3S sample, the analyzed volume (0.2 mm2 surface by 13 nm depth) contained approximately 44 wt.% of C3S and 56 wt.% of intermediate phase whereas CSH was not detected. Scanning Electron Microscopy data and geometric considerations indicate that the intermediate phase forms a thin layer having a thickness of approximately 2 nm and covers the complete surface instead of forming isolated clusters.  相似文献   

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