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全国政协副主席、科技部长万钢9月4日在2010中国汽车产业发展国际论坛上指出,经过10年历程,我国电动汽车已经从研发阶段进入产业化阶段。中国电动汽车产业正在呈现出蓬勃生机,成为全球电动汽车产业和市场开拓中一支不可忽视的力量。  相似文献   

我国农业产业化问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业产业化,是以市场为导向,以提高经济效益为中心,依靠龙头带动和科技进步,对农业和农村实行区域化布局、专业化生产、一体化经营、社会化服务、企业化管理,把产供销、贸工农、经科教紧密结合起来,形成一条龙的经营体制。我国是一个农业大国,三农问题是关系到改革开放和现代化建设全局的重大问题。当前,在家庭联产承包经营的基础上,农业产业化经营是我国农业、农村经济发展和实现农业现代化的有效途径。  相似文献   

在高科技产业化的前夜,总有一批早期的拓荒者筚路蓝缕。辛勤跋涉。为了实现电动汽车的市场化应用。这些产业化先驱。一方面为了实现绿色环保的梦想,另一方面又追于实现企业自身发展。在这双重压力之下。企业发展羁绊不少。而位于北京市昌平区中关村高科技开发区里的中信国安盟固利新能源科技有限公司(下称“盟固利”)成立至今,不仅在电池材料与动力电池技术上有快速突破。而且在实现电动汽车产业化进程中,成功扮演了一个行业力推者的角色。作为一个科技研发出身的高新技术企业,他们对于产业化发展的执著力推以及活跃的商业操作。是许多业界企业难以企及的。  相似文献   

北京市副市长范伯元首先向以其鲁为首的研究人员及工作人员通过辛勤劳动取得的成绩表示感谢与祝贺。他说,本项目的核心方法和制备工艺达到了国际水平,是这个领域的专家与权威实事求是做出的评定,可以说这个项目取得了非常好的成绩。这个项目成功的关键与中信集团对这个项目的组织或者说对这个方向的判断及资源、人员调配有关。中信集团在鼓励、要求其下属的高技术企业成为技术创新的主体方面做了很大的成绩,他代表市区两级政府对中信集团对北京地区经济发展做出的贡献表示衷心的感谢!范市长说,在专家的建议中,有推广锰酸锂材料的使用,并且要…  相似文献   

纯电动汽车是完全由可充电电池提供动力源的汽车,发展纯电动汽车已成为各国节能减排的重要措施之一,我国也将纯电动汽车作为汽车工业转型的主要战略取向,本文分析了纯电动汽车产业发展的制约因素,对如何发展纯电动汽车产业进行了探讨。  相似文献   

用最直接的方式阐述热点问题2008年第29届奥运会,在进奥运村的主要公交线路上将有一批纯电动公交客车忙碌的身影;在奥运村、媒体村的内部环线及这2个地点的联接线路上会有一支“哑铃状”的纯电动通勤车队24小时运行。这是笔者近日从北京市科技奥运“电动汽车开发、产业化和示范运行重大专项”首席专家、国家863计划“电动汽车重大专项”责任专家、国家“长江学者”特聘教授、北京理工大学副校长孙逢春教授那里得到的消息。项目发展步入新阶段记者:目前,科技奥运电动汽车子专项工作进展情况如何?有哪些新的计划?孙逢春:科技奥运电动汽车子专…  相似文献   

农业产业化是我国新一轮农村经济发展和改革的突破口,是实现农业现代化的必由之路,是推进工业化、城镇化进程的基础和前提。本文分箩了南杰农业产业化发展中存在的问题,提出了南充农业产业化的对策。  相似文献   

电动汽车充电设施建设思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张梦园 《硅谷》2014,(5):14-15
随着电动汽车越来越多地走进人们的生活,关于电动汽车的一些未来发展问题也越来越被重视。电动汽车充电基础设施的建设是影响电动汽车市场化发展的一个重要因素,然而,现今的充电基础设施建设却非常滞后。文章首先分析影响我国充电基础设施建设的几个主要因素,然后对部分充电设施的功能进行介绍和分析,并对其未来建设提出了几点建议,同时,文章提出未来的研究方向主要是关于电动汽车基础设施建设的网点布局问题。  相似文献   

Significant advances in battery technology are creating a viable marketspace for battery powered passenger vehicles. Climate change and concerns over reliable supplies of hydrocarbons are aiding in the focus on electric vehicles. Consumers can be influenced by marketing and emotion resulting in behaviors that may not be in line with their stated objectives. Although sales of electric vehicles are accelerating, it may not be clear that purchasing an electric vehicle is advantageous from an economic or environmental perspective. A techno- economic analysis of electric vehicles comparing them against hybrids, gasoline and diesel vehicles is presented. The results show that the complexity of electrical power supply, infrastructure requirements and full life cycle concerns show that electric vehicles have a place in the future but that ongoing improvements will be required for them to be clearly the best choice for a given situation.  相似文献   

设计了用于电动汽车传动系统的牵引无限变速器(TIVT).在分析其基本结构和工作原理的基础上,系统地分析了其核心部件的运动学和动力学特性,建立了传动比、滑动率、传递转矩和传动效率的数学模型,进而利用仿真软件ADMAS对其主要传动特性进行了分析研究和数值计算.结果表明,当输入转速不变时,输出转速随操纵环摆动角的变化而变化;当动力传动部件之间纯滚动或滑动率较小时,牵引无限变速器的传动效率较高,合理的设计可使传动效率达到99%.以某型号纯电动汽车为计算实例,其它条件完全相同时,匹配TIVT的电动汽车续驶里程较原车增加8.8km.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EVs) acknowledged as potential means of transportation tools in the near future are widely accepted as the development trend of automobile industry due to its environment protection and fuel energy saving properties. As a product containing new technologies and concepts with little market experience and consumer identification, studying its life cycle operation modes will help to figure out an optimal approach to conduct EVs manufacturing and service. The two common operation modes, lease and sale of EVs, have their own advantages and weaknesses under different scenarios and consumer psychological status. Research and comparisons on the function, cost and value of two operation modes in full life cycle will simulate the rapid development of EVs forming a mature and dynamic operation mechanism. This paper utilised approaches in value engineering, putting forward customer requirements and technical elements of EV lease and sale based on quality assessment and customer-perceived value, proposing the metric method of function and cost coefficient by mathematical modelling, and conducting value coefficient analysis and comparison based on customer’s risk aversion psychology. An illustrative example raised for studying operation mode of three different kinds of EVs based on the analysis of value coefficient, providing guideline for manufacturer and servicers of EVs.  相似文献   

T S Prahlad 《Sadhana》1987,10(3-4):459-495
A Satellite Launch Vehicle, during its atmospheric flight, presents a variety of aerodynamic problems for which solutions are to be obtained through analytical and experimental techniques. Generally, the problems are complex and three-dimensional in nature and quite often involve multibody interactions, interactions between the free stream and propulsive jet etc. In this paper, attention is confined to the current aerodynamic problems of interest tovssc in relation to the Augmented and Polar Satellite Launch Vehicles under development. Aerodynamically, these are multibody configurations with strap-on boosters and have bulbous payload shrouds. Five important problem areas, namely, vehicle lift-off, strap-on aerodynamics, strap-on separation, stage-separation aerodynamics and boat-tail aerodynamics are selected for presenting some of the recent work done invssc using both computational and experimental methods. The main emphasis is on results and applications rather than on details of the methods used.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, electric vehicles (EVs) have been considered in a growing number of models and methods for vehicle routing problems (VRPs). This study presents a comprehensive survey of EV routing problems and their many variants. We only consider the problems in which each vehicle may visit multiple vertices and be recharged during the trip. The related literature can be roughly divided into nine classes: Electric traveling salesman problem, green VRP, electric VRP, mixed electric VRP, electric location routing problem, hybrid electric VRP, electric dial-a-ride problem, electric two-echelon VRP, and electric pickup and delivery problem. For each of these nine classes, we focus on reviewing the settings of problem variants and the algorithms used to obtain their solutions.  相似文献   

电动汽车热泵空调是用于解决电动汽车冬季无法制热的问题,本文设计一种用于电动汽车热泵空调的新型平行流换热器。通过对换热器的冷凝工况进行数值模拟,得到不同入口速度条件下的换热及阻力特性,并与经验公式进行比较,验证数值模拟的正确性。分析不同的翅片倾斜角度及翅片间距下换热及阻力特性变化,得到优化的结构参数,为电动汽车热泵空调换热器设计提供依据。  相似文献   

Previous research on the safety implications of quiet electric vehicles (EVs) has mostly focused on pedestrians’ acoustic perception of EVs, and suggests that EVs are more difficult for pedestrians to hear and, therefore, compromise traffic safety. The two German field studies presented here examine the experiences of 70 drivers with low noise emissions of EVs and the drivers’ long-term evaluation of the issue. Participants were surveyed via interviews and questionnaires before driving an EV for the first time, after 3 months of driving, and in the first study, again after 6 months. Based on participants’ reports, a catalogue of safety-relevant incidents was composed in Study 1. The catalogue revealed that low noise-related critical incidents only rarely occur, and mostly take place in low-speed environments. The degree of hazard related to these incidents was rated as low to medium. In Study 1, driver concern for vulnerable road users as a result of low noise diminished with increasing driving experience, while perceived comfort due to this feature increased. These results were replicated in Study 2. In the second study, it was additionally examined, if drivers adjust their perceived risk of harming other road users over time. Results show that the affective assessment of risk also decreased with increased driving experience. Based on individual experience, drivers adjust their evaluation of noise-related hazards, suggesting that dangers associated with low noise emissions might be less significant than previously expected.  相似文献   

本文介绍了纳米技术目前开发、应用与产业化的状况 ,从而说明了纳米技术已逐渐走入市场 ,走入我们的生活  相似文献   

本文介绍了纳米技术目前开发、应用与产业化的状况 ,从而说明了纳米技术已逐渐走入市场 ,走入我们的生活  相似文献   

在预测中长期我国用电量需求的基础上,通过分析燃煤发电、水电、核电、非水可再生能源发电、天然气发电的供应能力,阐明了中长期我国电源发展的原则和目标,提出了中长期我国电网发展模式,并指出要以智能配用电、智能调度、大规模储能、超导电力、分布式供电等新型电力技术为支撑实现我国中长期电力发展战略。  相似文献   

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