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The increased reliance on natural gas for heating worldwide makes the search for carbon-free alternatives imperative, especially if international decarbonisation targets are to be met. Hydrogen does not release carbon dioxide (CO2) at the point of use which makes it an appealing candidate to decarbonise domestic heating. Hydrogen can be produced from either 1) the electrolysis of water with no associated carbon emissions, or 2) from methane reformation (using steam) which produces CO2, but which is easily captured and storable during production. Hydrogen could be transported to the end-user via gas distribution networks similar to, and adapted from, those in use today. This would reduce both installation costs and end-user disruption. However, before hydrogen can provide domestic heat, it is necessary to assess the ‘risk’ associated with its distribution in direct comparison to natural gas. Here we develop a comprehensive and multi-faceted quantitative risk assessment tool to assess the difference in ‘risk’ between current natural gas distribution networks, and the potential conversion to a hydrogen based system. The approach uses novel experimental and modelling work, scientific literature, and findings from historic large scale testing programmes. As a case study, the risk assessment tool is applied to the newly proposed H100 demonstration (100% hydrogen network) project. The assessment includes the comparative risk of gas releases both upstream and downstream of the domestic gas meter. This research finds that the risk associated with the proposed H100 network (based on its current design) is lower than that of the existing natural gas network by a factor 0.88.  相似文献   

Natural gas networks, thanks to their extensiveness and capillarity, could play a crucial role in the green transition of the energy sector. The decarbonization of a gas network can be achieved by injecting green hydrogen into the grid. This work aims to simulate a low-pressure natural gas distribution network serving industrial and residential users and subjected to one localized injection of hydrogen produced by renewable energy sources. The main quality indexes and fluid dynamics parameters of the gas mixture are analysed to understand the feasibility of injecting hydrogen into a natural gas network. Firstly, the network was examined under nominal steady conditions with a constant hydrogen injection. Then, the same grid was simulated considering a 24-h pattern of hydrogen injection, according to the power daily surplus. The results show that the grid can help to buffer the surplus of renewable power produced. The conclusions derived by the results underline that the effect of H2 injection is maximum during the highest excess of electricity and the importance of an accurate choice of the injection node: a wrong choice leads, at the peak of power production, leads to an amplification of the H2 injection impact and hence to a reduction of the Wobbe Index value that overcomes the safety lower limit.  相似文献   

Safety-barrier diagrams have proven to be a useful tool in documenting the safety measures taken to prevent incidents and accidents in process industry. Especially during the introduction of new hydrogen technologies or applications, as e.g. hydrogen refuelling stations, safety-barrier diagrams are considered a valuable supplement to other traditional risk analysis tools to support the communication with authorities and other stakeholders during the permitting process. Another advantage of safety-barrier diagrams is that they highlight the importance of functional and reliable safety barriers in any system and here is a direct focus on those barriers that need to be subject to safety management in terms of design and installation, operational use, inspection and monitoring, and maintenance. Safety-barrier diagrams support both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The paper will describe the background and syntax of the methodology and demonstrate the usefulness of such diagrams for hydrogen technologies.  相似文献   

Decarbonising the residential heating and cooking sector is essential to meet national and international carbon emission reduction targets. Hydrogen has been identified by the scientific community, industry, and policy makers as part of the solution to this challenge. Hydrogen has been used for decades in many industries, formerly making up approximately 50% of the Town Gas used for heating and cooking in UK homes in the mid 20th century. It is now crucial to ensure safety regulations are met, and public acceptance gained, before hydrogen can start being used for residential heating. Demonstration projects require hydrogen distribution networks to be odorised. This study examines the use of sulphur-based odorants, which are currently in use in the UK and Europe to odorise Natural Gas, to be used in a 100% hydrogen gas demonstration network in the UK. We undertook a comparative testing programme to evaluate the escape detection properties of odorised hydrogen against odorised methane and natural gas. This comparative approach will help address the question asked by UK and EU regulators: is hydrogen ‘as safe as’ natural gas? The results show that untrained participants can identify an escaping gas odorised with Odorant New Blend and standby odorant 2, in hydrogen, natural gas or methane, at the regulatory threshold of 1% gas in air. These results contribute to the safety-case of H100 led by SGN.  相似文献   

Substantial changes in the energy system are necessary to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality. Green hydrogen is a key to defossilisation. Politicians frequently mention the use of hydrogen in the building sector to supply decentrally produced heat as a potential field of application. An advantage repeatedly mentioned is that the existing gas distribution network infrastructure is an important asset that could still be used in the future. However, there is a lack of analyses of the conversion of gas distribution networks to hydrogen focussing on the economic implications on the costs of the distribution network infrastructure. The paper provides insights using a techno-economic model network analysis (MNA) tool called gas Distribution grId modelliNg tOol (DINO). The analysis is carried out for Germany and considers hydrogen use in all counties. The results are compared to a synthetic methane and electrification scenario. In the hydrogen scenario, the total need for distribution grids is decreasing until 2050 by at least 130,000 km. The network length of the synthetic methane scenario is slightly lower and that of the electrification scenario drops to zero. The annual operation costs are lower in all scenarios as gas demand and infrastructure are reduced. Nevertheless, the total annual cost in the hydrogen scenario is potentially two times higher than in the case of the synthetic methane scenario and more than four times higher than in the electrification scenario. Based on the present results, it is questionable whether an advantage of the continued use of the existing gas distribution grid infrastructure in case of synthetic gas or hydrogen scenarios exists.  相似文献   

Hydrogen energy has the advantages of renewable, clean and high energy density, which is considered as the most potential secondary energy in the 21st century. But transportation is a major constraint on development of hydrogen. A possible solution is to inject hydrogen into natural gas network for transport. Due to the obvious differences in the properties of natural gas and hydrogen, it is necessary to establish natural gas pipeline model with hydrogen injection to explore the influence of hydrogen on pipeline. The line-pack of natural gas network can improve the flexibility of the system to deal with uncertainties, and the line-pack has a significant impact on the dynamic characteristics of the natural gas network under the change of external conditions. When hydrogen is injected into the natural gas network, the line-pack is affected by both pressure and hydrogen mixture ratio, and the line-pack influence on the dynamic characteristics of the network is more complicated. In this paper, a natural pipe network with hydrogen injection is established based on the finite difference method, and simulation is carried out under different situations to explore the influence of different line-pack on the dynamic characteristics of the natural gas network. The results show that the response speed of hydrogen mixture ratio is faster under the condition of low line-pack, which is conducive to reducing the risk of hydrogen embrittlement when the hydrogen mixture ratio surges for a short time. However, the pressure loss caused by the increase of flow can be reduced in the high line-pack state.  相似文献   

With the transformation of energy structure, the proportion of renewable energy in the power grid continues to increase. However, the power grid's capacity to absorb renewable is limited. In view of this, converting the excess renewable energy into hydrogen and injecting it into natural gas network for transportation can not only increase the absorption capacity of renewable energy but also reduce the transportation cost of hydrogen. While this can lead to the problem that hydrogen injection will make the dynamic characteristics of the pipeline more complicated, and hydrogen embrittlement of pipeline may occur. It is of great significance to simulate the dynamic characteristics of gas pipeline with hydrogen injection, especially the hydrogen mixture ratio. In this paper, the cell segmentation method is used to solve each natural gas pipeline model, the gas components are recalculated in each cell and the parameters of partial differential equation are updated. Additionally, the dynamic simulation model of natural gas network with hydrogen injections is established. Simulation results show that for a single pipeline, when the inlet hydrogen ratio changes, whether or not hydrogen injection has little influence on the pressure and flow. The propagation speed of hydrogen concentration is far less than that of the pressure and flow rate, and it takes about 1.2 × 105 s for the 100 km pipeline hydrogen ratio to reach the steady state again.  相似文献   

Hydrogen-rich gas from fertilizer plant and ethylene plant can be sent to refinery in a petrochemical complex, which can alleviate the deficit of hydrogen in refinery. Thus the optimization of inter-plant hydrogen network in a petrochemical complex is attractive. A novel superstructure for the optimal design of inter-plant hydrogen network with purification process is proposed and the corresponding mathematical programming models are presented for different scenarios. Two cases are utilized to illustrate the proposed approach. The flowrates of hydrogen utilities in refinery can be reduced via the inter-plant optimization. The number of inter-plant connections is optimized to simplify the network configuration. The shortcut model for pressure swing adsorption (PSA) considering the design conditions (pressure ratio and adsorbent selectivity) is also embedded into the mathematical programming model. The impacts of those design conditions of PSA on the performance of inter-plant hydrogen network are investigated. With the reduction of adsorbent selectivity and the increment of pressure ratio, the hydrogen recovery ratio will increase and the total annual cost will be reduced.  相似文献   

A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is proposed for the reformation of natural gas pipelines. The model is based on the topology of existing pipelines, the load and pressure at each node and the design factors of the region and minimizes the annual substitution depreciation cost of pipelines, the annual construction depreciation cost of compressor stations and the operating cost of existing compressor stations. Considering the nonlinear pressure drop equations, the model is linearized by a piecewise method and solved by the Gurobi optimizer. Two cases of natural gas pipeline networks with hydrogen injection are presented. Several adjustments are applied to the original natural gas pipeline network to ensure that our design scheme can satisfy the safety and economic requirements of gas transportation. Thus, this work is likely to serve as a decision-support tool for the reformation of pipeline networks with hydrogen injection.  相似文献   

Shifting domestic load to off-peak time periods could potentially reduce electrical distribution losses and associated carbon emissions. This paper provides the first quantitative estimate of the possible reduction in losses, for a situation where domestic energy demand is shifted in time but not reduced. At a likely 0.02% of energy distributed by the network, the reduction is small relative to overall losses and to their variability, giving little rationale for distribution network operators in Great Britain to encourage such load-shifting for that reason. The paper also considers the limited regulatory incentives for the reduction, and the fragmentation of costs and benefits across different parties. The societal value is considerably higher than the current regulatory incentive, but nonetheless may still not warrant the cost of action. Reducing rather than shifting load is likely to give greater environmental benefits.  相似文献   

One of the objectives of the research project at Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI) is to demonstrate long-term durability of the electrolyzer when operated under cyclic operation for frequency regulation on an Island grid system. In this paper, a Hydrogen Energy System with an electrolyzer is analyzed as a potential grid management tool. A simulation tool developed with a validated model of the hydrogen energy system and Island of Hawaii grid model is presented and employed for this investigation. The simulation study uses realistic measured solar and wind power profiles to understand what optimal electrolyzer size would be required to achieve the maximum level of grid frequency stabilization. The simulation results give insight into critical information when designing a hydrogen energy system for grid management applications and the economic impact it has when operated as a pure grid management scheme or as a limitless hydrogen production system.  相似文献   

Retrofit of the refinery hydrogen network is one of the important issues faced by modern refineries. Refinery off-gas streams are rich in hydrogen and valuable light hydrocarbons. Light hydrocarbons recovery (LHR) process can recover the valuable hydrocarbons and generate the hydrogen-rich stream for reuse and recycle. We firstly propose the systematic procedure for the retrofit of refinery hydrogen network integrated with LHR process. The approach combines the pinch analysis technique and process modelling and simulation. The typical pinch analysis technique (i.e. problem table) is used to determine the flowrate targets. Aspen HYSYS is used for the modelling and simulation of LHR process. The retrofit of an industrial refinery hydrogen network is conducted to illustrate the procedure. Results show that the benefit of retrofit scheme (Integrated Scheme 3) with LHR reaches 7.488 million CNY/y, and the investment payback period is only 8 months.  相似文献   

Compressed hydrogen storage is widely used in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs). Cascade filling systems can provide different pressure levels associated with various source tanks allowing for a variable mass flow rate. To meet refueling performance objectives, safe and fast filling processes must be available to HFCVs. The main objective of this paper is to establish an optimization methodology to determine the initial thermodynamic conditions of the filling system that leads to the lowest final temperature of hydrogen in the on-board storage tank with minimal energy consumption. First, a zero-dimensional lumped parameter model is established. This simplified model, implemented in Matlab/Simulink, is then used to simulate the flow of hydrogen from cascade pressure tanks to an on-board hydrogen storage tank. A neural network is then trained with model calculation results and experimental data for multi-objective optimization. It is found to have good prediction, allowing the determination of optimal filling parameters. The study shows that a cascade filling system can well refuel the on-board storage tank with constant average pressure ramp rate (APRR). Furthermore, a strong pre-cooling system can effectively lower the final temperature at a cost of larger energy consumption. By using the proposed neural network, for charging times less than 183s, the optimization procedure predicts that the inlet temperature is 259.99–266.58 K, which can effectively reduce energy consumption by about 2.5%.  相似文献   

The introduction of hydrogen into the UK natural gas main has been reviewed in terms of how materials within the gas distribution network may be affected by contact with up to 80% Natural Gas (NG)/20 mol% hydrogen blend at up to 2 barg. A range of metallic, polymeric and elastomeric materials in the gas distribution network (GDN) were assessed via a combination of literature review and targeted practical test programmes.The work considered:? The effect of hydrogen on metallic materials identified in the network.? The effect of hydrogen on polymeric materials identified in the network.? The effect of hydrogen exposure on polyethylene pipeline joining and repair techniques (squeeze-off, and socket and saddle electrofusion joints)The experimental work involved soaking materials, under pressure conditions representative of the network, in 100% hydrogen, 20% hydrogen in methane, and 100% methane. For the metal samples, the test programme involved the assessment of hydrogen uptake on the tensile properties. For the polyethylene samples, the test programme looked at the assessment of possible hydrogen absorption/desorption and its effect on electrofusion jointing.The trials concluded that the majority of metallic materials showed no significant deterioration in mechanical (tensile) properties when stored in hydrogen environments compared to those stored in analogous methane or blended gas atmospheres up to 2 barg. Polymeric materials showed no deterioration to efficiency of squeeze-off or collar electrofusion in socket or shoulder orientations following soaking in hydrogen, methane or hydrogen blends.  相似文献   

Although hydrogen is identified to be the first choice of the energy industry in the future society, the severe shortage of hydrogen infrastructure hinders the development of the hydrogen economy. Therefore, by simultaneously integrating the planning and operation issues of a hydrogen supply chain network (HSCN) and taking the hydrogen demand of hydrogen fuel vehicles into account, this paper proposes a general optimization design model for a HSCN based on the off-grid wind-hydrogen coupling system to realize the scientific layout of hydrogen infrastructure and stimulate the transition of hydrogen energy. The uncertainties on both sides of the source and load of a HSCN are well-considered. Therein, the uncertainty of wind power is handled with chance constrained programming, while the uncertainty of hydrogen demand is addressed by a density-based clustering approach. The analysis focuses on a HSCN of Fujian Province, China and case study is conducted. Results show that the estimated hydrogen demand in Fujian Province over the course of a year is 0.197 million tons. The hydrogen production is located in Fuzhou, Quanzhou and Xiamen and the daily hydrogen production in Fuzhou is 309.11 ton/day, accounting for 57.48% of the total hydrogen production in Fujian Province. Since the revenue of the energy storage batteries cannot offset its high investment cost, the abnegation of the energy storage batteries in the HSCN is obtained. Compared with the deterministic HSCN, the total cost of the HSCN considering the uncertainties of wind power and hydrogen demand is reduced by 1.35%. The Levelized cost of hydrogen is 3.073–3.155$/kg and hydrogen production shows a significant scale effect. These results could provide information and direction to stakeholders, investors and policymakers for the planning of the future HSCN in Fujian Province to promote the tremendous development of the hydrogen industry.  相似文献   

It appears to be the most economical means of transporting large quantities of hydrogen over great distances by the existing natural gas pipeline network. However, the leakage and diffusion behavior of urban hydrogen blended natural gas and the evolution law of explosion characteristics are still unclear. In this work, a Computational Fluid Dynamics three-dimensional simulation model of semi-confined space in urban streets is developed to study the diffusion process and explosion characteristics of hydrogen-blended natural gas. The influence mechanism of hydrogen blending ratio and ambient wind speed on the consequences of explosion accident is analyzed. And the dangerous area with different environmental wind effects is determined through comparative analysis based on the most dangerous scenarios. Results indicate that the traffic flow changes the diffusion path of the jet, the flammable gas cloud forms a complex profile in many obstacles, high congestion level lead to more serious explosion accidents. Wind effect keeps the flammable gas cloud near the vehicle flow, the narrow gaps between the vehicles aggravate the expansion of the flammable gas cloud. When the wind direction is consistent with the leakage direction, hydrogen blended natural gas is gathered in the recirculation zone due to the vortex effect, which results in more serious accident consequences. With the increase in hydrogen blending ratio, the higher content of H and OH in the gas mixture significantly increases the premixed burning rate, the maximum overpressure rises rapidly when the hydrogen blend level increases beyond 40%. The results can provide a basis for construction safety design, risk assessment of leakage and explosion hazards, and emergency response in hydrogen blended natural gas distribution systems.  相似文献   

The uncertain role of the natural gas infrastructure in the decarbonized energy system and the limitations of hydrogen blending raise the question of whether natural gas pipelines can be economically utilized for the transport of hydrogen. To investigate this question, this study derives cost functions for the selected pipeline reassignment methods. By applying geospatial hydrogen supply chain modeling, the technical and economic potential of natural gas pipeline reassignment during a hydrogen market introduction is assessed.The results of this study show a technically viable potential of more than 80% of the analyzed representative German pipeline network. By comparing the derived pipeline cost functions, it could be derived that pipeline reassignment can reduce the hydrogen transmission costs by more than 60%. Finally, a countrywide analysis of pipeline availability constraints for the year 2030 shows a cost reduction of the transmission system by 30% in comparison to a newly built hydrogen pipeline system.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, mathematical models have been developed to optimize hydrogen distribution in the refinery. Five models, Model-0, Model-1, Model-2, Model-3 and Model-4, have been formulated to determine the optimal hydrogen network. Amongst these, Model-0 and Model-1 are NLP networks, whereas the remaining three are MINLP networks. The NLP models are improved gradually to develop MINLP models which incorporate new compressor and PSA. The model considers pressure constraints, source flow balance, sink flow balance, compressor flow balance, sink purity constraint, operating cost, capital cost associated with new equipment, payback period and export cost. Amongst five models, Model-4 is predicted as optimal network which is MINLP model incorporating new compressor and PSA. It predicts reduction in hydrogen by 21.74% and annual profit of $ 16.57 million. The present work selects the optimal type of new compressor based on different capital cost functions. Further, the reliability of the present work is checked through comparison of its results with published models.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a novel system to effectively deploy an integrated fuel processing system for hydrogen sulfide and natural gas resources available in the Black Sea to be used for a quick transition to the hydrogen economy. In this regard, the proposed system utilizes offshore wind and offshore photovoltaic power plants to meet the electricity demand of the electrolyzer. A PEM electrolyzer unit generates hydrogen from hydrogen sulfide that is available in the Black Sea deep water. The generated hydrogen and sulfur gas from hydrogen sulfide are stored in high-pressure tanks for later use. Hydrogen is blended with natural gas, and the blend is utilized for industrial and residential applications. The investigated system is modeled with the Aspen Plus software, and hydrogen production, blending, and combustion processes are analyzed accordingly. With the hydrogen addition up to 20% in the blend, the carbon dioxide emissions of combustion decrease from 14.7 kmol/h to 11.7 kmol/h, when the annual cost of natural gas is reduced from 9 billion $ to 8.3 billion $. The energy and exergy efficiencies for the combustion process are increased from 84% to 97% and from 62% to 72%, respectively by a 20% by volume hydrogen addition into natural gas.  相似文献   

Fault trees and event trees have for decades been the most commonly applied modelling tools in both risk analysis in general and the risk analysis of hydrogen applications including infrastructure in particular. It is sometimes found challenging to make traditional Quantitative Risk Analyses sufficiently transparent and it is frequently challenging for outsiders to verify the probabilistic modelling.Bayesian Networks (BN) are a graphical representation of uncertain quantities and decisions that explicitly reveal the probabilistic dependence between the variables and the related information flow. It has been suggested that BN represent a modelling tool that is superior to both fault trees and event trees with respect to the structuring and modelling of large complex systems. This paper gives an introduction to BN and utilises a case study as a basis for discussing and demonstrating the suitability of BN for modelling the risks associated with the introduction of hydrogen as an energy carrier.In this study we explore the benefits of modelling a hydrogen refuelling station using BN. The study takes its point of departure in input from a traditional detailed Quantitative Risk Analysis conducted by DNV during the HyApproval project. We compare and discuss the two analyses with respect to their advantages and disadvantages. We especially focus on a comparison of transparency and the results that may be extracted from the two alternative procedures.  相似文献   

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