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Liquid hydrogen is increasingly being used as a delivery and storage medium for stations that provide compressed gaseous hydrogen for fuel cell electric vehicles. In efforts to provide scientific justification for separation distances for liquid hydrogen infrastructure in fire codes, the dispersion characteristics of cryogenic hydrogen jets (50–64 K) from high aspect ratio nozzles have been measured at 3 and 5 barabs stagnation pressures. These nozzles are more characteristic of unintended leaks, which would be expected to be cracks, rather than conventional round nozzles. Spontaneous Raman scattering was used to measure the concentration and temperature field along the major and minor axes. Within the field of interrogation, the axis-switching phenomena was not observed, but rather a self-similar Gaussian-profile flow regime similar to room temperature or cryogenic hydrogen releases through round nozzles. The concentration decay rate and half-widths for the planar cryogenic jets were found to be nominally equivalent to that of round nozzle cryogenic hydrogen jets indicating a similar flammable envelope. The results from these experiments will be used to validate models for cryogenic hydrogen dispersion that will be used for simulations of alternative scenarios and quantitative risk assessment.  相似文献   

A dynamic model is used to characterize cryogenic H2 storage in an insulated pressure vessel that can flexibly hold liquid H2 and compressed H2 at 350 bar. A double-flow refueling device is needed to ensure that the tank can be consistently refueled to its theoretical capacity regardless of the initial conditions. Liquid H2 charged into the tank is stored as supercritical fluid if the initial tank temperature is >120 K and as a subcooled liquid if it is <100 K. An in-tank heater is needed to maintain the tank pressure above the minimum delivery pressure. Even if H2 is stored as a supercritical fluid, liquid H2 will form as H2 is withdrawn and will further transform to a two-phase mixture and ultimately to a superheated gas. The recoverable fraction of the total stored inventory depends on the minimum H2 delivery pressure and the power rating of the heater. The dormancy of cryogenic H2 is a function of the maximum allowable pressure and the pressure of stored H2; the evaporative losses cannot deplete H2 from the tank beyond 64% of the theoretical storage capacity.  相似文献   

In the present work release and ignition experiments with horizontal cryogenic hydrogen jets at temperatures of 35–65 K and pressures from 0.7 to 3.5 MPa were performed in the ICESAFE facility at KIT. This facility is specially designed for experiments under steady-state sonic release conditions with constant temperature and pressure in the hydrogen reservoir. In distribution experiments the temperature, velocity, turbulence and concentration distribution of hydrogen with different circular nozzle diameters and reservoir conditions was investigated for releases into stagnant ambient air. Subsequent combustion experiments of hydrogen jets included investigations on the stability of the flame and its propagation behaviour as function of the ignition position. Furthermore combustion pressures and heat radiation from the sonic jet flame during the combustion process were measured. Safety distances were evaluated and an extrapolation model to other jet conditions was proposed. The results of this work provide novel data on cryogenic sonic hydrogen jets and give information on the hazard potential arising from leaks in liquid hydrogen reservoirs.  相似文献   

Of cryogenic liquid hydrogen tanks for future airliners, their volumetric and gravimetric efficiencies, their robustness and their environmental adaptability are all strengthened via a novel thermal insulation concept proposed in this work.A conventional cryogenic tank is insulated either purely by a layer/layers of Polyurethane (PU) foam or by a vacuum-based multilayer insulation (MLI). In the new concept, an extra layer is inserted into the PU foam. The intermediate layer can be filled with liquid nitrogen while on the ground or with ambient air during flight.By this new design, analysis shows an approximate 33% volumetric saving compared to PU insulation. Furthermore, a 6-fold amount of passive heat input during cruise flight is easily achieved compared to the rest two concepts. This showcases an increased robustness against possible failure of the tank's active heating system, and the potential for significant parasitic power loss reduction.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional direct numerical simulations with detailed chemistry were performed to investigate the effect of equivalence ratio on spatial variations of the heat release rate and flame markers of hydrogen/carbon monoxide syngas expanding spherical premixed flames under turbulent conditions at elevated pressures. The flame structures and the heat release rate were analysed and compared between fuel-lean, stoichiometric and fuel-rich centrally ignited spherical flames. The equivalence ratio changes the balance among thermo-diffusive effects, Darrieus–Landau instability and turbulence, leading to different flame dynamics and the heat release rate distribution, despite exhibiting similar cellular and wrinkling flames. The Darrieus–Landau instability is relatively insensitive to the equivalence ratio while the thermo-diffusive process is strongly affected by the equivalence ratio. As the thermo-diffusive effect increases as the equivalence ratio decreases, the fuel-lean flame is more unstable than the fuel-rich flame with the stoichiometric flame in between, under the joint effects of the thermo-diffusive instability and the Darrieus–Landau instability. The local heat release rate and curvature display a positive correlation for the lean flame, no correlation for the stoichiometric flame, and negative correlation for the rich flame. Furthermore, for the fuel-lean flame, the low and high heat release rate values are found in the negative and positive curvature zones, respectively, while for the fuel-rich flame, the opposite trends are found. It is found that heat release rate markers based on species concentrations vary strongly with changing equivalence ratio. The results suggest that the HCO, HO2 concentrations and product of OH and CH2O concentrations show good correlation with the local heat release rate for H2/CO premixed syngas-air stoichiometric flame under turbulent conditions at elevated pressures.  相似文献   

The heat transfer and phase change processes of cryogenic liquid hydrogen (LH2) in the tank have an important influence on the working performance of the liquid hydrogen-liquid oxygen storage and supply system of rockets and spacecrafts. In this study, we use the RANS method coupled with Lee model and VOF (volume of fraction) method to solve Navier-stokes equations. The Lee model is adopted to describe the phase change process of liquid hydrogen, and the VOF method is utilized to calculate free surface by solving the advection equation of volume fraction. The model is used to simulate the heat transfer and phase change processes of the cryogenic liquid hydrogen in the storage tank with the different gravitational accelerations, initial temperature, and liquid fill ratios of liquid hydrogen. Numerical results indicate greater gravitational acceleration enhances buoyancy and convection, enhancing convective heat transfer and evaporation processes in the tank. When the acceleration of gravity increases from 10?2 g0 to 10?5 g0, gaseous hydrogen mass increases from 0.0157 kg to 0.0244 kg at 200s. With the increase of initial liquid hydrogen temperature, the heat required to raise the liquid hydrogen to saturation temperature decreases and causes more liquid hydrogen to evaporate and cools the gas hydrogen temperature. More cryogenic liquid hydrogen (i.e., larger the fill ratio) makes the average fluid temperature in the tank lower. A 12.5% reduction in the fill ratio resulted in a decrease in fluid temperature from 20.35 K to 20.15 K (a reduction of about 0.1%, at 200s).  相似文献   

Fundamental insight into the physics of buoyant gas dispersion from realistic flow geometries is necessary to accurately predict flow structures associated with hydrogen outflow from accidental leaks and the associated flammability envelope. Using helium as an experimental proxy, turbulent buoyant jets issuing from high-aspect-ratio slots on the side wall of a circular tube were studied experimentally applying simultaneous particle image velocimetry (PIV) and planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) techniques. Two slots with an aspect ratio of 10 were considered in this study. The effects of buoyancy, asymmetry, jet densities and Reynolds numbers on the resulting flow structure were studied in both vertical and horizontal orientations. Significant discrepancies were found between the evolution of current realistic jets issuing from curved surfaces and conventional high-aspect-ratio jets originating from flat surfaces. These realistic pipeline leak-representative jets were found to deflect along the jet streamwise axis. It was found that increases in aspect ratio caused a reduction in the angle of deflection, jet centreline decay rates and the lateral growth of both velocity and scalar fields compared to their non-planar round jet counterparts, most notably in the far field.  相似文献   

The common misconception that hydrogen flames are not visible is examined. Examples are presented of clearly visible emissions from typical hydrogen flames. It is shown that while visible emissions from these flames are considerably weaker than those from comparable hydrocarbon flames, they are indeed visible, albeit at reduced light levels in most cases. Detailed flame spectra are presented to characterize flame emission bands in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions of the spectrum that result in a visible hydrogen flame. The visible blue emission is emphasized, and recorded spectra indicate that fine spectral structure is superimposed on a broadband continuum extending from the ultraviolet into the visible region. Tests were performed to show that this emission does not arise from carbon or nitrogen chemistry resulting from carbon-containing impurities (hydrocarbons) in the hydrogen fuel or from CO2 or N2 entrainment from the surrounding air. The spectral structure, however, is also observed in methane flames. The magnitude of the broadband emission increases with flame temperature in a highly nonlinear manner while the finer spectral structure is insensitive to temperature. A comparison of diffusion and premixed H2 flames shows that the fine scale structure is comparable in both flames.  相似文献   

The thermal hazards from ignited under-expanded cryogenic releases are not yet fully understood and reliable predictive tools are missing. This study aims at validation of a CFD model to simulate flame length and radiative heat flux for cryogenic hydrogen jet fires. The simulation results are compared against the experimental data by Sandia National Laboratories on cryogenic hydrogen fires from storage with pressure up to 5 bar abs and temperature in the range 48–82 K. The release source is modelled using the Ulster's notional nozzle theory. The problem is considered as steady-state. Three turbulence models were applied, and their performance was compared. The realizable k-ε model showed the best agreement with experimental flame length and radiative heat flux. Therefore, it has been employed in the CFD model along with Eddy Dissipation Concept for combustion and Discrete Ordinates (DO) model for radiation. A parametric study has been conducted to assess the effect of selected numerical and physical parameters on the simulations capability to reproduce experimental data. DO model discretisation is shown to strongly affect simulations, indicating 10 × 10 as minimum number of angular divisions to provide a convergence. The simulations have shown sensitivity to experimental parameters such as humidity and exhaust system volumetric flow rate, highlighting the importance of accurate and extended publication of experimental data to conduct precise numerical studies. The simulations correctly reproduced the radiative heat flux from cryogenic hydrogen jet fire at different locations.  相似文献   

The characteristics of hydrogen/air flame were studied by using the spherical expanding flame propagated in a constant volume chamber. The influence of ignition induced blast wave and the flame instability on flame propagation was investigated. The nonlinear evaluation method for laminar flame parameter evaluation was established. By using the nonlinear evaluation method and the experimental results of flame propagation, the laminar flame speed and Markstein length were extracted and the difference between the nonlinearly evaluated laminar flame speed and the linearly evaluated one was analyzed. The influence of initial pressure and equivalence ratio on laminar flame speed and flame thickness was investigated. The laminar flame speed varies with equivalence ratio and initial pressure. There exists an equivalence ratio at which the laminar flame speed gets its maximum value. And there also exists an initial pressure at which the laminar flame speed gets its maximum value. The critical radius, Markstein length and flame instability of hydrogen/air flame with different equivalence ratio at different initial pressure had been studied. In hydrogen/air flame the flame stability decreases with the increase of initial pressure, while it increases with the increase of equivalence ratio. The global stability of flame is determined by the combination of the stabilizing effect of stretch effect, thermodiffusive instability mechanism and hydrodynamic instability mechanism.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that heat release fluctuations generated by equivalence ratio perturbations may constitute sources of instability with effects similar to those induced by acoustic perturbations. The present article addresses this issue by considering the dynamics of an inverted laminar dihedral (“V”) flame spreading in an open geometry when this flame is submitted to equivalence ratio modulations. The problem is investigated with numerical simulations by first establishing a steady state flame which then evolves in a uniform flow transporting a fixed level of equivalence ratio perturbations. The flame features wrinkles of increasing amplitude locking on the convected composition perturbations. The wrinkling amplitude grows with distance from the injector. For sufficiently large wrinkle amplitudes, the flame interacts with the fresh mixture outer boundary, giving rise to sudden disruptions of the flame sheet. The rapid burning of fresh mixture pockets generates a nonlinear heat release signal with abrupt changes in the waveform. It is found that high levels of modulation induce axial velocity perturbations, which in turn interact with the flame and modify the response. Calculations described in this article may serve to guide analytical modeling of the response of combustion to equivalence ratio inhomogeneities. A simple model is devised on this basis to distinguish regimes corresponding to weak and strong interactions.  相似文献   

The paper deals with an analysis of the results of theoretical and experimental research on an evaporating system for cryogenic support as supplied to long length thermostatting channels of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) cables and hybrid power transmission lines as well as thermal control systems for cryogenic components in aircraft fuel tanks during long-term spaceflights. Experimental evidence for nitrogen and hydrogen are presented here. The importance of such research for practical application in developing modern cryostatting systems has been highlighted.The design of an experimental hybrid power transmission line for studying thermostatting of superconducting power cables has been considered in the paper. The transmission line contains three sections with different types of thermal insulation and current leads providing high current supply to superconducting threads with minimum external heat inflow. The unique experimental data on heat inflows from the outer surface of the transmission line in different sections has been obtained by the authors. It is shown that it may be possible to compensate fully for external heat inflow to a cryogenic line as well as to lower the temperature of a cryogenic coolant in the section with an evaporating system for cryogenic support. In order to determine the possible length of the cryostatting work field of a long length superconducting cable, estimates of using liquid nitrogen and liquid hydrogen as a working fluid for various mass flow rates of the coolant feed have been made via the mathematical model describing physical processes in a thermostatting channel using an evaporating system for cryogenic support. Calculation data on changes in the length of the long length temperature cryostat, pressure and cooling capacity of the evaporating cryostat system has been obtained.  相似文献   

A numerical model considering phase change and heat transfer was established by the Euler-Euler two-fluid method to investigate the storage characteristics and two-phase flow field of slush hydrogen. Numerous numerical simulations were performed to discuss the effect of particle diameter (dp = 0.02–0.5 mm), content of solid hydrogen (αs = 10%–50%), and heat leakage (q = 50–200W·m−2) on the flow field. It was found that particle deposition could occur during the storage process, and there exist moving vortices with contrary directions under specific conditions. The sedimentation characteristics and vortex size are influenced by many factors including particle size, solid hydrogen content, and heat leakage. An increase in particle size could lead to the strengthening of precipitation and the expansion of the counterclockwise vortex region on the right side of the tank. And the increase in solid hydrogen content could result in more deposition and more collisions and friction between particles. Moreover, the increase in heat leakage could increase the area of the counterclockwise vortex. Numerical results of the deposition and flow field characteristics in the storage tank could clearly show the physical law of the slush hydrogen so that the uniform distribution of slush hydrogen could be promoted for efficient storage and application.  相似文献   

This article describes an experimental investigation of the forced response of a swirl-stabilized partially premixed flame when it is subjected to acoustic velocity and equivalence ratio fluctuations. The flame’s response is analyzed using phase-resolved CH* chemiluminescence images and flame transfer function (FTF) measurements, and compared with the response of a perfectly premixed flame under acoustic perturbations. The nonlinear response of the partially premixed flame is manifested by a partial extinction of the reaction zone, leading to rapid reduction of flame surface area. This nonlinearity, however, is observed only when the phase difference between the acoustic velocity and the equivalence ratio at the combustor inlet is close to zero. The condition, ΔφΦ-V≈0°, indicates that reactant mixtures with high equivalence ratio impinge on the flame front with high velocity, inducing large fluctuations of the rate of heat release. It is found that the phase difference between the acoustic velocity and equivalence ratio nonuniformities is a key parameter governing the linear/nonlinear response of a partially premixed flame, and it is a function of modulation frequency, inlet velocity, fuel injection location, and fuel injector impedance. The results presented in this article will provide insight into the response of a partially premixed flame, which has not been well explored to date.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements were made on the concentration and temperature fields of cryogenic hydrogen jets. Images of spontaneous Raman scattering from a pulsed planar laser sheet were used to measure the concentration and temperature fields from varied releases. Jets with up to 5 bar pressure, with near-liquid temperatures at the release point, were characterized in this work. This data is relevant for characterizing unintended leaks from piping connected to cryogenic hydrogen storage tanks, such as might be encountered at a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle fueling station. The average centerline mass fraction was observed to decay at a rate similar to room temperature hydrogen jets, while the half-width of the Gaussian profiles of mass fraction were observed to spread more slowly than for room temperature hydrogen. This suggests that the mixing and models for cryogenic hydrogen may be different than for room temperature hydrogen. Results from this work were also compared to a one-dimensional (streamwise) model. Good agreement was seen in terms of temperature and mass fraction. In subsequent work, a validated version of this model will be exercised to quantitatively assess the risk at hydrogen fueling stations with cryogenic hydrogen on-site.  相似文献   

We have modeled sudden hydrogen expansion from a cryogenic pressure vessel. This model considers real gas equations of state, single and two-phase flow, and the specific “vessel within vessel” geometry of cryogenic vessels. The model can solve sudden hydrogen expansion for initial pressures up to 1210 bar and for initial temperatures ranging from 27 to 400 K. For practical reasons, our study focuses on hydrogen release from 345 bar, with temperatures between 62 K and 300 K. The pressure vessel internal volume is 151 L. The results indicate that cryogenic pressure vessels may offer a safety advantage with respect to compressed hydrogen vessels because i) the vacuum jacket protects the pressure vessel from environmental damage, ii) hydrogen, when released, discharges first into an intermediate chamber before reaching the outside environment, and iii) working temperature is typically much lower and thus the hydrogen has less energy. Results indicate that key expansion parameters such as pressure, rate of energy release, and thrust are all considerably lower for a cryogenic vessel within vessel geometry as compared to ambient temperature compressed gas vessels. Future work will focus on taking advantage of these favorable conditions to attempt fail-safe cryogenic vessel designs that do not harm people or property even after catastrophic failure of the inner pressure vessel.  相似文献   

Free-piston linear generator (FPLG) engines currently gained great attention due to their capability to operate with variable fuel and compression ratio. This paper presents an experimental study on the effect of aspect ratio on the performance characteristics of the FPLG engine fueled by hydrogen. Three aspect ratios (i.e. 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0) are used to identify the engine combustion and performance parameters. The injection position is fixed in the middle of the stroke, while the equivalence ratio is kept at 1.0. The results indicate that the aspect ratio 2.0 produces the highest pressure, heat release, and shortest combustion duration. Whereas the aspect ratio 1.0 produces higher combustion efficiency and operating frequency. The piston speed decreases with the decrease in aspect ratio, which gives a negative effect on the indicated mean effective pressure and power output of the PFLG. Overall, the aspect ratio has a significant influence on engine performance characteristics.  相似文献   

Comparison of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) predictions with measurements is presented for cryo-compressed hydrogen vertical jets. The stagnation conditions of the experiments are characteristic of unintended leaks from pipe systems that connect cryogenic hydrogen storage tanks and could be encountered at a fuel cell refueling station. Jets with pressure up to 5 bar and temperatures just above the saturation liquid temperature were examined. Comparisons are made to the centerline mass fraction and temperature decay rates, the radial profiles of mass fraction and the contours of volume fraction. Two notional nozzle approaches are tested to model the under-expanded jet that was formed in the tests with pressures above 2 bar. In both approaches the mass and momentum balance from the throat to the notional nozzle are solved, while the temperature at the notional nozzle was assumed equal to the nozzle temperature in the first approach and was calculated by an energy balance in the second approach. The two approaches gave identical results. Satisfactory agreement with the measurements was found in terms of centerline mass fraction and temperature. However, for test with 3 and 4 bar release the concentration was overpredicted. Furthermore, a wider radial spread was observed in the predictions possibly revealing higher degree of diffusion using the k-ε turbulence model. An integral model for cryogenic jets was also developed and provided good results. Finally, a test simulation was performed with an ambient temperature jet and compared to the cold jet showing that warm jets decay faster than cold jets.  相似文献   

In this work, buoyancy effects on hydrogen jet flames confined in a small tube without air co-flow were numerically investigated. The results show that the extinction limit of fuel velocity under buoyant condition is much lower than that without buoyancy. Moreover, hydrogen flames under buoyant condition attatch the nozzle exit for all fuel velocities investigated; however, the flames without buoyancy surround the lower wall at low fuel velocity. In addition, combustion is nearly complete in the presence of buoyancy, whereas the combustion efficiency under non-buoyant condition is below 45%. Furthermore, flame temperature under buoyant condition is much higher compared to the counterpart under non-buoyant condition at low and moderate fuel velocities. Analysis reveals that in the case without buoyancy, the negative gauge pressure in the annular space is unable to entrain sufficient air from the ambient. Hence, hydrogen has to diffuse downwards to sustain the flame and complete combustion is unrealizable.  相似文献   

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