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铜山利国古代冶炼遗址位于江苏省徐州市铜山区利国镇中心的珍珠泉附近,对两处遗址进行田野调查并获取炉渣、矿石等冶金遗存。采用X射线荧光光谱仪分析(EDX)、扫描电镜及能谱分析(SEM-EDS)、金(矿)相观察等科学试验方法,对17个炉渣等样品进行检测分析,结合炉渣的化学成分与显微组织探讨该遗址的冶炼性质与技术特征。试验结果表明,其中一处遗址为冶铁遗址,技术类型为生铁冶炼,炼铁渣属于硅钙铝系高钙炉渣;另一处遗址有高铁炉渣遗存,综合判断很可能是生铁炒钢炉渣。  相似文献   

韩城芝川古代冶铁遗址位于陕西省渭南市韩城芝川镇芝西村,遗存面积超4 000 m2,考古年代为西汉。科研团队对该遗址开展冶金考古田野调查并采集到炉渣、陶片等遗物,使用扫描电镜及能谱(SEM-EDS)、金(矿)相显微观察等手段对采集到的18个冶炼遗物进行成分分析和显微结构观察。结果表明,16个炉渣为硅钙铝系高钙低铁炉渣,基体主要为玻璃相、偶见铁橄榄石,其产品是生铁,应为生铁冶炼炉渣。1个炉渣为高铁渣,以浮氏体为主、间有铁橄榄石和极少量玻璃相;1个样品的块状金属为熟铁,很可能为生铁炒钢的遗物。该遗址主要是生铁冶炼遗址,同时进行炒钢冶金活动,是迄今发现陕西渭南地区最早的生铁炒钢遗址。  相似文献   

平山战国冶铁遗址位于河北省石家庄市平山县北白家岸村西侧,面积约47 000 m2。2022年7月对该遗址进行田野调查并获取炉渣、炉壁等冶金遗存。采用X射线荧光光谱分析仪(EDX)、扫描电镜及能谱分析(SEM-EDX)、金(矿)相观察等科学试验方法,对10个炉渣等样品进行检测分析,结合炉渣的化学成分和显微组织讨论该遗址的冶炼性质与技术特征。结果表明,该遗址为冶铁遗址,技术类型为生铁冶炼,炼铁渣属于钙硅铝系高钙炉渣。  相似文献   

枞阳地区以其特殊的地理位置、丰富的铜矿资源和众多的古代矿冶遗址,成为探索安徽青铜时代冶金技术发展的重要地区。采用XRD、SEM-EDS等方法对该地区祖家墩遗址出土炉渣进行检测分析和研究。结果表明,祖家墩遗址出土炉渣均为冶炼渣。通过铜硫比和周围矿山开采情况,推测该遗址所使用矿石更可能为硫化铜矿石。根据炉渣中夹杂的金属颗粒判断,祖家墩遗址可能同时存在红铜和砷铜两种冶炼活动,其砷铜不排除是使用氧化矿与含砷硫化矿石共熔还原而成,砷料来源应与铜陵当地多金属矿床有关。  相似文献   

田辽岭冶铜遗址位于广西容县容西乡西山村,面积约0.12 km2,考古年代属汉唐时期。对取自该遗址的18个炉渣运用扫描电子显微镜及能谱分析(SEM-EDS)方法进行成分分析;对其中2个炉渣样品采用变形法进行熔点测定。检测结果表明,该遗址采炼铜铅多金属矿石,使用“氧化矿—铜”工艺冶炼红铜。该遗址冶炼温度高,铜渣分离较好,该遗址冶炼技术比较成熟。  相似文献   

采用扫描电子显微镜能谱仪对广西梧州后背山遗址出土的炉渣、矿石及炉壁等冶金遗物进行科学检测。结合炉渣形态、基体成分与物相、炼炉型制分析研究,结果表明,后背山遗址为一处古代块炼铁冶炼遗址。该遗址为目前梧州地区发现并经科学发掘的一处年代最早的冶炼遗址,对该遗址及其出土冶金遗物分析研究,可以为探讨古代梧州地区乃至岭南地区早期冶铁技术的起源、发展与传播提供重要的线索。  相似文献   

西川冶铁遗址位于黑龙江省阿城市小岭镇西川屯300 m处,面积约5 000 m2,考古年代为金代。2021年7月对该遗址进行了田野考察取样。采用X射线荧光仪、金(矿)相显微镜等手段对西川冶铁遗址17个冶炼炉渣、炉壁残块等样品进行基体成分分析和显微结构观察。结果表明,西川冶铁遗址为生铁冶炼遗址,生铁炉渣类型为硅锰铁铝钙多元系炉渣,生铁炉渣中铁颗粒的显微结构以片状石墨和珠光体为主。炉渣样品中的高铁炉渣可能为生铁炒钢渣。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜能谱分析、X射线荧光分析等方法对安徽省安庆市怀宁县境内铜牛井矿冶遗址出土炉渣、矿石及炉渣中夹杂的金属颗粒进行检测分析,进而探讨遗址的冶炼工艺。结果表明,铜牛井遗址出土的炉渣均为炼铜渣;出土的磁铁矿很有可能作为助熔剂使用;炉渣中夹杂的冰铜颗粒尚无法断定铜牛井遗址使用的是“硫化矿—冰铜—铜”冶炼工艺,也可能是使用含硫氧化铜矿或混合矿直接还原,其具体冶炼工艺的确定有待更多考古资料的发现。  相似文献   

通过对湖南省怀化市新建镇大塘村古代冶炼遗址进行考古学调查及试掘,并对出土的陶瓷器进行分析,初步判断其为清代遗址。采用扫描电子显微镜-能谱仪(SEM-EDS)及X射线衍射分析(XRD)等手段对出土炉渣、矿石等冶金遗物进行成分和物相检测分析。结果表明,大塘遗址为块炼铁遗址,所使用矿石含钛磁铁矿及赤铁矿。对该遗址的研究可为探讨清代怀化地区及湖南社会组织结构、生产方式及经济生活提供了重要的线索。  相似文献   

铜山岭遗址位于湖南江永县铜山岭农场办公大楼斜对面50米处,遗存面积约为2 000 m2。第二次全国文物普查将其定为战国至汉代的矿冶遗址。2020年对该遗址进行了田野调查并采集冶金遗物。使用能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪EDX、扫描电子显微镜能谱仪(SEM-EDS)等对遗址所得7个炉渣样品的基体成分和金属颗粒进行检测分析。初步研究表明,该遗址使用烧结—还原熔炼法,冶炼产品为粗铅。炉渣均为还原渣,具有适当的熔点及较好的流动性,渣中铅含量较为稳定,表明当时的冶炼技术已到达一定的水平。  相似文献   

In China, two typical vanadium–titanium magnetite ores were used as raw materials in iron making. In order to obtain the differences in the high temperature metallurgical properties of these ores, the phase and microstructure of on-site sinter, pellet, slag and laboratorial non-dripped slag were analyzed by XRD and SEM–EDS. The results show that the phases of two typical sinter and pellet have no significant changes, but the microstructures are different. The softening start temperature and softening zone of high chromium vanadium–titanium magnetite (HCVTM) burden are higher than ordinary vanadium–titanium magnetite (VTM) burden. The melting start temperature of HCVTM burden is higher and melting–dripping zone is smaller than VTM burden, which is beneficial to the blast furnace smelting. In addition, the calculation results using Factsage 7.0 are in accord with the experimental results. The primary crystal field of slag of HCVTM is the melilite, and the liquidus temperature is 1409.81 °C; the primary crystal field of slag of VTM is CaTiO3, and the liquidus temperature is 1418.51 °C.  相似文献   

攀钢高炉冶炼钒钛磁铁矿由于炉渣存在TiO2还原问题,炉渣粘稠,渣铁难分,入炉品位低,冶炼渣量大,炉前维护与出渣、出铁技术落后,高炉铁损高达5%~10%,远高于普通矿冶炼高炉铁损。通过采取优化控制炉渣成分与冶炼炉温,对炉前出渣、出铁进行系列改进,低品位冶炼强化技术,快速开停炉技术,新3#高炉操作优化等措施,2012年铁损由5.76%降至5.41%,2013年铁损降至4.3%,取得了明显的技术效果与经济效益。  相似文献   

对邯郸市峰峰矿区西炉上冶铁遗址进行现场考察和科学分析,发现炉渣中残留有焦化煤块并含有较高的硫,钾含量比木炭为燃料的生铁冶炼渣低一个数量级,进而确认该遗址大规模使用了以煤为燃料的高炉冶炼生铁技术。通过古文献考证和伴生瓷片类型研判认定遗址的年代为元代,显示邯郸地区在元代存在以煤为燃料的官营冶铁业。煤非常有可能是先行烧制成焦炭再作为燃料用于生铁冶炼。  相似文献   

广西贵港市平南县六陈镇六浊岭遗址是目前贵港地区冶铁遗址群中唯一一处经科学发掘并报告的冶炼遗址,共清理出了13座炼炉,出土了大量炉渣、矿石、木炭、鼓风管及炉壁等冶金遗物。对出土木炭进行碳十四测年分析,结合出土陶瓷器类型学分析可知,六浊岭遗址为一处晋唐时期的冶炼遗址。采用扫描电子显微镜能谱仪(SEM-EDS)成分分析及金相显微镜观察等科学分析方法对遗址出土的炉渣、铁块及矿石等冶金遗物进行科学分析,结果表明,平南六浊岭遗址为一处块炼铁遗址。  相似文献   

The charge for silicomangansese production consists of manganese ore (often mixed with ferromanganese slag) dolomite or calcite, quartz, and in some cases, other additions. These materials have different melting properties, which have a strong effect on reduction and smelting reactions in the production of a silicomanganese alloy. This article discusses properties of Assman, Gabonese, and Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) ores, CVRD sinter and high-carbon ferromanganese (HC FeMn) slag, and their change during silicomanganese production. The melting and reduction temperatures of these manganese sources were measured in a carbon monoxide atmosphere, using the sessile drop method and a differential thermal analysis/thermogravimetric analysis. Equilibrium phases were analyzed using FACTSage (CRCT, Montreal, Canada and GTT, Aachen, Germany) software. Experimental investigations and an analysis of equilibrium phases revealed significant differences in the melting behavior and reduction of different manganese sources. The difference in smelting of CVRD ore and CVRD sinter was attributed to a faster reduction of sinter by the graphite substrate and carbon monoxide. The calculation of equilibrium phases in the reduction process of manganese ores using FACTSage correctly reflects the trends in the production of manganese alloys. The temperature at which the manganese oxide concentration in the slag was reduced below 10 wt pct can be assigned to the top of the coke bed in the silicomanganese furnace. This temperature was in the range 1823 K to 1883 K (1550 °C to 1610 °C).  相似文献   


Iron nuggets can be obtained from ore–coal composite pellets by high temperature reduction. Alumina in the ore plays a vital role in slag–metal separation during nugget formation, as it increases the liquidus temperature of the slag. In this study, the effect of carbon content, reduction temperature and lime addition on slag–metal separation and nugget formation of varying alumina iron ore fines were studied by means of thermodynamic modelling. The results were validated by conducting experiments using iron ore fines with alumina levels ranging from 1·85 to 6·15%. Results showed that increase in reduction temperature enhances slag metal separation, whereas increasing alumina and carbon content beyond the optimum level adversely affects separation. Carbon below the required amount decreases the metal recovery, and carbon above the required amount reduces the silica and alters the slag chemistry. Optimum conditions were established to produce iron nuggets with complete slag–metal separation using iron ore–coal composite pellets made from high alumina iron ore fines. These were reduction temperature of 1400°C, reduction time minimum of 15 min, carbon input of 80% of theoretical requirement and CaO input of 2·3, 3·0 and 4·2 wt-% for 1·85, 4·0 and 6·15 wt-% alumina ores respectively.  相似文献   

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