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Ozone consumption by water can be characterized by the instantaneous ozone demand (IOD) and a pseudo first order decay constant. Utilizing the flow injection analytical system for measuring IOD, the instantaneous ozone demand characteristics of two river waters (Korea) were investigated, utilizing a ?OH probe compound and ?OH scavenger, and were compared with those of two commercial humic acids (the Suwannee River humic acid and Aldrich humic acid). The major findings were as follows; (1) The IOD in river waters was found to be mainly due to the reaction of the ozone with natural organic matter (NOM), which constituted approximately 0.26–0.29?mg/mg DOC, and was responsible for the consumption of more than 40% of the applied ozone. Whereas, the IOD of the two commercial humic acids were three times more than those of the river waters. (2) The IOD in the river waters was mainly caused by the direct ozone reaction with dissolved organics, not from the ?OH mediated ozone reaction. However, for the two commercial humic acids, more than 40% of the IOD came from the ?OH mediated ozone reaction. (3) The hydrophobic fractions of the dissolved organics in the river waters were mainly responsible for the IOD. The IOD of the hydrophobic organics was approximately ten times larger than that of the hydrophilic organics. Although the exact magnitude of the IOD, and the relative importance of the direct/indirect ozone reaction with river water may vary greatly depending upon the source of the NOM, the characteristics of the IOD compromise a significant fraction of the ozone dose need (especially in achieving good ozone disinfection) in water treatment plants.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the impact of pre- and intermediate ozonation coupled with enhanced coagulation in controlling halogenated disinfection by-product formation in drinking water. Raw waters from utilities representing each of the nine elements of the enhanced coagulation matrix presented in Table I were examined. All testing was completed using bench-scale, batch experimental procedures. The various waters were analyzed for turbidity, total organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, ultraviolet absorbance, trihalomethane formation potential, and haloacetic acid formation potential before and after ozonation. The results indicated that formation of trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids following enhanced coagulation decreased with both pre- and intermediate ozonation applications relative to the decreases observed by enhanced coagulation alone. The amount of trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids formed were lower for the waters that were pre-ozonated and then coagulated compared to those that were coagulated first and then ozonated. This comparison must be tempered by the fact that the settled waters treated by intermediate ozonation were not subjected to subsequent biofiltration which is commonly used in water treatment practice to remove additional DBP precursors. Strong correlations between disinfection by-product formation potentials and ultraviolet absorbance at 254?nm were observed for enhanced coagulation with and without pre- and intermediate ozonation.  相似文献   

Common processes in potable water treatment regarding dissolved organics removal (natural organic matter, NOM, and organic micropollutants, OMP) include oxidation techniques – like ozonation -and adsorption onto granular activated carbon (GAC). This paper deals with combined ozonation and GAC filtration. Effects on water quality are discussed: partial oxidation of dissolved organics by ozone, leading to changing adsorption behavior and enhanced biodegradation in GAC columns. Special emphasis is laid on long term effects of ozone on GAC quality after several thermal reactivations. Long term experience indicates that ozonation prior to GAC filtration, leading to moderate ozone concentrations in the GAC influent, does not influence GAC quality negatively, even after more than ten reactivation cycles.  相似文献   

This research on a pilot scale focuses on the reaction of ozone with natural organic matter (NOM) for three water qualities with different dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and NOM compositions, obtained after several stages of an anion exchange process. It was shown that for the same ozone dosage per DOC, the ozone demand was higher, less bromate was formed and a lower disinfection capacity was reached for water containing mainly humic substances, than for water where the humic substances were partly removed. It can be concluded that NOM composition, specifically the humic substances, influences the ozone demand, disinfection capacity and bromate formation.  相似文献   

Magnetic ion exchange resin, known by its commercial name (MIEX®) provides one pretreatment alternative that could maximize ozonation disinfection while decreasing bromate formation in bromide-containing waters. During a 5-week pilot study, the MIEX® process removed up to 30 % of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and reduced ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (UV 254) by up to 60%. When MIEX® pretreated water was ozonated, ozone decay rates were reduced, increasing the CT achieved by 40% to 65%. The increased disinfection capability reduced the transferred ozone dosages required for Cryptosporidium inactivation by 15% to 25% and bromate formation by 35%.  相似文献   

Impacts of ozonation followed by biological filtration on the formation of disinfection byproducts and the production of biologically stable water were studied on pilot plant and full-scale at two U.S. locations (Oakland, CA and Tampa, FL). Also evaluated is a method to estimate bacterial regrowth potential by comparing it to assimilable organic carbon (AOC) measurements. At both locations, settled plant water is diverted to the pilot plant where it is split into two parallel trains. One train is ozonated, then Filtered through anthracite/sand dual media followed by GAC or through a GAC/sand dual media filter. The other train (control) is identical except that the water is not ozonated. The full scale plants have sedimentation, ozonation, then GAC/sand filtration.  相似文献   

Applied ozone dosages of 20, 25, and 30 mg/L to lake water utilized by the city of Shreveport, LA produced no significant reductions in trihalomethane formation potentials (THMFP). However, the addition of 20 mg/L of hydrogen peroxide and/or 0.67 W/L of UV radiation (254 nm) in combination with ozone produced decreases in THMFP of over 60% in 60 minutes. Smaller THMFP decreases were seen with shorter contact times. The use of H2O2 and/or UV in combination with O3 increased the percentage of applied ozone consumed by the lake water (i.e., enhanced the ozone mass transfer) five times over simple ozonation.  相似文献   

Pilot plant studies demonstrated that pre-ozonation coupled with controlled use of post-chlorination led to significant reductions in both THM and nonpurgeable organo-halogen (NPOX) compounds. It was also demonstrated that the use of chloramine to provide a residual following pre-ozonation virtually eliminated the formation of THM and NPOX. Batch tests confirmed these conclusions for another high DOC water supply, although the THM and NPOX production per unit of DOC varied between water supplies. The results have significant practical implications for the control of THM and NPOX in drinking water disinfection.  相似文献   

Addition of hydrogen peroxide to water during ozonation increases the rate of oxidation of organic compounds and ozone transfer. Coupling ozone with hydrogen peroxide can increase the efficiency of a drinking water treatment line, for example in removing THM precursors. To optimize this oxidation process, the quantity of hydrogen peroxide added and the point of injection must be carefully selected.  相似文献   

The protocol for the measurement of ozone demand of water and the change in the dissolved ozone residual with time, using the Gas Ozone Test (GOT) was applied in monitoring water quality of two water treatment facilities. The change in the ozone concentration of water as a function of time was measured for each sample. The resulting half-time was correlated with the ozone dosage, although this parameter does not appear to be directly linked to the characteristics of the water samples studied. The change in the ozone concentration of water as a function of time and ozone dose, measured by the GOT, has direct applications in the sizing of ozonation reactors.  相似文献   

Disinfection by-product (DBP) formation was evaluated before and after ozone implementation at two full-scale drinking water facilities in Las Vegas, NV USA. The two treatment plants used preozonation for primary disinfection followed by direct filtration with subsequent chlorination for secondary disinfection. DBP data was evaluated from the finished water of the two treatment plants along with six locations in the distribution system. Results showed that preozonation reduced the formation of total trihalomethanes (TTHM) by up to 10 μg/L and the sum of five haloacetic acids (HAA5) by up to 5 g/L. These reductions were primarily due to decreases in the di- and trichlorinated DBPs such as chloroform, bromodichloromethane, and trichloroacetic acid. Ozonation appeared to shift the speciation of TTHMs and HAA5 to favor increased formation of the di- and tribrominated species such as bromoform, chlorodibromomethane, and dibromoacteic acid. A bromide mass balance showed that <30% of the raw water bromide was accounted for by the formation of TTHMs (8–21%), HAAs (2–3%) and bromate (5%). Reducing the concentration of THMs and HAAs is often not the primary purpose of ozonation, but it can assist utilities in meeting regulatory requirements during drinking water treatment.  相似文献   

The batch ozonation of some fractions of aqueous humic substances (humic, fulvic and hydrophilic acids) extracted from natural waters is studied. The reaction leads to oxidation byproducts such as low molecular aldehydes and ketoacids. Formation conditions and origin of some of them (glyoxylic, pyruvic and ketomalonic acids) regarding the extracted fraction of natural organic matter is established.  相似文献   

NOM isolation and fractionation to provide insight into the effectiveness of ozonation vs. conventional water treatment was done. In this research, the dissolved portion of natural organic matter (NOM) or dissolved organic matter (DOM) at two surface drinking water treatment plants that treat the same source water was fractionated by resin adsorption. The first treatment plant uses conventional treatment (coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration) with intermediate free chlorination and post chlorination while the second plant uses conventional treatment with pre and intermediate ozonation, and multi-media filtration unit operation. Several different sampling locations within each plant were selected for DOM isolation and fractionation into six fractions (hydrophobic acid, neutral and base, and hydrophilic acid, neutral, and base). The effectiveness of each treatment plant on the oxidation and removal of each organic fraction are discussed. Oxidation by ozone leads to better overall performance in the removal of DOM.  相似文献   

The concentration of easily assimilable organic carbon (AOC) as determined with growth measurements using wo bacterial cultures, increased linearly with ozone dosage at values below 1 mg O3/mg of C. Moreover, a linear relationship was found between AOC increase and the decrease of UV absorbance of water after ozonation with various dosages. Biological filtration in water treatment reduced AOC concentrations, but the remaining values were above the AOC concentration before ozonation. This AOC removal was attended with an increased colony count in the filtrate. The AOC concentration of drinking water produced by the application of ozone in water treatment decreased during distribution. The greatest decrease was observed with the highest AOC concentration. Also in this situation, the highest colony counts were found. To date, ozonation is applied in seven water treatment plants in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

The effects of applying ozone into the source water of Cheng-Ching Lake Water Works (CCLWW) on the analysis of AOC (assimilable organic carbon) were compared in the laboratory and pilot-scale tests. CCLWW takes its raw water from an eutrophic lake. A pilot plant, established in CCLWW in southern Taiwan, was performed to improve the quality of water obtained by the former treatment processes. The direct application of ozone to the source water of CCLWW is called the pre-O3 process. The post-O3 process involves the treatment of effluent with ozone through a sand filter, following other treatments, including pre-O3, coagulation and sedimentation. In a laboratory test, a 0.45 μm membrane filter was used to replace the facility of filtration for a sand filter. AOCTotal comprises AOCP17 and AOCNOX, which were determined using the P. fluorescens strain P17 and the Spirillum species strain NOX, respectively. During over 2 years' sampling in eutrophic lake, it revealed that AOCP17 contributed substantially to AOCTotal. However, the filtrate from the source water obtained by filtering through a 0.45 μm membrane filter had an AOCTotal much lower than that of the source water, especially for the considerable decrease of AOCP17. Also, the AOC value in source water is increased with algae number but not with NPDOC (non-purgeable dissolved organic carbon). This result indicated that algae numbers existing in the eutrophic lake might affect the analysis of AOC. Following the pre-O3 process at the pilot-scale plant, the AOCP17 was markedly lower than that of the source water, and AOCNOX was slightly higher than that of the source water. However, when post-O3 was added to the effluent from a sand filter at the pilot-scale plant, AOCNOX exceeded that before post-O3, while AOCP17 differed slightly from that before post-O3. Apparently, this difference may be due to the algae number existing in the water samples. These results were verified by applying ozone to the source water, and to filtrate obtained by filtering through a 0.45 μm membrane filter in a lab-scale test, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of ozone application in drinking water on the production of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) was evaluated. The typical procedure to determine AOC is suggested by van der Kooij, which is the method of bacterial growth measurement by colony‐forming units using the strain P17 and/or NOX. The bacterial indicator species used for this study is Acinetobacter calcoaceticus which was isolated and identified while ozonating Nakdong river water. This strain could never be isolated from the raw water, but this strain was the predominant isolate in the ozonated water. Within a short incubation time, this organism was found to replicate well on acetate and oxalate as the sole carbon sources. The yield coefficients of this organism for acetate and oxalate are the same order of magnitude as the value of P17 and NOX. With full‐scale experiments, A. calcoaceticus concentration was found to increase after ozonation, but did not decrease upon chlorination. In laboratory‐scale experiments with Yongsan river water, aldehyes were found to be produced in proportion to the ozone dose. The raw water contains low concentrations of aldehydes, but has a high AOC concentration. A correlation between aldehyde production and AOC production was observed in the tested water with ozonation.  相似文献   

The adsorption of trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), and carbon tetrachloride was studied over our synthesized mesoporous material, MCM-41, from rice husk silica source, abbreviated as RH-MCM-41. More than 99% silica for RH-MCM-41 synthesis was extracted from rice husk under refluxing in HBr solution and then calcined at 873 K for 4 hours. RH-MCM-41 possessed surface area around 750-1,100 m2/g with a uniform pore size with an average diameter of 2.95 nm, narrow range of pore distribution and somewhat hexagonal structure, similar to properties of parent MCM-41. The adsorption of CC14 to RH-MCM-41 was stronger than that of TCE and PCE. The adsorption capacity of RH-MCM-41 for CVOCs (chlorinated volatile organic compounds) was higher than commercial mordenite and activated carbons.  相似文献   

长江南京段的水质虽能常年保持在Ⅱ~Ⅲ类,但原水中甲苯、三氯苯和邻二苯甲酸二丁酯等微量持久性有机物检出表明长江南京段的水源水已呈现微污染特征。该文以长江南京段原水作为研究对象,以提高出水水质为目标,研究了水源水持久性有机物的种类和特定有机污染物(阿特拉津和氯苯类化合物),考察强化滤池、活性炭滤池工艺去除水中污染物的效能。结果表明长江南京段水源水中检出持久性有机物为65种,其中以脂肪烃类有机物、芳香类有机物、酯类有机物、醇类有机物及酮类有机物为主,5类有机物的总量约占总的持久性有机物的90%以上;长江南京段水源水中未检出阿特拉津,检出1,2,4-三氯苯,其含量为0.249μg/L。强化过滤和活性炭过滤工艺对原水中的持久性有机物都有较好的去除效果,其中活性炭工艺要优于强化过滤工艺。  相似文献   

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