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High resolution immunoelectron microscopy was used to study subcellular localization patterns of three metabotropic glutamate receptor subtypes (mGluR1alpha, mGluR5, and mGluR2/3) during postnatal development of mouse ventral posterior (VP) thalamic nucleus. Immunoreactivity for all three mGluRs was detected from birth (postnatal day 0, P0), but mGluR1alpha showed dramatic changes in localization with age. In the first postnatal week, mGluR1alpha immunoreactivity was mainly found in proximal dendrites and somata and not usually associated with synaptic contacts. From the second postnatal week, it became concentrated in distal dendrites and preferentially associated with corticothalamic (RS) synapses. mGluR5 immunoreactivity was weaker than mGluR1alpha immunoreactivity at all postnatal ages and showed a similar change in subcellular distribution to that of mGluR1alpha. It was also localized in astrocytic processes. mGluR2/3 immunoreactivity was mainly localized in astrocytic processes surrounding neuronal somata and synapses and this pattern was consistently maintained through all postnatal ages. A small number of presynaptic axon terminals were labeled for mGluR2/3 immunoreactivity and formed asymmetrical synapses. This study demonstrates that Group I mGluR proteins (mGluR1alpha and mGluR5) become redistributed in association with the development of corticothalamic function as demonstrated physiologically, whereas Group II mGluR proteins (mGluR2/3) are mainly associated with neuroglia.  相似文献   

The presence of a cholinergic system in the placenta is suggested by several data, but no information is available concerning cholinergic receptor expression by placenta. The present study was designed to investigate muscarinic cholinergic receptors in sections of human placenta using a radioligand binding techniques with [3H]N-methyl scopolamine ([3H]NMS) as a ligand. [3H]NMS was bound to sections of human placenta in a manner consistent with the labelling of muscarinic cholinergic receptors. The dissociation constant (Kd) value was 0.1 +/- 0.03 nM and the maximum density of binding site (Bmax) value was 10.82 +/- 0.09 fmol/mg of tissue. The binding was time-, temperature- and concentration-dependent, belonging to one class of high affinity sites. Analysis of [3H]NMS displacement curves by compounds acting on the different subtypes of muscarinic cholinergic receptor subtypes suggests that human placenta expresses the four subtypes (M1-M4) of muscarinic cholinergic receptor assayable with radioligand binding assay techniques. The demonstration of muscarinic cholinergic recognition sites in human placenta may contribute to define the possible significance of placental cholinergic system. Moreover, human placenta can be used as an easily obtainable human source of M1-M4 muscarinic cholinergic receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

1. The effects of muscarinic antagonists on cationic current evoked by activating muscarinic receptors with the stable agonist carbachol were studied by use of patch-clamp recording techniques in guinea-pig single ileal smooth muscle cells. 2. Ascending concentrations of carbachol (3-300 microM) activated the cationic conductance in a concentration-dependent manner with conductance at a maximally effective carbachol concentration (Gmax) of 27.4+/-1.4 nS and a mean -log EC50 of 5.12+/-0.03 (mean+/-s.e.mean) (n=114). 3. Muscarinic antagonists with higher affinity for the M2 receptor, methoctramine, himbacine and tripitramine, produced a parallel shift of the carbachol concentration-effect curve to the right in a concentration-dependent manner with pA2 values of 8.1, 8.0 and 9.1, respectively. 4. All M3 selective muscarinic antagonists tested, 4-DAMP, p-F-HHSiD and zamifenacin, reduced the maximal response in a concentration-dependent and non-competitive manner. This effect could be observed even at concentrations which did not produce any increase in the EC50 for carbachol. At higher concentrations M3 antagonists shifted the agonist curve to the right, increasing the EC50, and depressed the maximum conductance response. Atropine, a non-selective antagonist, produced both reduction in Gmax (M3 effect) and significant increase in the EC50 (M2 effect) in the same concentration range. 5. The depression of the conductance by 4-DAMP, zamifenacin and atropine could not be explained by channel block as cationic current evoked by adding GTPgammaS to the pipette (without application of carbachol) was unaffected. 6. The results support the hypothesis that carbachol activates M2 muscarinic receptors so initiating the opening of cationic channels which cause depolarization; this effect is potentiated by an unknown mechanism when carbachol activates M3 receptors. As an increasing fraction of M3 receptors are blocked by an antagonist, the effects on cationic current of an increasing proportion of activated M2 receptors are disabled.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of physical characteristics, spontaneous motor, and sensorimotor behaviors of preweaning rats, as well as ambulation and emotionality at weaning (day 21) were studied in rats exposed to 50 mg/kg naltrexone (NTX) or saline (controls) daily throughout gestation by maternal administration; all animals were cross-fostered to untreated mothers at birth. Morphine challenge tests and nociceptive measures revealed that this dosage of opioid antagonist blocked opioid receptors for 24 h. At birth and weaning, animals in the NTX group weighed 12 and 20%, respectively, more than control offspring. The age at which a specific physical characteristic, spontaneous motor behavior, or reflex initially appeared and the age at which 100% of the animals demonstrated a particular characteristic/behavior often were accelerated in animals prenatally exposed to NTX. The frequency of ambulation was subnormal in the NTX group, and the frequency and/or incidence of rearing, grooming, wet-dog shakes, and defecation were reduced from normal levels in these opioid antagonist-exposed rats. These results imply that interactions of endogenous opioid systems during embryogenesis are determinants of somatic, physical, and behavioral development in postnatal life.  相似文献   

Neural activity in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (DLG) is modulated by an ascending cholinergic projection from the brainstem. The purpose of this study was to identify and localize specific muscarinic receptors for acetylcholine in the DLG. Receptors were identified in rat and cat tissue by means of antibodies to muscarinic receptor subtypes, ml-m4. Brain sections were processed immunohistochemically and examined with light and electron microscopy. Rat DLG stained positively with antibodies to the m1, m2,and m3 receptor subtypes but not with antibodies to the m4 receptor subtype. The m1 and m3 antibodies appeared to label somata and dendrites of thalamocortical cells. The m1 immunostaining was pale, whereas m3-positive neurons exhibited denser labeling with focal concentrations of staining. Strong immunoreactivity to the m2 antibody was widespread in dendrites and somata of cells resembling geniculate interneurons. Most m2-positive synaptic contacts were classified as F2-type terminals, which are the presynaptic dendrites of interneurons. The thalamic reticular nucleus also exhibited robust m2 immunostaining. Cat DLG exhibited immunoreactivity to the m2 and m3 antibodies. The entire DLG stained darkly for the m2 receptor subtype, except for patchy label in the medial interlaminar nucleus and the ventralmost C laminae. The staining for m3 was lighter and was distributed more homogeneously across the DLG. The perigeniculate nucleus also was immunoreactive to the m2 and m3 subtype-specific antibodies. Immunoreactivity in cat to the m1 or m4 receptor antibodies was undetectable. These data provide anatomical evidence for specific muscarinic-mediated actions of acetylcholine on DLG thalamocortical cells and thalamic interneurons.  相似文献   

1. The density and affinity of binding sites for the delta-selective opioid ligands [3H]-[D-Ala2, Asp4]deltorphin (DELT-I), [3H]-[D-Ala2Glu4]-deltorphin (DELT-II), [3H]-[D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin (DPDPE), and [3H]-naltrindole (NTI) were determined in whole brain from 10, 15, 25 and 60 day-old C57BL mice. 2. At all ages, the analyses of the homologous displacement curves, gave best fits to single rather than to multiple site models. The binding capacity (Bmax) labelled by [3H]-NTI was about one half that labelled by [3H]-DELT-I, [3H]-DELT-II and [3H]-DPDPE. In 25 and 60 day-old mouse brain the DPDPE Bmax was 25% less than the deltorphin-II Bmax. 3. In saturation experiments, specific binding of [3H]-DELT-I on adult mouse brain homogenates was best fitted by a two-site model (34%, high affinity site, Kd = 1.08 nM and 66% low affinity sites, Kd = 39.9 nM). 4. DPDPE produced a biphasic inhibition of specific [3H]-DELTI-I binding, from 15 days of age onwards. The relative percentage of high and low affinity sites was 72% and 28% in 15 day-, 65% and 35% in 25 day- and 30% and 70% in 60 day-old mice. 5. In adult mouse brain labelled with [3H]-DELT-I, DELT-II recognized 71% of high-affinity and 29% of low-affinity sites DELT-I and DPDPE produced monophasic inhibition of specific [3H]-DELT-II binding to brain homogenates of adult mice. 6. These data suggest that a sub-population of delta-sites (probably the delta 2-subtype), recognized by DELT-I, with high affinity for DELT-II and low affinity for DPDPE develops from 25 days onward. 7. In electrically stimulated mouse vas deferens (MVD) the rank order of potency of the three delta-agonists was: DELT-I > DELT-II > DPDPE in 10 day-old mice: and DELT-I- DELT-II > DPDPE, from 25 days onward. During this time, the potency of DELT-II increased about 15 fold whereas the potency of DELT-I and DPDPE increased only 5 times. The higher efficacy of DELT-II could depend on receptor maturation towards the delta 2-subtype.  相似文献   

Activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors is primarily responsible for urinary bladder emptying. Because multiple subtypes of muscarinic receptors exist, we wished to characterize those present in bladder and ultimately to attribute function to those that regulate bladder contractility, neurotransmitter release and perhaps other cholinergic functions in this tissue. Although the m2 and m3 subtypes could be immunoprecipitated after solubilization from human, rat, rabbit and guinea pig bladder membranes, the m1, m4 and m5 subtypes could not. The m2:m3 ratio was 9:1 in rat bladder but was only 3:1 in the other species examined. Immunoprecipitation of the m2 subtype correlated with the relative levels of high-affinity agonist binding sites measured by competition of carbachol for [3H]N-methylscopolamine binding or measured directly using [3H]oxotremorine-M. In the presence of agonist, but not antagonist, GTP binding proteins could be immunoprecipitated in concert with the m2 or m3 receptors using anti-receptor antibodies. These proteins were members of the Gi and Gq/11 subfamilies for both the m2 and the m3 receptor subtypes. In spite of the preponderance of the m2 receptor in all species studied, Schild analysis using somewhat selective antagonists showed that the pharmacologically defined m3 receptor mediated contractility in strips of rat and rabbit bladder. Thus acetylcholine activates bladder smooth muscle via the m3 receptor subtype, and subsequent contractility may be transduced by guanine nucleotide binding proteins such as the Gi and Gq/11 subfamilies.  相似文献   

The distribution of calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CRLR) mRNA in developing rats was investigated by in situ hybridization. Signals were found in the piriform cortex, the central and basolateral amygdala and the amygdalostriatal transition area. Among peripheral organs, the CRLR was predominantly expressed in the lung. mRNA expression in blood vessels, liver, midgut, rectum and urethra was restricted to gestational days 16 and/or 20. The CRLR was thought to be a calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) type 1 receptor (Aiyar et al., J. Biol. Chem., 271 (1996) 11325-11329). This contrasts with previously reported evidence that the CRLR is an orphan receptor with no identifiable interactions with CGRP and other related ligands (Flühmann et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 206 (1995) 341-347). In situ hybridization signals have not been detected in the cerebellum and the spleen known to present a high density of CGRP binding sites. The different regional distribution of CGRP receptor binding sites and CRLR mRNA implies the latter encoding a different CGRP receptor subtype.  相似文献   

The rat lung undergoes the phase of maturation of the alveolar septa and of the parenchymal microvascular network mainly during the third postnatal week. Speculating that programmed cell death may contribute to the thinning of the alveolar septa, we searched for the presence of DNA fragmentation in rat lungs between postnatal days 6 and 36 using the TUNEL procedure. The number of positive nuclei was compared at different days. We observed an 8-fold increase of programmed cell death toward the end of the third week as compared to the days before and after this time point. The precise timing of the appearance of the peak depended on the size of the litter. Double-labeling for DNA fragmentation (TUNEL) and for type I and type II epithelial cells (antibodies E11 and MNF-116), as well as morphologic studies at electron microscopic level, revealed that during the peak of programmed cell death mainly fibroblasts and type II epithelial cells were dying. While both dying cell types were TUNEL-positive, nuclear fragments and apoptotic bodies were exclusively observed in the dying fibroblasts. We conclude that programmed cell death is involved in the structural maturation of the lung by reducing the number of fibroblasts and type II epithelial cells in the third postnatal week. We observed that the dying fibroblasts are cleared by neighboring fibroblasts in a later stage of apoptosis, and we hypothesize that type II epithelial cells are cleared by alveolar macrophages in early stages of the programmed cell death process.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Determination of the cellular distribution of the androgen receptor (AR) in testicular cells is necessary for understanding the mode of AR action in the testis. We here investigated immunohistochemically the localization of AR by use of anti-human AR polyclonal antibody NH27, with special reference to the AR in germ cells in the developing mouse testis. METHODS: ICR mouse testes taken from day 14 post coitum (p.c.) to day 56 post partum (p.p) were used for AR immunohistochemistry by the routine immunoperoxidase method at the light microscopic level and the pre-embedding method at the electron microscopic level. RESULTS: On day 14 p.c., AR immunoreactivity was present in nuclei of prospermatogonia but not in those of Sertoli cells or interstitial cells. On day 14 p.p., the AR was detected in the nuclei of spermatogonia, Sertoli cells, and myoid cells. AR immunoreactivity in nuclei of Leydig cells appeared on day 21 p.p. In the mature mouse testis, the AR was present in the nuclei of spermatogonia, Sertoli cells, myoid cells, and Leydig cells. CONCLUSIONS: AR was present both in germ cells and in somatic cells during fetal and postnatal development of the mouse testis. In the fetal testis, AR was localized exclusively in prospermatogonia and spermatogonia, suggesting that androgen may act directly on germ cells during prespermatogenesis and the early stage of spermatogenesis. Based on the fact that AR is expressed in Sertoli cells, myoid cells, and Leydig cells around the onset of spermatogenesis, the regulation of AR expression in the germ cells seems to be different from that in the somatic cells. Furthermore, our present data suggest the ultrastructural localization in nuclei of mouse testicular cells is similar to that of some other steroid receptors, both in germ cells and somatic cells.  相似文献   

Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNT) is a recently described rare brain neoplasm with characteristic clinical and morphological features and favorable prognosis. We report here two cases of DNT. The first concerned a 12 years old girl who presented complex seizures preceded by acoustic aura (melodies). Computed tomography revealed a hypodense tumor measuring 2 x 2.5 cm in diameter, located paracortically in the left temporal lobe. The second tumor was removed from a 21-year-old man with partial complex seizures. Nine years earlier patient underwent neurosurgery with partial removal of the tumor The tumor's histopathologic diagnosis is unfortunately lacking. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging showed a mass occupying the cortex and paracortical areas of the anterior pole of the temporal lobe. Histologically, both tumors consisted of small, S-100 protein immunopositive oligodendrocyte-like cells (OLCs) arranged between synaptophysin- and, to a lesser degree, NFP-immunopositive axons (glioneuronal element). In the second case, an area of pilocytic astrocytoma-like appearance was also found, these cells were immunopositive for GFAP. The present study provides clinical, radiological and histological data, which may be helpful in differential diagnosis of this newly recognised brain tumor.  相似文献   

1. Binding of the B1 bradykinin receptor radioligand, [3H]-des-Arg10-kallidin (-KD) and the B2 receptor radioligand [3H]-bradykinin (-BK) was investigated in membranes prepared from WI38 human foetal lung fibroblasts. 2. One-site analysis of the saturation data for [3H]-des-Arg10-KD gave an equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) value of 0.51 +/- 0.12 nM and a maximum receptor density (Bmax) of 260 +/- 49 fmol mg-1 of protein. [3H]-des-Arg10-KD binding was displaced by ligands in the order: des-Arg10-KD > KD > > des-Arg9[Leu8]-BK > des-Arg9-BK > Hoe 140 > > BK, implying that it was binding selectively to B1 receptors. 3. One-site analysis of the binding of [3H]-BK to W138 membranes indicated that it had a KD value of 0.25 +/- 0.06 nM and a Bmax of 753 +/- 98 fmol mg-1 of protein. The potencies for displacement of [3H]-BK binding were: Hoe 140 > > BK = KD > > > des-Arg10-KD = des-Arg9[Leu8]-BK = des-Arg9-BK, which was consistent with binding to B2 receptors. 4. This is the first characterization of [3H]-des-Arg10-KD binding to include both kinetic and equilibrium data, and demonstrates that [3H]-des-Arg10-KD has a high affinity for human B1 bradykinin receptors and is sufficiently selective to be used as a radioligand for B1 receptors in human cells or tissues expressing an excess of B2 BK receptors.  相似文献   

A study was conducted with neonatal boars to measure age-related changes in functioning of the pituitary-adrenocortical axis. Pigs were randomly assigned to control (n = 7-10/age) or treated (1-min restraint, n = 9-11/age) groups to be sampled at either 12, 19, or 26 days of age. Blood samples were taken via catheter 10 min before and 3, 10, and 20 min after restraint or at similar time intervals in controls. One day later, pigs were killed and adrenal glands obtained for ACTH receptor measurements. Basal plasma ACTH concentrations were greatest (p = 0.035) on day 12 when compared with later ages, but basal plasma cortisol concentrations were comparable at the three ages. Compared with controls, restraint elevated incremental plasma ACTH and cortisol responses at each age (p < 0.004). On day 12, maximal plasma ACTH (p = 0.0006) and incremental cortisol (p < 0.006) responses to restraint were greater than at later ages. Binding to adrenal ACTH receptors was greatest (p < 0.05) at day 13, which may help explain the apparently increased in vivo response of the adrenal gland to ACTH at this time. Restrained pigs had increased growth rates with increasing age (p = 0.016) whereas growth rates for control pigs did not differ with age. At day 27, 24 h after the 1-min restraint, body weights of restrained pigs exceeded those of control pigs (p = 0.045). At day 20, adrenal DNA and protein in pigs restrained 24 h previously were greater than in control pigs (p < 0.05). These data suggest age-related changes in functioning of the pituitary-adrenal axis in neonatal boars, and an absence of period during neonatal life when the porcine pituitary adrenocortical axis cannot respond to a stressor. The data also indicate both rapid and long-term responses of the adrenal to a very modest stressor and suggest an extreme sensitivity of neonatal pigs to environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Oleic acid (OA) injection, lung lavage, and endotoxin infusion are three commonly used methods to induce experimental lung injury. The dynamics of lung collapse and recruitment in these models have not been studied, although knowledge of this is desirable to establish ventilatory techniques that keep the lungs open. We measured lung density by computed tomography during breath-holding procedures. Lung injury was induced with OA, lung lavage, or endotoxin in groups of six mechanically ventilated pigs. After a stabilization period, repetitive computed tomography scans of the same slice were obtained during prolonged expirations with and without positive end-expiratory pressure and during prolonged inspirations after 5 and 30 s of expiration. Lung collapse and recruitment occurred mainly within the first 4 s of breath-holding procedures in all three lung injury models, and some collapse and recruitment occurred even within 0.6 s. OA-injured lungs were significantly more unstable than lungs injured by bronchoalveolar lavage or endotoxin infusion. In this experimental setting, expiration times <0.6 s are required to avoid cyclic alveolar collapse during mechanical ventilation without extrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure.  相似文献   

This study examines the precise time course that brown adipose tissue (BAT) takes to adopt the characteristics of white adipose tissue in postnatal lambs. Perirenal adipose tissue was sampled from ewe-reared lambs within 1 h of birth and at 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 21 and 30 days of age and analysed for the amount of mRNA for uncoupling protein (UCP), the amount and activity of UCP, and protein, mitochondrial protein and lipid content. This was combined with measurements of colonic temperature and jugular venous plasma concentrations of thyroid hormones and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Over the first 4-7 days of age, large quantities of UCP mRNA were associated with a peak in plasma triiodothyronine concentration at 2 days of age followed by a maximal amount and activity of UCP at 4 days and a basal colonic temperature of 39.3 degrees C. Between 7 and 30 days there was a large increase in lipid deposition as the amount and activity of UCP and the amount of UCP mRNA declined to basal values and colonic temperature was maintained at 40 degrees C. A significant positive relationship between perirenal adipose tissue lipid content and plasma IGF-1 concentration was observed throughout the study period. It is concluded that ovine adipose tissue maturation occurs in two distinct phases over the first month of life. The precise time scale of this process could be regulated in part by the lamb's body temperature which determines whether adipose tissue is required for heat production (i.e. BAT) or as an endogenous energy source (i.e. white adipose tissue).  相似文献   

Telomere shortening has been causally implicated in replicative senescence in humans. To examine the relationship between telomere length and ageing in mice, we have utilized Mus spretus as a model species because it has telomere lengths of approximately the same length as humans. Telomere length and telomerase were analyzed from liver, kidney, spleen, brain and testis from >180 M.spretus male and female mice of different ages. Although telomere lengths for each tissue were heterogeneous, significant changes in telomere lengths were found in spleen and brain, but not in liver, testis or kidney. Telomerase activity was abundant in liver and testis, but weak to non-detectable in spleen, kidney and brain. Gender differences in mean terminal restriction fragment length were discovered in tissues from M.spretus and from M.spretus xC57BL/6 F1 mice, in which a M. spretus -sized telomeric smear could be measured. The comparison of the rank order of tissue telomere lengths within individual M. spretus showed that certain tissues tended to be longer than the others, and this ranking also extended to tissues of the M.spretus xC57BL/6 F1 mice. These data suggest that telomere lengths within individual tissues are regulated independently and are genetically controlled.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF), signaling through its receptor tyrosine kinase, TrkA, is required for the survival of all small and many intermediate-sized murine dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons during development, accounting for 80% of the total DRG population. Surprisingly, NGF/TrkA-dependent neurons include a large population that does not express TrkA in adult mice (Silos-Santiago et al., 1995). This finding suggests two hypotheses: Neurons lacking TrkA in the adult may express TrkA during development, or they may be maintained through a paracrine mechanism by TrkA-expressing neurons. To determine whether TrkA is expressed transiently by DRG neurons that lack the receptor in adulthood, we examined the distribution of TrkA protein during development. We show here that TrkA expression is strikingly developmentally regulated. Eighty percent of DRG neurons expressed TrkA during embryogenesis and early postnatal life, whereas only 43% expressed TrkA at postnatal day (P) 21. Because the period of TrkA down-regulation corresponds with a critical period during which nociceptive phenotype can be altered by NGF (see Lewin and Mendell [1993] Trends Neurosci. 16:353-359), we examined whether NGF modulates the down-regulation of TrkA. Surprisingly, neither NGF deprivation nor augmentation altered the extent of TrkA down-regulation. Our results demonstrate a novel form of regulation of neurotrophin receptor expression that occurs late in development. All DRG neurons that require NGF for survival express TrkA during embryogenesis, and many continue to express TrkA during a postnatal period when neuronal phenotype is regulated by NGF. The subsequent down-regulation of TrkA is likely to be importantly related to functional distinctions among nociceptive neurons in maturity.  相似文献   

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