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This work explores how the degradation of the gas diffusion layer (GDL) under compression contributes to the formation of preferential pathways for water transport. Fluorescence microscopy is used to provide ex situ visualization of liquid water transport through the GDL placed beneath an optically transparent clamping plate. Transient image data obtained with a CCD camera indicates that areas of compression in the GDL coincide with preferential pathways for water transport and break-through. Preferential flow of water through the smaller pores resulting from GDL compression is contrary to the expected behaviour in a hydrophobic medium, and this suggests a loss of hydrophobicity. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used to investigate the effect of compression on the morphology of the GDL. These SEM images show that compressing the GDL causes the breakup of fibers and, indeed, deterioration of the hydrophobic coating.  相似文献   

We developed an equivalent capillary model of a microscale fiber-fence structure to study the microscale evolution and transport of liquid in a porous media and to reveal the basic principles of water transport in gas diffusion layer (GDL). Analytical solutions using the model show that a positive hydraulic pressure is needed to drive the liquid water to penetrate through the porous GDL even consisting of the hydrophilic fibers. Several possible contributions for the water configuration, such as capillary pressure, gravity, vapor condensation, wettability and microstructures of the GDL, are discussed using the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). It is found that the distribution manners of the fibers and the spatial mixed-wettability in the GDL also play an important role in the transport of liquid water.  相似文献   

This research studies an ultra-thin carbon fiber paper fabrication process for proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) based carbon fibers 6 mm long were dispersed and formed at aerial weights of 15 and 20 g/m2 using a slurry molding machine. Polyscrylamide (PAM) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) dispersal agent solutions for fiber binding were added to evenly distribute the carbon fibers and increase the paper mechanical strength. The carbon fiber papers were dried after resin impregnation using a convective oven at 120 °C temperature for 10 min. The hot press machine was heated to 160 °C temperature and the workpieces were pressed for 5 min. Graphitization completed the gas diffusion substrate (GDS) process. GDL involves immersing the paper in a 5% polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) solution, coating the paper with a micro porous layer (MPL). This study shows the proposed ultra-thin GDL fabrication method is suitable for PEMFC applications and exhibits feasible functionality for fuel cells.  相似文献   

For a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), dry layer preparation was optimized and applied to fabricate a micro-porous layer (MPL) for a gas diffusion layer (GDL). The MPLs fabricated by dry layer preparation and the conventional wet layer preparation were compared by physical and electrochemical methods. The PEMFC using dry layer MPLs showed better performance than that using wet layer MPLs, especially when the cells were operated under conditions of high oxygen utilization rate and high humidification temperature of air. The mass transport properties of the GDLs with the dry layer MPLs were also better than with the wet layer MPLs, and were found to be related to the pore size distribution in GDLs. The differences in surface morphology and pore size distribution for the GDLs with the dry layer and wet layer MPLs were investigated and analyzed. The dry layer preparation for MPLs was found to be more beneficial for forming meso-pores (pore size in the range of 0.5–15 μm), which are important and advantageous for facilitating gas transport in the GDLs. Moreover, the GDLs with the dry layer MPLs exhibited better electronic conductivity and more stable hydrophobicity than those with the wet layer MPLs. The reproducibility of the dry layer preparation for MPLs was also satisfying.  相似文献   

The transport of liquid water through an idealized 2-D reconstructed gas diffusion layer (GDL) of a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell is computed subject to hydrophobic boundary condition at the fibre–fluid interface. The effect of air flow, as would occur in parallel/serpentine/interdigitated type of flow fields, on the liquid water transport through the GDL, ejection into the channel in the form of water droplets and subsequent removal of the droplets has been simulated. Results show that typically water flow through the fibrous GDL occurs through a fingering and channelling type of mechanism. The presence of cross-flow of air has an effect both on the path created within the GDL and on the ejection of water into the channel in the form of droplets. A faster rate of liquid water evacuation through the GDL (i.e., more frequent ejection of water droplets) as well as less flooding of the void space results from the presence of cross-flow. These results agree qualitatively with experimental observations reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Pore network simulations are performed to study water transport in a model gas diffusion layer (GDL) of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) in relation with the change in hydrophobicity that might be due to aging or temperature effect. The change in hydrophobicity is taken into account by changing randomly the fraction of hydrophilic elements, pores or throats, in the network. The transport and equilibrium properties of the model GDL are computed as a function of liquid saturation as well as at breakthrough varying the fraction of hydrophilic elements. The results indicate that the hydrophilic element percolation threshold marks the transition between two domains. The system is found to be weakly dependent on the fraction of hydrophilic elements as long as this fraction is below the percolation threshold whereas an increase in wettability above the percolation threshold favours a greater blockage of the pore space by the water and therefore a diminished access of gas to the catalyst layer. This model may help assess the effect of a change in wettability on the fuel cell performance and may also help suggest better GDL designs in relation with the water management problem in PEMFCs.  相似文献   

The flooding, especially in gas diffusion layer (GDL), is one of the critical issues to put PEMFC to practical use. However, the experimental data of the flooding in GDL is so insufficient that the optimization design related to the water management for GDL has not established. In this study we developed a method to estimate the water saturation, namely the ratio of liquid water to pore volume in GDL. We fabricated a simple interdigitated cell where the supply gas is enforced to flow under rib. This structure enables to estimate the liquid water ratio in GDL by the measurement of differential pressure through the cell. We operated the cell and measured the differential pressure, and succeeded in estimating the water saturation, which changed largely with changing cell operation condition. In addition to this deferential pressure measurement, we measured the ionic resistance in polymer electrolyte membrane by ac impedance method. We evaluated and discussed the influence of the water saturation on cell voltage.  相似文献   

Water management of proton exchange membrane fuel cells remains a prominent issue in research concerning fuel cells. In this study, the gas diffusion layer (GDL) of a fuel cell is partially treated with a hydrophobic agent, and the effect of GDL hydrophobicity on the water distribution in the fuel cell is examined. First, the effect of the position of the cathode GDL hydrophobic area relative to the channel on the fuel cell performance is investigated. Then, the water distribution in the fuel cell cathode GDL is observed using X-ray imaging. The experimental results indicate that when the hybrid GDL's hydrophobic area lies on the channel, water tends to accumulate under the rib, and the water content in the channel is low; this improves the fuel cell performance. When the hydrophobic area is under the rib, the water distribution is more uniform, but the performance deteriorates.  相似文献   

The influence of microporous layer (MPL) design parameters for gas diffusion layers (GDLs) on the performance of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) was clarified. Appropriate MPL design parameters vary depending on the humidification of the supplied gas. Under low humidification, decreasing both the MPL pore diameter and the content of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) in the MPL is effective to prevent drying-up of the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) and enhance PEFC performance. Increasing the MPL thickness is also effective for maintaining the humidity of the MEA. However, when the MPL thickness becomes too large, oxygen transport to the electrode through the MPL is reduced, which lowers PEFC performance. Under high humidification, decreasing the MPL mean flow pore diameter to 3 μm is effective for the prevention of flooding and enhancement of PEFC performance. However, when the pore diameter becomes too small, the PEFC performance tends to decrease. Both reduction of the MPL thickness penetrated into the substrate and increase in the PTFE content to 20 mass% enhance the ability of the MPL to prevent flooding.  相似文献   

In this study, a gas diffusion layer (GDL) was modified to improve the water management ability of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). We developed a novel hydrophobic/hydrophilic double micro porous layer (MPL) that was coated on a gas diffusion backing layer (GDBL). The water management properties, vapor and water permeability, of the GDL were measured and the performance of single cells was evaluated under two different humidification conditions, R.H. 100% and 50%. The modified GDL, which contained a hydrophilic MPL in the middle of the GDL and a hydrophobic MPL on the surface, performed better than the conventional GDL, which contained only a single hydrophobic MPL, regardless of humidity, where the performance of the single cell was significantly improved under the low humidification condition. The hydrophilic MPL, which was in the middle of the modified GDL, was shown to act as an internal humidifier due to its water absorption ability as assessed by measuring the vapor and water permeability of this layer.  相似文献   

Water transport through the gas diffusion media of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) was investigated with a focus on the role of the microporous layer (MPL) coated on the cathode gas diffusion layer (GDL). The capillary pressure of the MPL and GDL, which plays a significant role in water transport, is derived as a function of liquid saturation using a pore size distribution (PSD) model. PSD functions are derived with parameters that are determined by fitting to the measured total PSD data. Computed relations between capillary pressure and liquid saturation for a GDL and a double-layered GDL (GDL + MPL) show good agreement with the experimental data and proposed empirical functions. To investigate the role of the MPL, the relationship between the water withdrawal pressure and liquid saturation are derived for a double-layered GDL. Water transport rates and cell voltages were obtained for various feed gas humidity using a two-dimensional cell model, and are compared with the experimental results. The calculated results for the net drag with application of the capillary pressure derived from the PSD model show good agreement with the experimental values. Furthermore, the results show that the effect of the MPL on the cell output voltage is significant in the range of high humidity operation.  相似文献   

Proper water management in a hydrogen-fueled polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell is critical for performance and durability. A mathematical model has been developed to elucidate the effect of thermal conductivity and water vapor diffusion coefficient in the gas diffusion layers (GDLs). The fraction of product water removed in the vapor phase through the GDL as a function of GDL properties/set of material and component parameters and operating conditions has been calculated. The current model enables identification of conditions wherein condensation occurs in each GDL component. The model predicts the temperature gradient across various components of a PEM fuel cell, providing insight into the overall mechanism of water transport in a given cell design. The water condensation conditions and transport mode in the GDL components depend on the combination of water vapor diffusion coefficients and thermal conductivities of the GDL components. Different types of GDLs and water transport scenarios are defined in this work, based on water condensation in the GDL and fraction of water that the GDL removes through the vapor phase, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrophobic agent (PTFE) concentration in the microporous layer on the PEM fuel cell performance was investigated using mercury porosimetry, water permeation experiment, and electrochemical polarization technique. The mercury porosimetry and water permeation experiments indicated that PTFE increases the resistance of the water flow through the GDL due to a decrease of the MPL porosity and an increase of the volume fraction of hydrophobic pores. When air was used as an oxidant, a maximum fuel cell performance was obtained for a PTFE loading of 20 wt.%. The experimental polarization curves were quantitatively analyzed to determine the polarization resistances resulting from different physical and electrochemical processes in the PEM fuel cell. The polarization analysis indicated that the optimized PTFE content results in an effective water management (i.e., a balancing of water saturations in the catalyst layer and the gas diffusion layer), thereby improving the oxygen diffusion kinetics in the membrane-electrode assembly.  相似文献   

In proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), a hydrophobic micro-porous layer (MPL) is usually placed between catalyst layer (CL) and gas diffusion layer (GDL) to reduce flooding. Recent experimental studies have demonstrated that liquid water saturation in GDL is drastically decreased in the presence of MPL. However, theoretical studies based on traditional continuum two-phase flow models suggest that MPL has no effect on liquid water distribution in GDL. In the present study, a pore network model with invasion percolation algorithm is developed and used to investigate the impacts of the presence of MPL on liquid water distribution in GDL from the viewpoint at the pore level. A uniform pressure and uniform flux boundary conditions are considered for liquid water entering the porous layer in PEMFC. The simulation results reveal that liquid water saturation in GDL is reduced in the presence of MPL, but the reduction depends on the condition of liquid water entering the porous layer in PEMFC.  相似文献   

Two gas diffusion layers based on the same carbon cloth substrate, produced by an Italian Company (SAATI), and coated with microporous layers of different hydrophobicities, were assembled in a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell and its performances assessed. For comparison the cell mounting the carbon cloth without microporous layer was also tested. The membrane electrode assembly was made of Nafion® 212 with Pt load 0.3/0.6 mg cm−2 (anode/cathode). The cell testing was run at 60 °C and 80 °C with fully humidified air (100%RH) and 80%RH hydrogen feedings. The assembly of gas diffusion layers and membrane with electrodes was compressed to 30% and 50% of its initial thickness. For each configuration polarization and power curves were recorded; in order to evaluate the role of different GDLs, AC impedance spectroscopy of the running cell was also performed.The higher compression ratio caused the worsening of cell performances, partially mitigated when the operating temperature was raised to 80 °C. The presence of the microporous layer onto the carbon cloth resulted extremely beneficial for the operations especially at high current density; moreover, it sensibly reduces the high frequency resistance of the overall assembly.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to investigate experimentally the effects of the microporous layer (MPL) within a PEMFC. The experiments consisted in measuring, at the anode and at the cathode, the average temperature of the electrodes using small platinum wires, heat fluxes using heat flux sensors and water fluxes by means of water balance for two builds of cell; one with porous layers and MPL and another without MPL. Three thermal configurations related to the imposed temperature of the plates were studied. The measurements put forward a new role of the microporous layer on heat transfer. Indeed, the MPL implies an increase of the electrodes temperature by adding a thermal resistance. This higher temperature enables to avoid the saturation at the electrodes and improve the water removal towards the flow field plates. In addition, the effective thermal conductivity of microporous layer, a key parameter for the analysis of heat transfer in the fuel cell, was estimated in situ.  相似文献   

This research investigates the optimal polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) content in the cathode gas diffusion layer (GDL) by evaluating the effect of compression on the performance of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. A special test fixture is designed to control the compression ratio, and thus the effect of compression on cell performance can be measured in situ. GDLs with and without a microporous layer (MPL) coating are considered. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is used to diagnose the variations in ohmic resistance, charge transfer resistance and mass transport resistance with compression ratio. The results show that the optimal PTFE content, at which the maximum peak power density occurs, is about 5 wt% with a compression ratio of 30% for a GDL without an MPL coating. For a GDL with an MPL coating, the optimal PTFE content in the MPL is found to be 30% at a compression ratio of 30%.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to investigate both experimentally and theoretically the effect of GDL porosity non-uniformity on fuel cell performance due to clamping force. In the experimental study, a unit cell with a single serpentine channel is employed to test the effect of compression force on cell performance. The degree of GDL deformation is achieved by varying the thickness of a gasket spacer. In the numerical simulations, a three-dimensional model of the same geometry as the test cell is developed to simulate coupled electrochemical kinetics, current distribution, hydrodynamics, and multi-component transport. The properties of the GDL used in the simulation are expressed as functions of the compression ratio, which is defined as the ratio of compressed GDL thickness versus its uncompressed thickness. The simulation results are found to be in good agreement with experimental data in overall fuel cell performance. Numerical results obtained by using uniformly distributed GDL properties are compared with the results with non-uniform properties and it is found that although the overall cell performance is similar, local distributions from both models are significantly different. Based on the computational model, numerical simulations are performed to investigate the effects of compression ratio on local species, temperature and current distributions as well as the effects on overall cell performance. The distributions of temperature, heat flux, species concentration, current density and saturation are found to be highly oscillating in nature between the local rib and channel locations. Furthermore, the higher the compression ratio, the better is the cell performance and the larger is the fluctuation amplitude. Finally, the higher the compression ratio, the more are the saturation, water flooding and hydrogen deficiency downstream.  相似文献   

In this paper, pore network simulations are carried out to explore the effects of micro porous layer (MPL) and its crack location on the liquid and oxygen transport in the gas diffusion material (GDM) of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The constructed network is composed of cubic pores connected by throats of square cross section. The GDM is partially screened by the land, and the MPL is assumed to have a crack. When the MPL crack is considered under the land in the model, the predicted results agree with experimental findings regarding the effect of MPL on the liquid saturation and distribution in the GDM. This indicates that the liquid may prefer to flow through the MPL crack under the land. The role of MPL in the fuel cell performance is revealed to be dependent on the oxygen effective diffusivity of MPL and GDL. Therefore, caution should be taken before employing the MPL to improve the cell performance. Based on the present studies, some guidelines are gained for the GDM design and optimization.  相似文献   

The effect of wettability on water transport dynamics in gas diffusion layer (GDL) is investigated by simulating water invasion in an initially gas-filled GDL using the multiphase free-energy lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The results show that wettability plays a significant role on water saturation distribution in two-phase flow in the uniform wetting GDL. For highly hydrophobicity, the water transport falls in the regime of capillary fingering, while for neutral wettability, water transport exhibits the characteristic of stable displacement, although both processes are capillary force dominated flow with same capillary numbers. In addition, the introduction of hydrophilic paths in the GDL leads the water to flow through the hydrophilic pores preferentially. The resulting water saturation distributions show that the saturation in the GDL has little change after water breaks through the GDL, and further confirm that the selective introduction of hydrophilic passages in the GDL would facilitate the removal of liquid water more effectively, thus alleviating the flooding in catalyst layer (CL) and GDL. The LBM approach presented in this study provides an effective tool to investigate water transport phenomenon in the GDL at pore-scale level with wettability distribution taken into consideration.  相似文献   

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