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We have demonstrated a hydrogen (H2) refueling solution capable of delivering precooled, compressed gaseous hydrogen for heavy duty vehicle (HDV) refueling applications by refueling transit buses over a three-month period under real-world conditions. The system uses a submerged pump to deliver pressurized liquid H2 from a cryogenic storage tank to a dispensing control loop that vaporizes the liquid and adjusts the pressure and temperature of the resulting gas to enable refueling at 35 MPa and temperatures as low as −40 °C, consistent with the SAE J2601 standard. Using our full-scale mobile refueler, we completed 118 individual bus filling events using 13 different vehicles, involving a total of 3,700 kg of H2 dispensed. We report filling statistics from the entire campaign, details on individual fills (including fill times, final state of charge, benefits of pre-cooled fills, and back-to-back filling capabilities), and discuss transit agency feedback on technology performance. In our final test, the system successfully completed an endurance test using a single dispenser involving 52 consecutive individual fills over an 11.5-h period, dispensing 1,322 kg of H2 with an average fill rate of 3.4 kg/min and peak rate of 7.1 kg/min, and reaching an average SOC of 97.6% across all fills.  相似文献   

Recent progress in submerged liquid hydrogen (LH2) cryopump technology development offers improved hydrogen fueling performance at a reduced cost in medium- and heavy-duty (MDV and HDV) fuel cell vehicle refueling applications at 35 MPa pressure, compared to fueling via gas compression. In this paper, we evaluate the fueling cost associated with cryopump-based refueling stations for different MDV and HDV hydrogen demand profiles. We adapt the Heavy Duty Refueling Station Analysis Model (HDRSAM) tool to analyze the submerged cryopump case, and compare the estimated fuel dispensing costs of stations supplied with LH2 for fueling Class 4 delivery van (MDV), public transit bus (HDV), and Class 8 truck (HDV) fleets using cryopumps relative to station designs. A sensitivity analysis around upstream costs illustrates the trade-offs associated with H2 production from onsite electrolysis versus central LH2 production and delivery. Our results indicate that LH2 cryopump-based stations become more economically attractive as the total station capacity (kg dispensed per day) and hourly demand (vehicles per hour) increase. Depending on the use case, savings relative to next best options range from about 5% up to 44% in dispensed costs, with more favorable economics at larger stations with high utilization.  相似文献   

Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (HFCEVs) are zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) that can provide drivers a similar experience to conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), in terms of fueling time and performance (i.e. power and driving range). The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) developed fueling protocol J2601 for light-duty HFCEVs to ensure safe vehicle fills while maximizing fueling performance. This study employs a physical model that simulates and compares the fueling performance of two fueling methods, known as the “lookup table” method and the “MC formula” method, within the SAE J2601 protocol. Both the fueling methods provide fast fueling of HFCEVs within minutes, but the MC formula method takes advantage of active measurement of precooling temperature to dynamically control the fueling process, and thereby provides faster vehicle fills. The MC formula method greatly reduces fueling time compared to the lookup table method at higher ambient temperatures, as well as when the precooling temperature falls on the colder side of the expected temperature window for all station types. Although the SAE J2601 lookup table method is the currently implemented standard for refueling hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, the MC formula method provides significant fueling time advantages in certain conditions; these warrant its implementation in future hydrogen refueling stations for better customer satisfaction with fueling experience of HFCEVs.  相似文献   

This research analyses the codes and standards related to the design of liquid hydrogen fuel tanks for heavy-duty trucks, thereby proposing design principles and procedures. Guidelines for design are given in ISO 13985, and several related standards and codes are analyzed. The procedure consists of three parts: material selection used in the design part based on the initially given requirements, structural analysis of the design load to see structural stability, and thermal analysis to judge the thermal performance of the fuel tank. Because structural analysis and thermal analysis affect each other, iterative analysis is required to satisfy the acceptance criteria. A liquid hydrogen fuel tank for 540 HP grade heavy duty truck was designed following the proposed design and procedure. Structural analysis under eight load combinations ensured that the designed liquid hydrogen fuel tank met the permissible limits of the codes and standards, while thermal analysis estimated the thermal performance.  相似文献   

The dissemination of fuel-cell vehicles requires cost reduction of hydrogen refueling stations. The temperature of the supplied hydrogen has currently been cooled to approximately −40 °C. This has led to larger equipment and increased electric power consumption. This study achieves a relaxation of the precooling temperature to the −20 °C level while maintaining the refueling time. (1) Adoption of an MC formula that can flexibly change the refueling rate according to the precooling temperature. (2) Measurement of thermal capacity of refueling system parts and re-evaluation. Selection from multiple refueling control maps according to the dispenser design (Mathison, et al., 2015). (3) Calculation of the effective thermal capacity and reselection of the map in real time when the line is cooled from refueling of the previous vehicle (Mathison, and Handa, 2015). (4) Addition of maps in which the minimum assumed pressures are 10 and 15 MPa. The new method is named MC Multi Map.  相似文献   

This paper examines the deviation of refueling a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle with limited opportunity provided by the 68 proposed stations in California. A refueling trip is inserted to reported travel patterns in early hydrogen adoption community clusters and the best and worst case insertions are analyzed. Based on these results, the 68 refueling stations provide an average of 2.5 and 9.6 min deviation for the best and the worst cases. These numbers are comparable to currently observed gasoline station deviation, and we conclude that these stations provide sufficient accessibility to residents in the target areas.  相似文献   

The work presents the design and analysis of a novel cryo-compressed hydrogen (CCH2) supply system. It aims to storage CCH2 (around 20 MPa and 20 K), but supply hydrogen under suitable conditions (0.16 MPa and 338 K) for fuel cell stacks. Generally, thermal waste of fuel cell occupies nearly half of the entire outcome and cannot be applied for truck driving. But in this system, original wasted energy can be reused to heat cool hydrogen, which relieves the heat burden of cooling device. This process is carefully designed and demonstrated for a 25-ton heavy duty truck. Mass flow rate in the specified CCH2 system is verified by theoretical calculating. Also, negative throttling effect of hydrogen is carefully considered for comprehensive utilization. At last, different efficiency of cryogenic heat exchangers are compared to explore the characteristics of energy consumption.  相似文献   

This work combines materials development with hydrogen storage technology advancements to address onboard hydrogen storage challenges in light-duty vehicle applications. These systems are comprised of the vehicle requirements design space, balance of plant requirements, storage system components, and materials engineering culminating in the development of an Adsorbent System Design Tool that serves as a preprocessor to the storage system and vehicle-level models created within the Hydrogen Storage Engineering Center of Excellence. Computational and experimental efforts were integrated to evaluate, design, analyze, and scale potential hydrogen storage systems and their supporting components against the Department of Energy 2020 and Ultimate Technical Targets for Hydrogen Storage Systems for Light Duty Vehicles. Ultimately, the Adsorbent System Design Tool was created to assist material developers in assessing initial design parameters that would be required to estimate the performance of the hydrogen storage system once integrated with the full fuel cell system.  相似文献   

Over the last several decades, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) have emerged as a zero tailpipe-emission alternative to the battery electric vehicle (EV). To address questions about consumer reaction to FCVs, this report presents the results of a “ride-and-drive” clinic series (N = 182) held in 2007 with a Mercedes-Benz A-Class “F-Cell” hydrogen FCV. The clinic evaluated participant reactions to driving and riding in an FCV, as well as vehicle refueling. Pre-and post-clinic surveys assessed consumer response. More than 80% left with a positive overall impression of hydrogen. The majority expressed a willingness to travel 5–10 min to find a hydrogen station. More than 90% of participants would consider an FCV driving range of 300 miles (480 km) to be acceptable. Stated willingness-to-pay preferences were explored. The results show that short-term exposure can improve consumer perceptions of hydrogen performance and safety among people who are the more likely early adopters.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) developed a vehicle Framework model to simulate fuel cell-based light-duty vehicle operation for various hydrogen storage systems. This transient model simulates the performance of the storage system, fuel cell, and vehicle for comparison to Technical Targets established by DOE for four drive cycles/profiles. Chemical hydrogen storage models have been developed for the Framework for both exothermic and endothermic materials. Despite the utility of such models, they require that material researchers input system design specifications that cannot be estimated easily. To address this challenge, a design tool has been developed that allows researchers to directly enter kinetic and thermodynamic chemical hydrogen storage material properties into a simple sizing module that then estimates system parameters required to run the storage system model. Additionally, the design tool can be used as a standalone executable file to estimate the storage system mass and volume outside of the Framework model. These models will be explained and exercised with the representative hydrogen storage materials exothermic ammonia borane (NH3BH3) and endothermic alane (AlH3).  相似文献   

This paper designs an off-grid charging station for electric and hydrogen vehicles. Both the electric and hydrogen vehicles are charged at the same time. They appear as two electrical and hydrogen load demand on the charging station and the charging station is powered by solar panels. The output power of solar system is separated into two parts. On part of solar power is used to supply the electrical load demand (to charge the electric vehicles) and rest runs water electrolyzer and it will be converted to the hydrogen. The hydrogen is stored and it supplies the hydrogen load demand (to charge the hydrogen-burning vehicles). The uncertainty of parameters (solar energy, consumed power by electrical vehicles, and consumed power by hydrogen vehicles) is included and modeled. The fuel cell is added to the charging station to deal with such uncertainty. The fuel cell runs on hydrogen and produces electrical energy to supply electrical loading under uncertainties. The diesel generator is also added to the charging station as a supplementary generation. The problem is modeled as stochastic optimization programming and minimizes the investment and operational costs of solar and diesel systems. The introduced planning finds optimal rated powers of solar system and diesel generator, operation pattern for diesel generator and fuel cell, and the stored hydrogen. The results confirm that the cost of changing station is covered by investment cost of solar system (95%), operational cost of diesel generator (4.5%), and investment cost of diesel generator (0.5%). The fuel cell and diesel generator supply the load demand when the solar energy is zero. About 97% of solar energy will be converted to hydrogen and stored. The optimal operation of diesel generator reduces the cost approximately 15%.  相似文献   

The present work contributes an engineered life cycle assessment (LCA) of hydrogen fuel cell passenger vehicles based on a real‐world driving cycle for semi‐urban driving conditions. A new customized LCA tool is developed for the comparison of conventional gasoline and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), which utilizes a dynamic vehicle simulation approach to calculate realistic, fundamental science based fuel economy data from actual drive cycles, vehicle specifications, road grade, engine performance, fuel cell degradation effects, and regenerative braking. The total greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and life cycle cost of the vehicles are compared for the case of hydrogen production by electrolysis in British Columbia, Canada. A 72% reduction in total GHG emission is obtained for switching from gasoline vehicles to FCVs. While fuel cell performance degradation causes 7% and 3% increases in lifetime fuel consumption and GHG emission, respectively, regenerative braking improves the fuel economy by 23% and reduces the total GHG emission by 10%. The cost assessment results indicate that the current FCV technology is approximately $2,100 more costly than the equivalent gasoline vehicle based on the total lifetime cost including purchase and fuel cost. However, prospective enhancements in fuel cell durability could potentially reduce the FCV lifetime cost below that of gasoline vehicles. Overall, the present results indicate that fuel cell vehicles are becoming both technologically and economically viable compared with incumbent vehicles, and provide a realistic option for deep reductions in emissions from transportation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate the potential of liquid hydrogen storage (LH2) on-board Class-8 heavy duty trucks to resolve many of the range, weight, volume, refueling time and cost issues associated with 350 or 700-bar compressed H2 storage in Type-3 or Type-4 composite tanks. We present and discuss conceptual storage system configurations capable of supplying H2 to fuel cells at 5-bar with or without on-board LH2 pumps. Structural aspects of storing LH2 in double walled, vacuum insulated, and low-pressure Type-1 tanks are investigated. Structural materials and insulation methods are discussed for service at cryogenic temperatures and mitigation of heat leak to prevent LH2 boil-off. Failure modes of the liner and shell are identified and analyzed using the regulatory codes and detailed finite element (FE) methods. The conceptual systems are subjected to a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) and a safety, codes, and standards (SCS) review to rank failures and identify safety gaps. The results indicate that the conceptual systems can reach 19.6% useable gravimetric capacity, 40.9 g-H2/L useable volumetric capacity and $174–183/kg-H2 cost (2016 USD) when manufactured 100,000 systems annually.  相似文献   

Fuel cell vehicles, as the most promising clean vehicle technology for the future, represent the major chances for the developing world to avoid high-carbon lock-in in the transportation sector. In this paper, by taking China as an example, the unique advantages for China to deploy fuel cell vehicles are reviewed. Subsequently, this paper analyzes the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 19 fuel cell vehicle utilization pathways by using the life cycle assessment approach. The results show that with the current grid mix in China, hydrogen from water electrolysis has the highest GHG emissions, at 3.10 kgCO2/km, while by-product hydrogen from the chlor-alkali industry has the lowest level, at 0.08 kgCO2/km. Regarding hydrogen storage and transportation, a combination of gas-hydrogen road transportation and single compression in the refueling station has the lowest GHG emissions. Regarding vehicle operation, GHG emissions from indirect methanol fuel cell are proved to be lower than those from direct hydrogen fuel cells. It is recommended that although fuel cell vehicles are promising for the developing world in reducing GHG emissions, the vehicle technology and hydrogen production issues should be well addressed to ensure the life-cycle low-carbon performance.  相似文献   

The foreseen uptake of hydrogen mobility is a fundamental step towards the decarbonization of the transport sector. Under such premises, both refueling infrastructure and vehicles should be deployed together with improved refueling protocols. Several studies focus on refueling the light-duty vehicles with 10 kgH2 up to 700 bar, however less known effort is reported for refueling heavy-duty vehicles with 30–40 kgH2 at 350 bar. The present study illustrates the application of a lumped model to a fuel cell bus tank-to-tank refueling event, tailored upon the real data acquired in the 3Emotion Project. The evolution of the main refueling quantities, such as pressure, temperature, and mass flow, are predicted dynamically throughout the refueling process, as a function of the operating parameters, within the safety limits imposed by SAE J2601/2 technical standard. The results show to refuel the vehicle tank from half to full capacity with an Average Pressure Ramp Rate (APRR) equal to 0.03 MPa/s are needed about 10 min. Furthermore, it is found that the effect of varying the initial vehicle tank pressure is more significant than changing the ambient temperature on the refueling performances. In conclusion, the analysis of the effect of different APRR, from 0.03 to 0.1 MPa/s, indicate that is possible to safely reduce the duration of half-to-full refueling by 62% increasing the APRR value from 0.03 to 0.08 MPa/s.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a techno-economic model for a high-speed hydrogen ferry. The model can describe the system properties i.e. energy demand, weight, and daily operating expenses of the ferry. A novel aspect is the consideration of superconductivity as a measure for cost saving in the setting where liquid hydrogen (LH2) can be both coolant and fuel. We survey different scenarios for a high-speed ferry that could carry 300 passengers. The results show that, despite higher energy demand, compressed hydrogen gas is more economical compared with LH2 for now; however, constructing large-scale hydrogen liquefaction plants make it competitive in the future. Moreover, compressed hydrogen gas is restricted to a shorter distance while LH2 makes longer distances possible, and whenever LH2 is accessible, using a superconducting propulsion system has a beneficial impact on both energy and cost savings. These effects strengthen if the operational time or the weight of the ferry increases.  相似文献   

The flight endurance of UAV systems is an important issue that restricts the operational capabilities. Thus, different energy systems and alternative onboard energy generation systems have been tested for the UAVs. Within these systems, fuel cells provide high energy density that can increase flight endurance greatly. In this study, a PEM fuel cell – Li-Po battery hybrid system has been developed by evaluating three architecture models. In the guide of the experimental power demand data of a fixed-wing UAV, modeling and testing procedures were performed. Battery voltage and fuel cell current variations observed during the ground tests were evaluated. It has been observed that approximately 160–170 W of the 250 W power is met by the fuel cell since no preconditioning has been applied and the temperature values at which the fuel cell exhibits its optimum performance. In the case where the fuel cell could provide 7.8 An under conditions where the humidification effects were not included in the model, the required current was over 7.8 A between approximately 400-1200 s. The fuel cell and battery behavior in response to the sudden power changes and to the uncertainties corresponding to the changes in the motor power during the flight are also detailed.  相似文献   

Fuel for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles comes from hydrogen refueling stations. During the hydrogen filling process, a high-pressure gradient from 35 MPa (hydrogen storage pressure) to 0.16 MPa (fuel cell pressure) is generated. Such a large pressure gradient posed a challenge to the design of the pressure reducing system. Traditional system is difficult to reduce hydrogen pressure from 35 MPa to 0.16 MPa without accompanying large noise and energy consumption. This work is exploring a new concept to combine the multi-stage continuous resistance perforated components and the Tesla valve to design a two-step high pressure reducing system for hydrogen decompression. To validate the superiority of the developed system, a detailed aerodynamic study on the new system is performed, since aerodynamic performance directly affects the operating flexibility and stability. Finally, the optimized co-design of the system is achieved. Results show that the new system is well-designed for hydrogen decompression with the function of control noise and energy consumption. Larger orifice radius (r1/r0) and orifice ratio (k) contribute the better aerodynamic performance. Angle α = 45° is considered the best for better aerodynamic performance. The descending order of the effects on better aerodynamic performance is angle (α), row (m), sleeve stage (N), orifice radius (r1/r0) and width (t1/t0). This study provides basic support for experts to achieve throttling design of related pressure control systems in hydrogen industry.  相似文献   

Refueling costs account for much of the fuel cost for light-duty hydrogen fuel-cell electric vehicles. We estimate cost savings for hydrogen dispensing if metal hydride (MH) storage tanks are used on board instead of 700-bar tanks. We consider a low-temperature, low-enthalpy scenario and a high-temperature, high-enthalpy scenario to bracket the design space. The refueling costs are insensitive to most uncertainties. Uncertainties associated with the cooling duty, coolant pump pressure, heat exchanger (HX) fan, and HX operating time have little effect on cost. The largest sensitivities are to tank pressure and station labor. The cost of a full-service attendant, if the refueling interconnect were to prevent self-service, is the single largest cost uncertainty. MH scenarios achieve $0.71–$0.75/kg-H2 savings by reducing compressor costs without incurring the cryogenics costs associated with cold-storage alternatives. Practical refueling station considerations are likely to affect the choice of the MH and tank design.  相似文献   

This paper examines the current state of the art of hydrogen refuelling stations-based production and storage systems for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles (FCHEV). Nowadays, the emissions are increasing rapidly due to the usage of fossil fuels and the demand for hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) is emerging to replace the conventional vehicles with FCHEVs. Hence, the availability of HRS and its economic aspects are discussed. In addition, a comprehensive study is presented on the energy storage systems such as batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells which play a major role in the FCHEVs. An energy management system (EMS) is essential to meet the load requirement with effective utilisation of power sources with various optimizing techniques. A detailed comparative analysis is presented on the merits of Reinforcement learning (RL) for the FCHEVs. The significant challenges are discussed in depth with potential solutions for future work.  相似文献   

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